Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2016 Balwinder Sodhi * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package in.bookmylab.controllers; import in.bookmylab.AppException; import in.bookmylab.Constants; import in.bookmylab.Constants.ResourceType; import in.bookmylab.Constants.RoleName; import in.bookmylab.Utils; import in.bookmylab.jpa.AnalysisMode; import in.bookmylab.jpa.JpaDAO; import in.bookmylab.jpa.ResourceBooking; import in.bookmylab.jpa.SpmLabBooking; import in.bookmylab.jpa.User; import in.bookmylab.jpa.UserProfile; import in.bookmylab.jpa.XrdLabBooking; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.javamvc.core.annotations.*; /** * * @author Balwinder Sodhi */ public class Bookings extends BaseController { @Action @Authorize public void getBooking() throws IOException { try { String bid = getRequestParameter("bid"); String lab = getRequestParameter("lab"); Object booking = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bid) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(lab)) { Long bookingId = Long.parseLong(bid); if ( { // TODO } else if ( { booking = JpaDAO.getInstance().getSpmByBookingId(bookingId); if (!canCurrentUserView(((SpmLabBooking) booking).booking)) { throw new AppException("Cannot access the requested booking!"); } } else if ( { booking = JpaDAO.getInstance().getXrdByBookingId(bookingId); if (!canCurrentUserView(((XrdLabBooking) booking).booking)) { throw new AppException("Cannot access the requested booking!"); } } else if ( { // TODO } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid resource type: " + lab); } } sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, booking); } catch (Exception e) { handleActionError(e); } } /** * @param booking * @return */ private boolean canCurrentUserView(ResourceBooking booking) { boolean canView = false; User u = getLoggedInUser(); if (u.hasRole(RoleName.USER)) { canView = u.userId == booking.user.userId; } else { canView = true; } return canView; } @Action @Authorize public void saveBooking() throws IOException { try { if (isJsonRequest()) { String json = getJsonData(); Map booking = getJsonAsObject(Map.class, json); String lab = (String) ((Map) booking.get("booking")).get("lab"); if ( { SpmLabBooking spm = getJsonAsObject(SpmLabBooking.class, json); updateBookingOwner(; updateAnalysisModes(; JpaDAO.getInstance().saveSpmBooking(spm); sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, spm); } else if ( { } else if ( { XrdLabBooking xrd = getJsonAsObject(XrdLabBooking.class, json); updateBookingOwner(; updateAnalysisModes(; JpaDAO.getInstance().saveXrdBooking(xrd); sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, xrd); } else if ( { } else { // ERROR sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Unsupported lab type: " + lab); } } else { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Expected request in JSON format."); } } catch (Exception e) { handleActionError(e); } } /** * @param booking */ private void updateBookingOwner(ResourceBooking booking) { if (booking.bookingId == null || booking.bookingId == 0) { booking.user = getLoggedInUser(); } else { logger.fine("Updating existing booking; user will not be changed."); } } /** * @param spm */ private void updateAnalysisModes(ResourceBooking booking) { if (booking.analysisModes != null) { for (Iterator iterator = booking.analysisModes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { AnalysisMode a = (AnalysisMode); if (a.deleted && (a.analysisId == null || a.analysisId < 1)) { iterator.remove(); } else { = booking; } } } } @Action @Authorize public void searchBooking() throws IOException { try { if (isJsonRequest()) { BookingSearchInput si = getJsonRequestAsObject(BookingSearchInput.class); if (isCurrentUserInRole(RoleName.USER)) { si.userId = ((User) getLoggedInUser()).userId; } List<ResourceBooking> list = JpaDAO.getInstance().searchResourceBooking(si); if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<ResourceBooking>(); sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, list); } else { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Expected request in JSON format."); } } catch (Exception e) { handleActionError(e); } } @Action @Authorize public void getSlotsForDate() throws IOException { String dt = getRequestParameter("date"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(dt)) { try { Date d = Utils.parseDate(dt, Constants.DATE_MEDIUM); List<ResourceBooking> list = JpaDAO.getInstance().getSlotsByDate(d); sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, list); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.severe("Unparsable input date: " + e.getMessage()); sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } else { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Expected a valid input date."); } } @Action @Authorize public void getInvoice() throws IOException { String bid = getRequestParameter("bid"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bid)) { ResourceBooking booking = JpaDAO.getInstance().getBookingById(Integer.parseInt(bid)); Invoice inv = new Invoice(); inv.analysisModes = booking.analysisModes; inv.invoiceDate = booking.bookingDate; inv.invoiceNo = booking.lab + "-" + booking.bookingId; inv.paymentMode = booking.instrumentType; inv.billedTo = String.format("%s %s %s", booking.user.firstName, booking.user.middleName, booking.user.lastName); UserProfile p = booking.user.profile; inv.billingAddress = String.format("%s %s %s %s", p.address,, p.state, p.postalCode); inv.amount = 0; for (AnalysisMode am : booking.analysisModes) { inv.amount += am.charges; } sendJsonResponse(Status.OK, inv); } else { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Expected a valid bill id."); } } public static class BookingSearchInput implements Serializable { public Date bookingDateFrom; public Date bookingDateTo; public String status; public String lab; public Integer userId; } public static class Invoice implements Serializable { public Date invoiceDate; public List<AnalysisMode> analysisModes; public float amount; public String invoiceNo; public String billedTo; public String billingAddress; public String paymentMode; } }