Java tutorial
/** * Simple financial systemic risk simulator for Java * * * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 * Gilbert Peffer, CIMNE * * All rights reserved * * This software is open-source under the BSD license; see * */ package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.Action; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.Event; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.Entity; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.Guard; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.State; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.StateMachine; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.StateTransitionMap; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.StateType; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.Transition; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.EntityAdapter; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.EventTypeGuard; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.StateChangeListener; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.StringEvent; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.FiniteStateException; import com.continuent.tungsten.fsm.core.TransitionRollbackException; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; /** * This file implements a simple strategy that uses the FSM. * The entry and exit criteria are inspired by the LS strategy, but the positions are * simplified and only can take three values: 1, 0 -1. * The strategy works as follows: * - If the price goes above the 95 percentile, then position = 1 * - If the price goes below the 5 percentile, then position = -1 * - If there is a long position and the price goes below the 50 percentile, then position = 0 * - If there is a short position and the price goes above the 50 percentile, then position = 0 * * @author Gilbert Peffer * */ public class SimpleStrategyFSM implements StateChangeListener { // State machine private StateTransitionMap stmap = null; private StateMachine sm = null; // Monitoring and management private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleStrategyFSM.class); // Array of positions static ArrayList<Integer> positions = null; // Ctor public SimpleStrategyFSM() throws Exception { // Define actions /* Old text Action logAction = new LogAction(); Action nullAction = new NullAction(); */ Action startTrading = new startTrading(); Action stopTrading = new stopTrading(); Action openLongPosition = new openLongPosition(); Action openShortPosition = new openShortPosition(); Action liquidatePosition = new liquidatePosition(); // Define states stmap = new StateTransitionMap(); State start = new State("START", StateType.START); State end = new State("END", StateType.END); State positivePosition = new State("POSITIVE_POSITION", StateType.ACTIVE); // Sub-states of 'trading' State negativePosition = new State("NEGATIVE_POSITION", StateType.ACTIVE); State zeroPosition = new State("ZERO_POSITION", StateType.ACTIVE); stmap.addState(start); stmap.addState(end); stmap.addState(positivePosition); stmap.addState(negativePosition); stmap.addState(zeroPosition); // Define guards Guard startGuard = new EventTypeGuard(StartEvent.class); Guard stopGuard = new EventTypeGuard(StopEvent.class); Guard crossing5Guard = new EventTypeGuard(Crossing5Event.class); // crossing the 5% price level from above Guard crossing50Guard = new EventTypeGuard(Crossing50Event.class); // crossing the 50% price level from either above or below Guard crossing95Guard = new EventTypeGuard(Crossing95Event.class); // crossing the 95% price level from below // Define transitions // Start trading with a positive position stmap.addTransition(new Transition("START-TO-POSITIVE", startGuard, start, startTrading, positivePosition)); // Stop trading stmap.addTransition(new Transition("NEGATIVE-TO-END", stopGuard, negativePosition, stopTrading, end)); stmap.addTransition(new Transition("ZERO-TO-END", stopGuard, zeroPosition, stopTrading, end)); stmap.addTransition(new Transition("POSITIVE-TO-END", stopGuard, positivePosition, stopTrading, end)); // Crossing the 5% price level from above stmap.addTransition(new Transition("ZERO-TO-POSITIVE", crossing5Guard, zeroPosition, openLongPosition, positivePosition)); stmap.addTransition(new Transition("NEGATIVE-TO-POSITIVE", crossing5Guard, negativePosition, openLongPosition, positivePosition)); // Crossing the 50% price level from above or below stmap.addTransition(new Transition("POSITIVE-TO-ZERO", crossing50Guard, positivePosition, liquidatePosition, zeroPosition)); stmap.addTransition(new Transition("NEGATIVE-TO-ZERO", crossing50Guard, negativePosition, liquidatePosition, zeroPosition)); // Crossing the 95% price level from below stmap.addTransition(new Transition("ZERO-TO-NEGATIVE", crossing95Guard, zeroPosition, openShortPosition, negativePosition)); stmap.addTransition(new Transition("POSITIVE-TO-NEGATIVE", crossing95Guard, positivePosition, openShortPosition, negativePosition)); // Create the state machine; sm = new StateMachine(stmap, new EntityAdapter(this)); sm.addListener(this); } public void start() throws Exception { try { sm.applyEvent(new StartEvent()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Start operation failed", e); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } public void stop() throws Exception { try { sm.applyEvent(new StopEvent()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Stop operation failed", e); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } public void crossing5() throws Exception { try { sm.applyEvent(new Crossing5Event()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Crossing5 operation failed", e); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } public void crossing50() throws Exception { try { sm.applyEvent(new Crossing50Event()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Crossing50 operation failed", e); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } public void crossing95() throws Exception { try { sm.applyEvent(new Crossing95Event()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Crossing95 operation failed", e); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } public StateMachine getStateMachine() { return sm; } // Log state changes public void stateChanged(Entity entity, State oldState, State newState) {"State changed: " + oldState.getName() + " -> " + newState.getName()); } class StartEvent extends Event { public StartEvent() { super(null); } } class StopEvent extends Event { public StopEvent() { super(null); } } class Crossing5Event extends Event { public Crossing5Event() { super(null); } } class Crossing50Event extends Event { public Crossing50Event() { super(null); } } class Crossing95Event extends Event { public Crossing95Event() { super(null); } } // Do nothing class NullAction implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException { } } // Create array to allocate positions class startTrading implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException { positions = new ArrayList<Integer>();"Started trading: " + event.getData()); } } // ?? class stopTrading implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException {"Stopped trading: " + event.getData()); } } // Enter long position class openLongPosition implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException { positions.add(1);"Open long position: " + event.getData()); } } // Enter short position class openShortPosition implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException { positions.add(-1);"Open short position: " + event.getData()); } } // Liquidate position class liquidatePosition implements Action { public void doAction(Event event, Entity entity, Transition transition, int actionType) throws TransitionRollbackException { positions.add(0);"Liquidate: " + event.getData()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Build FSM SimpleStrategyFSM strategyFSM = new SimpleStrategyFSM(); StateMachine sm = strategyFSM.getStateMachine(); int nTicks = 200; // Number of ticks double sinus_shift = 10.0; double sinus_amplitude = 10.0; double sinus_lambda = 50.0; double threshold5 = 0.05 * 2 * sinus_amplitude; double threshold50 = 0.5 * 2 * sinus_amplitude; double threshold95 = 0.95 * 2 * sinus_amplitude; "Thresholds: [5%, " + threshold5 + "], [50%, " + threshold50 + "], [95%, " + threshold95 + "]"); //double sinus_t_prev = sinus_amplitude + sinus_shift + sinus_amplitude * Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / sinus_lambda); double sinus_t_prev = sinus_shift + sinus_amplitude * Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / sinus_lambda); strategyFSM.start(); for (int i = 1; i < nTicks; i++) { double sinus_t = sinus_amplitude + sinus_shift + sinus_amplitude * Math.sin(2 * i * Math.PI / sinus_lambda); //double sinus_t = sinus_shift + sinus_amplitude * Math.sin(2 * i * Math.PI / sinus_lambda);"Tick: " + i + ", value: " + sinus_t); if ((sinus_t >= threshold95) && (sinus_t_prev < threshold95)) strategyFSM.crossing95(); if ((sinus_t >= threshold50) && (sinus_t_prev < threshold50) || (sinus_t <= threshold50) && (sinus_t_prev > threshold50)) strategyFSM.crossing50(); if ((sinus_t <= threshold5) && (sinus_t_prev > threshold5)) strategyFSM.crossing5(); sinus_t_prev = sinus_t; } /* int window = 10; // Window for the calculation of percentiles int nTicks = 200; // Number of ticks double[] sinus = new double[nTicks]; // Price series (= sinus process) double sinus_shift = 100.0; // Parameters of the sinus process double sinus_amplitude = 20.0; double sinus_lambda = 50.0; // Create a sinus price process to test the strategy for (int i = 0; i < nTicks; i++) { sinus[i] = sinus_shift + sinus_amplitude * Math.sin(2*i*Math.PI / sinus_lambda); } for (int i = 0; i < nTicks; i++) { if (i < window) positions.add(0); else { DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int j = i-window+1; j <= i; j++) { stats.addValue(sinus[j]); } double perc_95 = stats.getPercentile(95); double perc_5 = stats.getPercentile(5); double perc_50 = stats.getPercentile(50); if (sinus[i-1]<perc_95 && sinus[i]>=perc_95) sm.applyEvent(new Event("Buy")); if (sinus[i-1]>perc_5 && sinus[i]<=perc_5) sm.applyEvent(new Event("Sell")); // TODO: Add liquidation events } } */ // Terminate FSM strategyFSM.stop(); } catch (FiniteStateException e) { logger.error("Unexpected state transition processing error", e); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }