Java tutorial
/* * Consonance - workflow software for multiple clouds * Copyright (C) 2016 OICR * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package info.pancancer.arch3.reportbot; import com.ullink.slack.simpleslackapi.SlackSession; import; import com.ullink.slack.simpleslackapi.impl.SlackSessionFactory; import com.ullink.slack.simpleslackapi.listeners.SlackMessagePostedListener; import info.pancancer.arch3.Base; import info.pancancer.arch3.persistence.PostgreSQL; import info.pancancer.arch3.reporting.ReportAPI; import info.pancancer.arch3.reporting.ReportAPIFactory; import info.pancancer.arch3.reporting.SlackRenderer; import info.pancancer.arch3.utils.Constants; import info.pancancer.arch3.utils.Utilities; import io.cloudbindle.youxia.util.Log; import; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalINIConfiguration; /** * This responds to Slack events and translates them into reporting calls. * * @author dyuen */ public class SlackReportBot extends Base { public static final int SLEEP_IN_MILLISECONDS = 5000; public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { SlackReportBot bot = new SlackReportBot(argv); bot.doWork(); } public SlackReportBot(String[] argv) throws IOException { super(); parseOptions(argv); } public void doWork() throws Exception { final HierarchicalINIConfiguration settings = Utilities.parseConfig(configFile); final PostgreSQL db = new PostgreSQL(settings); final SlackSession session = SlackSessionFactory .createWebSocketSlackSession(settings.getString(Constants.REPORT_TOKEN)); session.addMessagePostedListener(new SlackMessagePostedListener() { @Override public void onEvent(SlackMessagePosted event, SlackSession session) { Log.debug(event.toString()); String namespace = settings.getString(Constants.REPORT_NAMESPACE).toUpperCase(Locale.CANADA); if (event.getSender().getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(namespace)) { return; } // note that this ignores case String message = event.getMessageContent().toUpperCase(Locale.CANADA); boolean validMessage = false; // remove the '@' if necessary String dmIdentifer = "<@" + session.sessionPersona().getId() + ">"; if (message.startsWith(dmIdentifer)) { message = message.replaceFirst(dmIdentifer, "").trim(); // trim automatically inserted colon in some chat clients if (message.startsWith(":")) { message = message.replaceFirst(":", "").trim(); } validMessage = true; } // remove plain user name if needed if (message.startsWith(namespace)) { validMessage = true; message = message.replaceFirst(namespace, "").trim();"message was *" + message + "* "); // remove extra colon that the Mac client adds if (message.startsWith(":")) { message = message.substring(1).trim(); } } if (validMessage) { ReportAPI reportAPI = ReportAPIFactory.makeReportAPI(settings, db); SlackRenderer renderer = new SlackRenderer(reportAPI); SlackRenderer.FormattedMessage result = renderer.convertToResult(message); if (result.attachment != null) { result.attachment.addMarkdownIn("text"); } session.sendMessage(session.findChannelById(event.getChannel().getId()), result.message, result.attachment); } } }); int retries = 0; boolean retry = false; do { try { session.connect(); do { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_IN_MILLISECONDS); } while (options.has(this.endlessSpec)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("SlackBot connection issue", e); long waitTime = Math.min(getWaitTimeExp(retries), TEN_MINUTES_IN_MILLISECONDS); System.out.print(waitTime + "\n"); // Wait for the result. Thread.sleep(waitTime); } } while (options.has(this.endlessSpec)); } /* * Returns the next wait interval, in milliseconds, using an exponential backoff algorithm. Taken from AWS. */ public static long getWaitTimeExp(int retryCount) { final long convertToMilliseconds = 100L; long waitTime = ((long) Math.pow(2, retryCount) * convertToMilliseconds); return waitTime; } }