Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Coastal and Marine Research Centre (CMRC), Beaufort,
 * Environmental Research Institute (ERI), University College Cork (UCC).
 * Yassine Lassoued <,>.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package ie.cmrc.smtx.skos.index.lucene;

import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.AbstractSemanticEntity;
import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.SemanticEntity;
import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.serialisation.ElementSetName;
import ie.cmrc.smtx.base.serialisation.Namespaces;
import ie.cmrc.smtx.skos.index.IndexField;
import ie.cmrc.util.Term;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.QName;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

 * @author Yassine Lassoued <>
class DocSemanticEntityWrapper extends AbstractSemanticEntity implements SemanticEntity {

    protected final Document doc;

    protected static final String CONCEPT = "Concept";
    protected static final String PREF_LABEL = "prefLabel";

    public DocSemanticEntityWrapper(Document doc) {
        this.doc = doc;

    public String getPrefLabel(String language) {
        return doc.get(IndexField.Searchable.PREF_LABEL.field(language).getQualifiedString());

    public List<String> getAltLabels(String language) {

        String[] values = doc.getValues(IndexField.Searchable.LABEL.field(language).getQualifiedString());
        // values is never null according to the Document::getValues(String) specification
        List<String> altLabels = new ArrayList<String>(values.length);
        return altLabels;

    public SemanticEntity setPrefLabel(String prefLabel, String language) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity addAltLabel(String altLabel, String language) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity removePrefLabel(String language) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity removeAltLabel(String altLabel, String language) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity removeAltLabels(String language) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public boolean hasPrefLabel(String language) {
        return (doc.get(IndexField.Searchable.PREF_LABEL.field(language).getQualifiedString()) != null);

    public boolean hasAltLabel(String value, String language) {
        if (value != null) {
            String[] values = doc.getValues(IndexField.Searchable.LABEL.field(language).getQualifiedString());
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                if (values.equals(values[i]))
                    return true;
        return false;

    public boolean hasAltLabel(String language) {
        return (doc.get(IndexField.Searchable.LABEL.field(language).getQualifiedString()) != null);

    public List<String> getPrefLabelLanguages() {
        List<IndexableField> fields = doc.getFields();
        List<String> languages = new ArrayList<>(fields.size());
        for (IndexableField field : fields) {
            String qname =;
            Term term = new Term(qname);
            if (IndexField.Searchable.PREF_LABEL.fieldName().equals(term.getString())) {
                String language = term.getLanguage();
                if (!languages.contains(language))
        return languages;

    public List<String> getAltLabelLanguages() {
        List<IndexableField> fields = doc.getFields();
        List<String> languages = new ArrayList<>(fields.size());
        for (IndexableField field : fields) {
            String qname =;
            Term term = new Term(qname);
            if (IndexField.Searchable.LABEL.fieldName().equals(term.getString())) {
                String language = term.getLanguage();
                if (!languages.contains(language))
        return languages;

    public String getSemanticType() {
        String semanticType = this.doc.get(IndexField.Filterable.COLLECTION.fieldName());
        return semanticType;

    public List<String> getSemanticTypes() {
        String[] semTypeArray = this.doc.getValues(IndexField.Filterable.COLLECTION.fieldName());
        if (semTypeArray != null)
            return Arrays.asList(semTypeArray);
            return new ArrayList<>(0);

    public SemanticEntity addSemanticType(String string) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity removeSemanticType(String string) {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public SemanticEntity removeSemanticTypes() {
        class Local {
        Method thisMethod = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Method [" + thisMethod.toGenericString() + "] is not supported by this read only implementation.");

    public boolean hasSemanticType(String string) {
        List<String> semTypes = this.getSemanticTypes();
        return semTypes.contains(string);

    public List<String> getSemanticTypesTransitive() {
        String[] semTypeArray = this.doc.getValues(IndexField.Filterable.COLLECTION_TRANSITIVE.fieldName());
        if (semTypeArray != null)
            return Arrays.asList(semTypeArray);
            return new ArrayList<>(0);

    public boolean hasSemanticTypeTransitive(String string) {
        List<String> semTypes = this.getSemanticTypesTransitive();
        return semTypes.contains(string);

    public boolean isReadOnly() {
        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param elementSet {@inheritDoc}
     * @param language {@inheritDoc}
     * @return {@inheritDoc}
    public Element toXMLElement(ElementSetName elementSet, String language) {
        ElementSetName esn = elementSet;
        if (esn == null)
            esn = ElementSetName.BRIEF;
        if (this.getURI() != null && !this.getURI().isEmpty()) {
            Element resourceElt;

            resourceElt = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(CONCEPT, Namespaces.SKOS));
            QName aboutQN = new QName("about", Namespaces.RDF);
            QName resourceQN = new QName("resource", Namespaces.RDF);

            resourceElt.addAttribute(aboutQN, this.getURI());

            if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.BRIEF) >= 0) {

                QName xmlLang = new QName("lang", Namespaces.XML);

                List<Element> prefLabelElts = this.getXMLPrefLabels(language);
                for (Element prefLabelElt : prefLabelElts)
            return resourceElt;
        } else
            return null;

    private List<Element> getXMLPrefLabels(String language) {
        QName xmlLang = new QName("lang", Namespaces.XML);

        List<Element> xmlAnnotations = new ArrayList<Element>();

        if (language != null) {
            String prefLabel = this.getPrefLabel(language);
            if (prefLabel != null) {
                Element element = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(PREF_LABEL, Namespaces.SKOS))
                element.addAttribute(xmlLang, language);
        } else {
            List<String> languages = this.getPrefLabelLanguages();
            for (String lang : languages) {
                String annotation = this.getPrefLabel(lang);
                if (annotation != null) {
                    Element element = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName(PREF_LABEL, Namespaces.SKOS))
                    if (lang != null && !lang.isEmpty())
                        element.addAttribute(xmlLang, language);
        return xmlAnnotations;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param elementSet {@inheritDoc}
     * @param language {@inheritDoc}
     * @return {@inheritDoc}
    public JSONObject toJSONObject(ElementSetName elementSet, String language) {
        if (this.getURI() != null && !this.getURI().isEmpty()) {

            ElementSetName esn = elementSet;
            if (esn == null)
                esn = ElementSetName.BRIEF;
            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

            jsonObject.put("@id", this.getURI());
            jsonObject.put("@type", CONCEPT);

            if (esn.compareTo(ElementSetName.BRIEF) >= 0) {
                JSONArray prefLabelArray = this.getJSONprefLable(language);
                if (!prefLabelArray.isEmpty())
                    jsonObject.put(PREF_LABEL, prefLabelArray);
            return jsonObject;

        return null;

    private JSONArray getJSONprefLable(String language) {
        JSONArray jsonAnnotations = new JSONArray();

        if (language != null) {
            String prefLabel = this.getPrefLabel(language);
            if (prefLabel != null) {
                JSONObject jsonAnnotation = new JSONObject();
                jsonAnnotation.put("@language", language);
                jsonAnnotation.put("@value", prefLabel);
        } else {
            List<String> languages = this.getPrefLabelLanguages();
            for (String lang : languages) {
                String annotation = this.getPrefLabel(lang);
                if (annotation != null) {
                    JSONObject jsonAnnotation = new JSONObject();
                    if (lang != null)
                        jsonAnnotation.put("@language", lang);
                    jsonAnnotation.put("@value", annotation);
        return jsonAnnotations;
