Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright 2009-2015 David Hadka
 * This file is part of the MOEA Framework.
 * The MOEA Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * The MOEA Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with the MOEA Framework.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.event.EventListenerSupport;

 * The controller manages the underlying data model, performs the evaluation
 * of jobs, and notifies any listeners when its state changes.
public class Controller {

     * The collection of listeners which are notified when the controller state
     * changes.
    private final EventListenerSupport<ControllerListener> listeners;

     * The collection of all results.
    private final Map<ResultKey, List<Accumulator>> accumulators;

     * The last accumulator to be generated; or {@code null} if no last
     * accumulator exists or has been previously cleared.
    private Accumulator lastAccumulator;

     * {@code true} if the last run's trace should be drawn separately;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean showLastTrace = false;

     * {@code true} if the hypervolume indicator collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeHypervolume = true;

     * {@code true} if the generational distance indicator collector is
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeGenerationalDistance = true;

     * {@code true} if the inverted generational distance indicator collector is
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeInvertedGenerationalDistance = true;

     * {@code true} if the spacing indicator collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeSpacing = true;

     * {@code true} if the additive &epsilon;-indicator collector is
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator = true;

     * {@code true} if the contribution indicator collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeContribution = true;

     * {@code true} if the R1 indicator collector is included; {@code false}
     * otherwise.
    private boolean includeR1 = false;

     * {@code true} if the R2 indicator collector is included; {@code false}
     * otherwise.
    private boolean includeR2 = true;

     * {@code true} if the R3 indicator collector is included; {@code false}
     * otherwise.
    private boolean includeR3 = false;

     * {@code true} if the &epsilon;-progress collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeEpsilonProgress = true;

     * {@code true} if the adaptive multimethod variation collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation = true;

     * {@code true} if the adaptive time continuation collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation = true;

     * {@code true} if the elapsed time collector is included; {@code false} 
     * otherwise.
    private boolean includeElapsedTime = true;

     * {@code true} if the approximation set collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean includeApproximationSet = true;

     * {@code true} if the population size collector is included; {@code false}
     * otherwise.
    private boolean includePopulationSize = true;

     * The run progress of the current job being evaluated.
    private volatile int runProgress;

     * The overall progress of the current job being evaluated.
    private volatile int overallProgress;

     * The thread running the current job; or {@code null} if no job is
     * running.
    private volatile Thread thread;

     * The {@code DiagnosticTool} instance using this controller.
    private final DiagnosticTool frame;

     * Toggles between showing individual trace lines when {@code true} and
     * quantiles when {@code false}.
    private boolean showIndividualTraces;

     * The executor for the current run.
    private Executor executor;

     * Constructs a new controller for the specified {@code DiagnosticTool}
     * instance.
     * @param frame the {@code DiagnosticTool} instance using this controller
    public Controller(DiagnosticTool frame) {
        this.frame = frame;

        listeners = EventListenerSupport.create(ControllerListener.class);
        accumulators = new HashMap<ResultKey, List<Accumulator>>();

     * Adds the specified listener to receive all subsequent controller events.
     * @param listener the listener to receive controller events
    public void addControllerListener(ControllerListener listener) {

     * Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives controller
     * events.
     * @param listener the listener to no longer receive controller events
    public void removeControllerListener(ControllerListener listener) {

     * Fires a {@code MODEL_CHANGED} controller event.
    protected void fireModelChangedEvent() {
        fireEvent(new ControllerEvent(this, ControllerEvent.Type.MODEL_CHANGED));

     * Fires a {@code STATE_CHANGED} controller event.
    protected void fireStateChangedEvent() {
        fireEvent(new ControllerEvent(this, ControllerEvent.Type.STATE_CHANGED));

     * Fires a {@code PROGRESS_CHANGED} controller event.
    protected void fireProgressChangedEvent() {
        fireEvent(new ControllerEvent(this, ControllerEvent.Type.PROGRESS_CHANGED));

     * Fires a {@code VIEW_CHANGED} controller event.
    protected void fireViewChangedEvent() {
        fireEvent(new ControllerEvent(this, ControllerEvent.Type.VIEW_CHANGED));

     * Fires the specified controller event.  All listeners will receive this
     * event on the event dispatch thread.
     * @param event the controller event to fire
    protected synchronized void fireEvent(final ControllerEvent event) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {


     * Adds a new result to this controller.  If the specified key already
     * exists, the accumulator is appended to the existing results.  A
     * {@code MODEL_CHANGED} event is fired.
     * @param key the result key identifying the algorithm and problem
     *        associated with these results
     * @param accumulator the accumulator storing the results
    public void add(ResultKey key, Accumulator accumulator) {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            if (!accumulators.containsKey(key)) {
                accumulators.put(key, new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Accumulator>());

            lastAccumulator = accumulator;


     * Adds a new result to this controller.  This method invokes
     * {@link #add(ResultKey, Accumulator)}.
     * @param algorithm the algorithm associated with these results
     * @param problem the problem associated with these results
     * @param accumulator the accumulator storing the results
    public void add(String algorithm, String problem, Accumulator accumulator) {
        add(new ResultKey(algorithm, problem), accumulator);

     * Clears all results from this collector.  A {@code MODEL_CHANGED} event
     * is fired.
    public void clear() {
        if (accumulators.isEmpty()) {

        synchronized (accumulators) {
            lastAccumulator = null;


     * Returns an unmodifiable collection containing the results associated
     * with the specified key.
     * @param key the result key
     * @return an unmodifiable collection containing the results associated
     *         with the specified key
    public List<Accumulator> get(ResultKey key) {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(accumulators.get(key));

     * Returns an unmodifiable set of result keys contained in this controller.
     * @return an unmodifiable set of result keys contained in this controller
    public Set<ResultKey> getKeys() {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(accumulators.keySet());

     * Returns the last accumulator to be generated; or {@code null} if no last
     * accumulator exists or has been previously cleared.
     * @return the last accumulator to be generated; or {@code null} if no last
     *         accumulator exists or has been previously cleared
    public Accumulator getLastAccumulator() {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            return lastAccumulator;

     * Clears the last accumulator.  Subsequent invocations of
     * {@link #getLastAccumulator()} will return {@code null} until a new
     * accumulator is generated.
    public void clearLastAccumulator() {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            lastAccumulator = null;

     * Saves all results stored in this controller to the specified file.
     * @param file the file to which the results are saved
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
    public void saveData(File file) throws IOException {
        synchronized (accumulators) {
            ObjectOutputStream oos = null;

            try {
                oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
            } finally {
                if (oos != null) {

     * Loads all results stored in the specified file.  A {@code MODEL_CHANGED}
     * event is fired.
     * @param file the file containing the results to load
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
    public void loadData(File file) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream ois = null;

        try {
            ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));

            Map<?, ?> data = (Map<?, ?>) ois.readObject();

            for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : data.entrySet()) {
                ResultKey key = (ResultKey) entry.getKey();
                List<?> list = (List<?>) entry.getValue();

                for (Object element : list) {
                    add(key, (Accumulator) element);
        } catch (StreamCorruptedException e) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "This file does not appear to be a data " + "file generated by the diagnostic tool.", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } finally {
            if (ois != null) {

     * Updates the progress of this controller.  A {@code PROGRESS_CHANGED}
     * event is fired.
     * @param currentEvaluation the current evaluation number
     * @param currentSeed the current seed number
     * @param totalEvaluations the total number of evaluations
     * @param totalSeeds the total number of seeds
    protected void updateProgress(int currentEvaluation, int currentSeed, int totalEvaluations, int totalSeeds) {
        runProgress = (int) (100 * currentEvaluation / (double) totalEvaluations);
        overallProgress = (int) (100 * currentSeed / (double) totalSeeds);


     * Creates and displays a dialog containing a statistical comparison of
     * the selected results.
    public void showStatistics() {
        List<ResultKey> selectedResults = frame.getSelectedResults();
        String problemName = selectedResults.get(0).getProblem();
        Problem problem = null;

        try {
            problem = ProblemFactory.getInstance().getProblem(problemName);

            double epsilon = EpsilonHelper.getEpsilon(problem);

            Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer().withProblem(problemName).withEpsilon(epsilon).showAggregate()

            if (getIncludeHypervolume()) {

            if (getIncludeGenerationalDistance()) {

            if (getIncludeInvertedGenerationalDistance()) {

            if (getIncludeSpacing()) {

            if (getIncludeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator()) {

            if (getIncludeContribution()) {

            if (getIncludeR1()) {

            if (getIncludeR2()) {

            if (getIncludeR3()) {

            for (ResultKey key : selectedResults) {
                for (Accumulator accumulator : get(key)) {
                    if (!accumulator.keySet().contains("Approximation Set")) {

                    NondominatedPopulation population = new EpsilonBoxDominanceArchive(epsilon);
                    List<?> list = (List<?>) accumulator.get("Approximation Set",
                            accumulator.size("Approximation Set") - 1);

                    for (Object object : list) {
                        population.add((Solution) object);

                    analyzer.add(key.getAlgorithm(), population);

            ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            analyzer.printAnalysis(new PrintStream(stream));

            StatisticalResultsViewer viewer = new StatisticalResultsViewer(this, stream.toString());
        } finally {
            if (problem != null) {

     * Launches a thread to run the current evaluation job.
    public void run() {
        if (thread != null) {
            System.err.println("job already running");

        final String problemName = frame.getProblem();
        final String algorithmName = frame.getAlgorithm();
        final int numberOfEvaluations = frame.getNumberOfEvaluations();
        final int numberOfSeeds = frame.getNumberOfSeeds();

        thread = new Thread() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    updateProgress(0, 0, numberOfEvaluations, numberOfSeeds);

                    // setup the instrumenter to collect the necessary info
                    Instrumenter instrumenter = new Instrumenter().withFrequency(100).withProblem(problemName);

                    if (getIncludeHypervolume()) {

                    if (getIncludeGenerationalDistance()) {

                    if (getIncludeInvertedGenerationalDistance()) {

                    if (getIncludeSpacing()) {

                    if (getIncludeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator()) {

                    if (getIncludeContribution()) {

                    if (getIncludeR1()) {

                    if (getIncludeR2()) {

                    if (getIncludeR3()) {

                    if (getIncludeEpsilonProgress()) {

                    if (getIncludeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation()) {

                    if (getIncludeAdaptiveTimeContinuation()) {

                    if (getIncludeElapsedTime()) {

                    if (getIncludeApproximationSet()) {

                    if (getIncludePopulationSize()) {

                    // lookup predefined epsilons for this problem
                    Problem problem = null;

                    try {
                        problem = ProblemFactory.getInstance().getProblem(problemName);

                    } finally {
                        if (problem != null) {

                    // setup the progress listener to receive updates
                    ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener() {

                        public void progressUpdate(ProgressEvent event) {
                            updateProgress(event.getCurrentNFE(), event.getCurrentSeed(), event.getMaxNFE(),

                            if (event.isSeedFinished()) {
                                Executor executor = event.getExecutor();
                                Instrumenter instrumenter = executor.getInstrumenter();

                                add(algorithmName, problemName, instrumenter.getLastAccumulator());


                    // setup the executor to run for the desired time
                    executor = new Executor().withSameProblemAs(instrumenter).withInstrumenter(instrumenter)

                    // run the executor using the listener to collect results
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                    thread = null;


     * Notifies the controller that it should cancel the current evaluation job.
    public void cancel() {
        if (executor != null) {

     * Returns {@code true} if this controller is currently processing an
     * evaluation job; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if this controller is currently processing an
     * evaluation job; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isRunning() {
        return thread != null;

     * Returns {@code true} if the last run's trace is displayed; {@code false}
     * otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the last run's trace is displayed; {@code false}
     *         otherwise
    public boolean getShowLastTrace() {
        return showLastTrace;

     * Sets the display of the last run's trace.
     * @param showLastTrace {@code true} if the last run's trace is displayed; 
     *        {@code false} otherwise
    public void setShowLastTrace(boolean showLastTrace) {
        this.showLastTrace = showLastTrace;


     * Returns {@code true} if the hypervolume indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the hypervolume indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeHypervolume() {
        return includeHypervolume;

     * Sets the inclusion of the hypervolume indicator collector.
     * @param includeHypervolume {@code true} if the hypervolume collector is
     *        included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeHypervolume(boolean includeHypervolume) {
        this.includeHypervolume = includeHypervolume;

     * Returns {@code true} if the generational distance indicator collector
     * is included; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the generational distance indicator collector 
     *         is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeGenerationalDistance() {
        return includeGenerationalDistance;

     * Sets the inclusion of the generational distance indicator collector.
     * @param includeGenerationalDistance {@code true} if the generational
     *        distance indicator collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeGenerationalDistance(boolean includeGenerationalDistance) {
        this.includeGenerationalDistance = includeGenerationalDistance;

     * Returns {@code true} if the inverted generational distance indicator 
     * collector is included; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the inverted generational distance indicator
     *         collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeInvertedGenerationalDistance() {
        return includeInvertedGenerationalDistance;

     * Sets the inclusion of the inverted generational distance indicator 
     * collector.
     * @param includeInvertedGenerationalDistance {@code true} if the inverted
     *        generational distance indicator collector is included; 
     *        {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeInvertedGenerationalDistance(boolean includeInvertedGenerationalDistance) {
        this.includeInvertedGenerationalDistance = includeInvertedGenerationalDistance;

     * Returns {@code true} if the spacing indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the spacing indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeSpacing() {
        return includeSpacing;

     * Sets the inclusion of the spacing indicator collector.
     * @param includeSpacing {@code true} if the spacing indicator collector is
     *        included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeSpacing(boolean includeSpacing) {
        this.includeSpacing = includeSpacing;

     * Returns {@code true} if the additive &epsilon;-indicator collector is 
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the additive &epsilon;-indicator collector is 
     *         included; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator() {
        return includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator;

     * Sets the inclusion of the additive &epsilon;-indicator collector.
     * @param includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator {@code true} if the additive 
     *        &epsilon;-indicator collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator(boolean includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator) {
        this.includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator = includeAdditiveEpsilonIndicator;

     * Returns {@code true} if the contribution indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the contribution indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeContribution() {
        return includeContribution;

     * Sets the inclusion of the contribution indicator collector.
     * @param includeContribution {@code true} if the contribution indicator
     *        collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeContribution(boolean includeContribution) {
        this.includeContribution = includeContribution;

     * Returns {@code true} if the R1 indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the R1 indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeR1() {
        return includeR1;

     * Sets the inclusion of the R1 indicator collector.
     * @param includeR1 {@code true} if the R1 indicator collector is included;
     *        {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeR1(boolean includeR1) {
        this.includeR1 = includeR1;

     * Returns {@code true} if the R2 indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the R2 indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeR2() {
        return includeR2;

     * Sets the inclusion of the R2 indicator collector.
     * @param includeR2 {@code true} if the R2 indicator collector is included;
     *        {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeR2(boolean includeR2) {
        this.includeR2 = includeR2;

     * Returns {@code true} if the R3 indicator collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the R3 indicator collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeR3() {
        return includeR3;

     * Sets the inclusion of the R3 indicator collector.
     * @param includeR3 {@code true} if the R3 indicator collector is included;
     *        {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeR3(boolean includeR3) {
        this.includeR3 = includeR3;

     * Returns {@code true} if the &epsilon;-progress collector is included;
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the &epsilon;-progress collector is included;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeEpsilonProgress() {
        return includeEpsilonProgress;

     * Sets the inclusion of the &epsilon;-progress collector.
     * @param includeEpsilonProgress {@code true} if the &epsilon;-progress
     *        collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeEpsilonProgress(boolean includeEpsilonProgress) {
        this.includeEpsilonProgress = includeEpsilonProgress;

     * Returns {@code true} if the adaptive multimethod variation collector is 
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the adaptive multimethod variation collector is 
     *         included; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation() {
        return includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation;

     * Sets the inclusion of the adaptive multimethod variation collector.
     * @param includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation {@code true} if the adaptive
     *        multimethod variation collector is included; {@code false} 
     *        otherwise
    public void setIncludeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation(boolean includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation) {
        this.includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation = includeAdaptiveMultimethodVariation;

     * Returns {@code true} if the adaptive time continuation collector is 
     * included; {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the adaptive time continuation collector is 
     *         included; {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeAdaptiveTimeContinuation() {
        return includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation;

     * Sets the inclusion of the adaptive time continuation collector.
     * @param includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation {@code true} if the adaptive time
     *        continuation collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeAdaptiveTimeContinuation(boolean includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation) {
        this.includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation = includeAdaptiveTimeContinuation;

     * Returns {@code true} if the elapsed time collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the elapsed time collector is included; 
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeElapsedTime() {
        return includeElapsedTime;

     * Sets the inclusion of the elapsed time collector.
     * @param includeElapsedTime {@code true} if the elapsed time collector is 
     *        included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeElapsedTime(boolean includeElapsedTime) {
        this.includeElapsedTime = includeElapsedTime;

     * Returns {@code true} if the approximation set collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the approximation set collector is included; 
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludeApproximationSet() {
        return includeApproximationSet;

     * Sets the inclusion of the approximation set collector.
     * @param includeApproximationSet {@code true} if the approximation set 
     *        collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludeApproximationSet(boolean includeApproximationSet) {
        this.includeApproximationSet = includeApproximationSet;

     * Returns {@code true} if the population size collector is included; 
     * {@code false} otherwise.
     * @return {@code true} if the population size collector is included; 
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean getIncludePopulationSize() {
        return includePopulationSize;

     * Sets the inclusion of the population size collector.
     * @param includePopulationSize {@code true} if the population size 
     *        collector is included; {@code false} otherwise
    public void setIncludePopulationSize(boolean includePopulationSize) {
        this.includePopulationSize = includePopulationSize;

     * Returns the run progress of the current job being evaluated.  The run
     * progress measures the number of evaluations completed thus far.
     * @return the run progress of the current job being evaluated
    public int getRunProgress() {
        return runProgress;

     * Returns the overall progress of the current job being evaluated.  The
     * overall progress measures the number of seeds completed thus far.
     * @return the overall progress of the current job being evaluated
    public int getOverallProgress() {
        return overallProgress;

     * Returns {@code true} if individual traces are shown; {@code false} if
     * quantiles are shown.
     * @return {@code true} if individual traces are shown; {@code false} if
     *         quantiles are shown
    public boolean getShowIndividualTraces() {
        return showIndividualTraces;

     * Set to {@code true} to show individual traces; {@code false} to show
     * quantiles.
     * @param showIndividualTraces {@code true} to show individual traces;
     *        {@code false} to show quantiles
    public void setShowIndividualTraces(boolean showIndividualTraces) {
        if (this.showIndividualTraces != showIndividualTraces) {
            this.showIndividualTraces = showIndividualTraces;


     * Handles an exception, possibly displaying a dialog box containing details
     * of the exception.
     * @param e the exception
    protected void handleException(Exception e) {

        String message = e.getMessage() == null ? e.toString() : e.getMessage();

        if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getMessage() != null) {
            message += " - " + e.getCause().getMessage();

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
