Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Charles du Jeu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This file is part of the AjaXplorer Java Client * More info on * */ package info.ajaxplorer.client.http; import info.ajaxplorer.client.model.Node; import info.ajaxplorer.client.model.Server; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class AjxpAPI { String SECURE_TOKEN; String server_url; String content_php = "index.php?"; Document xml_registry; JSONObject dictionary; private AjxpAPI() { RestStateHolder stateHolder = RestStateHolder.getInstance(); if (stateHolder.isServerSet()) { this.setServer(stateHolder.getServer()); } stateHolder.registerStateListener(new RestStateHolder.ServerStateListener() { public void onServerChange(Server newServer, Server oldServer) { AjxpAPI.this.setServer(newServer); } }); } private static AjxpAPI instance; public static AjxpAPI getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new AjxpAPI(); return instance; } public static URI returnUriFromString(String url) throws URISyntaxException { URI uri = null; try { uri = new URI(url); } catch (Exception e) { } return uri; } private String getAPIUrl() { String url = server_url.concat(content_php); return url; } public URI getAPIUri() throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(this.getAPIUrl().concat("&get_action=ping")); } /** * Ping the server to make sure secure token is up-to-date * Then append secure_token and Cookie value as ajxp_sessid parameter * @param uri * @param rest RestRequest to perform ping operation * @return RESTFul Url that can be used by an external client (no need to cookie) */ public String pingAndRestifyUri(URI uri, boolean skipPing, RestRequest rest) throws URISyntaxException { if (!skipPing && rest != null) { rest.getStatusCodeForRequest(getAPIUri()); } String url = uri.toString().concat("&secure_token=" + RestStateHolder.getInstance().getSECURE_TOKEN()); Iterator<Cookie> it = AjxpHttpClient.getCookies(uri).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Cookie cook =; if (cook.getName().equals("AjaXplorer")) { url = url.concat("&ajxp_sessid=" + cook.getValue()); } else { url = url.concat("&AJXP_COOK_" + cook.getName() + "=" + cook.getValue()); } } return url; } public void enrichConnexionWithCookies(URLConnection connexion) { try { URI uri = new URI(connexion.getURL().toString()); List<Cookie> cookies = AjxpHttpClient.getCookies(uri); String cookieString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cookies.size(); i++) { String cs = ""; if (i > 0) { cs += "; "; } cs += cookies.get(i).getName(); cs += "="; cs += cookies.get(i).getValue(); cookieString += cs; } connexion.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookieString); } catch (Exception e) { } } private String getGetActionUrl(String action) { return this.getGetActionUrl(action, true); } private String getGetActionUrl(String action, boolean appendRepositoryId) { if (!appendRepositoryId) { return this.getAPIUrl().concat("get_action=").concat(action).concat("&"); } else { return this.getAPIUrl().concat("get_action=").concat(action).concat("&tmp_repository_id=" + RestStateHolder.getInstance().getRepository().getPropertyValue("repository_id") + "&"); } } public URI getGetActionUri(String action) throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(this.getGetActionUrl(action)); } public URI getGetSecureTokenUri() throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(this.getGetActionUrl("get_boot_conf", false)); } public URI getGetLoginSeedUri() throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(this.getGetActionUrl("get_seed", false)); } public URI makeLoginUri() throws URISyntaxException { String base = this.getGetActionUrl("login", false); return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(base); } public URI getGetXmlRegistryUri() throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString( this.getGetActionUrl("get_xml_registry", false).concat("xPath=user/repositories")); } public URI getXmlPluginsRegistryUri() throws URISyntaxException { return AjxpAPI.returnUriFromString(this.getGetActionUrl("get_xml_registry", false).concat("xPath=plugins")); } private String getLsRepositoryUrl() throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("ls"); return ret.concat("dir=%2F"); } public URI getLsRepositoryUri() throws URISyntaxException { return returnUriFromString(getLsRepositoryUrl()); } public URI getRecursiveLsDirectoryUri(Node directory) throws URISyntaxException { return returnUriFromString(getDirectoryUrl(directory, true)); } public URI getLsDirectoryUri(Node directory) throws URISyntaxException { return returnUriFromString(getDirectoryUrl(directory)); } private String getDirectoryUrl(Node directory) { return getDirectoryUrl(directory, false); } public URI getPingUri() throws URISyntaxException { return returnUriFromString(getGetActionUrl("ping")); } private String getDirectoryUrl(Node directory, boolean recursive) { if (directory == null) return ""; String url = ""; String path = directory.getPath(); if (directory.getResourceType().equals(Node.NODE_TYPE_REPOSITORY)) { path = "/"; } try { if (recursive) { url = getGetActionUrl("ls") + "options=a&dir=" +, "UTF-8") + "&recursive=true"; } else { url = getGetActionUrl("ls") + "options=al&dir=" +, "UTF-8"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (directory.getPropertyValue("pagination:target") != null) { try { url = url.concat("%23" + directory.getPropertyValue("pagination:target"), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return url; } public Document getXmlRegistry() { return xml_registry; } public void setXmlRegistry(Document xmlRegistry) { xml_registry = xmlRegistry; } public URI getSwitchRepositoryUri(String id) throws URISyntaxException { return returnUriFromString(getSwitchRepositoryUrl(id)); } private String getSwitchRepositoryUrl(String id) { return getGetActionUrl("switch_repository", false).concat("repository_id=" + id); } public void setServer(Server s) { if (s != null) { this.server_url = s.getUrl(); this.content_php = s.isLegacyServer() ? "content.php?" : "index.php?"; } } public URI getRawContentUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("get_content"); try { String url = ret + "file=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getSetRawContentPostUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("put_content"); try { String url = ret + "file=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getDeleteUri(String path) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("delete"); try { url = url.concat("dir=" + .encode(RestStateHolder.getInstance().getDirectory().getPath(true), "UTF-8")); url = url.concat("&file=" +, "UTF-8")); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getUploadUri(String targetFolder) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("upload"); try { url = url.concat("dir=" +, "UTF-8") + "&xhr_uploader=true"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getDownloadUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("download"); try { String url = ret + "file=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getMediaStreamUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("get_content"); try { String url = ret + "file=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getImageDataUri(String file, boolean getThumb, int thumbDimension) throws URISyntaxException { String ret = getGetActionUrl("preview_data_proxy"); try { String url = ret + "file=" +, "UTF-8"); if (getThumb) { url = url.concat("&get_thumb=true"); if (thumbDimension != -1) { url = url.concat("&dimension=" + thumbDimension); } } return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getStatUri(String path) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("stat"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getMkdirUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("mkdir"); try { url = url.concat("dir=" + .encode(RestStateHolder.getInstance().getDirectory().getPath(true), "UTF-8")); url = url + "&dirname=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getMkfileUri(String file) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("mkfile"); try { url = url.concat("dir=" + .encode(RestStateHolder.getInstance().getDirectory().getPath(true), "UTF-8")); url = url + "&filename=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getRenameUri(Node targetNode, String newName) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("rename"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); url = url + "&filename_new=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getRenameUri(Node targetNode, Node destNode) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("rename"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); url = url + "&dest=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getShareLinkUri(Node targetNode, int expiration, String password) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("share"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); if (expiration != 0) { url = url.concat("&expiration=" + expiration); } if (!password.equals("")) { url = url.concat("&password=" + password); } return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } } public URI getShareLinkUri(Node targetNode, int expiration, String password, int downloadlimit) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("share"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); if (expiration != 0) { url = url.concat("&expiration=" + expiration); } if (!password.equals("")) { url = url.concat("&password=" + password); } if (downloadlimit != 0) { url = url.concat("&downloadlimit=" + downloadlimit); } return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getMoveUri(Node from, Node to) throws URISyntaxException { try { String ret = getGetActionUrl("move"); ret += "file=" +, "UTF-8"); ret += "&dest=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(ret); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } } public URI getCopyUri(Node from, Node to) throws URISyntaxException { try { String ret = getGetActionUrl("copy"); ret += "file=" +, "UTF-8"); ret += "&dest=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(ret); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } } public URI getSearchUri(String name) throws URISyntaxException { try { String ret = getGetActionUrl("search"); ret += "query=" +, "UTF-8"); return returnUriFromString(ret); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } } public URI getFilehashDeltaUri(Node node) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("filehasher_delta"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getFilehashSignatureUri(Node node) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("filehasher_signature"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public URI getFilehashPatchUri(Node node) throws URISyntaxException { String url = getGetActionUrl("filehasher_patch"); try { url = url.concat("file=" +, "UTF-8")); return returnUriFromString(url); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }