Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 DuyHai DOAN * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package info.archinnov.achilles.internals.parser.validator; import static; import static; import java.util.*; import; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName; import com.squareup.javapoet.ParameterizedTypeName; import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.apt.AptUtils; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.codegen.meta.EntityMetaCodeGen; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.codegen.meta.EntityMetaCodeGen.EntityMetaSignature; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.metamodel.columns.ColumnType; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.metamodel.columns.ComputedColumnInfo; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.parser.FieldParser.TypeParsingResult; import info.archinnov.achilles.internals.parser.TypeUtils; import info.archinnov.achilles.type.tuples.Tuple2; public class BeanValidator { static final List<String> RESERVED_KEYWORDS = Arrays.asList( ("add,allow,alter,and,any,apply,asc,authorize,batch,begin,by,columnfamily,create,delete,desc,drop,each_quorum,from,grant,in,index,inet,infinity," + "insert,into,keyspace,keyspaces,limit,local_one,local_quorum,modify,nan,norecursive,of,on,order,password,primary,quorum,rename,revoke,schema," + "select,set,table,three,to,token,truncate,two,unlogged,update,use,using,where,with") .split(",")); public static void validateIsAConcreteNonFinalClass(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeElement typeElement) { final Name name = typeElement.getQualifiedName(); aptUtils.validateTrue(typeElement.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS, "Bean type '%s' should be a class", name); final Set<Modifier> modifiers = typeElement.getModifiers(); aptUtils.validateFalse(modifiers.contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT), "Bean type '%s' should not be abstract", name); aptUtils.validateFalse(modifiers.contains(Modifier.FINAL), "Bean type '%s' should not be final", name); } public static void validateHasPublicConstructor(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName typeName, TypeElement typeElement) { final long constructorCount = ElementFilter.constructorsIn(typeElement.getEnclosedElements()).stream() .filter(x -> x.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) // public constructor .filter(x -> x.getParameters().size() == 0) //No arg constructor .count(); aptUtils.validateTrue(constructorCount == 1, "Bean type '%s' should have a public constructor", typeName); } public static void validateNoDuplicateNames(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { Map<String, String> mapping = new HashMap<>(); -> x.context).forEach(context -> { final String fieldName = context.fieldName; final String cqlColumn = context.cqlColumn; if (mapping.containsKey(fieldName)) { aptUtils.printError("The class '%s' already contains a field with name '%s'", rawClassType, fieldName); } else if (mapping.containsValue(cqlColumn)) { aptUtils.printError("The class '%s' already contains a cql column with name '%s'", rawClassType, cqlColumn); } else { mapping.put(fieldName, cqlColumn); } }); } public static void validateCqlColumnNotReservedWords(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { -> Tuple2.of(x.context.cqlColumn, x.context.fieldName)) .forEach(x -> aptUtils.validateFalse(RESERVED_KEYWORDS.contains(x._1().toLowerCase()), "The cql column '%s' on field '%s' of class '%s' is a CQL reserved word and cannot be used", x._1(), x._2(), rawClassType)); } public static void validateStaticColumns(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { final boolean hasStatic = -> (x.context.columnType == ColumnType.STATIC || x.context.columnType == ColumnType.STATIC_COUNTER)).count() > 0; final boolean hasClustering = .filter(x -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.CLUSTERING).count() > 0; if (hasStatic) { aptUtils.validateTrue(hasClustering, "The class '%s' cannot have static columns without at least 1 clustering column", rawClassType); } } public static void validateNoStaticColumnsForView(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { final boolean hasStatic = -> (x.context.columnType == ColumnType.STATIC || x.context.columnType == ColumnType.STATIC_COUNTER)).count() > 0; aptUtils.validateFalse(hasStatic, "The class '%s' cannot have static columns because it is a materialized view", rawClassType); } public static void validateHasPartitionKey(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { final boolean hasPartitionKey = .filter(x -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.PARTITION).count() > 0; aptUtils.validateTrue(hasPartitionKey, "The class '%s' should have at least 1 partition key (@PartitionKey)", rawClassType); } public static boolean isCounterTable(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { final boolean hasCounter = -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.COUNTER) .count() > 0; final boolean hasStaticCounter = .filter(x -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.STATIC_COUNTER).count() > 0; final boolean hasNormal = -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.NORMAL) .count() > 0; if (hasCounter || hasStaticCounter) { aptUtils.validateFalse(hasNormal, "Class '%s' should not mix counter and normal columns", rawClassType); } return hasCounter || hasStaticCounter; } public static void validateComputed(AptUtils aptUtils, TypeName rawClassType, List<TypeParsingResult> parsingResults) { List<String> fieldNames = -> x.context.fieldName).collect(toList()); final Set<String> aliases = new HashSet<>(); -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.COMPUTED) .map(x -> Tuple2.of(x.context.fieldName, ((ComputedColumnInfo) x.context.columnInfo).alias)) .forEach(x -> { aptUtils.validateFalse(aliases.contains(x._2()), "Alias '%s' in @Computed annotation on field '%s' is already used by another @Computed field", x._2(), x._1()); if (!aliases.contains(x._2())) aliases.add(x._2()); }); -> x.context.columnType == ColumnType.COMPUTED).forEach(x -> { final ComputedColumnInfo columnInfo = (ComputedColumnInfo) x.context.columnInfo; for (String column : columnInfo.functionArgs) { aptUtils.validateTrue(fieldNames.contains(column), "Target field '%s' in @Computed annotation of field '%s' of class '%s' does not exist", column, x.context.fieldName, rawClassType); } }); } public static void validateViewsAgainstBaseTable(AptUtils aptUtils, List<EntityMetaSignature> viewSignatures, List<EntityMetaSignature> entitySignatures) { final Map<TypeName, List<TypeParsingResult>> entitySignaturesMap = .collect(toMap(meta -> meta.entityRawClass, meta -> meta.parsingResults)); for (EntityMetaSignature view : viewSignatures) { final TypeName viewBaseClass = view.viewBaseClass.get(); final List<TypeParsingResult> entityParsingResults = entitySignaturesMap.get(viewBaseClass); aptUtils.validateTrue(entityParsingResults != null, "Cannot find base entity class '%s' for view class '%s'", viewBaseClass, view.entityRawClass); // Validate all view columns are in base and have correct name & types for (TypeParsingResult vpr : view.parsingResults) { final long count = -> epr.equalsTo(vpr)).count(); aptUtils.validateTrue(count == 1, "Cannot find any match in base table for field '%s' in view class '%s'", vpr.toStringForViewCheck(), view.entityRawClass); } final List<TypeParsingResult> viewPKColumns = .filter(vpr -> vpr.context.columnType == ColumnType.PARTITION || vpr.context.columnType == ColumnType.CLUSTERING) .collect(toList()); final List<TypeParsingResult> basePKColumns = .filter(vpr -> vpr.context.columnType == ColumnType.PARTITION || vpr.context.columnType == ColumnType.CLUSTERING) .collect(toList()); final List<TypeParsingResult> baseCollectionColumns = .filter(vpr -> vpr.targetType instanceof ParameterizedTypeName).filter(vpr -> { final ClassName rawType = ((ParameterizedTypeName) vpr.targetType).rawType; return rawType.equals(TypeUtils.LIST) || rawType.equals(TypeUtils.SET) || rawType.equals(TypeUtils.MAP) || rawType.equals(TypeUtils.JAVA_DRIVER_UDT_VALUE_TYPE); }).collect(toList()); // Validate all base PK columns are in view PK columns for (TypeParsingResult epr : basePKColumns) { final long count = -> vpr.equalsTo(epr)).count(); aptUtils.validateTrue(count == 1, "Primary key column '%s' in base class %s is not found in view class '%s' as primary key column", epr.toStringForViewCheck(), epr.context.entityRawType, view.entityRawClass); } // Validate collections in base should be in view for (TypeParsingResult epr : baseCollectionColumns) { final long count = -> vpr.equalsTo(epr)).count(); aptUtils.validateTrue(count == 1, "Collection/UDT column '%s' in base class %s is not found in view class '%s'. It should be included in the view", epr.toStringForViewCheck(), epr.context.entityRawType, view.entityRawClass); } // Validate max 1 non-PK column from base in view PK final List<TypeParsingResult> viewPKColumnNotInBase = new ArrayList<>(); for (TypeParsingResult vpr : viewPKColumns) { final long count = -> epr.equalsTo(vpr)).count(); if (count == 0) viewPKColumnNotInBase.add(vpr); } aptUtils.validateTrue(viewPKColumnNotInBase.size() <= 1, "There should be maximum 1 column in the view %s primary key " + "that is NOT a primary column of the base class '%s'. We have %s", view.entityRawClass, viewBaseClass, -> x.toStringForViewCheck()).collect(toList())); } } }