Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LinkImputeR. * * LinkImputeR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LinkImputeR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LinkImpute. If not, see <>. */ package Imputers; import Accuracy.AccuracyCalculator; import Accuracy.AccuracyCalculator.AccuracyMethod; import Utils.Correlation.Correlation; import Utils.Correlation.Pearson; import Utils.Matrix; import Utils.Optimize.Descent; import Utils.Optimize.MultipleIntegerValue; import Utils.ProbToCall; import Utils.ProbToCallMinDepth; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypeCall; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypeMasked; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypePosition; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypeProbability; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ImmutableNode; /** * Represents a KnniLDProb imputer that can be optimized to maximise the number * of correctly called genotyped * @author Daniel Money * @version 1.1.3 */ public class KnniLDProbOptimizedCalls implements OptimizeImputer<KnniLDProb> { /** * Constructor * @param knownDepth The read depth above which imputation is not performed * and the called probabilities are used instead * @param method The accuracy method to be used */ public KnniLDProbOptimizedCalls(int knownDepth, AccuracyMethod method) { this.knownDepth = knownDepth; this.method = method; } /** * Constructor from a config (read in from a XML file) * @param params The config */ public KnniLDProbOptimizedCalls(HierarchicalConfiguration<ImmutableNode> params) { knownDepth = params.getInt("knowndepth"); switch (params.getString("method", "correct").toLowerCase()) { case "correct": method = AccuracyMethod.CORRECT; break; case "correlation": method = AccuracyMethod.CORRELATION; break; } } public KnniLDProb getOptimized(double[][][] callprobs, int[][][] readCounts, List<SingleGenotypeProbability> maskedprobs, List<SingleGenotypeMasked> list) { ProbToCallMinDepth p2c = new ProbToCallMinDepth(knownDepth); byte[][] original =, readCounts); Correlation corr = new Pearson(); Set<Integer> ldcalc = .collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); byte[][] transposed = Matrix.transpose(original); Map<Integer, int[]> ld; if (ldcalc.size() < (transposed.length / 2)) { ld = corr.limitedtopn(transposed, 100, ldcalc); } else { ld = corr.topn(transposed, 100); } List<SingleGenotypeCall> correct = -> new SingleGenotypeCall(sgp.getSample(), sgp.getSNP(), original[sgp.getSample()][sgp.getSNP()])) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); int[][] sim = new int[original[0].length][]; for (Map.Entry<Integer, int[]> e : ld.entrySet()) { sim[e.getKey()] = e.getValue(); } Opt opt = new Opt(original, sim, maskedprobs, list, correct, method); int[] min = { 1, 1 }; int[] max = { original.length, 100 }; int[] init = { 5, 20 }; Descent descent = new Descent(); int[] best = descent.optimize(opt, init, min, max); int k = best[0]; int l = best[1]; return new KnniLDProb(k, l, knownDepth); } public ImmutableNode getConfig() { ImmutableNode Iknowndepth = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("knowndepth").value(knownDepth).create(); String m; switch (method) { case CORRELATION: m = "correlation"; break; default: m = "correct"; break; } ImmutableNode Imethod = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("method").value(m).create(); ImmutableNode config = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("imputation").addAttribute("name", "KnniLDOpt") .addChild(Iknowndepth).addChild(Imethod).create(); return config; } private AccuracyMethod method; private final int knownDepth; private class Opt implements MultipleIntegerValue { public Opt(byte[][] original, int[][] sim, List<SingleGenotypeProbability> maskedprobs, List<SingleGenotypeMasked> list, List<SingleGenotypeCall> correct, AccuracyMethod method) { this.original = original; this.sim = sim; this.maskedprobs = maskedprobs; this.list = list; this.correct = correct; this.p2c = new ProbToCall(); } public double value(int[] params) { KnniLDProb knni = new KnniLDProb(params[0], params[1], knownDepth); List<SingleGenotypeProbability> resultsProb = knni.impute(original, maskedprobs, list, sim); List<SingleGenotypeCall> resultsCall =; switch (method) { case CORRELATION: return AccuracyCalculator.correlation(correct, resultsCall, list); case CORRECT: default: return AccuracyCalculator.accuracy(correct, resultsCall); } } private final byte[][] original; private final int[][] sim; private final ProbToCall p2c; private final List<SingleGenotypeProbability> maskedprobs; private final List<SingleGenotypeMasked> list; private final List<SingleGenotypeCall> correct; } }