Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Johns Hopkins University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This software was produced as part of the RMap Project (, * The RMap Project was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and is a * collaboration between Data Conservancy, Portico, and IEEE. *******************************************************************************/ package info.rmapproject.api.responsemgr; import info.rmapproject.api.auth.ApiUserService; import info.rmapproject.api.exception.ErrorCode; import info.rmapproject.api.exception.RMapApiException; import info.rmapproject.api.lists.NonRdfType; import info.rmapproject.api.lists.RdfMediaType; import info.rmapproject.api.utils.Constants; import info.rmapproject.api.utils.HttpTypeMediator; import info.rmapproject.api.utils.URIListHandler; import info.rmapproject.api.utils.Utils; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapDefectiveArgumentException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapDeletedObjectException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapDiSCONotFoundException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapInactiveVersionException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapNotLatestVersionException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapObjectNotFoundException; import info.rmapproject.core.exception.RMapTombstonedObjectException; import info.rmapproject.core.model.RMapStatus; import info.rmapproject.core.model.disco.RMapDiSCO; import info.rmapproject.core.model.event.RMapEvent; import info.rmapproject.core.model.event.RMapEventCreation; import info.rmapproject.core.model.request.RMapRequestAgent; import info.rmapproject.core.rdfhandler.RDFHandler; import info.rmapproject.core.rdfhandler.RDFType; import info.rmapproject.core.rmapservice.RMapDiSCODTO; import info.rmapproject.core.rmapservice.RMapService; import info.rmapproject.core.utils.Terms; import info.rmapproject.core.vocabulary.impl.openrdf.PROV; import info.rmapproject.core.vocabulary.impl.openrdf.RMAP; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DC; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; /** * Creates HTTP responses for RMap DiSCO REST API requests. * * @author khanson */ public class DiscoResponseManager extends ResponseManager { /** The Constant log. */ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiscoResponseManager.class); /** The API User Service. */ private final ApiUserService apiUserService; /** * Constructor autowires the RMapService, RDFHandler, ApiUserService. * * @param rmapService the RMap Service * @param rdfHandler the RDF handler * @param apiUserService the API User Service * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ @Autowired public DiscoResponseManager(RMapService rmapService, RDFHandler rdfHandler, ApiUserService apiUserService) throws RMapApiException { super(rmapService, rdfHandler); if (apiUserService == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_FAILED_TO_INIT_API_USER_SERVICE); } this.apiUserService = apiUserService; } /** * Displays DiSCO Service Options. * * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getDiSCOServiceOptions() throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { String linkRel = "<" + Utils.getDocumentationPath() + ">;rel=\"" + DC.DESCRIPTION.toString() + "\""; response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK) .entity("{\"description\":\"Follow header link to read documentation.\"}") .header("Allow", "HEAD,OPTIONS,GET,POST,DELETE").header("Link", linkRel).build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_RETRIEVING_API_OPTIONS); } finally { if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Displays DiSCO Service Options Header. * * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getDiSCOServiceHead() throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { String linkRel = "<" + Utils.getDocumentationPath() + ">;rel=\"" + DC.DESCRIPTION.toString() + "\""; response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).header("Allow", "HEAD,OPTIONS,GET,POST,DELETE") .header("Link", linkRel).build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_RETRIEVING_API_HEAD); } finally { if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Retrieves RMap DiSCO in requested RDF format and forms an HTTP response. * * @param strDiscoUri the DiSCO URI * @param returnType the RDF return type * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getRMapDiSCO(String strDiscoUri, RdfMediaType returnType) throws RMapApiException { Response response = getRMapDiSCO(strDiscoUri, returnType, false); return response; } /** * Retrieves latest version of RMap DiSCO in requested RDF format and forms an HTTP response. * * @param strDiscoUri the DiSCO URI * @param returnType the RDF return type * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getLatestRMapDiSCOVersion(String strDiscoUri, RdfMediaType returnType) throws RMapApiException { Response response = getRMapDiSCO(strDiscoUri, returnType, true); return response; } /** * Using URI Provided, retrieves either the latest version or requested version of an RMap DiSCO * in RDF format specified and forms an HTTP response. * * @param strDiscoUri the DiSCO URI * @param returnType the RDF return type * @param viewLatestVersion true if view latest version * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ private Response getRMapDiSCO(String strDiscoUri, RdfMediaType returnType, Boolean viewLatestVersion) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try {"DiSCO " + strDiscoUri + " requested."); if (strDiscoUri == null || strDiscoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } if (returnType == null) { returnType = Constants.DEFAULT_RDF_TYPE; } if (viewLatestVersion == null) { viewLatestVersion = false; } URI uriDiscoUri = null; try { strDiscoUri = URLDecoder.decode(strDiscoUri, "UTF-8"); uriDiscoUri = new URI(strDiscoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } RMapDiSCODTO rmapDiscoDTO; if (viewLatestVersion) { rmapDiscoDTO = rmapService.getDiSCODTOLatestVersion(uriDiscoUri); //now we are using a different disco URI uriDiscoUri = rmapDiscoDTO.getRMapDiSCO().getId().getIri(); strDiscoUri = uriDiscoUri.toString(); } else { ; rmapDiscoDTO = rmapService.readDiSCODTO(uriDiscoUri); }"DiSCO " + strDiscoUri + " object retrieved."); if (rmapDiscoDTO == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_READ_DISCO_RETURNED_NULL); } //OutputStream discoOutput = rdfHandler.disco2Rdf(rmapDisco, returnType.getRdfType()); OutputStream discoOutput = rdfHandler.disco2Rdf(rmapDiscoDTO.getRMapDiSCO(), returnType.getRdfType()); if (discoOutput == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_RDFHANDLER_OUTPUT_ISNULL); }"DiSCO " + strDiscoUri + " converted to RDF."); String linkRel = buildGetDiscoLinks(rmapDiscoDTO); response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(discoOutput.toString()) .location(new URI(Utils.makeDiscoUrl(strDiscoUri))).header("Link", linkRel) //switch this to link() or links()? .type(HttpTypeMediator.getResponseRMapMediaType("disco", returnType.getRdfType())) //TODO move version number to a property? .build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapTombstonedObjectException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_TOMBSTONED); } catch (RMapDeletedObjectException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_DELETED); } catch (RMapObjectNotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Retrieves RMap DiSCO metadata and returns it in an HTTP header-only response. * * @param strDiscoUri the str disco uri * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getRMapDiSCOHeader(String strDiscoUri) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { if (strDiscoUri == null || strDiscoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } URI uriDiscoUri = null; try { strDiscoUri = URLDecoder.decode(strDiscoUri, "UTF-8"); uriDiscoUri = new URI(strDiscoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } RMapDiSCODTO rmapDiscoDTO = null; rmapDiscoDTO = rmapService.readDiSCODTO(uriDiscoUri); String linkRel = buildGetDiscoLinks(rmapDiscoDTO); response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).location(new URI(Utils.makeDiscoUrl(strDiscoUri))) .header("Link", linkRel) //switch this to link() or links()? .build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Creates new RMap:DiSCO from valid client-provided RDF. * * @param discoRdf the disco rdf * @param contentType the content type * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response createRMapDiSCO(InputStream discoRdf, RDFType contentType) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try {"New DiSCO create request initiated (id=" + discoRdf.hashCode() + ")"); if (discoRdf == null || discoRdf.toString().length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_DISCO_RDF_PROVIDED); } if (contentType == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROVIDED); } RMapDiSCO rmapDisco = rdfHandler.rdf2RMapDiSCO(discoRdf, contentType, Constants.BASE_URL); if (rmapDisco == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_RDF_TO_DISCO_FAILED); } //Get the current user to associate with the DiSCO creation RMapRequestAgent reqAgent = apiUserService.getCurrentRequestAgent(); RMapEventCreation discoEvent = (RMapEventCreation) rmapService.createDiSCO(rmapDisco, reqAgent); if (discoEvent == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_CREATEDISCO_NOT_COMPLETED); } URI uDiscoURI = rmapDisco.getId().getIri(); if (uDiscoURI == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_DISCOID_RETURNED_NULL); } String sDiscoURI = uDiscoURI.toString(); if (sDiscoURI.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_DISCOURI_STRING_EMPTY); }"New DiSCO created (id=" + discoRdf.hashCode() + ") with URI " + sDiscoURI); URI uEventURI = discoEvent.getId().getIri(); if (uEventURI == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_EVENTID_RETURNED_NULL); } String sEventURI = uEventURI.toString(); if (sEventURI.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_EVENTURI_STRING_EMPTY); } String newEventURL = Utils.makeEventUrl(sEventURI); String newDiscoUrl = Utils.makeDiscoUrl(sDiscoURI); String linkRel = "<" + newEventURL + ">" + ";rel=\"" + PROV.WASGENERATEDBY + "\""; response = Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(sDiscoURI).location(new URI(newDiscoUrl)) //switch this to location() .header("Link", linkRel) //switch this to link() .build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Updates RMap:DiSCO. Does this by inactivating the previous version of the DiSCO and * creating a new version using valid client-provided RDF. * * @param origDiscoUri the DiSCO URI to update * @param discoRdf the DiSCO as RDF * @param contentType the request content type * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response updateRMapDiSCO(String origDiscoUri, InputStream discoRdf, RDFType contentType) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { if (origDiscoUri == null || origDiscoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } if (discoRdf == null || discoRdf.toString().length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_DISCO_RDF_PROVIDED); } if (contentType == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROVIDED); } URI uriOrigDiscoUri = null; try { origDiscoUri = URLDecoder.decode(origDiscoUri, "UTF-8"); uriOrigDiscoUri = new URI(origDiscoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } RMapDiSCO newRmapDisco = rdfHandler.rdf2RMapDiSCO(discoRdf, contentType, Constants.BASE_URL); if (newRmapDisco == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_RDF_TO_DISCO_FAILED); } //Get the current user to associate with the DiSCO update event RMapRequestAgent reqAgent = apiUserService.getCurrentRequestAgent(); RMapEvent discoEvent = rmapService.updateDiSCO(uriOrigDiscoUri, newRmapDisco, reqAgent); if (discoEvent == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_UPDATEDISCO_NOT_COMPLETED); } URI uDiscoURI = newRmapDisco.getId().getIri(); if (uDiscoURI == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_DISCOID_RETURNED_NULL); } String sDiscoURI = uDiscoURI.toString(); if (sDiscoURI.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_DISCOURI_STRING_EMPTY); } URI uEventURI = discoEvent.getId().getIri(); if (uEventURI == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_EVENTID_RETURNED_NULL); } String sEventURI = uEventURI.toString(); if (sEventURI.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_EVENTURI_STRING_EMPTY); } String newEventURL = Utils.makeEventUrl(sEventURI); String prevDiscoUrl = Utils.makeDiscoUrl(origDiscoUri); String newDiscoUrl = Utils.makeDiscoUrl(sDiscoURI); String linkRel = "<" + newEventURL + ">" + ";rel=\"" + PROV.WASGENERATEDBY + "\""; linkRel = linkRel.concat(",<" + prevDiscoUrl + ">" + ";rel=\"predecessor-version\""); response = Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(sDiscoURI).location(new URI(newDiscoUrl)) .header("Link", linkRel) //switch this to link() .build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapInactiveVersionException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_UPDATING_INACTIVE_DISCO); } catch (RMapNotLatestVersionException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_NOT_LATEST_DISCOVERS); } catch (RMapException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapDeletedObjectException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_DELETED); } else if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapTombstonedObjectException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_TOMBSTONED); } else if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapObjectNotFoundException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } else { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Sets status of RMap:DiSCO to tombstoned. * * @param discoUri the DiSCO URI * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response tombstoneRMapDiSCO(String discoUri) throws RMapApiException { return changeRMapDiSCOStatus(discoUri, "TOMBSTONED"); } /** * Sets status of RMap:DiSCO to inactive. * * @param discoUri the DiSCO URI * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response inactivateRMapDiSCO(String discoUri) throws RMapApiException { return changeRMapDiSCOStatus(discoUri, "INACTIVE"); } /** * Sets status of RMap:DiSCO to tombstoned or inactive, depending on newStatus defined. * * @param discoUri the DiSCO URI * @param newStatus the new status * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ private Response changeRMapDiSCOStatus(String discoUri, String newStatus) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { if (discoUri == null || discoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } URI uriDiscoUri = null; try { discoUri = URLDecoder.decode(discoUri, "UTF-8"); uriDiscoUri = new URI(discoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } RMapRequestAgent reqAgent = apiUserService.getCurrentRequestAgent(); RMapEvent discoEvent = null; if (newStatus == "TOMBSTONED") { discoEvent = (RMapEvent) rmapService.deleteDiSCO(uriDiscoUri, reqAgent); } else if (newStatus == "INACTIVE") { discoEvent = (RMapEvent) rmapService.inactivateDiSCO(uriDiscoUri, reqAgent); } if (discoEvent == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_UPDATEDISCO_NOT_COMPLETED); } URI uEventURI = discoEvent.getId().getIri(); if (uEventURI == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_EVENTID_RETURNED_NULL); } String sEventURI = uEventURI.toString(); if (sEventURI.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_EVENTURI_STRING_EMPTY); } String newEventURL = Utils.makeEventUrl(sEventURI); String origDiscoUrl = Utils.makeDiscoUrl(discoUri); String linkRel = ""; if (newStatus == "TOMBSTONED") { linkRel = "<" + newEventURL + ">" + ";rel=\"" + RMAP.TOMBSTONE + "\""; } else if (newStatus == "INACTIVE") { linkRel = "<" + newEventURL + ">" + ";rel=\"" + RMAP.INACTIVATION + "\""; } response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).location(new URI(origDiscoUrl)).header("Link", linkRel) //switch this to link() .build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapDeletedObjectException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_DELETED); } else if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapTombstonedObjectException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_TOMBSTONED); } else if (ex.getCause() instanceof RMapObjectNotFoundException) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } else { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Gets list of RMap:DiSCO version URIs and returns them as JSON or Plain Text. * Set retAgentVersionsOnly to true to return the list of version that match the * system Agent of the discoUri parameter. * * @param discoUri the DiSCO URI * @param returnType the non-RDF return type * @param retAgentVersionsOnly true if return versions by same agent only * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getRMapDiSCOVersions(String discoUri, NonRdfType returnType, Boolean retAgentVersionsOnly) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { //assign default values when null if (returnType == null) { returnType = Constants.DEFAULT_NONRDF_TYPE; } if (retAgentVersionsOnly == null) { retAgentVersionsOnly = false; } //check discoUri param for null if (discoUri == null || discoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } URI uriDiscoUri = null; try { discoUri = URLDecoder.decode(discoUri, "UTF-8"); uriDiscoUri = new URI(discoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } String outputString = ""; List<URI> uriList = null; if (retAgentVersionsOnly) { uriList = rmapService.getDiSCOAllAgentVersions(uriDiscoUri); } else { uriList = rmapService.getDiSCOAllVersions(uriDiscoUri); } if (uriList == null || uriList.size() == 0) { //should always have at least one version... the one being requested! throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_DISCO_VERSIONLIST_EMPTY); } if (returnType == NonRdfType.PLAIN_TEXT) { outputString = URIListHandler.uriListToPlainText(uriList); } else { outputString = URIListHandler.uriListToJson(uriList, Terms.RMAP_DISCO_PATH); } response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(outputString.toString()) .location(new URI(Utils.makeDiscoUrl(discoUri))).build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapObjectNotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Retrieves list of RMap:Event URIs associated with the RMap:DiSCO URI provided and returns * the results as a JSON or Plain Text list. * * @param discoUri the DiSCO URI * @param returnType the non-RDF return type * @return HTTP Response * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API exception */ public Response getRMapDiSCOEvents(String discoUri, NonRdfType returnType) throws RMapApiException { boolean reqSuccessful = false; Response response = null; try { //assign default value when null if (returnType == null) { returnType = Constants.DEFAULT_NONRDF_TYPE; } if (discoUri == null || discoUri.length() == 0) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_NO_OBJECT_URI_PROVIDED); } URI uriDiscoUri = null; try { discoUri = URLDecoder.decode(discoUri, "UTF-8"); uriDiscoUri = new URI(discoUri); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_PARAM_WONT_CONVERT_TO_URI); } String outputString = ""; List<URI> uriList = rmapService.getDiSCOEvents(uriDiscoUri); if (uriList == null || uriList.size() == 0) { //if the object is found, should always have at least one event throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_URILIST_EMPTY); } if (returnType == NonRdfType.PLAIN_TEXT) { outputString = URIListHandler.uriListToPlainText(uriList); } else { outputString = URIListHandler.uriListToJson(uriList, Terms.RMAP_EVENT_PATH); } response = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(outputString.toString()).build(); reqSuccessful = true; } catch (RMapApiException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex); } catch (RMapDiSCONotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_DISCO_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapObjectNotFoundException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND); } catch (RMapDefectiveArgumentException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_GET_DISCO_BAD_ARGUMENT); } catch (RMapException ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GENERIC_RMAP_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_ERROR); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); if (!reqSuccessful && response != null) response.close(); } return response; } /** * Retrieves the string of links to DiSCO versions, Status and Events for HTTP Response header Link property. * * @param rmapDiSCODTO the DiSCO data transfer object * @return DiSCO links string for header * @throws RMapApiException the RMap API Exception * @throws RMapException the RMap Exception * @throws RMapDefectiveArgumentException the RMap Defective Argument exception */ private String buildGetDiscoLinks(RMapDiSCODTO rmapDiSCODTO) throws RMapApiException, RMapException, RMapDefectiveArgumentException { StringBuilder links = new StringBuilder(""); //TODO: refactor this - too much repetition... but version code may be changing, so leave for now. try { String strDiscoUri = rmapDiSCODTO.getRMapDiSCO().getId().toString(); //get the DiSCO status link RMapStatus status = rmapDiSCODTO.getStatus(); if (status == null) { throw new RMapApiException(ErrorCode.ER_CORE_GET_STATUS_RETURNED_NULL); } links.append("<" + Terms.RMAP_NAMESPACE + status.toString().toLowerCase() + ">" + ";rel=\"" + Terms.RMAP_HASSTATUS_PATH + "\""); //get DiSCO version links try { URI latestUri = rmapDiSCODTO.getLatestURI(); if (latestUri != null && latestUri.toString().length() > 0) { links.append(",<" + Utils.makeDiscoUrl(latestUri.toString()) + ">" + ";rel=\"latest-version\""); } URI prevUri = rmapDiSCODTO.getPreviousURI(); if (prevUri != null && prevUri.toString().length() > 0) { links.append(",<" + Utils.makeDiscoUrl(prevUri.toString()) + ";rel=\"predecessor-version\""); } URI nextUri = rmapDiSCODTO.getNextURI(); if (nextUri != null && nextUri.toString().length() > 0) { links.append(",<" + Utils.makeDiscoUrl(nextUri.toString()) + ";rel=\"successor-version\""); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CORE_COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_DISCO_VERSION); } try { strDiscoUri = URLEncoder.encode(strDiscoUri, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_CANNOT_ENCODE_URL); } //get DiSCO event link String eventUrl = Utils.getDiscoBaseUrl() + strDiscoUri + "/events"; links.append(",<" + eventUrl + ">" + ";rel=\"" + PROV.HAS_PROVENANCE + "\""); } catch (Exception ex) { throw RMapApiException.wrap(ex, ErrorCode.ER_COULDNT_RETRIEVE_DISCO_VERSION_LINKS); } finally { if (rmapService != null) rmapService.closeConnection(); } return links.toString(); } }