Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Tan Jung * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package illab.nabal.proxy; import illab.nabal.agent.Operation; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookAlbum; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookEvent; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookLikableObject; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookMessage; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookMessageThread; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookNote; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookPhoto; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookPost; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookProfile; import illab.nabal.exception.NetworkException; import illab.nabal.exception.SystemException; import illab.nabal.settings.SnsProperties; import illab.nabal.settings.SocialNetwork; import illab.nabal.settings.SystemProperties; import illab.nabal.util.ParameterHelper; import illab.nabal.util.StringHelper; import illab.nabal.util.Util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; /** * Implementations of Facebook APIs. * * @version 1.0, 02/10/14 * @author <a href="">Tan Jung</a> */ class FacebookProxy extends AbstractProxy implements FacebookDelegate { private final static String TAG = "FacebookProxy"; /** * Dummy integer parameter for unspecified limit. */ private final static int UNSPECIFIED_LIMIT = 0; /** * Dummy integer parameter for unspecified offset. */ private final static int UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET = -1; /** * Dummy integer parameter for unspecified UNIX time. */ private final static long UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME = 0L; /** * Constant for me. */ private final static String ME = "me"; /** * Constant for friend requested date. */ private final static String FRIEND_REQUEST_DATE = "friend_requested_date"; /** * Constant for RSVP status. */ private final static String RSVP_STATUS = "rsvp_status"; /** * Default fields for profile query. */ private final static String[] DEFAULT_PROFILE_FIELDS_ = { "id", "name", "username", "gender", "picture", "link", "age_range" }; /** * Facebook network context. */ private final FacebookContext mFacebookContext; /** * Constructor for Facebook covert op proxy. * * @param context * @param systemProperties * @param snsProperties */ FacebookProxy(Context context, SystemProperties systemProperties, SnsProperties snsProperties) { mContext = context; mFacebookContext = (FacebookContext) (mNetworkContext = new FacebookContext(mContext, new NetworkSessionListener(), systemProperties, snsProperties)); } /** * Constructor for Facebook proxy. * * @param alias * @param context * @param systemProperties * @param snsProperties */ FacebookProxy(String alias, Context context, SystemProperties systemProperties, SnsProperties snsProperties) { mContext = context; mFacebookContext = (FacebookContext) (mNetworkContext = new FacebookContext(alias, mContext, new NetworkSessionListener(), systemProperties, snsProperties)); } /** * Inject a Facebook session. * * @param accessToken */ void injectSession(String accessToken) { mFacebookContext.injectSession(accessToken); } /* START OF ***************** API implementations ***********************/ @Override public void getMyProfile(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookProfile> operation, final String[] additionalFields, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getProfile(ME, additionalFields, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getProfile(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookProfile> operation, final String userIdentifier, final String[] additionalFields, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getProfile(userIdentifier, additionalFields, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyFriendList(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final int limit, final int offset, final String[] additionalFields, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getFriendList(ME, limit, offset, additionalFields, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getFriendList(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final int offset, final String[] additionalFields, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getFriendList(userIdentifier, limit, offset, additionalFields, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMutualFriendList(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final int offset, final String[] additionalFields, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation .onResult(getMutualFriendList(userIdentifier, limit, offset, additionalFields, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void hackFriendList(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String userUid) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(hackFriendList(userUid)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getSubscribedTo(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getSubscribedTo(userIdentifier, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getSubscribers(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getSubscribers(userIdentifier, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getFriendRequestsForMe(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final boolean getOnlyUnread, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getFriendRequestsForMe(getOnlyUnread, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyEvents(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookEvent>> operation, final FacebookEvent.Filter filter, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getEvents(ME, filter, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getEvents(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookEvent>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final FacebookEvent.Filter filter, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getEvents(userIdentifier, filter, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getEventParticipants(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String eventId, final FacebookEvent.ParticipantStatus participantStatus, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getEventParticipants(eventId, participantStatus, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getHomeTimeline(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getHomeTimeline(since, until, limit, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyTimeline(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final boolean textOnly, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getTimeline(ME, since, until, limit, textOnly, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getTimeline(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final boolean textOnly, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult( getTimeline(ownerIdentifier, since, until, limit, textOnly, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyLastestFeedItem(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final boolean textOnly, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // get my feed limited to 1 List<FacebookPost> postList = getTimeline(ME, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, 1, textOnly, locale, false); if (postList != null) { operation.onResult(postList.get(0)); } // throw an Exception if no result else { throw new NetworkException("No post retrieved."); } } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getLastestFeedItem(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final boolean textOnly, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // get feed limited to 1 List<FacebookPost> postList = getTimeline(ownerIdentifier, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, 1, textOnly, locale, false); if (postList != null) { operation.onResult(postList.get(0)); } // throw an exception if no result else { throw new NetworkException("No post retrieved."); } } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPost(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String postId, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getPost(postId, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getAlbums(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookAlbum>> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getAlbums(ownerIdentifier, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPhotos(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPhoto>> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult( getPhotos(ownerIdentifier, since, until, limit, null, null, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPhotos(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPhoto>> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getPhotos(ownerIdentifier, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME, limit, after, before, locale, false)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPhoto(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPhoto> operation, final String photoId, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getPhoto(photoId, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyMessageThreads(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookMessageThread>> operation, final int howManyMessages, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult( getMyMessageThreads(howManyMessages, since, until, limit, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMessageThread(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookMessageThread> operation, final String messageThreadId, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getMessageThread(messageThreadId, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMessages(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookMessage>> operation, final String messageThreadId, final long since, final long until, final int limit, final Locale locale, final boolean isUnixTime) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getMessages(messageThreadId, since, until, limit, locale, isUnixTime)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyNotes(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookNote>> operation, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getNotes(ME, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getNotes(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookNote>> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getNotes(userIdentifier, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getNote(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookNote> operation, final String noteId, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getNote(noteId, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getComments(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final String parentPostId, final int limit, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getComments(parentPostId, limit, null, null, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getNextPageComments(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final List<FacebookPost> commentList) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check comment list if (commentList == null || commentList.isEmpty() == true || StringHelper.isEmpty(commentList.get(0).getParentPostId()) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid comment list."); } // extract required values from comment list String parentPostId = commentList.get(0).getParentPostId(); int limit = commentList.size(); String after = commentList.get(0).getAfter(); Locale locale = commentList.get(0).getLocale(); // set after cursor to navigate forward to next page operation.onResult(getComments(parentPostId, limit, after, null, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPreviousPageComments(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final List<FacebookPost> commentList) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check comment list if (commentList == null || commentList.isEmpty() == true || StringHelper.isEmpty(commentList.get(0).getParentPostId()) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid comment list."); } // extract required values from comment list String parentPostId = commentList.get(0).getParentPostId(); int limit = commentList.size(); String before = commentList.get(0).getBefore(); Locale locale = commentList.get(0).getLocale(); // set before cursor to navigate forward to next page operation.onResult(getComments(parentPostId, limit, null, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getComments(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>> operation, final String parentPostId, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getComments(parentPostId, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getLikes(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookProfile>> operation, final String postId, final int limit, final String after, final String before, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getLikes(postId, limit, after, before, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyLikedObjects(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookLikableObject>> operation, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getLikedObjects(ME, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getLikedObjects(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookLikableObject>> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getLikedObjects(ownerIdentifier, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postStatus(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String message, final String placeId, final String[] tags, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check message if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid message."); } // generate tag CSV String tagString = null; if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { tagString = TextUtils.join(",", tags); } operation.onResult(publishPost(ME, message, null, null, null, null, null, null, placeId, tagString, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postLink(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String message, final String picture, final String link, final String name, final String caption, final String description, final String source, final String placeId, final String[] tags, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check link URL if (StringHelper.isEmpty(link) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid link URL."); } // generate tag CSV String tagString = null; if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { tagString = TextUtils.join(",", tags); } operation.onResult(publishPost(ME, message, picture, link, name, caption, description, source, placeId, tagString, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postPhoto(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String absolutePathOfPhoto, final String albumId, final String message, final String placeId, final String[] tags, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(postPhoto(absolutePathOfPhoto, albumId, message, placeId, tags, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postVideo(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String absolutePathOfVideo, final String title, final String description, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(postVideo(absolutePathOfVideo, title, description, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postStatus(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final String message, final String placeId, final String[] tags, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check message if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid message."); } // generate tag CSV String tagString = null; if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { tagString = TextUtils.join(",", tags); } operation.onResult(publishPost(ownerIdentifier, message, null, null, null, null, null, null, placeId, tagString, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postLink(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final String message, final String picture, final String link, final String name, final String caption, final String description, final String source, final String placeId, final String[] tags, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { // check link URL if (StringHelper.isEmpty(link) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid link URL."); } // generate tag CSV String tagString = null; if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { tagString = TextUtils.join(",", tags); } operation.onResult(publishPost(ownerIdentifier, message, picture, link, name, caption, description, source, placeId, tagString, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postNote(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String subject, final String message, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(postNote(subject, message, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void postComment(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost> operation, final String parentPostId, final String message, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(postComment(parentPostId, message, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void createEvent(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookEvent> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final String name, final String description, final String startTime, final String endTime, final String locationName, final FacebookEvent.Privacy privacy, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(createEvent(ownerIdentifier, name, description, startTime, endTime, locationName, null, privacy, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void createEventByPlaceId(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookEvent> operation, final String ownerIdentifier, final String name, final String description, final String startTime, final String endTime, final String placeId, final FacebookEvent.Privacy privacy, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(createEvent(ownerIdentifier, name, description, startTime, endTime, null, placeId, privacy, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void attend(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String eventId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(setRsvp(eventId, "attending")); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void maybe(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String eventId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(setRsvp(eventId, "maybe")); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void decline(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String eventId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(setRsvp(eventId, "declined")); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void like(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String objectId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(like(objectId)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void unlike(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String objectId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(unlike(objectId)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void delete(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, Boolean> operation, final String objectId) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(delete(objectId)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getFacebookObject(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, JSONObject> operation, final String facebookObjectId, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getFacebookObject(facebookObjectId, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getGrantedPermissions(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, JSONObject> operation) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getGrantedPermissions()); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getPageAccounts(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, JSONObject> operation, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getPageAccounts(locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getMyGroups(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, JSONObject> operation, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getGroups(ME, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } @Override public void getGroups(final Operation<FacebookDelegate, JSONObject> operation, final String userIdentifier, final int limit, final int offset, final Locale locale) { requestJob(new ProxyJob() { public void onFail(Exception e) { operation.onFail(e); } public void run() { try { operation.onResult(getGroups(userIdentifier, limit, offset, locale)); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); } } }); } /** * Get a Facebook profile corresponding to given user name. * * @param userIdentifier * @param additionalFields * @return FacebookProfile * @throws Exception */ private FacebookProfile getProfile(String userIdentifier, String[] additionalFields, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(additionalFields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return populateProfileBean(additionalFields, localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get friend list from an user who authorized this Facebook app. * * @param userIdentifier * @param limit * @param offset * @param additionalFields * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getFriendList(String userIdentifier, int limit, int offset, String[] additionalFields, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier + "/friends"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(additionalFields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateProfileList(additionalFields, localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get mutual friends between the owner of the current access token and * given user identifier. * * @param userIdentifier * @param limit * @param offset * @param additionalFields * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getMutualFriendList(String userIdentifier, int limit, int offset, String[] additionalFields, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/me/mutualfriends/" + userIdentifier; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(additionalFields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateProfileList(additionalFields, localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Hack and retrieve an user's friends if the user allowed to view his/her friends. * * @param userUid * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> hackFriendList(String userUid) throws Exception { // // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userUid) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user UID."); } String apiFullUrl = "" + userUid; String responseString = getResponseString(new HttpGet(apiFullUrl), false); JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject(responseString.replace("for (;;);", "")); // if error occurred JSONObject payloadJson = responseJson.optJSONObject("payload"); if (responseJson.has("error") == true || payloadJson == null || payloadJson.optJSONArray("friends") == null || payloadJson.getJSONArray("friends").length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Error occurred while retrieving friend list.", responseString); } List<FacebookProfile> profileList = new ArrayList<FacebookProfile>(); // iterate result for (int i = 0; i < payloadJson.getJSONArray("friends").length(); i++) { JSONObject profileJson = payloadJson.getJSONArray("friends").getJSONObject(i); FacebookProfile facebookProfile = new FacebookProfile(); facebookProfile.setLocale(Locale.US); facebookProfile.setSnsUid(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); facebookProfile.setProfileJson(profileJson); facebookProfile.setUid(profileJson.optString("i")); facebookProfile.setFullName(profileJson.optString("t")); facebookProfile.setProfilePageUrl(profileJson.optString("u")); profileList.add(facebookProfile); } return profileList; } /** * Get user profiles that the owner of the current access token subscribed to. * * @param userIdentifier * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getSubscribedTo(String userIdentifier, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier + "/subscribedto"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(null)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populateProfileList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get user profiles that subscribed to the timeline owned by the owner of * the current access token. * * @param userIdentifier * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getSubscribers(String userIdentifier, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier + "/subscribers"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(null)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populateProfileList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get friend requests for the owner of the current access token. * * @param getOnlyUnread * @param limit * @param offset * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getFriendRequestsForMe(boolean getOnlyUnread, int limit, int offset, Locale locale) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/friendrequests"; // fields parameters - expand from field to get details String[] fields = { "to", "from.fields(" + getProfileFields(null) + ")", "message", "unread", "created_time" }; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateProfileList(null, getOnlyUnread, localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get events. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param filter * @param limit * @param offset * @param locale * @return list of FacebookEvent objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookEvent> getEvents(String ownerIdentifier, FacebookEvent.Filter filter, int limit, int offset, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if owner identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ownerIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid owner identifier."); } String uriEndpoint = ""; // set filter if needed if (filter != null) { uriEndpoint = "/" + filter.getFilterString(); } String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/events" + uriEndpoint; String[] fields = { "id", "owner", "name", "description", "cover", "start_time", "end_time", "timezone", "location,venue", "privacy", "updated_time" }; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateEventList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get participants of the event corresponding to given event ID. * * @param eventId * @param participantStatus * @param limit * @param offset * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getEventParticipants(String eventId, FacebookEvent.ParticipantStatus participantStatus, int limit, int offset, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if event ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(eventId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid event ID."); } String uriEndpoint = FacebookEvent.ParticipantStatus.INVITED.getUriEndpointString(); // set participant status if needed if (participantStatus != null) { uriEndpoint = participantStatus.getUriEndpointString(); } String apiUri = "/" + eventId + "/" + uriEndpoint; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", getProfileFields(null) + "," + RSVP_STATUS), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateProfileList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get home timeline. * * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param locale * @param isUnixTime * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> getHomeTimeline(long since, long until, int limit, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/home"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setTimeBasedPageParams(params, since, until, limit, isUnixTime); return populatePostList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get timeline owned by given owner indentifier. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param textOnly * @param locale * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> getTimeline(String ownerIdentifier, long since, long until, int limit, boolean textOnly, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { // throw an exception if owner identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ownerIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid owner identifier."); } String uriEndpoint = "feed"; // get text status updates only if set so if (textOnly == true) { uriEndpoint = "statuses"; } String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/" + uriEndpoint; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setTimeBasedPageParams(params, since, until, limit, isUnixTime); return populatePostList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get a post corresponding to given post ID. * * @param postId * @param locale * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost getPost(String postId, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if post ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(postId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid post ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + postId; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return populatePostBean(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get albums owned by given owner identifier. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookAlbum objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookAlbum> getAlbums(String ownerIdentifier, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if owner identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ownerIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid owner identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/albums"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populateAlbumList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get photos from given owner identifier. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @param isUnixTime * @return list of FacebookPhoto objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPhoto> getPhotos(String ownerIdentifier, long since, long until, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { // throw an exception if owner identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ownerIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid owner identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/photos"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set cursor page parameters if needed setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); // set time-based page parameters if needed setTimeBasedPageParams(params, since, until, limit, isUnixTime); return populatePhotoList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get a Facebook photo object. * * @param photoId * @param locale * @return FacebookPhoto * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPhoto getPhoto(String photoId, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if photo ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(photoId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid photo ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + photoId; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return populatePhotoBean(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get my message threads. * * @param howManyMessages * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param locale * @param isUnixTime * @return list of FacebookMessageThread objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookMessageThread> getMyMessageThreads(int howManyMessages, long since, long until, int limit, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/inbox"; // validate how many messages per thread int messageLimit = howManyMessages; if (messageLimit < 1) { messageLimit = 1; } else if (messageLimit > 30) { messageLimit = 30; } // fields parameters String[] fields = { "id", "to", "unread", "unseen", "updated_time", "comments.limit(" + messageLimit + ")" }; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setTimeBasedPageParams(params, since, until, limit, isUnixTime); return populateMessageThreadList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get a message thread with last 30 messages in it. * * @param messageThreadId * @param locale * @param isUnixTime * @return FacebookMessageThread * @throws Exception */ private FacebookMessageThread getMessageThread(String messageThreadId, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { // throw an exception if message threaad ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(messageThreadId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid message thread ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + messageThreadId; // fields parameters String[] fields = { "id", "to", "unread", "unseen", "updated_time", "comments.limit(30)" }; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set date format parameter setDateFormatParam(params, isUnixTime); return populateMessageThreadBean(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get 30 messages from message thread corresponding to given message thread ID. * * @param messageThreadId * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param locale * @param isUnixTime * @return list of FacebookMessage objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookMessage> getMessages(String messageThreadId, long since, long until, int limit, Locale locale, boolean isUnixTime) throws Exception { // throw an exception if message threaad ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(messageThreadId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid message thread ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + messageThreadId + "/comments"; // validate limit int messageLimit = limit; if (messageLimit < 1) { messageLimit = 1; } else if (messageLimit > 30) { messageLimit = 30; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setTimeBasedPageParams(params, since, until, messageLimit, isUnixTime); return populateMessageList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get notes owned by given user identifier. * * @param userIdentifier * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookNote objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookNote> getNotes(String userIdentifier, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier + "/notes"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populateNoteList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get a note corresponding to given note ID. * * @param noteId * @param locale * @return FacebookNote * @throws Exception */ private FacebookNote getNote(String noteId, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if note ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(noteId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid note ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + noteId; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return populateNoteBean(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params)), null, null); } /** * Get comments attached to a post corresponding to given parent post ID. * * @param parentPostId * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> getComments(String parentPostId, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if parent post ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(parentPostId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid parent post ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + parentPostId + "/comments"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populatePostList(parentPostId, localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get users who liked the post/comment corresponding to given post ID. * * @param postId * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @param locale * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> getLikes(String postId, int limit, String after, String before, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if post ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(postId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid post ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + postId + "/likes"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", "id,username,name"), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageCursorParams(params, limit, after, before); return populateProfileList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Get Facebook objects that are liked by given owner identifier. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param limit * @param offset * @param locale * @return list of FacebookLikableObject objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookLikableObject> getLikedObjects(String ownerIdentifier, int limit, int offset, Locale locale) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/likes"; // fields parameters String[] fields = { "id", "category", "name", "description", "link", "can_post", "talking_about_count", "website", "cover", "created_time" }; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // check locale and set to system default if null List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("fields", TextUtils.join(",", fields)), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return populateLikableList(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Publish a post. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param message * @param picture * @param link * @param name * @param caption * @param description * @param source * @param placeId * @param tags * @param locale * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost publishPost(String ownerIdentifier, String message, String picture, String link, String name, String caption, String description, String source, String placeId, String tags, Locale locale) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/feed"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("message", message), new BasicNameValuePair("picture", picture), new BasicNameValuePair("link", link), new BasicNameValuePair("name", name), new BasicNameValuePair("caption", caption), new BasicNameValuePair("description", description), new BasicNameValuePair("source", source), new BasicNameValuePair("place", placeId), new BasicNameValuePair("tags", tags)); // execute post JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson(getHttpPost(apiUri, params)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // fetch and return the post object that just has been created return getPost(responseJson.getString("id"), localeParam); } /** * Post a photo. * * @param absolutePathOfPhoto * @param albumId * @param message * @param placeId * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost postPhoto(String absolutePathOfPhoto, String albumId, String message, String placeId, String[] tags, Locale locale) throws Exception { String objectIdentifier = ME; // check album ID if (StringHelper.isEmpty(albumId) == false) { objectIdentifier = albumId; } String apiUri = "/" + objectIdentifier + "/photos"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("message", StringHelper.nvl(message)), new BasicNameValuePair("place", placeId)); // add tags parameter if needed if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) { //[{"tag_uid":"1234"}, {"tag_uid":"12345"}] String tagString = "["; int count = 0; for (String userIdentifier : tags) { if (count > 0) { tagString += ","; } tagString += "{\"tag_uid\":\"" + userIdentifier + "\"}"; count++; } tagString += "]"; Log.w(TAG, "## tag string : " + tagString); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("tags", tagString)); } JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson( getMultipartHttpPost(apiUri, params, "source", absolutePathOfPhoto)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false && responseJson.has("post_id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // fetch the photo object that just has been created FacebookPost photoObject = getPost(responseJson.getString("id"), localeParam); FacebookPost returningPost = null; // if the photo has been successfully posted to timeline if (responseJson.has("post_id") == true) { // fetch the post object that just has been created FacebookPost timelinePost = getPost(responseJson.getString("post_id"), localeParam); // set the photo caption as the text content of the post if exists timelinePost.setTextContent(photoObject.getStringFromRawJson("name")); // set the location data of the photo to the post object if exists if (photoObject.getPlaceJson() != null) { timelinePost.setPlaceId(photoObject.getPlaceJson().optString("id")); timelinePost.setPlaceName(photoObject.getPlaceJson().optString("name")); if (photoObject.getPlaceJson().has("location") == true) { timelinePost.setPlaceLatitude(Float.parseFloat( photoObject.getPlaceJson().getJSONObject("location").optString("latitude"))); timelinePost.setPlaceLongitude(Float.parseFloat( photoObject.getPlaceJson().getJSONObject("location").optString("longitude"))); } } // return the post object that just has been created returningPost = timelinePost; } // if the photo has been uploaded succssuflly but NOT been posted to timeline else { // set the photo caption as the text content if exists photoObject.setTextContent(photoObject.getStringFromRawJson("name")); // return the photo object that just has been created returningPost = photoObject; } return returningPost; } /** * Post a video. * * @param absolutePathOfVideo * @param title * @param description * @param locale * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost postVideo(String absolutePathOfVideo, String title, String description, Locale locale) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/videos"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("title", StringHelper.nvl(title)), new BasicNameValuePair("description", StringHelper.nvl(description))); JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson( getMultipartHttpPost(apiUri, params, "source", absolutePathOfVideo)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // extract video post ID FacebookProfile myProfile = getProfile(ME, null, localeParam); String postId = myProfile.getUid() + "_" + responseJson.getString("id"); // set post ID only because it takes a few seconds for Facebook system // to generate the video post -- so the video post cannot be accessible // at this moment FacebookPost videoPost = new FacebookPost(); videoPost.setSnsUid(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); videoPost.setPostId(postId); videoPost.setPosterUid(myProfile.getUid()); videoPost.setPosterUserName(myProfile.getUserName()); videoPost.setPosterFullName(myProfile.getFullName()); // return the post object that just has been created return videoPost; } /** * Post a note. * * @param subject * @param message * @param locale * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost postNote(String subject, String message, Locale locale) throws Exception { // check subject if (StringHelper.isEmpty(subject) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid note subject."); } // check content if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid note content."); } String apiUri = "/me/notes"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("subject", subject), new BasicNameValuePair("message", message)); JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson(getHttpPost(apiUri, params)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // extract note post ID FacebookProfile myProfile = getProfile(ME, null, localeParam); String postId = myProfile.getUid() + "_" + responseJson.getString("id"); return getPost(postId, localeParam); } /** * Post a comment to a post corresponding to given post ID. * * @param parentPostId * @param message * @param locale * @return FacebookPost * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost postComment(String parentPostId, String message, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if parent post ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(parentPostId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid parent post ID."); } // check message if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid message."); } String apiUri = "/" + parentPostId + "/comments"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("message", message)); // execute post JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson(getHttpPost(apiUri, params)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // fetch and return the comment object that just has been created return getPost(responseJson.getString("id"), localeParam); } /** * Create an event. * * @param ownerIdentifier * @param name * @param description * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param locale * @return FacebookEvent * @throws Exception */ private FacebookEvent createEvent(String ownerIdentifier, String name, String description, String startTime, String endTime, String locationName, String placeId, FacebookEvent.Privacy privacy, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if owner identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(ownerIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid owner identifier."); } // check name if (StringHelper.isEmpty(name) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid event name."); } // check description if (StringHelper.isEmpty(description) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid event description."); } // check start time if (StringHelper.isEmpty(startTime) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid event start time."); } String apiUri = "/" + ownerIdentifier + "/events"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("name", name), new BasicNameValuePair("description", description), new BasicNameValuePair("start_time", startTime), new BasicNameValuePair("end_time", endTime)); // set end time if needed if (StringHelper.isEmpty(endTime) == false) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("end_time", endTime)); } // set location name if needed if (StringHelper.isEmpty(locationName) == false) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("location", locationName)); } // set palce ID if needed if (StringHelper.isEmpty(placeId) == false) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("location_id", placeId)); } // set privacy if needed if (privacy != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("privacy_type", privacy.getPrivacyString())); } // execute post JSONObject responseJson = getResponseJson(getHttpPost(apiUri, params)); // check returned JSON if (responseJson.has("id") == false) { NetworkException ne = new NetworkException("Invalid response."); ne.setResponseJson(responseJson); throw ne; } // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); // reset URI and parameters to fetch the event object that just has been created apiUri = "/" + responseJson.getString("id"); params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return populateEventBean(localeParam, getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params))); } /** * Set RSVP to an Facebook event ojbect. * * @param eventId * @param rsvp * @return Boolean * @throws Exception */ private Boolean setRsvp(String eventId, String rsvp) throws Exception { // throw an exception if event ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(eventId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid event ID."); } // throw an exception if RSVP is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(rsvp) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid RSVP."); } String apiUri = "/" + eventId + "/" + rsvp; return Boolean.valueOf(getResponseString( getHttpPost(apiUri, new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken())))); } /** * Like a Facebook object such as status, link, comment, video or photo. * * @param objectId * @return Boolean * @throws Exception */ private Boolean like(String objectId) throws Exception { // throw an exception if object ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(objectId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid object ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + objectId + "/likes"; return Boolean.valueOf(getResponseString( getHttpPost(apiUri, new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken())))); } /** * Unike a Facebook object such as status, link, comment, video or photo. * * @param objectId * @return JSONObject * @throws Exception */ private Boolean unlike(String objectId) throws Exception { // throw an exception if object ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(objectId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid object ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + objectId + "/likes" + "?access_token=" + mFacebookContext.getAccessToken(); return Boolean.valueOf(getResponseString(getHttpDelete(apiUri))); } /** * Delete a Facebook object corresponding to given Facebook object ID. * * @param objectId * @return Boolean * @throws Exception */ private Boolean delete(String objectId) throws Exception { // throw an exception if object ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(objectId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid object ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + objectId + "?access_token=" + mFacebookContext.getAccessToken(); return Boolean.valueOf(getResponseString(getHttpDelete(apiUri))); } /** * Return a raw JSON object representing a Facebook object. * * @param facebookObjectId * @param locale * @return JSONObject * @throws Exception */ private JSONObject getFacebookObject(String facebookObjectId, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if Facebook object ID is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(facebookObjectId) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid Facebook object ID."); } String apiUri = "/" + facebookObjectId; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params)); } /** * Get permissions granted to the owner of the current access token. * * @return JSONObject * @throws Exception */ private JSONObject getGrantedPermissions() throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/permissions"; List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("limit", "100")); return getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params)); } /** * Get page accounts attached to the owner of the current access token. * * @param locale * @return JSONObject * @throws Exception */ private JSONObject getPageAccounts(Locale locale) throws Exception { String apiUri = "/me/accounts"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); return getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params)); } /** * Get groups. * * @param userIdentifier * @param locale * @return JSONObject * @throws Exception */ private JSONObject getGroups(String userIdentifier, int limit, int offset, Locale locale) throws Exception { // throw an exception if user identifier is invalid if (StringHelper.isEmpty(userIdentifier) == true) { throw new SystemException("Invalid user identifier."); } String apiUri = "/" + userIdentifier + "/groups"; // set system locale if none given Locale localeParam = locale; if (localeParam == null) localeParam = Util.getSystemLocale(); List<NameValuePair> params = ParameterHelper.addAllParams( new BasicNameValuePair("access_token", mFacebookContext.getAccessToken()), new BasicNameValuePair("locale", localeParam.toString())); // set page parameters setPageOffsetParams(params, limit, offset); return getResponseJson(getHttpGet(apiUri, params)); } /* END OF ****************** API implementations ************************/ /** * Set limit and offset parameters for Facebook profile list. * * @param params * @param limit * @param offset * @return params */ private List<NameValuePair> setPageOffsetParams(List<NameValuePair> params, int limit, int offset) { // if limit is given if (limit > UNSPECIFIED_LIMIT) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", "" + limit)); } // if offset is given if (offset > UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("offset", "" + offset)); } return params; } /** * Set date format for Facebook data. * * @param params * @param isUnixTime true if you want all date data in UNIX-time-formatted * @return params */ private List<NameValuePair> setDateFormatParam(List<NameValuePair> params, boolean isUnixTime) { // add date_format parameter if needed if (isUnixTime == true) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("date_format", "U")); } return params; } /** * Set since, until, limit and date_format parameters for Facebook feed pagination. * * @param params * @param since * @param until * @param limit * @param isUnixTime * @return params */ private List<NameValuePair> setTimeBasedPageParams(List<NameValuePair> params, long since, long until, int limit, boolean isUnixTime) { // if since is given if (since > UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("since", "" + since)); } // if until is given if (until > UNSPECIFIED_UNIX_TIME) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("until", "" + until)); } // if limit is given if (limit > UNSPECIFIED_LIMIT) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", "" + limit)); } // lastly set date_format paramter return setDateFormatParam(params, isUnixTime); } /** * Set limit, after and before parameters for Facebook comment data pagination. * * @param params * @param limit * @param after * @param before * @return params */ private List<NameValuePair> setPageCursorParams(List<NameValuePair> params, int limit, String after, String before) { // if limit is given if (limit > UNSPECIFIED_LIMIT) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", "" + limit)); } // if after is given if (StringHelper.isEmpty(after) == false) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("after", after)); } // if before is given if (StringHelper.isEmpty(before) == false) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("before", before)); } return params; } /** * Get fields parameter for Facebook profile data fields. * * @param additionalFields * @return fields CSV */ private String getProfileFields(String[] additionalFields) { String[] fieldsParams = DEFAULT_PROFILE_FIELDS_; if (additionalFields != null && additionalFields.length > 0) { fieldsParams = Util.concatArrays(fieldsParams, additionalFields); } return TextUtils.join(",", fieldsParams); } /** * Get FacebookProfile list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> populateProfileList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { return populateProfileList((String[]) null, locale, responseJson); } /** * Get FacebookProfile list from JSON array. * * @param additionalFields * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> populateProfileList(String[] additionalFields, Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { return populateProfileList(additionalFields, false, locale, responseJson); } /** * Get FacebookProfile list from JSON array. * * @param additionalFields * @param getOnlyUnread * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookProfile objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookProfile> populateProfileList(String[] additionalFields, boolean getOnlyUnread, Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray profileJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // profile list must not be empty if (profileJsonArray == null || profileJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Profile list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } // iterate profile list and populate FacebookProfile beans List<FacebookProfile> profileList = new ArrayList<FacebookProfile>(); for (int i = 0; i < profileJsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject profileJson = profileJsonArray.getJSONObject(i); // if this list is friend request list if (profileJson.has("to") == true && profileJson.has("from") == true) { // skip this profile this list is only to fetch unread friend requests if (getOnlyUnread == true && profileJson.optBoolean("unread") == false) { continue; } // extract the date this friend request made String friendRequestedDate = profileJson.optString("created_time"); // extract a profile JSON from this friend requst JSON profileJson = profileJson.getJSONObject("from"); // inject request date to profile JSON profileJson.put(FRIEND_REQUEST_DATE, friendRequestedDate); } // add profile to list profileList.add(populateProfileBean(additionalFields, locale, profileJson, after, before)); } // throw an exception in case friend request list has no entry if (responseJson.has("summary") == true && profileList.isEmpty() == true) { throw new NetworkException("Friend request list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } return profileList; } /** * Set Facebook profile data to a FacebookProfile bean. * * @param additionalFields * @param locale * @param profileJson * @return a FacebookProfile bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookProfile populateProfileBean(String[] additionalFields, Locale locale, JSONObject profileJson) throws Exception { return populateProfileBean(additionalFields, locale, profileJson, null, null); } /** * Set Facebook profile data to a FacebookProfile bean. * * @param additionalFields * @param locale * @param profileJson * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookProfile bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookProfile populateProfileBean(String[] additionalFields, Locale locale, JSONObject profileJson, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (profileJson == null || profileJson.has("id") == false) { if (profileJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Profile JSON is null and cannot populate a Profile bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid profile JSON.", profileJson.toString()); } } // set profile data FacebookProfile facebookProfile = new FacebookProfile(); facebookProfile.setLocale(locale); facebookProfile.setSnsUid(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); facebookProfile.setProfileJson(profileJson); facebookProfile.setUid(profileJson.optString("id")); facebookProfile.setUserName(profileJson.optString("username")); facebookProfile.setFullName(profileJson.optString("name")); facebookProfile.setProfilePageUrl(profileJson.optString("link")); facebookProfile.setGender(profileJson.optString("gender")); // profile photo if (profileJson.has("picture") == true && profileJson.getJSONObject("picture").has("data") == true) { // small profile photo String smallPhotoUrl = profileJson.getJSONObject("picture").getJSONObject("data").optString("url"); facebookProfile.setSmallProfilePhotoUrl(smallPhotoUrl); // large profile photo for default dummy value // (note that this URL can go wrong anytime) facebookProfile.setLargeProfilePhotoUrl(smallPhotoUrl.replaceAll("_q", "_n")); } // set additional fields for debug use facebookProfile.setAdditionalFields(additionalFields); // set the current permission settings for debug use facebookProfile.setGrantedPermissionsAsCsv(mFacebookContext.getPermissionScopeAsCsv()); // set cursors facebookProfile.setAfter(after); facebookProfile.setBefore(before); // set friend requested date if this profile is a friend requester if (profileJson.has(FRIEND_REQUEST_DATE) == true) { facebookProfile.setFriendRequestedDate(profileJson.getString(FRIEND_REQUEST_DATE)); } // set RSVP status if this profile is an event participant if (profileJson.has(RSVP_STATUS) == true) { facebookProfile.setRsvpStatus(profileJson.getString(RSVP_STATUS)); } return facebookProfile; } /** * Get FacebookPost list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> populatePostList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { return populatePostList(null, locale, responseJson); } /** * Get FacebookPost list from JSON array. * * @param parentPostId * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> populatePostList(String parentPostId, Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray postJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // post list must not be empty if (postJsonArray == null || postJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Post list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } return populatePostList(locale, postJsonArray, parentPostId, after, before); } /** * Get FacebookPost list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param postJsonArray * @param parentPostId * @param after * @param before * @return list of FacebookPost objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPost> populatePostList(Locale locale, JSONArray postJsonArray, String parentPostId, String after, String before) throws Exception { // iterate post list and populate FacebookPost beans List<FacebookPost> postList = new ArrayList<FacebookPost>(); for (int i = 0; i < postJsonArray.length(); i++) { postList.add(populatePostBean(locale, postJsonArray.getJSONObject(i), parentPostId, after, before)); } return postList; } /** * Set Facebook post data to a FacebookPost bean. * * @param locale * @param postJson * @return a FacebookPost bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost populatePostBean(Locale locale, JSONObject postJson) throws Exception { return populatePostBean(locale, postJson, null, null, null); } /** * Set Facebook post data to a FacebookPost bean. * * @param locale * @param postJson * @param parentPostId * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookPost bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPost populatePostBean(Locale locale, JSONObject postJson, String parentPostId, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (postJson == null || postJson.has("id") == false) { if (postJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Post JSON is null and cannot populate a Post bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid post JSON.", postJson.toString()); } } // set post data FacebookPost facebookPost = new FacebookPost(); facebookPost.setLocale(locale); facebookPost.setSnsUid(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); facebookPost.setPostJson(postJson); facebookPost.setPostId(postJson.optString("id")); facebookPost.setPosterUid(postJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("id")); facebookPost.setPosterFullName(postJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("name")); facebookPost.setTextContent(postJson.optString("message")); facebookPost.setCreatedDate(postJson.optString("created_time")); facebookPost.setThumbnailPhotoUrl(postJson.optString("picture")); facebookPost.setLinkUrl(postJson.optString("link")); facebookPost.setLinkName(postJson.optString("name")); facebookPost.setLinkCaption(postJson.optString("caption")); facebookPost.setLinkDescription(postJson.optString("description")); facebookPost.setObjectId(postJson.optString("object_id")); facebookPost.setSystemMessage(postJson.optString("story")); facebookPost.setIconUrl(postJson.optString("icon")); facebookPost.setUpdatedDate(postJson.optString("updated_time")); // set post type facebookPost.setType(postJson.optString("type")); // set post privacy if (facebookPost.getPrivacyJson() != null) { facebookPost.setPrivacy(facebookPost.getPrivacyJson().optString("value")); } // set like count if (postJson.has("likes") == true) { facebookPost.setLikeCount(postJson.getJSONObject("likes").optInt("count")); } // if the current post is a comment else if (postJson.has("like_count") == true) { facebookPost.setType(FacebookPost.Type.COMMENT.getTypeString()); facebookPost.setParentPostId(parentPostId); facebookPost.setLikeCount(postJson.getInt("like_count")); } // if current post is status (retrieved from '[user_id]/statuses' endpoint) if (postJson.has("created_time") == false && postJson.has("updated_time") == true && facebookPost.getType() == null) { // convert status ID to post ID (post Id = [user UID]_[status ID]) if (facebookPost.getPostId().indexOf("_") == -1) { facebookPost.setPostId(facebookPost.getPosterUid() + "_" + facebookPost.getPostId()); } // set type manually if (facebookPost.getType() == null) { facebookPost.setType(FacebookPost.Type.STATUS.getTypeString()); } // set created time manually since status object has no created_time field facebookPost.setCreatedDate(postJson.optString("updated_time")); } // set share count if (postJson.has("shares") == true) { facebookPost.setShareCount(postJson.getJSONObject("shares").optInt("count")); } // set place info if (facebookPost.getPlaceJson() != null) { facebookPost.setPlaceId(facebookPost.getPlaceJson().optString("id")); facebookPost.setPlaceName(facebookPost.getPlaceJson().optString("name")); if (facebookPost.getPlaceJson().has("location") == true) { facebookPost.setPlaceLatitude(Float .parseFloat(facebookPost.getPlaceJson().getJSONObject("location").optString("latitude"))); facebookPost.setPlaceLongitude(Float .parseFloat(facebookPost.getPlaceJson().getJSONObject("location").optString("longitude"))); } } // set comment list if exists if (facebookPost.getCommentJson() != null && facebookPost.getCommentJson().has("data") == true) { List<FacebookPost> commentList = populatePostList(facebookPost.getPostId(), locale, facebookPost.getCommentJson()); facebookPost.setCommentList(commentList); } // set cursors facebookPost.setAfter(after); facebookPost.setBefore(before); return facebookPost; } /** * Get FacebookAlbum list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookAlbum objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookAlbum> populateAlbumList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray albumJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // album list must not be empty if (albumJsonArray == null || albumJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Album list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } // iterate album list and populate FacebookAlbum beans List<FacebookAlbum> albumList = new ArrayList<FacebookAlbum>(); for (int i = 0; i < albumJsonArray.length(); i++) { albumList.add(populateAlbumBean(locale, albumJsonArray.getJSONObject(i), after, before)); } return albumList; } /** * Set Facebook album data to a FacebookAlbum bean. * * @param locale * @param albumJson * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookAlbum bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookAlbum populateAlbumBean(Locale locale, JSONObject albumJson, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (albumJson == null || albumJson.has("id") == false) { if (albumJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Album JSON is null and cannot populate a album bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid album JSON.", albumJson.toString()); } } // set album data FacebookAlbum facebookAlbum = new FacebookAlbum(); facebookAlbum.setLocale(locale); facebookAlbum.setAlbumJson(albumJson); facebookAlbum.setId(albumJson.getString("id")); facebookAlbum.setOwnerId(albumJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("id")); facebookAlbum.setOwnerFullName(albumJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("name")); facebookAlbum.setName(albumJson.optString("name")); facebookAlbum.setLink(albumJson.optString("link")); facebookAlbum.setCoverPhotoId(albumJson.optString("cover_photo")); facebookAlbum.setPrivacy(albumJson.optString("privacy")); facebookAlbum.setCount(albumJson.optInt("count")); facebookAlbum.setType(albumJson.optString("type")); facebookAlbum.setCreatedDate(albumJson.optString("created_time")); facebookAlbum.setUpdatedDate(albumJson.optString("updated_time")); facebookAlbum.setCanUpload(albumJson.optBoolean("can_upload")); // set cursors facebookAlbum.setAfter(after); facebookAlbum.setBefore(before); return facebookAlbum; } /** * Get FacebookPhoto list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookPhoto objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookPhoto> populatePhotoList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray photoJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // photo list must not be empty if (photoJsonArray == null || photoJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Photo list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } // iterate photo list and populate FacebookPhoto beans List<FacebookPhoto> photoList = new ArrayList<FacebookPhoto>(); for (int i = 0; i < photoJsonArray.length(); i++) { photoList.add(populatePhotoBean(locale, photoJsonArray.getJSONObject(i), after, before)); } return photoList; } /** * Set Facebook photo data to a FacebookPhoto bean. * * @param locale * @param photoJson * @return a FacebookPhoto bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPhoto populatePhotoBean(Locale locale, JSONObject photoJson) throws Exception { return populatePhotoBean(locale, photoJson, null, null); } /** * Set Facebook photo data to a FacebookPhoto bean. * * @param locale * @param photoJson * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookPhoto bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookPhoto populatePhotoBean(Locale locale, JSONObject photoJson, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (photoJson == null || photoJson.has("id") == false) { if (photoJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Photo JSON is null and cannot populate a photo bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid photo JSON.", photoJson.toString()); } } // set photo data FacebookPhoto facebookPhoto = new FacebookPhoto(); facebookPhoto.setLocale(locale); facebookPhoto.setPhotoJson(photoJson); facebookPhoto.setId(photoJson.getString("id")); facebookPhoto.setOwnerId(photoJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("id")); facebookPhoto.setOwnerFullName(photoJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("name")); facebookPhoto.setName(photoJson.optString("name")); facebookPhoto.setThumbnailUrl(photoJson.optString("picture")); facebookPhoto.setOriginalPhotoUrl(photoJson.optString("source")); facebookPhoto.setOriginalPhotoHeight(photoJson.optString("height")); facebookPhoto.setOriginalPhotoWidth(photoJson.optString("width")); facebookPhoto.setLink(photoJson.optString("link")); facebookPhoto.setIconUrl(photoJson.optString("icon")); facebookPhoto.setCreatedDate(photoJson.optString("created_time")); facebookPhoto.setUpdatedDate(photoJson.optString("updated_time")); // set like list if exists if (facebookPhoto.getLikeJson() != null && facebookPhoto.getLikeJson().has("data") == true) { List<FacebookProfile> likeList = populateProfileList(locale, facebookPhoto.getLikeJson()); facebookPhoto.setLikeList(likeList); } // set comment list if exists if (facebookPhoto.getCommentJson() != null && facebookPhoto.getCommentJson().has("data") == true) { List<FacebookPost> commentList = populatePostList(facebookPhoto.getId(), locale, facebookPhoto.getCommentJson()); facebookPhoto.setCommentList(commentList); } // set cursors facebookPhoto.setAfter(after); facebookPhoto.setBefore(before); return facebookPhoto; } /** * Get FacebookNote list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookNote objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookNote> populateNoteList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray noteJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // note list must not be empty if (noteJsonArray == null || noteJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Note list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } // iterate note list and populate FacebookNote beans List<FacebookNote> noteList = new ArrayList<FacebookNote>(); for (int i = 0; i < noteJsonArray.length(); i++) { noteList.add(populateNoteBean(locale, noteJsonArray.getJSONObject(i), after, before)); } return noteList; } /** * Set Facebook note data to a FacebookLikableObject bean. * * @param locale * @param noteJson * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookNote bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookNote populateNoteBean(Locale locale, JSONObject noteJson, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (noteJson == null || noteJson.has("id") == false) { if (noteJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Note JSON is null and " + "cannot populate a note bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid note JSON.", noteJson.toString()); } } // set note data FacebookNote facebookNote = new FacebookNote(); facebookNote.setLocale(locale); facebookNote.setNoteJson(noteJson); facebookNote.setId(noteJson.getString("id")); facebookNote.setAuthorUid(noteJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("id")); facebookNote.setAuthorFullName(noteJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("name")); facebookNote.setSubject(noteJson.optString("subject")); facebookNote.setHtmlContent(noteJson.optString("message")); facebookNote.setIconUrl(noteJson.optString("icon")); facebookNote.setCreatedDate(noteJson.optString("created_time")); facebookNote.setUpdatedDate(noteJson.optString("updated_time")); // set cursors facebookNote.setAfter(after); facebookNote.setBefore(before); return facebookNote; } /** * Get FacebookLikableObject list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookLikableObject objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookLikableObject> populateLikableList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray likableJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // likable object list must not be empty if (likableJsonArray == null || likableJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Likable object list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // extract cursor data if exsists String after = null; String before = null; if (responseJson.has("paging") == true && responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").has("cursors") == true) { JSONObject cursorJson = responseJson.getJSONObject("paging").getJSONObject("cursors"); after = cursorJson.optString("after"); before = cursorJson.optString("before"); } // iterate likable object list and populate FacebookLikableObject beans List<FacebookLikableObject> likableList = new ArrayList<FacebookLikableObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < likableJsonArray.length(); i++) { likableList.add(populateLikableBean(locale, likableJsonArray.getJSONObject(i), after, before)); } return likableList; } /** * Set Facebook likable object data to a FacebookLikableObject bean. * * @param locale * @param objectJson * @param after * @param before * @return a FacebookLikableObject bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookLikableObject populateLikableBean(Locale locale, JSONObject objectJson, String after, String before) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (objectJson == null || objectJson.has("id") == false) { if (objectJson == null) { throw new NetworkException( "Likable object JSON is null and " + "cannot populate a likable object bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid likable object JSON.", objectJson.toString()); } } // set likable object data FacebookLikableObject facebookLikableObject = new FacebookLikableObject(); facebookLikableObject.setLocale(locale); facebookLikableObject.setLikableJson(objectJson); facebookLikableObject.setId(objectJson.getString("id")); facebookLikableObject.setCategory(objectJson.optString("category")); facebookLikableObject.setName(objectJson.optString("name")); facebookLikableObject.setLink(objectJson.optString("link")); facebookLikableObject.setDescription(objectJson.optString("description")); // set cover photo if exists if (objectJson.has("cover") == true) { facebookLikableObject.setCoverPhotoId(objectJson.getJSONObject("cover").optString("cover_id")); facebookLikableObject.setCoverPhotoUrl(objectJson.getJSONObject("cover").optString("source")); } facebookLikableObject.setWebSiteUrl(objectJson.optString("website")); facebookLikableObject.setTalkingAboutCount(objectJson.optInt("talking_about_count")); facebookLikableObject.setCanPost(objectJson.optBoolean("can_post")); facebookLikableObject.setCreatedDate(objectJson.optString("created_time")); // set cursors facebookLikableObject.setAfter(after); facebookLikableObject.setBefore(before); return facebookLikableObject; } /** * Get FacebookMessageThread list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookMessageThread objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookMessageThread> populateMessageThreadList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray messageThreadJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // message thread list must not be empty if (messageThreadJsonArray == null || messageThreadJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Message thread list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // iterate message thread list and populate FacebookMessageThread beans List<FacebookMessageThread> messageThreadList = new ArrayList<FacebookMessageThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < messageThreadJsonArray.length(); i++) { messageThreadList.add(populateMessageThreadBean(locale, messageThreadJsonArray.getJSONObject(i))); } return messageThreadList; } /** * Set Facebook message thread data to a FacebookMessageThread bean. * * * @param locale * @param messageThreadJson * @return a FacebookMessage bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookMessageThread populateMessageThreadBean(Locale locale, JSONObject messageThreadJson) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (messageThreadJson == null || messageThreadJson.has("id") == false) { if (messageThreadJson == null) { throw new NetworkException( "Message thread JSON is null and " + "cannot populate a message thread bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid message thread JSON.", messageThreadJson.toString()); } } // set message thread data FacebookMessageThread facebookMessageThread = new FacebookMessageThread(); facebookMessageThread.setLocale(locale); facebookMessageThread.setMessageThreadJson(messageThreadJson); facebookMessageThread.setId(messageThreadJson.getString("id")); facebookMessageThread.setUnread(messageThreadJson.optInt("unread")); facebookMessageThread.setUnseen(messageThreadJson.optInt("unseen")); facebookMessageThread.setUpdatedDate(messageThreadJson.optString("updated_time")); // set conversation participants String toUserUids = null; String toUserFullNames = null; JSONArray toJsonArray = messageThreadJson.getJSONObject("to").getJSONArray("data"); for (int i = 0; i < toJsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject toJson = toJsonArray.getJSONObject(i); if (i > 0 && toJson.optString("id") != null) { toUserUids += "," + toJson.optString("id"); } else { toUserUids = toJson.optString("id"); } if (i > 0 && toJson.optString("name") != null) { toUserFullNames += "," + toJson.optString("name"); } else { toUserFullNames = toJson.optString("name"); } } if (toUserUids.length() > 0) { facebookMessageThread.setToUserUids(toUserUids.split(",")); } if (toUserFullNames.length() > 0) { facebookMessageThread.setToUserFullNames(toUserFullNames.split(",")); } // set message list facebookMessageThread .setMessageList(populateMessageList(locale, messageThreadJson.getJSONObject("comments"))); // set last message and its sender information List<FacebookMessage> messageList = facebookMessageThread.getMessageList(); facebookMessageThread.setLastMessage(messageList.get(messageList.size() - 1).getMessage()); facebookMessageThread.setLastSenderUid(messageList.get(messageList.size() - 1).getSenderUid()); facebookMessageThread.setLastSenderFullName(messageList.get(messageList.size() - 1).getSenderFullName()); return facebookMessageThread; } /** * Get FacebookMessage list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookMessage objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookMessage> populateMessageList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray messageJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // message list must not be empty if (messageJsonArray == null || messageJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Message list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // iterate message list and populate FacebookMessage beans List<FacebookMessage> messageList = new ArrayList<FacebookMessage>(); for (int i = 0; i < messageJsonArray.length(); i++) { messageList.add(populateMessageBean(locale, messageJsonArray.getJSONObject(i))); } return messageList; } /** * Set Facebook message data to a FacebookMessage bean. * * @param locale * @param messageJson * @return a FacebookMessage bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookMessage populateMessageBean(Locale locale, JSONObject messageJson) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (messageJson == null || messageJson.has("id") == false) { if (messageJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Message JSON is null and " + "cannot populate a message bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid message JSON.", messageJson.toString()); } } // set message data FacebookMessage facebookMessage = new FacebookMessage(); facebookMessage.setLocale(locale); facebookMessage.setMessageJson(messageJson); facebookMessage.setId(messageJson.getString("id")); facebookMessage.setSenderUid(messageJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("id")); facebookMessage.setSenderFullName(messageJson.getJSONObject("from").optString("name")); facebookMessage.setMessage(messageJson.optString("message")); facebookMessage.setCreatedDate(messageJson.optString("created_time")); return facebookMessage; } /** * Get FacebookEvent list from JSON array. * * @param locale * @param responseJson * @return list of FacebookEvent objects * @throws Exception */ private List<FacebookEvent> populateEventList(Locale locale, JSONObject responseJson) throws Exception { JSONArray eventJsonArray = responseJson.optJSONArray("data"); // event list must not be empty if (eventJsonArray == null || eventJsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new NetworkException("Event list is empty.", responseJson.toString()); } // iterate event list and populate FacebookEvent beans List<FacebookEvent> eventList = new ArrayList<FacebookEvent>(); for (int i = 0; i < eventJsonArray.length(); i++) { eventList.add(populateEventBean(locale, eventJsonArray.getJSONObject(i))); } return eventList; } /** * Set Facebook event data to a FacebookEvent bean. * * @param locale * @param eventJson * @return a FacebookEvent bean * @throws Exception */ private FacebookEvent populateEventBean(Locale locale, JSONObject eventJson) throws Exception { // throw an exception if JSON is invalid if (eventJson == null || eventJson.has("id") == false) { if (eventJson == null) { throw new NetworkException("Event JSON is null and " + "cannot populate an event bean."); } else { throw new NetworkException("Invalid event JSON.", eventJson.toString()); } } // set event data FacebookEvent facebookEvent = new FacebookEvent(); facebookEvent.setLocale(locale); facebookEvent.setEventJson(eventJson); facebookEvent.setId(eventJson.getString("id")); facebookEvent.setOwnerUid(eventJson.getJSONObject("owner").optString("id")); facebookEvent.setOwnerFullName(eventJson.getJSONObject("owner").optString("name")); facebookEvent.setName(eventJson.optString("name")); facebookEvent.setDescription(eventJson.optString("description")); // set cover photo if (eventJson.has("cover") == true) { facebookEvent.setCoverPhotoId(eventJson.getJSONObject("cover").optString("cover_id")); facebookEvent.setCoverPhotoUrl(eventJson.getJSONObject("cover").optString("source")); } facebookEvent.setStartTime(eventJson.optString("start_time")); facebookEvent.setEndTime(eventJson.optString("end_time")); // set timezone if (eventJson.optString("timezone") != null) { facebookEvent.setTimezone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(eventJson.optString("timezone"))); facebookEvent.setTimezoneString(eventJson.optString("timezone")); } // set location facebookEvent.setLocationName(eventJson.optString("location")); if (eventJson.has("venue") == true) { facebookEvent.setLocationId(eventJson.getJSONObject("venue").optString("id")); String latitude = eventJson.getJSONObject("venue").optString("latitude"); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(latitude) == false) { facebookEvent.setLocationLatitude(Float.parseFloat(latitude)); } String longitude = eventJson.getJSONObject("venue").optString("longitude"); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(longitude) == false) { facebookEvent.setLocationLongitude(Float.parseFloat(longitude)); } } facebookEvent.setPrivacy(eventJson.optString("privacy")); facebookEvent.setUpdatedDate(eventJson.optString("updated_time")); return facebookEvent; } }