Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Coastal and Marine Research Centre (CMRC), Beaufort, * Environmental Research Institute (ERI), University College Cork (UCC). * Yassine Lassoued <,>. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ie.cmrc.smtx.skos.model; import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.AbstractSemanticEntity; import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.SemanticEntity; import ie.cmrc.smtx.skos.model.util.CloseableIterator; import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.serialisation.ElementSetName; import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.serialisation.Namespaces; import ie.cmrc.util.Term; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.QName; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * * @author Yassine Lassoued */ public abstract class AbstractSKOSResource extends AbstractSemanticEntity implements SKOSResource { /** * Constructs a {@link SKOSResource} with the provided URI * @param uri URI of the resource to construct */ protected AbstractSKOSResource(String uri) { super(uri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getPrefLabel(String language) { return this.getAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<String> getAltLabels(String language) { return this.getAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param prefLabel {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSResource setPrefLabel(String prefLabel, String language) { return this.addAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, prefLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param altLabel {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSResource addAltLabel(String altLabel, String language) { return this.addAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, altLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSResource removePrefLabel(String language) { return this.removeAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param altLabel {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSResource removeAltLabel(String altLabel, String language) { return this.removeAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, altLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSResource removeAltLabels(String language) { return this.removeAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean hasPrefLabel(String language) { return this.hasAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param value {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean hasAltLabel(String value, String language) { return this.hasAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, value, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean hasAltLabel(String language) { return this.hasAnnotation(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, language); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<String> getPrefLabelLanguages() { return this.getAnnotationLanguages(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<String> getAltLabelLanguages() { return this.getAnnotationLanguages(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Boolean isSKOSConceptScheme() { return (this instanceof SKOSConceptScheme); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Boolean isSKOSConcept() { return (this instanceof SKOSConcept); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Boolean isSKOSCollection() { return (this instanceof SKOSCollection); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSConceptScheme asSKOSConceptScheme() { return (SKOSConceptScheme) this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSConcept asSKOSConcept() { return (SKOSConcept) this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SKOSCollection asSKOSCollection() { return (SKOSCollection) this; } @Override public String getSemanticType() { CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> resources = this.listRelationshipSources(SKOSElementProperty.member); if (resources.hasNext()) { SKOSResource resource =; if (resource != null) return resource.getURI(); } resources.close(); return null; } @Override public List<String> getSemanticTypes() { List<String> semanticTypes = new ArrayList<>(); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> resources = this.listRelationshipSources(SKOSElementProperty.member); while (resources.hasNext()) { SKOSResource resource =; if (resource != null) semanticTypes.add(resource.getURI()); } resources.close(); return semanticTypes; } @Override public SemanticEntity addSemanticType(String collectionURI) { if (collectionURI != null) this.makeRelation(collectionURI, SKOSElementProperty.member); return this; } @Override public SemanticEntity removeSemanticType(String collectionURI) { this.removeAsRelation(collectionURI, SKOSElementProperty.member); return this; } @Override public SemanticEntity removeSemanticTypes() { this.removeAsRelation(SKOSElementProperty.member); return this; } @Override public boolean hasSemanticType(String collectionURI) { return this.isRelation(collectionURI, SKOSElementProperty.member); } @Override public List<String> getSemanticTypesTransitive() { List<String> semanticTypes = new ArrayList<>(); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> resources = this .listRelationshipSources(SKOSElementProperty.memberTransitive); while (resources.hasNext()) { SKOSResource resource =; if (resource != null) semanticTypes.add(resource.getURI()); } resources.close(); return semanticTypes; } @Override public boolean hasSemanticTypeTransitive(String collectionURI) { return this.isRelation(collectionURI, SKOSElementProperty.memberTransitive); } /** * {@inheritDoc}<br/> * Checks if the argument object is equal to the resource. Two resources * are equal if they have the same URI * @param obj {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) return false; if (!(obj instanceof SKOSResource)) { return false; } SKOSResource res = (SKOSResource) obj; if (this.getURI() != null) { return (this.getURI().equals(res.getURI())); } else { return (res.getURI() == null); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param elementSet {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Element toXMLElement(ElementSetName elementSet, String language) { ElementSetName esn = elementSet; if (esn == null) esn = ElementSetName.BRIEF; if (this.getURI() != null && !this.getURI().isEmpty()) { Element resourceElt; resourceElt = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(this.getSkosType().name(), Namespaces.SKOS)); QName aboutQN = new QName("about", Namespaces.RDF); QName resourceQN = new QName("resource", Namespaces.RDF); resourceElt.addAttribute(aboutQN, this.getURI()); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.BRIEF) >= 0) { QName xmlLang = new QName("lang", Namespaces.XML); List<Element> prefLabelElts = this.getXMLAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, language); for (Element prefLabelElt : prefLabelElts) resourceElt.add(prefLabelElt); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.SUMMARY) >= 0) { QName inSchemeQN = new QName(, Namespaces.SKOS); QName conceptSchemeQN = new QName(, Namespaces.SKOS); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> inSchemeIter = this.listRelations(SKOSElementProperty.inScheme); while (inSchemeIter.hasNext()) { SKOSResource cs =; //resourceElt.addElement(inSchemeQN).addAttribute(resourceQN, cs.getURI()); resourceElt.addElement(inSchemeQN).addElement(conceptSchemeQN).addAttribute(aboutQN, cs.getURI()); } inSchemeIter.close(); List<Element> defElts = this.getXMLAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.definition, language); for (Element defElt : defElts) resourceElt.add(defElt); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.FULL) >= 0) { List<Element> altLabelElts = this.getXMLAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, language); for (Element altLabelElt : altLabelElts) resourceElt.add(altLabelElt); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.EXTENDED) >= 0) { QName topConceptOfQN = new QName(, Namespaces.SKOS); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> topConceptOf = this .listRelations(SKOSElementProperty.topConceptOf); while (topConceptOf.hasNext()) { SKOSResource cs =; //resourceElt.addElement(inSchemeQN).addAttribute(resourceQN, cs.getURI()); resourceElt.addElement(topConceptOfQN).addElement(conceptSchemeQN) .addAttribute(aboutQN, cs.getURI()); } topConceptOf.close(); for (SKOSAnnotationProperty property : SKOSAnnotationProperty.values()) { if (property != SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel && property != SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel && property != SKOSAnnotationProperty.definition) { List<Element> annotationElts = this.getXMLAnnotations(property, language); for (Element annotationElt : annotationElts) resourceElt.add(annotationElt); } } } } } } return resourceElt; } else return null; } private List<Element> getXMLAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty property, String language) { QName xmlLang = new QName("lang", Namespaces.XML); List<Element> xmlAnnotations = new ArrayList<Element>(); if (language != null) { List<String> annotations = this.getAnnotations(property, language); for (String annotation : annotations) { Element element = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(, Namespaces.SKOS)) .addText(annotation); element.addAttribute(xmlLang, language); xmlAnnotations.add(element); } } else { List<Term> annotationTerms = this.getAnnotations(property); for (Term annotationTerm : annotationTerms) { String annotation = annotationTerm.getString(); String lang = annotationTerm.getLanguage(); Element element = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(, Namespaces.SKOS)) .addText(annotation); if (lang != null && !lang.isEmpty()) element.addAttribute(xmlLang, language); xmlAnnotations.add(element); } } return xmlAnnotations; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param elementSet {@inheritDoc} * @param language {@inheritDoc} * @return {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(ElementSetName elementSet, String language) { if (this.getURI() != null && !this.getURI().isEmpty()) { ElementSetName esn = elementSet; if (esn == null) esn = ElementSetName.BRIEF; JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("@id", this.getURI()); jsonObject.put("@type", this.getSkosType().name()); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.BRIEF) >= 0) { JSONArray prefLabelArray = this.getJSONAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel, language); if (!prefLabelArray.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, prefLabelArray); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.SUMMARY) >= 0) { JSONArray inSchemes = new JSONArray(); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> inSchemeIter = this.listRelations(SKOSElementProperty.inScheme); while (inSchemeIter.hasNext()) { SKOSResource cs =; inSchemes.add(cs.getURI()); } inSchemeIter.close(); if (!inSchemes.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, inSchemes); JSONArray defArray = this.getJSONAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.definition, language); if (!defArray.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, defArray); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.FULL) >= 0) { JSONArray altLabelArray = this.getJSONAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel, language); if (!altLabelArray.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, altLabelArray); if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.EXTENDED) >= 0) { JSONArray topConceptOfArray = new JSONArray(); CloseableIterator<SKOSResource> topConceptOf = this .listRelations(SKOSElementProperty.topConceptOf); while (topConceptOf.hasNext()) { SKOSResource cs =; topConceptOfArray.add(cs.getURI()); } topConceptOf.close(); if (!topConceptOfArray.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, topConceptOfArray); for (SKOSAnnotationProperty property : SKOSAnnotationProperty.values()) { if (!property.equals(SKOSAnnotationProperty.prefLabel) && !property.equals(SKOSAnnotationProperty.altLabel) && !property.equals(SKOSAnnotationProperty.definition)) { JSONArray annotationArray = this.getJSONAnnotations(property, language); if (!annotationArray.isEmpty()) jsonObject.put(, annotationArray); } } } } } } return jsonObject; } return null; } private JSONArray getJSONAnnotations(SKOSAnnotationProperty property, String language) { JSONArray jsonAnnotations = new JSONArray(); if (language != null) { List<String> annotations = this.getAnnotations(property, language); for (String annotation : annotations) { JSONObject jsonAnnotation = new JSONObject(); jsonAnnotation.put("@language", language); jsonAnnotation.put("@value", annotation); jsonAnnotations.add(jsonAnnotation); } } else { List<Term> annotationTerms = this.getAnnotations(property); if (!annotationTerms.isEmpty()) { for (Term annotationTerm : annotationTerms) { String annotation = annotationTerm.getString(); String lang = annotationTerm.getLanguage(); JSONObject jsonAnnotation = new JSONObject(); if (lang != null) jsonAnnotation.put("@language", lang); jsonAnnotation.put("@value", annotation); jsonAnnotations.add(jsonAnnotation); } } } return jsonAnnotations; } }