Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LinkImputeR. * * LinkImputeR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LinkImputeR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LinkImpute. If not, see <>. */ package Imputers; import Exceptions.ProgrammerException; import Utils.Correlation.Correlation; import Utils.Correlation.Pearson; import Utils.Matrix; import Utils.ProbToCallMinDepth; import Utils.Progress.Progress; import Utils.Progress.ProgressFactory; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypeMasked; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypePosition; import Utils.SingleGenotype.SingleGenotypeProbability; import Utils.SortByIndexDouble; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ImmutableNode; /** * Class to perform standard LD-kNNi imputation using probabilities * @author Daniel Money * @version 1.1.3 */ public class KnniLDProb implements Imputer { /** * Creates an object to perform LD-kNNi with given values of k and l. * @param k The value of k to be used * @param l The value of l to be used * @param knownDepth At depths at or above this no imputation is done and * the imputed probability is the same as the called probability */ public KnniLDProb(int k, int l, int knownDepth) { this.k = k; this.l = l; this.knownDepth = knownDepth; } /** * Constructor from a config (read in from a XML file) * @param params The config */ public KnniLDProb(HierarchicalConfiguration<ImmutableNode> params) { k = params.getInt("k"); l = params.getInt("l"); knownDepth = params.getInt("knowndepth"); } public double[][][] impute(double[][][] callprobs, int[][][] readCounts) { ProbToCallMinDepth p2c = new ProbToCallMinDepth(knownDepth); byte[][] original =, readCounts); Correlation corr = new Pearson(); byte[][] transposed = Matrix.transpose(original); //Map<Integer,List<Integer>> ld = corr.topn(transposed, 100); Map<Integer, int[]> ld = corr.topn(transposed, 100); //Integer[][] sim = new Integer[original[0].length][]; int[][] sim = new int[original[0].length][]; //for (Entry<Integer,List<Integer>> e: ld.entrySet()) for (Entry<Integer, int[]> e : ld.entrySet()) { //Integer[] a = new Integer[e.getValue().size()]; //sim[e.getKey()] = e.getValue().toArray(a); sim[e.getKey()] = e.getValue(); } double[][][] probs = new double[original.length][][]; Progress progress = ProgressFactory.get(original.length); IntStream.range(0, original.length).parallel().forEach(i -> { double[][] p = new double[original[i].length][]; probs[i] = p; IntStream.range(0, original[i].length).forEach(j -> { if ([i][j]).sum() < knownDepth) { p[j] = imputeSingle(original, i, j, false, sim); } else { p[j] = callprobs[i][j]; } }); progress.done(); }); return probs; } public List<SingleGenotypeProbability> impute(double[][][] callprobs, int[][][] readCounts, List<SingleGenotypeProbability> maskedprobs, List<SingleGenotypeMasked> list) { ProbToCallMinDepth p2c = new ProbToCallMinDepth(knownDepth); byte[][] original =, readCounts); Correlation corr = new Pearson(); Set<Integer> ldcalc = .collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); byte[][] transposed = Matrix.transpose(original); Map<Integer, int[]> ld; if (ldcalc.size() < (transposed.length / 2)) { ld = corr.limitedtopn(transposed, 100, ldcalc); } else { ld = corr.topn(transposed, 100); } int[][] sim = new int[original[0].length][]; for (Entry<Integer, int[]> e : ld.entrySet()) { sim[e.getKey()] = e.getValue(); } return impute(original, maskedprobs, list, sim); } /** * Performs imputation using an already calculated similarity matrix. Used * for optimizing parameters as the similarity matrix only has to be calculated * once. * * The author is aware this description is a bit light on detail. Please * contact the author if further details are needed. * @param original Genotypes called based purely on read counts * @param callprobs Called genotype probabilities * @param list List of masked genotypes and their masked genotype * @param sim Similarity matrix * @return List of imputed probabilities */ protected List<SingleGenotypeProbability> impute(byte[][] original, List<SingleGenotypeProbability> callprobs, List<SingleGenotypeMasked> list, int[][] sim) { if (!SingleGenotypePosition.samePositions(callprobs, list)) { //Needs a proper error throw new ProgrammerException(); } Progress progress = ProgressFactory.get(list.size()); return IntStream.range(0, list.size()).mapToObj(i -> { SingleGenotypeMasked sgr = list.get(i); SingleGenotypeProbability sgc = callprobs.get(i); SingleGenotypeProbability sgp; if ( < knownDepth) { sgp = new SingleGenotypeProbability(sgr.getSample(), sgr.getSNP(), imputeSingle(original, sgr.getSample(), sgr.getSNP(), true, sim)); } else { sgp = new SingleGenotypeProbability(sgr.getSample(), sgr.getSNP(), sgc.getProb()); } progress.done(); return sgp; }).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); } private double[] imputeSingle(byte[][] original, int s, int p, boolean always, int[][] sim) { if (always || (original[s][p] == -1)) { //Calculate the distance to other samples for this snp / sample combination double[] dist = dist(s, p, original, sim); //Order the samples by their distance SortByIndexDouble si = new SortByIndexDouble(dist); Integer[] indicies = si.sort(); int f = 0; int i = 0; // Store the weights applicable to each of the three genotypes double[] neighWeight = new double[3]; //Loop around samples in order of distance do { // Only impute from samples that have a genotype for the current SNP if (original[indicies[i]][p] >= 0) { neighWeight[original[indicies[i]][p]] += 1.0 / dist[indicies[i]]; f++; } i++; } // While we haven't seen enough known genotypes and there's still samples left while ((f < k) && (i < indicies.length)); double totalNeighWeight = neighWeight[0] + neighWeight[1] + neighWeight[2]; double[] neighProb = new double[3]; neighProb[0] = neighWeight[0] / totalNeighWeight; neighProb[1] = neighWeight[1] / totalNeighWeight; neighProb[2] = neighWeight[2] / totalNeighWeight; return neighProb; } else { double[] ret = new double[3]; ret[original[s][p]] = 1.0; return ret; } } private double[] dist(int s, int p, byte[][] values, int[][] sim) { //Simply loops round the other samples, catching the case where it's //the current sample double[] ret = new double[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i != s) { ret[i] = sdist(values[s], values[i], sim[p]); } else { ret[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE; } } return ret; } private double sdist(byte[] v1, byte[] v2, int[] s) { int d = 0; int c = 0; // Use the l most similar ones to calculate the distance for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { int i = s[j]; int p1 = v1[i]; int p2 = v2[i]; if ((p1 != -1) && (p2 != -1)) { // c counts how many snps we've actually used to scale the // distance with since some snps will be unknown c++; d += Math.abs(p1 - p2); } } // If across the l most similar snps there wasn't a single case // where both samples had a known genotype then set the distance to // max if (c == 0) { return Double.MAX_VALUE - 1; } //Else return the scaled distance (adding one so we don't have a //distance of zero as that caused problems later. else { return ((double) d * (double) l / (double) c) + 1.0; } } public ImmutableNode getConfig() { ImmutableNode Ik = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("k").value(k).create(); ImmutableNode Il = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("l").value(l).create(); ImmutableNode Iknowndepth = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("knowndepth").value(knownDepth).create(); ImmutableNode config = new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("imputation").addChild(Ik).addChild(Il) .addChild(Iknowndepth).addAttribute("name", "KnniLD").create(); return config; } private final int knownDepth; private final int k; private final int l; }