Java tutorial
/** * This file Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Magnolia International * Ltd. ( All rights reserved. * * * This file is dual-licensed under both the Magnolia * Network Agreement and the GNU General Public License. * You may elect to use one or the other of these licenses. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but AS-IS and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, or NONINFRINGEMENT. * Redistribution, except as permitted by whichever of the GPL * or MNA you select, is prohibited. * * 1. For the GPL license (GPL), you can redistribute and/or * modify this file under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, Version 3, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU * General Public License, Version 3 along with this program; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * 2. For the Magnolia Network Agreement (MNA), this file * and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the MNA which accompanies this distribution, and * is available at * * Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header * intact. * */ package info.magnolia.ui.form.field.upload.basic; import info.magnolia.i18nsystem.SimpleTranslator; import info.magnolia.ui.api.context.UiContext; import info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.BasicUploadFieldDefinition; import info.magnolia.ui.form.field.upload.AbstractUploadField; import info.magnolia.ui.form.field.upload.UploadProgressIndicator; import info.magnolia.ui.form.field.upload.UploadReceiver; import info.magnolia.ui.imageprovider.ImageProvider; import info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.overlay.MessageStyleTypeEnum; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeButton; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; /** * Basic implementation of {@link AbstractUploadField}.<br> * Define the Layout components for * <ul> * <li>EmptyLayout (no File are yet uploaded) * <li>InProgressLayout (ProgressBar / Cancel Button...) * <li>CompletedLayout (File Detail / Preview ...) * </ul> * * @param <T> {@link UploadReceiver} implemented class. */ public class BasicUploadField<T extends UploadReceiver> extends AbstractUploadField<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicUploadField.class); private static final String PREFIX_MEDIA_KEY = ""; private static final String MEDIA = "media"; // Root layout private final CssLayout layout; private UploadProgressIndicator progress; protected final ImageProvider imageProvider; private boolean editFileName = false; private boolean editFileFormat = false; protected UiContext uiContext; private final SimpleTranslator i18n; public BasicUploadField(ImageProvider imageProvider, UiContext uiContext, BasicUploadFieldDefinition definition, SimpleTranslator i18n) { super(); // Propagate definition. populateFromDefinition(definition); this.imageProvider = imageProvider; this.layout = new CssLayout(); this.layout.setSizeUndefined(); this.uiContext = uiContext; this.i18n = i18n; setRootLayout(createDropZone(layout)); // Update Style Name addStyleName("upload-image-field"); addStyleName("no-horizontal-drag-hints"); addStyleName("no-vertical-drag-hints"); } /** * Initialize the root component. * Build the initial layout: * - Empty Layout if the incoming Item is empty. * - Completed Layout with the Item Informations if this Item is not empty. */ @Override public void attach() { super.attach(); updateDisplay(); log.debug("Component was attached ..."); } /** * Main entry point to create the Empty Layout. * This Basic implementation of Empty layout is composed of <br> * - An Upload button <br> * - A Label inviting to Drag files <br> */ @Override protected void buildEmptyLayout() { layout.removeAllComponents(); if (isReadOnly()) { return; } // Add Upload Button getUpload().setButtonCaption(getCaption(selectNewCaption, null)); layout.addComponent(getUpload()); // Add DropZone Label Label uploadText = new Label(getCaption(dropZoneCaption, null), ContentMode.HTML); uploadText.addStyleName("upload-text"); layout.addComponent(uploadText); // Update Style Name getRootLayout().removeStyleName("start"); getRootLayout().removeStyleName("done"); getRootLayout().removeStyleName("in-progress"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("upload"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("initial"); log.debug("buildEmptyLayout() called ..."); } /** * Main entry point to create the In Progress Layout. * This Basic implementation of In Progress is composed of <br> * - A Progress Bar <br> * - A Cancel Button <br> */ @Override protected void buildInProgressLayout(String uploadedFileMimeType) { layout.removeAllComponents(); // Update the caption Extension setCaptionExtension(uploadedFileMimeType); // Create the process Indigator progress = new BasicUploadProgressIndicator(inProgressCaption, inProgressRatioCaption, i18n); progress.setVisible(true); progress.setProgress(0); layout.addComponent(progress.asVaadinComponent()); // Add the Cancel Button layout.addComponent(createCancelButton()); // Update Style Name getRootLayout().removeStyleName("done"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("upload"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("initial"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("in-progress"); log.debug("buildInProgressLayout() called ..."); } @Override protected void refreshInProgressLayout(long readBytes, long contentLength, String fileName) { if (progress != null) { progress.refreshLayout(readBytes, contentLength, fileName); } } /** * Main entry point to create the Completed Layout. * This Basic implementation of Completed Layout is composed of <br> * - An Icon representing the File type <br> * - A Detail text information <br> * - An Action bar: UploadNew and Delete Actions <br> * <b>Override</b><br> * getFileInfo() In order to change the Displayed Text <br> * createIconStyleName() In order to change the Icon Style displayed. */ @Override protected void buildCompletedLayout() { layout.removeAllComponents(); // Update the caption Extension setCaptionExtension(null); // Create the File Detail Component layout.addComponent(createFileInfoComponent()); // Create the Action Layout layout.addComponent(createCompletedActionLayout()); // Create Preview layout.addComponent(createThumbnailComponent()); // Update Style Name getRootLayout().addStyleName("upload"); getRootLayout().removeStyleName("in-progress"); getRootLayout().removeStyleName("initial"); getRootLayout().addStyleName("done"); log.debug("buildCompletedLayout() called ..."); } /** * Build the Completed Action Layout. */ protected Layout createCompletedActionLayout() { // Action Button (Upload new or delete). Default is always Upload HorizontalLayout actionLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); actionLayout.setSizeUndefined(); actionLayout.addStyleName("buttons"); actionLayout.setSpacing(true); // Add Upload Button getUpload().setButtonCaption(getCaption(selectAnotherCaption, null)); actionLayout.addComponent(getUpload()); // Add Remove Button if a file is present. if (!getValue().isEmpty()) { Button delete = createDeleteButton(); actionLayout.addComponent(delete); actionLayout.setComponentAlignment(delete, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); } return actionLayout; } /** * Create the Cancel Button. * Used to cancel an ongoing Upload. */ private Button createCancelButton() { Button cancelButton = new NativeButton(null, new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { interruptUpload(InterruptionReason.USER); } }); cancelButton.addStyleName("cancel"); return cancelButton; } /** * Create Delete button. */ protected Button createDeleteButton() { Button deleteButton = new Button(); deleteButton.setHtmlContentAllowed(true); deleteButton.setCaption("<span class=\"" + "icon-trash" + "\"></span>"); deleteButton.addStyleName("inline"); deleteButton.setDescription(i18n.translate(deleteCaption)); deleteButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { resetDataSource(); updateDisplay(); } }); return deleteButton; } /** * Initialize a Component displaying some File Informations. * Override getFileDetail...() in order to display custom info's you may want to display. * * @return A file Info Component. Generally a {@link FormLayout}. */ private Component createFileInfoComponent() { FormLayout fileInfo = new FormLayout(); fileInfo.setSizeUndefined(); fileInfo.addStyleName("file-details"); fileInfo.addComponent(getFileDetailHeader()); fileInfo.addComponent(getFileDetailFileName()); fileInfo.addComponent(getFileDetailSize()); fileInfo.addComponent(getFileDetailFileFormat()); return fileInfo; } /** * Add Title. */ protected Component getFileDetailHeader() { Label label = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); label.setValue(getCaption(fileDetailHeaderCaption, null)); return label; } /** * Add File Name.<br> * If editFileName is true, display an Input Text Field. <br> * Else display a simple label. */ protected Component getFileDetailFileName() { // Build the file name without the extension final boolean hasExtension = StringUtils.isNotBlank(getValue().getExtension()); final String extension = hasExtension ? "." + getValue().getExtension() : ""; String fileName = StringUtils.removeEnd(getValue().getFileName(), extension); if (this.editFileName && !isReadOnly()) { TextField textField = new TextField(i18n.translate(fileDetailNameCaption), fileName); textField.setNullRepresentation(""); textField.setCaption(i18n.translate(fileDetailNameCaption)); textField.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { Object newFileNameObject = event.getProperty().getValue(); String newFileName = (newFileNameObject != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(newFileNameObject.toString())) ? newFileNameObject.toString() : UploadReceiver.INVALID_FILE_NAME; getValue().setFileName(newFileName + extension); getPropertyDataSource().setValue(getValue()); } }); return textField; } else { Label label = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); label.setCaption(i18n.translate(fileDetailNameCaption)); label.setValue(fileName); return label; } } /** * Add File Info. */ protected Component getFileDetailSize() { Label label = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); label.setCaption(i18n.translate(fileDetailSizeCaption)); label.setValue(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(getValue().getFileSize())); return label; } /** * Add File Format.<br> * If editFileFormat is true, display an Input Text Field. <br> * Else display a simple label. */ protected Component getFileDetailFileFormat() { if (this.editFileFormat && !isReadOnly()) { TextField textField = new TextField(i18n.translate(fileDetailFormatCaption), getValue().getExtension()); textField.setNullRepresentation(""); textField.setCaption(i18n.translate(fileDetailFormatCaption)); return textField; } else { Label label = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); label.setValue(getValue().getExtension()); label.setCaption(i18n.translate(fileDetailFormatCaption)); return label; } } /** * @return Thumbnail Component. */ protected Component createThumbnailComponent() { Label thumbnail = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); thumbnail.setSizeUndefined(); thumbnail.addStyleName("preview-image"); thumbnail.addStyleName("file-preview"); thumbnail.addStyleName(createIconStyleName()); return thumbnail; } /** * Create the Icon related to a File. <br> * <b>Override this method in order to change the Displayed Icon .</b> * * @return */ protected String createIconStyleName() { return "icon-" + imageProvider.resolveIconClassName(getValue().getMimeType()); } @Override protected Component initContent() { return getRootLayout(); } /** * Configure Field based on the definition. */ protected void populateFromDefinition(BasicUploadFieldDefinition definition) { this.setMaxUploadSize(definition.getMaxUploadSize()); this.setAllowedMimeTypePattern(definition.getAllowedMimeTypePattern()); this.setSelectNewCaption(definition.getSelectNewCaption()); this.setSelectAnotherCaption(definition.getSelectAnotherCaption()); this.setDropZoneCaption(definition.getDropZoneCaption()); this.setInProgressCaption(definition.getInProgressCaption()); this.setInProgressRatioCaption(definition.getInProgressRatioCaption()); this.setFileDetailHeaderCaption(definition.getFileDetailHeaderCaption()); this.setFileDetailNameCaption(definition.getFileDetailNameCaption()); this.setFileDetailSizeCaption(definition.getFileDetailSizeCaption()); this.setFileDetailFormatCaption(definition.getFileDetailFormatCaption()); this.setFileDetailSourceCaption(definition.getFileDetailSourceCaption()); this.setSuccessNoteCaption(definition.getSuccessNoteCaption()); this.setWarningNoteCaption(definition.getWarningNoteCaption()); this.setErrorNoteCaption(definition.getErrorNoteCaption()); this.setDeteteCaption(definition.getDeleteCaption()); this.setEditFileFormat(definition.isEditFileFormat()); this.setEditFileName(definition.isEditFileName()); this.setUserInterruption(definition.getUserInterruption()); this.setTypeInterruption(definition.getTypeInterruption()); this.setSizeInterruption(definition.getSizeInterruption()); } /** * Caption section. */ protected String captionExtension; protected void setCaptionExtension(String mimeType) { captionExtension = ""; } protected String getCaption(String caption, String[] args) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(caption)) { return ""; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(captionExtension)) { String mediaName = i18n.translate(PREFIX_MEDIA_KEY + '.' + captionExtension); String[] paras; if (args != null && args.length > 0) { paras = new String[args.length + 1]; paras[0] = mediaName; System.arraycopy(args, 0, paras, 1, args.length); } else { paras = new String[] { mediaName }; } return i18n.translate(caption + '.' + MEDIA, paras); } if (args != null && args.length > 0) { return i18n.translate(caption, args); } else { return i18n.translate(caption); } } protected String selectNewCaption; protected String selectAnotherCaption; protected String deleteCaption; protected String dropZoneCaption; protected String inProgressCaption; protected String inProgressRatioCaption; protected String fileDetailHeaderCaption; protected String fileDetailNameCaption; protected String fileDetailSizeCaption; protected String fileDetailFormatCaption; protected String fileDetailSourceCaption; protected String successNoteCaption; protected String warningNoteCaption; protected String errorNoteCaption; private String sizeInterruption; private String typeInterruption; private String userInterruption; public void setSelectNewCaption(String selectNewCaption) { this.selectNewCaption = selectNewCaption; } public void setSelectAnotherCaption(String selectAnotherCaption) { this.selectAnotherCaption = selectAnotherCaption; } public void setDropZoneCaption(String dropZoneCaption) { this.dropZoneCaption = dropZoneCaption; } public void setInProgressCaption(String inProgressCaption) { this.inProgressCaption = inProgressCaption; } public void setInProgressRatioCaption(String inProgressRatioCaption) { this.inProgressRatioCaption = inProgressRatioCaption; } public void setFileDetailHeaderCaption(String fileDetailHeaderCaption) { this.fileDetailHeaderCaption = fileDetailHeaderCaption; } public void setFileDetailNameCaption(String fileDetailNameCaption) { this.fileDetailNameCaption = fileDetailNameCaption; } public void setFileDetailSizeCaption(String fileDetailSizeCaption) { this.fileDetailSizeCaption = fileDetailSizeCaption; } public void setFileDetailFormatCaption(String fileDetailFormatCaption) { this.fileDetailFormatCaption = fileDetailFormatCaption; } public void setFileDetailSourceCaption(String fileDetailSourceCaption) { this.fileDetailSourceCaption = fileDetailSourceCaption; } public void setSuccessNoteCaption(String successNoteCaption) { this.successNoteCaption = successNoteCaption; } public void setWarningNoteCaption(String warningNoteCaption) { this.warningNoteCaption = warningNoteCaption; } public void setErrorNoteCaption(String errorNoteCaption) { this.errorNoteCaption = errorNoteCaption; } public void setDeteteCaption(String deleteCaption) { this.deleteCaption = deleteCaption; } public void setSizeInterruption(String sizeInterruption) { this.sizeInterruption = sizeInterruption; } public void setTypeInterruption(String typeInterruption) { this.typeInterruption = typeInterruption; } public void setUserInterruption(String userInterruption) { this.userInterruption = userInterruption; } @Override protected void displayUploadInterruptNote(InterruptionReason reason) { String caption = ""; if (reason.equals(InterruptionReason.USER)) { caption = userInterruption; } else if (reason.equals(InterruptionReason.FILE_SIZE)) { caption = sizeInterruption; } else { caption = typeInterruption; } uiContext.openNotification(MessageStyleTypeEnum.WARNING, true, getCaption(warningNoteCaption, new String[] { i18n.translate(caption) })); } @Override protected void displayUploadFinishedNote(String fileName) { uiContext.openNotification(MessageStyleTypeEnum.INFO, true, getCaption(successNoteCaption, new String[] { fileName })); } @Override protected void displayUploadFailedNote(String fileName) { uiContext.openAlert(MessageStyleTypeEnum.ERROR, "ERROR", getCaption(errorNoteCaption, new String[] { fileName }), i18n.translate("button.ok"), null); } public void setEditFileName(boolean editFileName) { this.editFileName = editFileName; } public void setEditFileFormat(boolean editFileFormat) { this.editFileFormat = editFileFormat; } /** * For test cases. */ public CssLayout getCssLayout() { return this.layout; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return getValue().isEmpty(); } @Override public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { super.setReadOnly(readOnly); if (readOnly) { // Remove drop zone if (getDropZone() != null) { getDropZone().setDropHandler(null); } if (getUpload() != null) { getUpload().removeStartedListener(this); getUpload().removeFinishedListener(this); getUpload().removeProgressListener(this); } if (getValue().isEmpty()) { buildEmptyLayout(); } } } }