Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 UCLA Medical Imaging Informatics Group * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import imageviewer.model.Image; import imageviewer.model.DataLayer; import imageviewer.model.dl.ShapeDataLayer; import; import imageviewer.ui.annotation.StylizedShape; // ======================================================================= public class LIDCAnnotationReader extends AnnotationReader { private static final Color FILL_COLOR = new Color(32, 128, 220); private static final Color STROKE_COLOR = Color.yellow; public boolean canRead(File f) { boolean b = false; FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { fr = new FileReader(f); br = new BufferedReader(fr); String s1 = br.readLine(); String s2 = br.readLine(); if ((s2 != null) && (s2.contains("LidcReadMessage.xsd"))) b = true; } catch (Exception exc) { } finally { try { br.close(); fr.close(); } catch (Exception exc2) { } } return b; } // ======================================================================= public void readFile(File f, ArrayList<? extends Image> images) { SeriesAnnotation sa = new SeriesAnnotation(); try { SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator responseHeaderIter = root.elementIterator("ResponseHeader"); String seriesUID = ""; String studyUID = ""; while (responseHeaderIter.hasNext()) { Element responseHeader = (Element); sa.setUID(responseHeader.elementText("SeriesInstanceUid")); //sa.setUID(responseHeader.elementText("StudyInstanceUID")); } Iterator readingSessionIter = root.elementIterator("readingSession"); while (readingSessionIter.hasNext()) { Element readingSessionElem = (Element); Iterator unblindedIter = readingSessionElem.elementIterator("unblindedReadNodule"); while (unblindedIter.hasNext()) { Element unblindedElem = (Element); Iterator roiIter = unblindedElem.elementIterator("roi"); while (roiIter.hasNext()) { Element roi = (Element); String imageUID = roi.elementText("imageSOP_UID"); String inclusion = roi.elementText("inclusion"); ImageAnnotation imageA = new ImageAnnotation(imageUID); imageA.setNodule(true); if (inclusion.equalsIgnoreCase(("true"))) { imageA.setInclusion(true); } else { imageA.setInclusion(false); } Iterator edgeMapIter = roi.elementIterator("edgeMap"); while (edgeMapIter.hasNext()) { Element edgeMapElem = (Element); String x = edgeMapElem.elementText("xCoord"); String y = edgeMapElem.elementText("yCoord"); // System.out.println("[debug] nodule adding for " + imageUID + ": " + x + "," + y); imageA.addPoint(Integer.valueOf(x), Integer.valueOf(y)); } sa.addAnnotation(imageA); } } Iterator nonNoduleIter = readingSessionElem.elementIterator("nonNodule"); while (nonNoduleIter.hasNext()) { Element nonNoduleElem = (Element); String imageUID = nonNoduleElem.elementText("imageSOP_UID"); ImageAnnotation imageA = new ImageAnnotation(imageUID); imageA.setNodule(false); Iterator locusIter = nonNoduleElem.elementIterator("locus"); while (locusIter.hasNext()) { Element locusElem = (Element); String x = locusElem.elementText("xCoord"); String y = locusElem.elementText("yCoord"); // System.out.println("[debug] nonNodule adding for " + imageUID + ": " + x + "," + y); imageA.addPoint(Integer.valueOf(x), Integer.valueOf(y)); } sa.addAnnotation(imageA); } } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } // Given the series annotation, create the appropriate data layers // per annotation for (int loop = 0, n = sa.numAnnotations(); loop < n; loop++) { ImageAnnotation ia = sa.getAnnotation(loop); String annotationUID = ia.getUID(); for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Image img = (Image); String imageUID = (String) img.getProperties().get("SOPInstanceUID"); if ((imageUID != null) && (imageUID.equals(annotationUID))) { ShapeDataLayer sdl = (ShapeDataLayer) img.findDataLayer(DataLayer.SHAPE); if (sdl == null) { sdl = new ShapeDataLayer(); img.addDataLayer(sdl); } Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); for (int j = 0, m = ia.numPoints(); j < m; j++) { Point pt = ia.getPoint(j); polygon.addPoint(pt.x, pt.y); } StylizedShape ss = new StylizedShape(polygon, null, 1.0f, 0.75f); // ss.setFilled(isFilled); ss.setStrokeColor(STROKE_COLOR); ss.setFillColor(FILL_COLOR); ss.setFillAlphaComposite(0.5f); sdl.addShape(ss); } } } } // ======================================================================= private class SeriesAnnotation { ArrayList<ImageAnnotation> annotations; Hashtable<String, String> properties; String seriesUID; public SeriesAnnotation() { this(""); } public SeriesAnnotation(String uid) { seriesUID = uid; properties = new Hashtable(); annotations = new ArrayList(); } public String getProperty(String propertyName) { return properties.get(propertyName); } public Hashtable<String, String> getProperties() { return properties; } public int numAnnotations() { return annotations.size(); } public ImageAnnotation getAnnotation(int i) { return annotations.get(i); } public void setUID(String uid) { seriesUID = uid; } public void addProperty(String propertyName, String value) { properties.put(propertyName, value); } public void addAnnotation(ImageAnnotation a) { annotations.add(a); } } // ======================================================================= /** * Private class to handle annotations for each slice * * @author willhsu * */ private class ImageAnnotation { ArrayList<Point> points; String imageUID; boolean isNodule; boolean inclusion; public ImageAnnotation(String uid) { imageUID = uid; points = new ArrayList(); isNodule = false; inclusion = false; } public int numPoints() { return points.size(); } public Point getPoint(int i) { return points.get(i); } public String getUID() { return imageUID; } public boolean isNodule() { return isNodule; } public boolean isInclusion() { return inclusion; } public void addPoint(int x, int y) { points.add(new Point(x, y)); } public void setInclusion(boolean inclusion) { this.inclusion = inclusion; } public void setNodule(boolean isNodule) { this.isNodule = isNodule; } } }