Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package if4031; /** * * @author Imballinst */ import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.descending; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import java.util.List; import org.bson.Document; import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; public class ServerHandler implements ServerService.Iface { /* Db Config */ MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost"); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("chatRPC"); @Override public String regNick(String token, String nick) throws TException { if (token.equals("") && nick != null) { if (isNickExist(nick)) { //nick exists return "Nick exists!"; } else { //if nick doesn't exist nick = saveNick(nick); return nick; } } else if (token.equals("") && nick == null) { String newNick = ""; do { newNick = randomNick(); } while (isNickExist(newNick)); //save nick saveNick(nick); return newNick; } else { //already registered return "Nick already registered."; } } @Override public String joinChannel(String token, String channel) throws TException { /* belum di cek apakah udah join */ /* cek channel exist */ if (this.isChannelExist(channel)) { /* subscribe */ this.subscribeChannel(token, channel); return "Channel subscribed."; } else { // create channel this.createChannel(channel); /* subscribe */ this.subscribeChannel(token, channel); return "Channel created and subscribed."; } } private boolean subscribeChannel(String token, String channel) { MongoCollection<Document> userCollection = database.getCollection("User"); Document channelDoc = new Document("name", channel); Document listChannel = new Document("channels", channel); userCollection.updateOne(eq("nick", token), new Document("$push", listChannel)); //userCollection.updateOne(eq("nick", token), new Document("$set",new Document("channel", channel))); return true; } @Override public String leaveChannel(String token, String channel) throws TException { // if (isChannelSubscribed(token,channel)) { //if channel is subscribed //leave channel return this.deleteMember(token, channel); // } // else { //if channel isn't subcribed // return "You aren't subscribed to that channel."; // } } @Override public boolean saveMessage(String token, String channel, String message) throws TException { return this.saveToDB(token, channel, message); } @Override public boolean saveToDB(String token, String channel, String message) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> messageCollection = database.getCollection(channel + "Message"); int lastId; // System.out.println(this.getLastMessageId(channel)); // Document listMessage = new Document("messages",new Document("id", 3).append("nick", token).append("messsage", message)); // Document updateQuery = new Document("$push", listMessage); // Document findQuery = new Document("name", channel); // channelCollection.updateOne(findQuery, updateQuery); // Document messageDoc = new Document("id", this.getLastMessageId(channel)).append("nick", token).append("message", message); // messageCollection.insertOne(messageDoc); try { lastId = this.getLastMessageId(channel); lastId++; } catch (Exception e) { lastId = 1; } Document doc = new Document("id", lastId).append("nick", token).append("message", message); messageCollection.insertOne(doc); return true; } private int getLastMessageId(String channel) { MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(channel + "Message"); Document myDoc = collection.find().sort(descending("id")).first(); return myDoc.getInteger("id"); } @Override public String getMessage(List<ChannelLastMsg> clm, String token) throws TException { String messages = ""; for (ChannelLastMsg channelStruct : clm) { MongoCollection<Document> messageCollection = database.getCollection( + "Message"); FindIterable<Document> iterable = messageCollection .find(new Document("id", new Document("$gt", channelStruct.lastID))); for (Document doc : iterable) { // if(doc.getString("nick").equals(token)) messages = messages + + ":@" + token + ' ' + doc.getString("message") + '\n'; // System.out.println(doc.getString("message")); } } return messages; } @Override public String iSend(String token, String message) throws TTransportException, TException { String response = ""; try { String[] command = message.split(" ", 2); switch (command[0]) { case "/NICK": response = regNick(token, command[1]); break; case "/JOIN": response = joinChannel(token, command[1]); break; case "/LEAVE": response = leaveChannel(token, command[1]); break; default: //send message to a channel if (command[0].charAt(0) == '@') { String channelName = command[0].substring(1, command[0].length()); //correct saveMessage(token, channelName, command[1]); response = "Success sending message to the channel!"; } else { //false response = "Failed sending message to the channel."; } break; } } catch (Exception e) { if (message.compareTo("/NICK") == 0) { //random nick response = regNick(token, randomNick()); } else if ((message.compareTo("/JOIN") == 0) || (message.compareTo("/LEAVE") == 0)) { //error response = "Please enter channel name!"; } else if (message.charAt(0) == '@') { response = "Please enter your message for the channel."; } else { response = "Invalid command."; } } return response; } @Override public boolean isNickExist(String nick) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> userCollection = database.getCollection("User"); return userCollection.find(eq("nick", nick)).first() != null; } @Override public boolean isChannelExist(String channel) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> channelCollection = database.getCollection("Channel"); return channelCollection.find(eq("name", channel)).first() != null; } @Override public String saveNick(String nick) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> userCollection = database.getCollection("User"); Document doc = new Document("nick", nick); userCollection.insertOne(doc); return nick; } @Override public String randomNick() throws TException { String nick = ""; String[] pool = { "Zacky", "Raddy", "Will", "Ohm", "Ary", "Ardee", "Ilma", "Khidr", "Galang", "Theo", "Tereta", "Rossi", "Ivina", "Nicy", "Kiito" }; Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(100); int randomNick = randomGenerator.nextInt(15); nick = pool[randomNick].concat(Integer.toString(randomInt)); return nick; } @Override public String createChannel(String channel) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> channelCollection = database.getCollection("Channel"); /* channel not exist */ Document doc = new Document("name", channel); channelCollection.insertOne(doc); return "Channel berhasil dibuat"; } @Override public String deleteMember(String token, String channel) throws TException { MongoCollection<Document> userCollection = database.getCollection("User"); Document match = new Document("nick", token); Document remove = new Document("channels", channel); userCollection.updateOne(match, new Document("$pull", remove)); // userCollection.updateOne(eq("nick",token), new Document("$pull", remove)); return "Channel unsubscribed."; } @Override public boolean isChannelSubscribed(String token, String channel) throws TException { // MongoCollection<Document> userCollection = database.getCollection("User"); // FindIterable<Document> cursor = userCollection.find(eq("nick",token)); // System.out.println(cursor.); // for(Document doc : userCollection.find(eq("nick",token))) // { // System.out.println(doc); // } // for(String r : userCollection.get) // return true; throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }