Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER * * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License ("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain * a copy of the License at * See the License for the specific language governing permission and * limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at openICOM/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception * as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [ ] replaced by your own * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year] * [name of copyright owner]. * * Contributor(s): Oracle Corporation * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package icom.jpa.bdk.dao; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import icom.jpa.ManagedIdentifiableProxy; import icom.jpa.ManagedObjectProxy; import icom.jpa.Persistent; import icom.jpa.bdk.BdkIdentifiableDAO; import icom.jpa.bdk.BdkUserContextImpl; import icom.jpa.bdk.Projection; import icom.jpa.rt.PersistenceContext; import icom.jpa.rt.UserContext; import icom.jpa.rt.ValueHolder; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod; public class PresenceDAO extends BdkIdentifiableDAO { static PresenceDAO singleton = new PresenceDAO(); public static PresenceDAO getInstance() { return singleton; } { fullAttributes.add(PresenceInfo.Attributes.editMode); fullAttributes.add(PresenceInfo.Attributes.lastModificationDate); fullAttributes.add(PresenceInfo.Attributes.activities); fullAttributes.add(PresenceInfo.Attributes.contactMethods); } enum PresenceEditMode { PresentityCopy, ViewerCopy } protected PresenceDAO() { } public String getResourceType() { return "prce"; } class PresenceDAOContext { ActivityListUpdater activityListUpdater; } void loadPresenceOnWatchable(ManagedIdentifiableProxy watchableObj, Projection projection, String parentAttributeName) { PersistenceContext context = watchableObj.getPersistenceContext(); BeeId watchableObjId = getBeeId(watchableObj.getObjectId().toString()); String collabId = watchableObjId.getId(); String resourceType = "presence"; Persistent pojoPresence = null; try { BdkUserContextImpl userContext = (BdkUserContextImpl) context.getUserContext(); GetMethod method = prepareGetMethod(resourceType, collabId, projection); Presence bdkPresence = (Presence) bdkHttpUtil.execute(Presence.class, method, userContext.httpClient); ManagedIdentifiableProxy presenceObj = getEntityProxy(context, bdkPresence); pojoPresence = presenceObj.getPojoIdentifiable(); presenceObj.getProviderProxy().copyLoadedProjection(presenceObj, bdkPresence, projection); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } watchableObj.getProviderProxy().copyLazyAttribute(watchableObj, parentAttributeName, null, pojoPresence); } public Projection load(ManagedObjectProxy obj, String attributeName, Object key) { Projection proj = getProjection(attributeName); Presence bdkPresence = loadObject((ManagedIdentifiableProxy) obj, proj); copyObjectState((ManagedIdentifiableProxy) obj, bdkPresence, proj); return proj; } public Presence loadObject(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj, Projection proj) { PersistenceContext context = obj.getPersistenceContext(); BeeId presenceObjId = getBeeId(obj.getObjectId().toString()); String collabId = presenceObjId.getId(); String resourceType = "presence"; try { BdkUserContextImpl userContext = (BdkUserContextImpl) context.getUserContext(); GetMethod method = prepareGetMethod(resourceType, collabId, proj); Presence bdkPresence = (Presence) bdkHttpUtil.execute(Presence.class, method, userContext.httpClient); return bdkPresence; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } } public void copyObjectState(ManagedObjectProxy managedObj, Object bdkIdentifiable, Projection proj) { PersistenceContext context = managedObj.getPersistenceContext(); ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj = (ManagedIdentifiableProxy) managedObj; Persistent pojoIdentifiable = obj.getPojoIdentifiable(); Presence bdkPresence = (Presence) bdkIdentifiable; try { UserContext uc = context.getUserContext(); BeeId actorId = getBeeId(uc.getActorId().toString()); boolean isPresentity = false; if (actorId.getResourceType().equals("syac")) { assignEnumConstant(pojoIdentifiable,, BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(),,; isPresentity = true; } else { BeeId presenceId = bdkPresence.getCollabId(); String presenceEid = presenceId.getId().substring(15); String actorEid = actorId.getId().substring(15); if (actorEid.equals(presenceEid)) { assignEnumConstant(pojoIdentifiable,, BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(),,; isPresentity = true; } } if (!isPresentity) { assignEnumConstant(pojoIdentifiable,, BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(),,; } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (isPartOfProjection(, proj)) { try { long timestamp = bdkPresence.getModificationTimestamp(); Date dt = new Date(timestamp); assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable,, dt); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore } } if (isPartOfProjection(, proj)) { List<ContactMethod> bdkContactMethods = bdkPresence.getContactMethods(); marshallAssignEmbeddableObjects(obj,, bdkContactMethods, Vector.class, proj); } if (isPartOfProjection(, proj)) { Collection<Activity> bdkCurrentActivities = bdkPresence.getCurrentActivities(); marshallMergeAssignIdentifiableDependents(obj,, bdkCurrentActivities, Vector.class, proj); } } public void save(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj) { if (obj.isDirty()) { if (!obj.hasAttributeChanges()) { return; } saveDirty(obj); } else if (obj.isNew()) { saveNew(obj); } } public void saveDirty(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj) { PresenceDAOContext context = beginActivityListUpdate(obj); if (context != null) { updateActivityList(obj, context); concludeActivityListUpdate(obj, context); } } public void saveNew(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj) { PresenceDAOContext context = beginActivityListUpdate(obj); if (context != null) { updateActivityList(obj, context); concludeActivityListUpdate(obj, context); } } public PresenceDAOContext beginActivityListUpdate(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj) { ActivityListUpdater lisUpdater = new ActivityListUpdater(); PresenceDAOContext context = new PresenceDAOContext(); context.activityListUpdater = lisUpdater; return context; } private void updateActivityList(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj, PresenceDAOContext context) { ActivityListUpdater lisUpdater = context.activityListUpdater; if (isChanged(obj, { Collection<ValueHolder> addedObjects = obj.getAddedObjects(; if (addedObjects != null) { for (ValueHolder addedObjectHolder : addedObjects) { Persistent activity = (Persistent) addedObjectHolder.getValue(); BeeId activityId = getBeeId( ((ManagedIdentifiableProxy) activity.getManagedObjectProxy()).getObjectId().toString()); ActivityDAO.getInstance().updateObjectState(activity, lisUpdater, activityId, ActivityDAO.Operand.ADD); } } Collection<ValueHolder> removedObjects = obj .getRemovedObjects(; if (removedObjects != null) { for (ValueHolder removedObjectHolder : removedObjects) { Persistent activity = (Persistent) removedObjectHolder.getValue(); BeeId activityId = getBeeId( ((ManagedIdentifiableProxy) activity.getManagedObjectProxy()).getObjectId().toString()); ActivityDAO.getInstance().updateObjectState(activity, lisUpdater, activityId, ActivityDAO.Operand.REMOVE); } } /* Collection<ValueHolder> modifiedObjects = obj.getModifiedObjects(; if (modifiedObjects != null) { for (ValueHolder modifiedObjectHolder : modifiedObjects) { icom.jpa.spi.Persistent activity = modifiedObjectHolder.getPersistent(); CollabId id = getCollabId(((ManagedIdentifiableProxy)activity.getManagedObjectProxy()).getObjectId()); ActivityHandle activityHandle = (ActivityHandle) EntityUtils.getInstance().createHandle(id); ActivityDAO.getInstance().updateObjectState(activity, lisUpdater, activityHandle, ActivityDAO.Operand.Operand.MODIFY); } } */ } } public void concludeActivityListUpdate(ManagedIdentifiableProxy obj, PresenceDAOContext context) { ActivityListUpdater lisUpdater = context.activityListUpdater; try { BdkUserContextImpl userContext = (BdkUserContextImpl) obj.getPersistenceContext().getUserContext(); String resourceType = "my/presence/activities"; PutMethod putMethod = preparePutMethod(resourceType, userContext.antiCSRF, null); bdkHttpUtil.execute(putMethod, lisUpdater, userContext.httpClient); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } } }