Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Balwinder Sodhi * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package in.bookmylab.controllers; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.javamvc.core.Controller; import; import; import in.bookmylab.AnnotationExclusionStrategy; import in.bookmylab.AppException; import in.bookmylab.Constants; import in.bookmylab.Constants.RoleName; import in.bookmylab.jpa.ClientInfo; import in.bookmylab.jpa.User; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * * @author Balwinder Sodhi */ public abstract class BaseController extends Controller { public BaseController() { super(); } protected void handleActionError(Exception e) throws IOException { if (e instanceof AppException) { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { sendJsonResponse(Status.ERROR, "Error occurred while processing your request. Please retry later or contact the administrator."); } logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error occured. ", e); } public enum EmailType { ConfirmEmail, PasswordReset, NewPassword } public enum Status { OK, ERROR } protected Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().addSerializationExclusionStrategy(new AnnotationExclusionStrategy()) .setDateFormat(Constants.DATE_MEDIUM).create(); protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); @Override public void trace() { try {"Serving " + request.getRequestURI() + "?" + request.getQueryString() + ". UserId: " + getLoggedInUserId()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeFromMemCache(String name) { cache.remove(name); } public void putInMemCache(String name, Object value) { cache.put(name, value); } public Object getFromMemCache(String name) { return cache.get(name); } protected String getLoggedInUserName() { if (getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER) != null) { return ((User) getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER)).email; } else { return "GUEST"; } } protected Integer getLoggedInUserId() { if (getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER) != null) { return ((User) getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER)).userId; } else { return 0; } } protected User getLoggedInUser() { return getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER); } protected String getClientIP() { return request.getRemoteAddr(); } public ClientInfo getClientInfo() { return new ClientInfo(getLoggedInUserName(), getClientIP()); } public ClientInfo getClientInfo(String userId) { return new ClientInfo(userId, getClientIP()); } protected <T> T getSessionAttribute(String key) { return (T) request.getSession().getAttribute(key); } protected void setSessionAttribute(String key, Object value) { request.getSession().setAttribute(key, value); } protected void removeSessionAttribute(String key) { request.getSession().removeAttribute(key); } protected void invalidateSession() { request.getSession().invalidate(); } protected String getRequestParameter(String name) { return request.getParameter(name); } protected void sendObjectAsJson(Object obj) throws IOException { Json(gson.toJson(obj)); } public void sendJsonResponse(Status s, Object payload) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<>(); obj.put("Status", s); obj.put("Payload", payload); Json(gson.toJson(obj)); //Normal JSON requests } public void sendJsonpResponse(Status s, Object payload) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<>(); obj.put("Status", s); obj.put("Payload", payload); // This is to take care of JSONP AJAX requests. String cb = getRequestParameter("callback"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cb)) { StringBuilder jsonp = new StringBuilder(); jsonp.append(cb).append("(").append(gson.toJson(obj)).append(")"); JsonScript(jsonp.toString());"Sending JSONP response."); } else { Json(gson.toJson(obj)); //Normal JSON requests } } protected <T> T getJsonRequestAsObject(Type type) throws IOException { String jsonPayload = getJsonData(); return (T) gson.fromJson(jsonPayload, type); } protected <T> T getJsonAsObject(Type type, String json) throws IOException { return (T) gson.fromJson(json, type); } protected void setJsonDateFormat(String fmt) { gson = new GsonBuilder().setExclusionStrategies(new AnnotationExclusionStrategy()).setDateFormat(fmt) .create(); } public HashMap objToMap(Object obj) { HashMap map = gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(obj), HashMap.class); return map; } protected void logAnalytics(String appId, String login, String receiver, String action) { if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(getConfigValue(Constants.CFG_ANALYTICS_ENABLED))) { return; } // TODO: Save the object } /** * @param role * @return */ protected boolean isCurrentUserInRole(RoleName role) { User u = (User) getSessionAttribute(Constants.SK_USER); return u != null && u.hasRole(role); } }