Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Witoslaw Koczewsi <>, Artjom Kochtchi * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see * <>. */ package; import ilarkesto.auth.LoginData; import ilarkesto.auth.LoginDataProvider; import ilarkesto.base.Proc; import ilarkesto.base.Str; import ilarkesto.core.base.Utl; import ilarkesto.core.logging.Log; import ilarkesto.core.time.Date; import ilarkesto.integration.jdom.JDom; import; import ilarkesto.swing.LoginPanel; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // public class Google { public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // List<BuzzActivity> activities = getBuzzActivitiesConsumption(); // System.out.println(Str.format(activities)); // for (BuzzActivity buzz : getBuzzActivitiesConsumption(login)) { // System.out.println(buzz); // } // Sys.setHttpProxy("", 80); LoginData login = LoginPanel.showDialog(null, "Google login", new File("runtimedata/")); if (login == null) return; String email = login.getLogin(); ContactsService service = createContactsService(login, "Test"); ContactGroupEntry testgroup = getContactGroupByTitle("testgroup", service, email); List<ContactEntry> contacts = getContacts(service, testgroup, email); ContactEntry contact = contacts.get(0); Log.DEBUG(getEmails(contact)); Log.DEBUG(contact.getStructuredPostalAddresses().get(0).getCity()); for (Im im : contact.getImAddresses()) { Log.DEBUG("--->", im.getAddress(), "|", im.getProtocol(), "|", im.getRel()); } setEmail(contact, "", "privat", EmailRel.HOME, false); setPhone(contact, "12345", "Neue Nummer", null); removeAddresses(contact); setAddress(contact, "Teststrasse 122", "12345", "Teststadt", "DE", "Testadresse xy", AddressRel.OTHER, false); setInstantMessaging(contact, "", ImProtocol.JABBER, ImRel.HOME); setWebsite(contact, "", Website.Rel.HOME_PAGE); save(contact, service); // ContactGroupEntry group = getContactGroupByTitle("testgroup", service, login.getLogin()); // if (group == null) { // group = createContactGroup("testgroup", service, login.getLogin()); // } // // createContact(createPersonName("Duke", "Nukem"), group, service, login.getLogin()); // // getContacts(service, group, login.getLogin()); } private static Log log = Log.get(Google.class); public static enum ImProtocol { AIM(""), MSN(""), YAHOO( ""), SKYPE(""), QQ( ""), GOOGLE_TALK( ""), ICQ( ""), JABBER( ""); String href; private ImProtocol(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static enum ImRel { HOME(""), WORK(""), OTHER( ""); String href; private ImRel(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static enum EmailRel { HOME(""), WORK(""), OTHER( ""); String href; private EmailRel(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static enum WebsiteRel { HOME(""), WORK(""), OTHER( ""); String href; private WebsiteRel(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static enum AddressRel { HOME(""), WORK(""), OTHER( ""); String href; private AddressRel(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static enum PhoneRel { HOME(""), WORK(""), FAX( ""), HOME_FAX( ""), WORK_FAX( ""), MOBILE( ""), PAGER( ""), OTHER( ""); String href; private PhoneRel(String href) { this.href = href; } } public static String getMapsUrl(String query) { if (Str.isBlank(query)) return null; return "" + Str.encodeUrlParameter(query); } public static String weatherInfo(ilarkesto.core.time.Date date, String language, String location) { if (date.isPast()) return null; int inDays = date.getPeriodTo(; if (inDays > 4) return null; Document doc = weatherAsXml(language, location); Element eReply = doc.getRootElement(); Element eWeather = eReply.getChild("weather"); if (eWeather == null) return null; if (date.isToday()) { Element eConditions = eWeather.getChild("current_conditions"); if (eConditions == null) return null; String temp = JDom.getChildAttributeValue(eConditions, "temp_c", "data"); String condition = JDom.getChildAttributeValue(eConditions, "condition", "data"); String humidity = JDom.getChildAttributeValue(eConditions, "humidity", "data"); String wind = JDom.getChildAttributeValue(eConditions, "wind_condition", "data"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(temp).append(", ").append(condition); if (humidity != null) sb.append(", ").append(humidity); if (wind != null) sb.append(", ").append(wind); return sb.toString(); } List<Element> elConditions = JDom.getChildren(eWeather, "forecast_conditions"); if (elConditions.isEmpty()) return null; if (elConditions.size() < inDays) return null; Element eConditions = elConditions.get(inDays - 1); return JDom.getChildAttributeValue(eConditions, "condition", "data"); } public static Document weatherAsXml(String language, String location) { String xml = weatherAsXmlString(language, location); return JDom.createDocument(xml); } public static String weatherAsXmlString(String language, String location) { // TODO API changed! return IO.downloadUrlToString( "" + language + "&weather=" + Str.encodeUrlParameter(location), IO.WINDOWS_1252); } public static String oacurl(String url) { return Proc.execute("/opt/oacurl/oacurl", url); } public static void uploadContactPhoto(ContactEntry contact, ContactsService service, String contentType, byte[] photoData) { Link photoLink = contact.getContactPhotoLink(); try { URL photoUrl = new URL(photoLink.getHref()); GDataRequest request = service.createRequest(GDataRequest.RequestType.UPDATE, photoUrl, new ContentType(contentType)); request.setEtag(photoLink.getEtag()); OutputStream requestStream = request.getRequestStream(); requestStream.write(photoData); request.execute();"Contact photo uploaded:", toString(contact)); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Uploading contact photo failed: " + toString(contact), ex); } } public static String toString(BaseEntry entry) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(entry.getId()); TextConstruct title = entry.getTitle(); if (title != null) { sb.append(" (").append(title.getPlainText()).append(")"); } return sb.toString(); } public static void removeEmails(ContactEntry contact) { List<Email> all = new ArrayList<Email>(contact.getEmailAddresses()); for (Email item : all) { contact.removeExtension(item); contact.removeRepeatingExtension(item); } } public static void removePhones(ContactEntry contact) { List<PhoneNumber> all = new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>(contact.getPhoneNumbers()); for (PhoneNumber item : all) { contact.removeExtension(item); contact.removeRepeatingExtension(item); } } public static void removeAddresses(ContactEntry contact) { List<StructuredPostalAddress> all = new ArrayList<StructuredPostalAddress>( contact.getStructuredPostalAddresses()); for (StructuredPostalAddress item : all) { contact.removeExtension(item); contact.removeRepeatingExtension(item); } } public static void removeInstantMessages(ContactEntry contact) { List<Im> all = new ArrayList<Im>(contact.getImAddresses()); for (Im item : all) { contact.removeExtension(item); contact.removeRepeatingExtension(item); } } public static void removeWebsites(ContactEntry contact) { List<Website> all = new ArrayList<Website>(contact.getWebsites()); for (Website item : all) { contact.removeExtension(item); contact.removeRepeatingExtension(item); } } public static void setAddress(ContactEntry contact, String street, String postcode, String city, String countryCode, String label, AddressRel rel, boolean primary) { for (StructuredPostalAddress a : contact.getStructuredPostalAddresses()) { if (equals(street, a.getStreet()) && equals(postcode, a.getPostcode()) && equals(city, a.getCity()) && equals(countryCode, a.getCountry())) { // address already exists updateAddress(a, label, street, postcode, city, countryCode, rel, primary); return; } } contact.addStructuredPostalAddress( createPostalAddress(label, street, postcode, city, countryCode, rel, primary)); } private static boolean equals(String countryCode, Country country) { if (country == null) return country == null; return Utl.equals(countryCode, country.getCode()); } private static boolean equals(String value, ValueConstruct vc) { if (vc == null) return value == null; return Utl.equals(value, vc.getValue()); } public static Im setIcq(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImRel rel) { return setInstantMessaging(contact, address, ImProtocol.ICQ, rel); } public static Im setMsn(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImRel rel) { return setInstantMessaging(contact, address, ImProtocol.MSN, rel); } public static Im setJabber(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImRel rel) { return setInstantMessaging(contact, address, ImProtocol.JABBER, rel); } public static Im setGoogleTalk(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImRel rel) { return setInstantMessaging(contact, address, ImProtocol.GOOGLE_TALK, rel); } public static Im setSkype(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImRel rel) { return setInstantMessaging(contact, address, ImProtocol.SKYPE, rel); } public static Im setInstantMessaging(ContactEntry contact, String address, ImProtocol protocol, ImRel rel) { address = address.toLowerCase(); for (Im im : contact.getImAddresses()) { if (protocol.href.equals(im.getProtocol()) && address.equals(im.getAddress())) return im; } Im im = createInstantMessaging(address, protocol, rel); contact.addImAddress(im); return im; } public static Website setWebsite(ContactEntry contact, String url) { Website.Rel rel = Website.Rel.HOME_PAGE; if (url.contains("") || url.contains("") || url.contains("wordpress")) rel = Website.Rel.BLOG; if (url.contains("") || url.contains("")) rel = Website.Rel.PROFILE; if (url.startsWith("ftp://")) rel = Website.Rel.FTP; return setWebsite(contact, url, rel); } public static Website setWebsite(ContactEntry contact, String url, Website.Rel rel) { if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://") && !url.startsWith("ftp://")) url = "http://" + url; for (Website site : contact.getWebsites()) { String href = site.getHref(); if (href.equals(url)) { // site already exists updateWebsite(site, url, rel); return site; } } Website site = createWebsite(url, rel); contact.addWebsite(site); return site; } private static Website createWebsite(String url, Rel rel) { Website site = new Website(); updateWebsite(site, url, rel); return site; } private static void updateWebsite(Website site, String url, Rel rel) { site.setHref(url); site.setRel(rel); } public static PhoneNumber setPhone(ContactEntry contact, String phoneNumber, String label, PhoneRel rel) { phoneNumber = phoneNumber.toLowerCase(); for (PhoneNumber phone : contact.getPhoneNumbers()) { String number = phone.getPhoneNumber().toLowerCase(); if (number.equals(phoneNumber)) { // number already exists updatePhoneNumber(number, label, rel, phone); return phone; } } PhoneNumber phone = createPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, label, rel); contact.addPhoneNumber(phone); return phone; } public static void setPrimaryPhone(ContactEntry contact, String phoneNumber) { boolean updated = false; phoneNumber = phoneNumber.toLowerCase(); for (PhoneNumber phone : contact.getPhoneNumbers()) { String number = phone.getPhoneNumber().toLowerCase(); if (number.equals(phoneNumber)) { phone.setPrimary(true); updated = true; } else { phone.setPrimary(false); } } if (!updated) throw new RuntimeException("Phone '" + phoneNumber + "' not found in: " + toString(contact)); } public static List<String> getEmails(ContactEntry contact) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Email email : contact.getEmailAddresses()) { ret.add(email.getAddress().toLowerCase()); } return ret; } public static void setEmail(ContactEntry contact, String emailAddress, String label, EmailRel rel, boolean primary) { boolean updated = false; emailAddress = emailAddress.toLowerCase(); for (Email email : contact.getEmailAddresses()) { String address = email.getAddress().toLowerCase(); if (address.equals(emailAddress)) { updateEmail(email, address, label, rel, primary); updated = true; } else if (primary) { email.setPrimary(false); } } if (updated) return; contact.addEmailAddress(createEmail(emailAddress, label, rel, primary)); } public static void delete(BaseEntry entry) { try { entry.delete(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Deleting failed: " + toString(entry), ex); } } public static <E extends BaseEntry> E save(E entry, ContactsService service) { URL editUrl; try { editUrl = new URL(entry.getEditLink().getHref()); return service.update(editUrl, entry); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Saving failed: " + toString(entry), ex); } } public static void setExtendedProperty(ContactEntry contact, String name, String value) { for (ExtendedProperty property : contact.getExtendedProperties()) { if (name.equals(property.getName())) { property.setValue(value); return; } } ExtendedProperty property = new ExtendedProperty(); property.setName(name); property.setValue(value); contact.addExtendedProperty(property); } public static String getExtendedProperty(ContactEntry contact, String name) { for (ExtendedProperty property : contact.getExtendedProperties()) { if (name.equals(property.getName())) return property.getValue(); } return null; } public static GroupMembershipInfo createContactGroupMembershipInfo(ContactGroupEntry group) { GroupMembershipInfo groupMembershipInfo = new GroupMembershipInfo(false, group.getId()); return groupMembershipInfo; } public static ContactEntry createContact(String name, ContactGroupEntry group, ContactsService service, String email) { return createContact(createOrganizationName(name), group, service, email); } public static ContactEntry createContact(Name name, ContactGroupEntry group, ContactsService service, String email) { String title = name.getFullName().getValue(); ContactEntry contact = new ContactEntry(); contact.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title)); contact.setName(name); if (group != null) { GroupMembershipInfo membershipInfo = createContactGroupMembershipInfo(group); contact.addGroupMembershipInfo(membershipInfo); } try { contact = service.insert(getContactsFeedUrl(email), contact); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Creating contact '" + title + "' for " + email + " failed.", ex); }"Contact '" + title + "' created for " + email); return contact; } public static Name createOrganizationName(String organizationName) { Name name = new Name(); FullName fullName = new FullName(); fullName.setValue(organizationName); name.setFullName(fullName); return name; } public static Name createPersonName(String givenName, String familyName) { Name name = new Name(); StringBuilder full = new StringBuilder(); if (givenName != null) { name.setGivenName(new GivenName(givenName, null)); full.append(givenName); } if (familyName != null) { name.setFamilyName(new FamilyName(familyName, null)); if (full.length() > 0) full.append(" "); full.append(familyName); } FullName fullName = new FullName(); fullName.setValue(full.toString()); name.setFullName(fullName); return name; } public static StructuredPostalAddress createPostalAddress(String label, String street, String postcode, String city, String country, AddressRel rel, boolean primary) { StructuredPostalAddress a = new StructuredPostalAddress(); updateAddress(a, label, street, postcode, city, country, rel, primary); return a; } private static void updateAddress(StructuredPostalAddress a, String label, String street, String postcode, String city, String country, AddressRel rel, boolean primary) { if (label == null) { a.setRel(rel.href); a.setLabel(null); } else { a.setRel(null); a.setLabel(label); } a.setStreet(new Street(street)); a.setPostcode(new PostCode(postcode)); a.setCity(new City(city)); a.setCountry(new Country(country, country)); a.setPrimary(primary); } public static Nickname createNickname(String name) { if (name == null) return null; return new Nickname(name); } public static Birthday createBirthday(Date date) { if (date == null) return null; return new Birthday(date.toString()); } public static Email createEmail(String address, String label, EmailRel rel, boolean primary) { Email email = new Email(); updateEmail(email, address, label, rel, primary); return email; } private static void updateEmail(Email email, String address, String label, EmailRel rel, boolean primary) { if (label == null) { email.setRel(rel.href); email.setLabel(null); } else { email.setRel(null); email.setLabel(label); } email.setAddress(address); email.setPrimary(primary); } public static Im createInstantMessaging(String address, ImProtocol protocol, ImRel rel) { Im im = new Im(); im.setRel(rel.href); im.setAddress(address); im.setProtocol(protocol.href); return im; } public static PhoneNumber createPhoneNumber(String number, String label, PhoneRel rel) { PhoneNumber phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(); updatePhoneNumber(number, label, rel, phoneNumber); return phoneNumber; } private static void updatePhoneNumber(String number, String label, PhoneRel rel, PhoneNumber phoneNumber) { if (label == null) { phoneNumber.setRel(rel.href); phoneNumber.setLabel(null); } else { phoneNumber.setRel(null); phoneNumber.setLabel(label); } phoneNumber.setPhoneNumber(number); } public static ContactGroupEntry createContactGroup(String title, ContactsService service, String email) { ContactGroupEntry group = new ContactGroupEntry(); group.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title)); try { group = service.insert(getContactGroupsFeedUrl(email), group); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Creating contact group '" + title + "' for " + email + " failed.", ex); }"Contact group '" + title + "' created for " + email); return group; } public static ContactGroupEntry getContactGroupByTitle(String title, ContactsService service, String email) { for (ContactGroupEntry group : getContactGroups(service, email)) { if (title.equals(group.getTitle().getPlainText())) return group; } return null; } public static List<ContactEntry> getContacts(ContactsService service, ContactGroupEntry group, String email) {"Loading contacts for", email); ContactQuery query = new ContactQuery(getContactsFeedUrl(email)); query.setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (group != null) query.setGroup(group.getId()); ContactFeed resultFeed; try { resultFeed = service.getFeed(query, ContactFeed.class); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Loading contacts for " + email + " failed.", ex); } List<ContactEntry> ret = new ArrayList<ContactEntry>(); List<ContactEntry> entries = resultFeed.getEntries(); log.debug(" ", entries.size() + " contacts received."); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { ContactEntry contact = entries.get(i); log.debug(" ", contact.getId(), "->", contact.getTitle().getPlainText()); ret.add(contact); } return ret; } public static List<ContactGroupEntry> getContactGroups(ContactsService service, String email) {"Loading contact groups for", email); ContactGroupFeed resultFeed; try { resultFeed = service.getFeed(getContactGroupsFeedUrl(email), ContactGroupFeed.class); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Loading contact groups for " + email + " failed.", ex); } List<ContactGroupEntry> ret = new ArrayList<ContactGroupEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < resultFeed.getEntries().size(); i++) { ContactGroupEntry group = resultFeed.getEntries().get(i); log.debug(" ", group.getId(), "->", group.getTitle().getPlainText()); ret.add(group); } return ret; } public static URL getContactGroupsFeedUrl(String email) { return getFeedUrl("groups", email, "full"); } public static URL getContactsFeedUrl(String email) { return getFeedUrl("contacts", email, "full"); } public static URL getFeedUrl(String entity, String email, String feed) { try { return new URL("" + entity + "/" + email + "/" + feed); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public static ContactsService createContactsService(LoginDataProvider login, String clientApplicationId) { LoginData loginData = login.getLoginData(); ContactsService contactsService = new ContactsService(clientApplicationId); try { contactsService.setUserCredentials(loginData.getLogin(), loginData.getPassword()); } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Google authentication failed.", ex); } return contactsService; } public static TextConstruct textConstruct(String s) { if (s == null) return null; return s.startsWith("<html") ? new HtmlTextConstruct(s) : new PlainTextConstruct(s); } public static boolean isGoogleTalkAddress(String email) { if (Str.isBlank(email)) return false; email = email.trim().toLowerCase(); if (email.endsWith("")) return true; if (email.endsWith("")) return true; return false; } }