Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * * @author Asus */ @Repository public class ListGenerator { @Autowired NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; @Autowired ProductHelper pHelper; public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate getTemplate() { if (namedParameterJdbcTemplate == null) { DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource(); dataSource.setSchema("smart_compare"); dataSource.setUsername("root"); dataSource.setPassword("root"); dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/smart_compare"); // dataSource.setPassword("rose@123"); // dataSource.setURL("jdbc:mysql://"); namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); } return namedParameterJdbcTemplate; } public List getListsDetails(int featureId, int cat_id) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); List catList = null; try { sql.append(" SELECT * FROM cat_lists WHERE 1=1 "); if (featureId > 0) { sql.append(" and cl_ID=" + featureId); } if (cat_id > 0) { sql.append(" and cat_ID=" + cat_id); } namedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate(); catList = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql.toString(), new HashMap(), new RowMapper<ProductBean>() { @Override public ProductBean mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException { ProductBean pBean = new ProductBean(); pBean.setUrl(rs.getString("list_url")); pBean.setProductName(rs.getString("list_name")); pBean.setPdesc(rs.getString("list_desc")); pBean.setCategoryid(rs.getInt("cat_id")); pBean.setProductId(rs.getInt("cl_id")); HashMap filterMap = new HashMap(); if (rs.getInt("cat_id") > 0) { filterMap.put(ProductHelper.category, rs.getInt("cat_id")); } if (rs.getInt("min_price") > 0) { filterMap.put(ProductHelper.minprice, rs.getInt("min_price")); } if (rs.getInt("max_price") > 0) { filterMap.put(maxprice, rs.getInt("max_price")); } if (rs.getString("brand_ids") != null) { filterMap.put(brand, rs.getString("brand_ids")); } if (rs.getString("whereclause") != null) { filterMap.put(ProductHelper.whereclause, rs.getString("whereclause")); } if (rs.getString("orderclause") != null) { filterMap.put(ProductHelper.orderclause, rs.getString("orderclause")); } pBean.setFilterMap(filterMap); return pBean; } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return catList; } public int createList(HashMap inputMap) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); KeyHolder holder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); int cl_id = 0; try { sql.append( " INSERT INTO CAT_LISTS(cat_id,list_type,list_url,list_name,min_price,max_price,brand_ids,whereclause,orderclause)VALUES "); sql.append( " (:cat_id,:list_type,:list_url,:list_name,:minprice,:maxprice,:brand,:whereclause,:orderclause) "); namedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate(); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(sql.toString(), new MapSqlParameterSource(inputMap), holder); cl_id = holder.getKey().intValue(); inputMap.put(, 20); // ArrayList<ProductBean> data = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductLists1(inputMap); // pHelper.insertListProductMap(data, cl_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return cl_id; } public LinkedHashMap generateCat(int from) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); LinkedHashMap rootMap = null; try { sql.append( "select k1.c_unique_name,concAt(li.cat_name,'/',li.home_url_exp) as url,k1.cat_name as child_cat,k2.cat_name as parent_cat,k3.cat_name as root_cat " + "from category_details k1,category_details k2, category_details k3,linkgenerator li where k1.status='B' and " + " k1.parent_cat_id=k2.cat_id and k2.parent_cat_id=k3.cat_id " + " and li.category_id=k1.cat_id " + " order by k3.priority asc"); namedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate(); rootMap = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql.toString(), new HashMap(), new ResultSetExtractor<LinkedHashMap>() { @Override public LinkedHashMap extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { LinkedHashMap rootMap = new LinkedHashMap(); LinkedList li = null; HashMap parentMap = null; while ( { try { ArrayList childList = null; String rootCat = ""; String parentCat = ""; String childCat = ""; String childUrl = rs.getString("url"); if (rs.getString("root_cat").equals("Root Category ")) { rootCat = rs.getString("parent_cat"); parentCat = rs.getString("child_cat"); childCat = childUrl; } else { rootCat = rs.getString("root_cat"); parentCat = rs.getString("parent_cat"); childCat = rs.getString("child_cat") + "#" + childUrl; } if (rootMap.containsKey(rootCat)) { parentMap = (HashMap) rootMap.get(rootCat); } else { parentMap = new HashMap(); } if (childCat != null && parentMap.containsKey(parentCat)) { childList = (ArrayList) parentMap.get(parentCat); } else { childList = new ArrayList(); } if (childCat != null) { childList.add(childCat); } parentMap.put(parentCat, childList); rootMap.put(rootCat, parentMap); // if (rootMap.containsKey(rootCat)) { // if (!childCat.equals("")) { // parentMap = (HashMap) rootMap.get(rootCat); // if (parentMap.containsKey(childCat)) { // childList = (ArrayList) parentMap.get(childCat); // } else { // childList = new ArrayList(); // } // childList.add(childCat); // parentMap.put(parentCat, childList); // rootMap.put(rootCat, parentMap); // } // // } else { // if (!childCat.equals("")) { // childList = new ArrayList(); // childList.add(childCat); // parentMap=new HashMap(); // parentMap.put(parentCat, childList); // rootMap.put(rootCat, parentMap); // }else{ // rootMap.put(rootCat, parentCat); // } // // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return rootMap; } }); // Mainmap.put("data", dataList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return rootMap; } public List<ProductBean> getListProducts(final HashMap inputMap) { int toCount = 20; final int flag = 0; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append( "SELECT REPLACE(pd.unique_id,'-',' ') p_name,min(pt.productname)as productname,pd.unique_id, MIN(pt.NewPrice)as newprice,min(pt.url) as sellerUrl, " + " count(1)as records,max(pt.imglink)as p_img,bd.b_name,li.p_url_exp,li.brand_url_exp, " + " li.home_url_exp, " + " li.category_url_exp,li.p_keywords,p_title,li.p_desc,b_keywords,b_title,li.b_desc,h_keywords,h_title,h_desc,1 as country_id,max(pt.pricedate) " + " pricedate, cd.cat_name,cd.s_cat_name,pd.cat_id,cd.cdesc1,product_id_pr,product_id_sp,product_id_91,pd.product_id,pd.specscore,cb.cb_desc,pd.short_Desc,li.cat_name as urlCatName,pfm.* "); if (inputMap.containsKey(catListId)) { sql.append(",lpm.pdesc,lpm.rank,cl.list_desc,cl.list_name,cl.list_url "); } sql.append( " from product_details pd,product_transaction pt,brand_details bd,category_details cd,linkgenerator li,product_feature_map pfm,cat_brand_map cb "); if (inputMap.containsKey(catListId)) { sql.append(",list_product_map lpm,cat_lists cl "); } sql.append(" where pd.CAT_ID=cd.cat_id " + " and pd.BRAND_ID=bd.BRAND_ID " + " and pd.UNIQUE_ID=pt.unique_id " + " and li.category_id=pd.cat_id and li.country_id=1 " + " and pd.product_id=pfm.product_id " + " and cb.brand_id=pd.brand_id " + " and cb.cat_id=pd.cat_id "); if (inputMap.containsKey(catListId)) { sql.append(" and lpm.cl_id= " + inputMap.get(catListId)); sql.append(" and lpm.product_id=pd.product_id "); sql.append(" and cl.cl_id=lpm.cl_id "); } if (inputMap.containsKey(category)) { sql.append(" AND Pd.cat_id in(:" + category + ") "); } // if (inputMap.containsKey(country)) { // sql.append(" AND pd.country_id in(:" + country + ") "); // // } if (inputMap.containsKey(brand) && inputMap.get(brand) != null) { sql.append(" AND bd.brand_id in(:" + brand + ") "); } if (inputMap.containsKey(brandname)) { sql.append(" AND bd.b_unique_name in(:" + brandname + ") "); } if (inputMap.containsKey(retailer)) { sql.append(" AND Pt.retailer_id in(:" + retailer + ") "); } if (inputMap.containsKey(unique_id)) { sql.append(" AND Pd.unique_id in(:" + unique_id + ") "); } if (inputMap.containsKey(maxprice) && inputMap.get(maxprice) != null) { sql.append(" AND pt.newprice between :" + minprice + " and :" + maxprice); } if (inputMap.containsKey(whereclause) && inputMap.get(whereclause) != null) { sql.append(" " + inputMap.get(whereclause)); } sql.append(" group by " + " REPLACE(pd.unique_id,'_',' '),pd.unique_id,bd.b_name,li.p_url_exp,li.brand_url_exp, " + " li.home_url_exp, " + " li.category_url_exp,li.p_keywords,p_title,li.p_desc,b_keywords,b_title,li.b_desc,h_keywords,h_title,h_desc, cd.cat_name,cd.s_cat_name,pd.cat_id,cd.cdesc1,li.cat_name "); if (inputMap.containsKey(orderclause) && inputMap.get(orderclause) != null) { sql.append(" order by " + inputMap.get(orderclause) + ",pd.specscore desc"); } else if (inputMap.containsKey(catListId)) { sql.append(" order by lpm.rank asc,pd.specscore desc"); } else { sql.append(" order by pd.specscore desc"); } if (inputMap.containsKey(from)) { if (inputMap.containsKey(to)) { toCount = (Integer) (inputMap.get(to)); } else { toCount = 20; } String fro = "0"; Object o = inputMap.get(from); if (ArrayList.class.isInstance(o)) { fro = (String) ((ArrayList) o).get(0); } else { fro = o + ""; } sql.append(" limit " + fro + "," + toCount); } namedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate(); // System.out.println("sql " + sql); List<ProductBean> detailList = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(sql.toString(), inputMap, new RowMapper<ProductBean>() { ResultSetMetaData meta = null; int numCol = 0; @Override public ProductBean mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { ProductBean pBean = new ProductBean(); MetaBean mbean = new MetaBean(); pBean.setNewPrice(rs.getInt("newPrice")); pBean.setProductName(ApplicationUtils.toTitleCase(rs.getString("p_name"))); pBean.setUniqueId(rs.getString("unique_id")); pBean.setProductId(rs.getInt("product_id")); pBean.setImgLink(getImgUrl(rs.getString("p_img"))); pBean.setBrandName(ApplicationUtils.toTitleCase(rs.getString("b_Name"))); pBean.setCategoryName(rs.getString("cat_name")); pBean.setCountryid(rs.getInt("country_id")); pBean.setSellerCount(rs.getInt("records")); pBean.setsCatName(rs.getString("s_cat_name")); pBean.setCategoryid(rs.getInt("cat_id")); pBean.setSpecScore(rs.getInt("specscore")); pBean.setUniqueName(rs.getString("productname")); pBean.setbUniqueName(rs.getString("b_Name")); if (rowNum == 0) { pBean.setBrandCatDesc(rs.getString("cb_desc")); meta = rs.getMetaData(); numCol = meta.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 70; i < numCol + 1; i++) { if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("list_desc")) { pBean.setCatDesc(rs.getString("list_desc")); break; } } for (int i = 70; i < numCol + 1; i++) { if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("list_name")) { mbean.setH_title(ApplicationUtils.toTitleCase( generateUrl(rs.getString("list_name"), rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getString("b_Name"), null).replace("-", " "))); break; } } for (int i = 70; i < numCol + 1; i++) { if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("list_url")) { pBean.setCatUrl( generateUrl(rs.getString("urlCatName") + "/" + rs.getString("list_url"), rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getString("b_Name"), null)); break; } } if (pBean.getCatUrl() == null) { pBean.setCatUrl(generateUrl( rs.getString("urlCatName") + "/" + rs.getString("category_url_exp"), rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getString("b_Name"), null)); } if (mbean.getH_title() == null) { mbean.setH_title(ApplicationUtils .toTitleCase(generateUrl(rs.getString("h_title"), rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getString("b_Name"), null).replace("-", " "))); } if (pBean.getCatDesc() == null) { pBean.setCatDesc(rs.getString("cdesc1")); } } for (int i = 70; i < numCol + 1; i++) { if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("pdesc")) { pBean.setPdesc(rs.getString("pdesc")); break; } } if (pBean.getPdesc() == null) { pBean.setPdesc(rs.getString("short_desc")); } pBean.setUrl(generateUrl(rs.getString("p_url_exp"), rs.getString("unique_id"), rs.getString("b_Name"), null)); HashMap gFeatureMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++) { if (rs.getString("f" + i) != null) { gFeatureMap.put("f" + i, rs.getString("f" + i)); } } pBean.setgFeatureMap(gFeatureMap); return pBean; } }); return detailList; } public static void main(String[] args) { ListGenerator li = new ListGenerator(); // ProductHelper li1 = new ProductHelper(); // li.getListsDetails(13); // ArrayList<ProductBean> data = (ArrayList) li1.getProductLists1(pb.getFilterMap()); // li1.insertListProductMap(data, 3); int cnt = 0; // for (Object o : data) { // System.out.println("" + o); // // cnt++; // } li.generateCat(0); ConcurrentHashMap cfm = new ConcurrentHashMap(); HashMap hm = new HashMap(); cfm.put("1", cnt); cfm.put("2", cnt); cfm.put(5, cnt); cfm.put(3, cnt); // System.out.println("count " + cnt); } }