Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 The Ideal Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * */ package; import ideal.library.elements.*; import ideal.library.reflections.*; import ideal.runtime.elements.*; import ideal.runtime.reflections.*; import ideal.development.elements.*; import ideal.development.values.*; import*; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Comparator; import*; /** * Methods for marshalling and unmarshalling state. */ public class marshaller { public static final name SOURCE_VERSION = new name("source_version"); public static final name VERSION_ID = new name("version_id"); public static final name ORIGINAL_VERSION_ID = new name("original_version_id"); private static final String DATA_TYPE = "data_type"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String WORLD_TYPE = "world_type"; private static final String DATA_ID = datastore_schema.DATA_ID; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String FIELDS = "fields"; private static final String VALUES = "values"; private static final String VERSION = "version"; private static final String DATA_TYPES = "data_types"; private static final String ENUM_TYPES = "enum_types"; private final datastore_schema the_schema; public marshaller(datastore_schema the_schema) { this.the_schema = the_schema; } public json_data marshal_schema() { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add(VERSION, to_json_string(the_schema.version)); obj.add(DATA_TYPES, make_data_types()); obj.add(ENUM_TYPES, make_enum_types()); return new json_data(obj); } public json_data marshal_state(datastore_state world) { assert world.get_schema() == the_schema; JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add(WORLD_TYPE, to_json_string(the_schema.short_name().to_string())); obj.add(SOURCE_VERSION.s(), to_json_string(the_schema.version)); obj.add(VERSION_ID.s(), to_json_string(world.get_version_id())); readonly_list<data_value> data_values = world.get_data().elements(); data_values = sorter.sort(data_values, data_ordering); JsonArray values = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < data_values.size(); ++i) { values.add(to_json_full_state(data_values.get(i))); } obj.add(DATA, values); return new json_data(obj); } public @Nullable datastore_state unmarshal_state(json_data the_data) { if (the_data == null) { return null; } JsonObject obj = the_data.the_object; String source_version = null; if (obj.has(SOURCE_VERSION.s())) { source_version = obj.getAsJsonPrimitive(SOURCE_VERSION.s()).getAsString(); } string version_id; if (obj.has(VERSION_ID.s())) { version_id = new base_string(obj.getAsJsonPrimitive(VERSION_ID.s()).getAsString()); } else { // Compatibility with old data format version_id = new base_string(the_schema.version, "/null"); } datastore_state world = the_schema.new_value(new base_string(source_version), version_id); JsonArray values = obj.getAsJsonArray(DATA); // We need to do this in two passes to handle forward references correctly. // First pass: create data values with IDs only for (JsonElement val : values) { if (val instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject val_object = (JsonObject) val; String val_type = val_object.get(DATA_TYPE).getAsString(); data_type dt = the_schema.lookup_data_type(new base_string(val_type)); if (dt == null) { continue; } data_value dv = dt.new_value(world); string_value id = from_json_string(val_object.get(DATA_ID)); dv.put_var(the_schema.data_id_field(), id); world.do_add_data(dv); } } // Second pass: parse data values for (JsonElement val : values) { if (val instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject val_object = (JsonObject) val; string_value id = from_json_string(val_object.get(DATA_ID)); data_value dv = world.get_data_by_id(id.unwrap()); if (dv != null) { read_from_json(dv, val_object, world); } } } // put_field()s might have reset the version_id, so we set it again. world.set_version_id(version_id); return world; } private JsonElement to_json_value(value_wrapper v) { if (v instanceof data_value) { return to_json_data((data_value) v); } else if (v instanceof enum_value) { return to_json_enum((enum_value) v); } else if (v instanceof list_wrapper) { return to_json_list((list_wrapper) v); } else if (v instanceof string_value) { return to_json_string(((string_value) v).unwrap()); } else if (v == null) { return JsonNull.INSTANCE; } throw new RuntimeException(); } private JsonPrimitive to_json_string(string s) { return new JsonPrimitive(utilities.s(s)); } private JsonPrimitive to_json_data(data_value dv) { return new JsonPrimitive(utilities.s(dv.get_data_id())); } private String field_name(field_reference field) { return utilities.s(field.short_name().to_string()); } private JsonObject to_json_full_state(data_value dv) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add(DATA_TYPE, to_json_string(dv.get_type().short_name().to_string())); obj.add(DATA_ID, new JsonPrimitive(utilities.s(dv.get_data_id()))); readonly_list<field_reference> all_fields = dv.get_fields(); for (int i = 0; i < all_fields.size(); ++i) { field_reference field = all_fields.get(i); value_wrapper val = field.get(); if (val != null) { obj.add(field_name(field), to_json_value(val)); } } return obj; } private static final Comparator<data_value> data_ordering = new Comparator<data_value>() { @Override public int compare(data_value d1, data_value d2) { // First order by type String t1 = utilities.s(d1.get_type().short_name().to_string()); String t2 = utilities.s(d2.get_type().short_name().to_string()); int comp = t1.compareTo(t2); if (comp == 0) { // Then order by id comp = utilities.s(d1.get_data_id()).compareTo(utilities.s(d2.get_data_id())); } return comp; } }; private JsonPrimitive to_json_enum(enum_value ev) { return new JsonPrimitive(ev.short_name().to_string().s()); } private JsonArray to_json_list(list_wrapper the_list) { JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); list<value_wrapper> elements = the_list.unwrap(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) { result.add(to_json_value(elements.get(i))); } return result; } private value_wrapper from_json(type_id the_type_id, JsonElement element, datastore_state world) { if (the_type_id == the_schema.immutable_string_type()) { return from_json_string(element); } else if (the_schema.is_data_type(the_type_id)) { return from_json_ref(the_schema.get_data_type(the_type_id), element, world); } else if (the_schema.is_enum_type(the_type_id)) { return enum_from_string(the_schema.get_enum_type(the_type_id), ((JsonPrimitive) element).getAsString()); } else if (the_schema.is_list_type(the_type_id)) { return list_from_json(the_type_id, element, world); } else { utilities.panic("Unknown type: " + the_type_id); return null; } } private string_value from_json_string(JsonElement element) { return the_schema.new_string(new base_string(((JsonPrimitive) element).getAsString())); } private data_value from_json_ref(data_type dt, JsonElement element, datastore_state world) { if (element instanceof JsonNull) { return null; } else { data_value result = world.get_data_by_id(new base_string(element.getAsString())); assert result != null; return result; } } private enum_value enum_from_string(enum_type the_type, String value) { string string_value = new base_string(value); readonly_list<enum_value> the_values = the_type.get_values(); for (int i = 0; i < the_values.size(); ++i) { enum_value the_enum_value = the_values.get(i); if (utilities.eq(string_value, the_enum_value.short_name().to_string())) { return the_enum_value; } } // This shouldn't really happen... // TODO: log error. return the_type.get_values().get(0); } private void read_from_json(data_value dv, JsonObject obj, datastore_state world) { readonly_list<field_reference> all_fields = dv.get_fields(); for (int i = 0; i < all_fields.size(); ++i) { field_reference field = all_fields.get(i); JsonElement field_value = obj.get(field_name(field)); if (field_value != null) { field.set(from_json(field.value_type_bound(), field_value, world)); } } } private list_wrapper list_from_json(type_id the_type_id, JsonElement element, datastore_state world) { type_id element_type = the_schema.get_element_type(the_type_id); list<value_wrapper> elements = new base_list<value_wrapper>(); if (element.isJsonArray()) { for (JsonElement arrayElement : element.getAsJsonArray()) { elements.append(from_json(element_type, arrayElement, world)); } } return new list_wrapper(elements, (type) the_type_id, world); } private String make_string_name(type_id the_type_id) { if (the_type_id == the_schema.immutable_string_type()) { return "string"; } else if (the_schema.is_enum_type(the_type_id) || the_schema.is_data_type(the_type_id)) { return utilities.s(the_type_id.short_name().to_string()); } else if (the_schema.is_list_type(the_type_id)) { return "list/" + make_string_name(the_schema.get_element_type(the_type_id)); } else { utilities.panic("Unknown type: " + the_type_id); return null; } } private JsonPrimitive make_json_name(type_id the_type_id) { return new JsonPrimitive(make_string_name(the_type_id)); } private JsonElement make_id(identifier id) { return new JsonPrimitive(utilities.s(id.to_string())); } private JsonElement make_data_type(data_type dt) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add(NAME, make_json_name(dt.value_type())); JsonArray fields = new JsonArray(); readonly_list<variable_id> all_fields = dt.get_fields(); for (int i = 0; i < all_fields.size(); ++i) { variable_id the_field = all_fields.get(i); JsonArray field_info = new JsonArray(); field_info.add(make_id(the_field.short_name())); field_info.add(make_json_name(the_field.value_type())); fields.add(field_info); } obj.add(FIELDS, fields); return obj; } private JsonElement make_data_types() { JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); readonly_list<data_type> all_data_types = the_schema.all_data_types(); for (int i = 0; i < all_data_types.size(); ++i) { result.add(make_data_type(all_data_types.get(i))); } return result; } private JsonElement make_enum_type(enum_type et) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.add(NAME, make_json_name(et.value_type())); JsonArray values = new JsonArray(); readonly_list<enum_value> the_values = et.get_values(); for (int i = 0; i < the_values.size(); ++i) { enum_value the_enum_value = the_values.get(i); values.add(make_id(the_enum_value.short_name())); } obj.add(VALUES, values); return obj; } private JsonElement make_enum_types() { JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); readonly_list<enum_type> all_enum_types = the_schema.all_enum_types(); for (int i = 0; i < all_enum_types.size(); ++i) { result.add(make_enum_type(all_enum_types.get(i))); } return result; } }