Java tutorial
/* * ________________________________________________________________________________________ * * Y O O R E E K A * A library for data mining, machine learning, soft computing, and mathematical analysis * ________________________________________________________________________________________ * * The Yooreeka project started with the code of the book "Algorithms of the Intelligent Web " * (Manning 2009). Although the term "Web" prevailed in the title, in essence, the algorithms * are valuable in any software application. * * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Haralambos Marmanis & Dmitry Babenko * Copyright (c) 2009-${year} Marmanis Group LLC and individual contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Certain library functions depend on other Open Source software libraries, which are covered * by different license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * Marmanis Group LLC licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.msword; import; import; import; import; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.P; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.common.AbstractDocument; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.common.DocumentParser; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.common.DocumentParserException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.DocumentSummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.DocumentProperties; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.HeaderStories; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.common.DataEntry; import intelligentWebAlgorithms.util.parsing.common.ProcessedDocument; public class MSWordDocumentParser implements DocumentParser { ProcessedDocument wordDoc = new ProcessedDocument(); @Override public DataEntry getDataEntry(int i) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public ProcessedDocument parse(AbstractDocument doc) throws DocumentParserException { poiReadDocument(stripProtocolFromURL(doc.getDocumentURL())); wordDoc.setDocumentType(ProcessedDocument.TYPE_MSWORD); wordDoc.setDocumentId(doc.getDocumentId()); wordDoc.setDocumentURL(doc.getDocumentURL()); return wordDoc; } public HWPFDocument poiReadDocument(String fileName) { POIFSFileSystem fs = null; HWPFDocument hwpfDoc = null; try { fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(fileName)); hwpfDoc = new HWPFDocument(fs); /** Read the content **/ String text = hwpfDoc.getDocumentText(); wordDoc.setDocumentTitle(getTitle(text)); wordDoc.setText(text); wordDoc.setContent(text); // P.hline(); // P.println(getTitle(text)); // printProperties(hwpfDoc.getDocProperties()); // readParagraphs(hwpfDoc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return hwpfDoc; } /** * @param docProperties */ private void printProperties(DocumentProperties dp) { P.hline(); P.println("Adt : " + dp.getAdt()); P.println("CCh : " + dp.getCCh()); P.println("CChFtnEdn : " + dp.getCChFtnEdn()); P.println("CChWS : " + dp.getCChWS()); P.println("CChWSFtnEdn : " + dp.getCChWSFtnEdn()); P.println("CConsexHypLim: " + dp.getCConsexHypLim()); P.println("CDBC : " + dp.getCDBC()); P.println("CDBCFtnEdn : " + dp.getCDBCFtnEdn()); P.println("CLines : " + dp.getCLines()); P.println("CLinesFtnEdn : " + dp.getCLinesFtnEdn()); P.println("CParas : " + dp.getCParas()); P.println("CParasFtnEdn : " + dp.getCParasFtnEdn()); P.println("CPg : " + dp.getCPg()); P.println("CPgFtnEdn : " + dp.getCPgFtnEdn()); P.println("CWords : " + dp.getCWords()); P.println("CWordsFtnEnd : " + dp.getCWordsFtnEnd()); P.println("DttmCreated: " + dp.getDttmCreated()); P.println("DttmLastPrint: " + dp.getDttmLastPrint()); P.println("DttmRevised: " + dp.getDttmRevised()); P.println("Doptypography: " + dp.getDoptypography()); P.println("Edn: " + dp.getEdn()); P.println("Edn1: " + dp.getEdn1()); P.println("Epc: " + dp.getEpc()); P.println("FootnoteInfo: " + dp.getFootnoteInfo()); P.println("FormatFlags: " + dp.getFormatFlags()); P.println("FOutlineDirtySave: " + dp.getFOutlineDirtySave()); P.println("Fpc: " + dp.getFpc()); P.println("GrfDocEvents: " + dp.getGrfDocEvents()); P.println("GrfSupression: " + dp.getGrfSupression()); P.println("HpsZoonFontPag: " + dp.getHpsZoonFontPag()); P.println("KeyVirusSession30: " + dp.getKeyVirusSession30()); P.println("LKeyProtDoc: " + dp.getLKeyProtDoc()); P.println("Lvl: " + dp.getLvl()); P.println("NEdn: " + dp.getNEdn()); P.println("NfcEdnRef: " + dp.getNfcEdnRef()); P.println("NfcEdnRef1: " + dp.getNfcEdnRef1()); P.println("NfcFtnRef: " + dp.getNfcFtnRef()); P.println("NfcFtnRef1: " + dp.getNfcFtnRef1()); P.println("NFtn: " + dp.getNFtn()); P.println("NRevision: " + dp.getNRevision()); P.println("Reserved: " + dp.getReserved()); P.println("Reserved1: " + dp.getReserved1()); P.println("Reserved2: " + dp.getReserved2()); P.println("RncEdn: " + dp.getRncEdn()); P.println("RncFtn: " + dp.getRncFtn()); P.println("TmEdited: " + dp.getTmEdited()); P.println("Unused2: " + dp.getUnused2()); P.println("Unused5: " + dp.getUnused5()); P.println("View: " + dp.getView()); P.println("Virusinfo: " + dp.getVirusinfo()); P.println("WScaleSaved: " + dp.getWScaleSaved()); P.println("WSpare: " + dp.getWSpare()); P.println("WSpare2: " + dp.getWSpare2()); P.println("WvkSaved: " + dp.getWvkSaved()); P.println("ZkSaved: " + dp.getZkSaved()); P.println("Asumyi: " + dp.getAsumyi()); P.println("Spare: " + dp.getSpare()); } public String[] readParagraphs(HWPFDocument doc) throws Exception { WordExtractor we = new WordExtractor(doc); /**Get the total number of paragraphs**/ String[] paragraphs = we.getParagraphText(); // P.println("Total Paragraphs: "+paragraphs.length); // // for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) { // // P.println("Length of paragraph "+(i +1)+": "+ paragraphs[i].length()); // P.println(paragraphs[i].toString()); // // } // return paragraphs; } public String readHeader(HWPFDocument doc, int pageNumber) { HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories(doc); String header = headerStore.getHeader(pageNumber); //P.println("Header Is: "+header); return header; } public String readFooter(HWPFDocument doc, int pageNumber) { HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories(doc); String footer = headerStore.getFooter(pageNumber); //P.println("Footer Is: "+footer); return footer; } public String[] readDocumentSummary(HWPFDocument doc) { String[] summary = new String[5]; DocumentSummaryInformation summaryInfo = doc.getDocumentSummaryInformation(); summary[0] = summaryInfo.getCategory(); summary[1] = summaryInfo.getCompany(); summary[2] = Integer.toString(summaryInfo.getLineCount()); summary[3] = Integer.toString(summaryInfo.getSectionCount()); summary[4] = Integer.toString(summaryInfo.getSlideCount()); // P.hline(); // P.println("Category: "+category); // P.println("Company: "+company); // P.println("Line Count: "+lineCount); // P.println("Section Count: "+sectionCount); // P.println("Slide Count: "+slideCount); return summary; } private String stripProtocolFromURL(String url) { String docURL = null; if (url.startsWith("file:")) { docURL = url.substring(6); } return docURL; } /* * Finds the first non-empty line in the document. */ private String getTitle(String text) throws IOException { if (text == null) { return null; } String title = ""; StringReader sr = new StringReader(text); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(sr); String line = null; while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { if (line.trim().length() > 0) { title = line.trim(); break; } } return title; } }