Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list;

import info.magnolia.cms.gui.control.ContextMenu;
import info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.impl.AbstractControl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * A list. Can sort or group data.
 * @author Philipp Bracher
 * @version $Revision$ ($Author$)
public class ListControl extends AbstractControl {
     * The type used for rendering
    public static final String RENDER_TYPE = "listControl";

     * The current itarotor.
    private ListModelIterator iterator;

     * The underlaying model
    private ListModel model;

     * The context menu used
    private ContextMenu contextMenu;

     * Fields on which you can sort
    private List sortableFields = new ArrayList();

     * Fields you can group
    private List groupableFields = new ArrayList();

     * Max rows shown per group
    private int maxRowsPerGroup = 5;

     * Constructor. Setting the render type.
    public ListControl() {

    public ListModel getModel() {
        return this.model;

    public void setModel(ListModel model) {
        this.model = model;

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListControl#addColumn(info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListColumn)
    public void addColumn(ListColumn column) {

     * Layzy bound iterator.
     * @return Returns the iterator.
    public ListModelIterator getIterator() {
        if (this.iterator == null) {
            this.iterator = this.getModel().iterator();
        return iterator;

     * Get the value for a column in the current iterator.
     * @param name
     * @return the value
    public Object getIteratorValue(String name) {
        return this.getIterator().getValue(name);

     * Get the current object (not the value) in the current iterator.
     * @return the object. corresponds to a row. 
    public Object getIteratorValueObject() {
        return this.getIterator().getValueObject();

     * Restart the iterator.
    public void resetIterator() {
        this.iterator = null;

    public ContextMenu getContextMenu() {
        return this.contextMenu;

    public void setContextMenu(ContextMenu contextMenu) {
        this.contextMenu = contextMenu;

    public List getGroupableFields() {
        return this.groupableFields;

    public List getSortableFields() {
        return this.sortableFields;

    public void addSortableField(String name) {

    public void addGroupableField(String name) {

    public int getMaxRowsPerGroup() {
        return this.maxRowsPerGroup;

    public void setMaxRowsPerGroup(int maxRowsPerGroup) {
        this.maxRowsPerGroup = maxRowsPerGroup;

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#getGroupBy()
    public String getGroupBy() {
        return StringUtils.defaultString(this.model.getGroupBy());

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#getGroupByOrder()
    public String getGroupByOrder() {
        return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(this.model.getGroupByOrder(), "asc");

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#getSortBy()
    public String getSortBy() {
        return StringUtils.defaultString(this.model.getSortBy());

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#getSortByOrder()
    public String getSortByOrder() {
        return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(this.model.getSortByOrder(), "asc");

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#setGroupBy(java.lang.String)
    public void setGroupBy(String name) {
        this.model.setGroupBy(name, this.model.getGroupByOrder());

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#setGroupBy(java.lang.String)
    public void setGroupByOrder(String order) {
        this.model.setGroupBy(this.model.getGroupBy(), order);

     * Get the lable of a specific 
     * @param name
     * @return
    public String getColumnLabel(String name) {
        ListColumn column = (ListColumn) this.getChild(name);
        return column.getLabel();

     * @see info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list.ListModel#setSortBy(java.lang.String)
    public void setSortBy(String name) {
        this.model.setSortBy(name, this.model.getSortByOrder());

    public void setSortByOrder(String order) {
        this.model.setSortBy(this.model.getSortBy(), order);
