Java tutorial
/* * imoten - i mail tensou(forward) * * Copyright (C) 2010 shoozhoo ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * */ package immf; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Part; import javax.mail.internet.ContentDisposition; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import javax.mail.internet.HeaderTokenizer; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import javax.mail.internet.ParseException; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class Util { public static void safeclose(Closeable c) { if (c != null) { try { c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** * ???????? * @param s * @return */ public static String replaceUnicodeMapping(String s) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(System.getProperty(""))) { s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\uff5e", "\u301c"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u2225", "\u2016"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\uff0d", "\u2212"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\uffe0", "\u00a2"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\uffe1", "\u00a3"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\uffe2", "\u00ac"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u2015", "\u2014"); } // ??????iso-2022-jp??? // x-windows-iso2022jp????????????? return s; } public static String reverseReplaceUnicodeMapping(String s) { s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u301c", "\uff5e"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u2016", "\u2225"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u2212", "\uff0d"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00a2", "\uffe0"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00a3", "\uffe1"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00ac", "\uffe2"); s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u2014", "\u2015"); // UTF-8? ?(1)?Shift_JIS?????????(2)?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u3094", "?"); // ?????????? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00ab", "\u226a"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00af", "\uffe3"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00b5", "\u03bc"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00b7", "\u30fb"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00b8", "\uff0c"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u00bb", "\u226b"); // ?? s = StringUtils.replace(s, "\u203e", "\u007e"); // ?~? return s; } public static String easyEscapeHtml(String s) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : s.toCharArray()) { if (c == '>') { buf.append(">"); } else if (c == '<') { buf.append("<"); } else if (c == '&') { buf.append("&"); } else if (c == '"') { buf.append("""); } else { buf.append(c); } } return buf.toString(); } /* * JavaMail ????????????? * */ public static void setFileName(Part part, String filename, String charset, String lang) throws MessagingException { ContentDisposition disposition; String[] strings = part.getHeader("Content-Disposition"); if (strings == null || strings.length < 1) { disposition = new ContentDisposition(Part.ATTACHMENT); } else { disposition = new ContentDisposition(strings[0]); disposition.getParameterList().remove("filename"); } part.setHeader("Content-Disposition", disposition.toString() + encodeParameter("filename", filename, charset, lang)); ContentType cType; strings = part.getHeader("Content-Type"); if (strings == null || strings.length < 1) { cType = new ContentType(part.getDataHandler().getContentType()); } else { cType = new ContentType(strings[0]); } try { // I want to public the MimeUtility#doEncode()!!! String mimeString = MimeUtility.encodeWord(filename, charset, "B"); // cut <CRLF>... StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int i; while ((i = mimeString.indexOf('\r')) != -1) { sb.append(mimeString.substring(0, i)); mimeString = mimeString.substring(i + 2); } sb.append(mimeString); cType.setParameter("name", new String(sb)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new MessagingException("Encoding error", e); } part.setHeader("Content-Type", cType.toString()); } public static String encodeParameter(String name, String value, String encoding, String lang) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer encodedPart = new StringBuffer(); boolean needWriteCES = !isAllAscii(value); boolean CESWasWritten = false; boolean encoded; boolean needFolding = false; int sequenceNo = 0; int column; while (value.length() > 0) { // index of boundary of ascii/non ascii int lastIndex; boolean isAscii = value.charAt(0) < 0x80; for (lastIndex = 1; lastIndex < value.length(); lastIndex++) { if (value.charAt(lastIndex) < 0x80) { if (!isAscii) break; } else { if (isAscii) break; } } if (lastIndex != value.length()) needFolding = true; RETRY: while (true) { encodedPart.delete(0, encodedPart.length()); String target = value.substring(0, lastIndex); byte[] bytes; try { if (isAscii) { bytes = target.getBytes("us-ascii"); } else { bytes = target.getBytes(encoding); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { bytes = target.getBytes(); // use default encoding encoding = MimeUtility.mimeCharset(MimeUtility.getDefaultJavaCharset()); } encoded = false; // It is not strict. column = name.length() + 7; // size of " " and "*nn*=" and ";" for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { if (bytes[i] > ' ' && bytes[i] < 'z' && HeaderTokenizer.MIME.indexOf((char) bytes[i]) < 0) { encodedPart.append((char) bytes[i]); column++; } else { encoded = true; encodedPart.append('%'); String hex = Integer.toString(bytes[i] & 0xff, 16); if (hex.length() == 1) { encodedPart.append('0'); } encodedPart.append(hex); column += 3; } if (column > 76) { needFolding = true; lastIndex /= 2; continue RETRY; } } result.append(";\r\n ").append(name); if (needFolding) { result.append('*').append(sequenceNo); sequenceNo++; } if (!CESWasWritten && needWriteCES) { result.append("*="); CESWasWritten = true; result.append(encoding).append('\''); if (lang != null) result.append(lang); result.append('\''); } else if (encoded) { result.append("*="); } else { result.append('='); } result.append(new String(encodedPart)); value = value.substring(lastIndex); break; } } return new String(result); } public static String getFileName(Part part) throws MessagingException { String[] disposition = part.getHeader("Content-Disposition"); if (disposition == null || disposition.length < 1) { return part.getFileName(); } // ?????????????? return decodeParameterSpciallyJapanese(getParameter(disposition[0], "filename")); } static class Encoding { String encoding = "us-ascii"; String lang = ""; } public static String getParameter(String header, String name) { HeaderTokenizer tokenizer = new HeaderTokenizer(header, HeaderTokenizer.MIME, true); HeaderTokenizer.Token token; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // It is specified in first encoded-part. Encoding encoding = new Encoding(); String n; String v; try { while (true) { token =; if (token.getType() == HeaderTokenizer.Token.EOF) break; if (token.getType() != ';') continue; token =; checkType(token); n = token.getValue(); token =; if (token.getType() != '=') { throw new ParseException("Illegal token : " + token.getValue()); } token =; checkType(token); v = token.getValue(); if (n.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { // It is not divided and is not encoded. return v; } int index = name.length(); if (!n.startsWith(name) || n.charAt(index) != '*') { // another parameter continue; } // be folded, or be encoded int lastIndex = n.length() - 1; if (n.charAt(lastIndex) == '*') { sb.append(decodeRFC2231(v, encoding)); } else { sb.append(v); } if (index == lastIndex) { // not folding break; } } return new String(sb); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new InternalError(); } private static void checkType(HeaderTokenizer.Token token) throws ParseException { int t = token.getType(); if (t != HeaderTokenizer.Token.ATOM && t != HeaderTokenizer.Token.QUOTEDSTRING) { throw new ParseException("Illegal token : " + token.getValue()); } } // "lang" tag is ignored... private static String decodeRFC2231(String s, Encoding encoding) throws ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; int work = s.indexOf('\''); if (work > 0) { encoding.encoding = s.substring(0, work); work++; i = s.indexOf('\'', work); encoding.lang = s.substring(work, i); i++; } try { for (; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == '%') { sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i + 1, i + 3), 16)); i += 2; continue; } sb.append(s.charAt(i)); } return new String(new String(sb).getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), encoding.encoding); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ParseException(s + " :: this string were not decoded."); } } public static String decodeParameterSpciallyJapanese(String s) throws ParseException { try { boolean unicode = false; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) > 0xff) { // Unicode unicode = true; break; } } if (!unicode) { // decode by character encoding. s = new String(s.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "JISAutoDetect"); } // decode by RFC2047. // if variable s isn't encoded-word, it's ignored. return MimeUtility.decodeText(s); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } throw new ParseException("Unsupported Encoding"); } public static String html2text(String html) { Source src = new Source(html); return src.getRenderer().toString(); } /* * From,CC???Body????? */ public static String getHeaderInfo(ImodeMail imm, boolean isHtml, boolean subjectEmojiReplace, Config conf) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append(" From: ").append(imm.getFromAddr().toUnicodeString()).append("\r\n"); String label = " To:"; if (imm.getRecvType() == ImodeMail.RECV_TYPE_TO && imm.getFolderId() != ImodeNetClient.FolderIdSent) { header.append(label + " ").append(imm.getMyMailAddr()).append("\r\n"); label = " "; } for (InternetAddress addr : imm.getToAddrList()) { header.append(label + " ").append(addr.toUnicodeString()).append("\r\n"); label = " "; } String prefix = " Cc:"; if (imm.getRecvType() == ImodeMail.RECV_TYPE_CC && imm.getFolderId() != ImodeNetClient.FolderIdSent) { header.append(prefix + " ").append(imm.getMyMailAddr()).append("\r\n"); label = " "; } for (InternetAddress addr : imm.getCcAddrList()) { header.append(prefix + " ").append(addr.toUnicodeString()).append("\r\n"); prefix = " "; } prefix = " Bcc:"; if (imm.getRecvType() == ImodeMail.RECV_TYPE_BCC && imm.getFolderId() != ImodeNetClient.FolderIdSent) { header.append(" Bcc: ").append(imm.getMyMailAddr()).append("\r\n"); } SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd (EEE) HH:mm:ss"); header.append(" Date: ").append(df.format(imm.getTimeDate())).append("\r\n"); String subject = imm.getSubject(); if (subjectEmojiReplace) { subject = EmojiUtil.replaceToLabel(subject); } header.append(" Subject: ").append(subject).append("\r\n"); for (String s : imm.getOtherInfoList()) { header.append(" :").append(s).append("\r\n"); } if (isHtml) { String fontfamily = conf.getMailFontFamily(); if (fontfamily != null) { buf.append("<pre style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;font-family:\'" + fontfamily + "\';\">"); } else { buf.append("<pre style=\"white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;\">"); } } buf.append("----").append("\r\n"); if (isHtml) { buf.append(Util.easyEscapeHtml(header.toString())); } else { buf.append(header.toString()); } buf.append("----").append("\r\n"); if (isHtml) { buf.append("</pre>"); } buf.append("\r\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** check if contains only ascii characters in text. */ public static boolean isAllAscii(String text) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (text.charAt(i) > 0x7f) { // non-ascii return false; } } return true; } /* MimeUtility.encodeText?????????????encoder? */ public static String encodeGoomojiSubject(String subject) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final int maxlen = 75 - ("=?UTF-8?B?".length() + "?=".length()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int mark = 0; int utf8len = "X-Goomoji-Subject: ".length(); for (int i = 0; i < subject.length();) { int cp = subject.codePointAt(i); int len; if (cp < 0x7f) len = 1; else if (cp <= 0x7ff) len = 2; else if (cp <= 0xffff) len = 3; else len = 4; if (4 * ((utf8len + len - 1) / 3 + 1) >= maxlen) { if (mark > 0) sb.append("\r\n "); sb.append(MimeUtility.encodeWord(subject.substring(mark, i), "UTF-8", "B")); mark = i; utf8len = 0; } utf8len += len; i += Character.charCount(cp); } if (mark > 0) sb.append("\r\n "); sb.append(MimeUtility.encodeWord(subject.substring(mark), "UTF-8", "B")); return sb.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static InputStream png2gif(InputStream is) throws IOException { InputStream gis = null; BufferedInputStream pis = new BufferedInputStream(is); try { // iPhone iOS??iOS 4.3??????? pis.mark(0); ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(pis); Iterator i = ImageIO.getImageReaders(iis); if (i.hasNext() && ((ImageReader)"gif")) { // ???gif????????????? pis.reset(); gis = pis; } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { pis.reset(); } if (gis != null) { return gis; } // PNG -> GIF? try { BufferedImage png =; ByteArrayOutputStream converted = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (ImageIO.write(png, "gif", converted)) { gis = new ByteArrayInputStream(converted.toByteArray()); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (gis != null) { return gis; } else { pis.reset(); return pis; } } /* * ?? */ public static void stripLastEmptyLines(SenderMail sendMail) { String plainText = sendMail.getPlainTextContent(); if (plainText != null) { plainText = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(plainText, "[\r\n]*\\z", ""); sendMail.setPlainTextContent(plainText); //"Stripped text: " + sendMail.getPlainTextContent()); } String html = sendMail.getHtmlContent(); if (html != null) { html = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(html, "(?:<br>|<div>(?:<br>)*</div>)*</body>", "</body>"); sendMail.setHtmlContent(html); //"Stripped html: " + sendMail.getHtmlContent()); } } /* * iPhone? */ public static void stripAppleQuotedLines(SenderMail sendMail) { /* * <Region Format> * Japan * On yyyy/mm/dd, at HH:MM, wrote: * U.S. * On (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) dd, yyyy, at HH:MM (PM|AM), address wrote: */ /* * TEXT - ?? * * | : * | * |On //, at :, wrote: * | * |> */ String plainText = sendMail.getPlainTextContent(); if (plainText != null) { plainText = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(plainText, "[\r\n]*On \\d+/\\d+/\\d+, at \\d+:\\d+, [^\n]* wrote:.*", ""); plainText = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(plainText, "[\r\n]*On \\w\\w\\w \\d+, \\d+, at \\d+:\\d+ \\wM, [^\n]* wrote:.*", ""); sendMail.setPlainTextContent(plainText); //"Stripped text: " + sendMail.getPlainTextContent()); } /* * HTML - ?? * * | : * | <div><br></div> * |</div> * |<div><br> * |On //, at :, <<a href="mailto:...></a>> wrote:<br> * |<br><br></div> * |<div></div> * |<blockquote type="cite"> */ String html = sendMail.getHtmlContent(); if (html != null) { // html = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(html, "(?:<div><br></div>)*</div><div><br>On \\d+/\\d+/\\d+, at \\d+:\\d+, [^<>]*(?:(?:<a href=[^<>]*>)+[^<>]*(?:</a>)+)+[^<>]* wrote:(?:<br>)*(?:</?[^<>]+>)+<blockquote type=.*</blockquote>", "</div>"); html = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(html, "(?:<div><br></div>)*</div><div><br>On \\w\\w\\w \\d+, \\d+, at \\d+:\\d+ \\wM, [^<>]*(?:(?:<a href=[^<>]*>)+[^<>]*(?:</a>)+)+[^<>]* wrote:(?:<br>)*(?:</?[^<>]+>)+<blockquote type=.*</blockquote>", "</div>"); // htmlWorkingContent? html = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(html, "(?:<br>)*On \\d+/\\d+/\\d+, at \\d+:\\d+, [^<>]* wrote:(?:<br>)*>.*</body>", "</body>"); html = HtmlConvert.replaceAllCaseInsenstive(html, "(?:<br>)*On \\w\\w\\w \\d+, \\d+, at \\d+:\\d+ \\wM, [^<>]* wrote:(?:<br>)*>.*</body>", "</body>"); sendMail.setHtmlContent(html); //"Stripped html: " + sendMail.getHtmlContent()); } } }