Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package hyperheuristics.main.comparisons; import hyperheuristics.hypervolume.HypervolumeHandler; import hyperheuristics.lowlevelheuristic.LowLevelHeuristic; import hyperheuristics.main.NSGAIIHyperheuristicMain; import hyperheuristics.statistics.KruskalWallisTest; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; /** * * @author giovaniguizzo */ public class CompareHypervolumes { public static int EXECUTIONS = 30; public static String outpath = "experiment/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int[] numberOfObjectivesArray = new int[] { 2, 4 }; String[] problems; if (args.length == 0) { problems = new String[] { "OO_MyBatis", "OA_AJHsqldb", "OA_AJHotDraw", "OO_BCEL", "OO_JHotDraw", "OA_HealthWatcher", // "OA_TollSystems", "OO_JBoss" }; } else { EXECUTIONS = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); numberOfObjectivesArray = new int[] { Integer.parseInt(args[4]) }; problems = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 5, args.length); } String[] heuristicFunctions = new String[] { LowLevelHeuristic.CHOICE_FUNCTION, LowLevelHeuristic.MULTI_ARMED_BANDIT, // LowLevelHeuristic.RANDOM }; String[] algorithms = new String[] { "NSGA-II", "SPEA2" }; for (int numberOfObjectives : numberOfObjectivesArray) { // hypervolumeComparison(problems, heuristicFunctions, numberOfObjectives, algorithms); // hypervolumeHyperheuristicsComparison(problems, heuristicFunctions, numberOfObjectives,); // hypervolumeByGeneration(problems, heuristicFunctions, numberOfObjectives); generateTables(problems, heuristicFunctions, numberOfObjectives, algorithms); } } private static void generateTables(String[] problems, String[] heuristicFunctions, int numberOfObjectives, String[] algorithms) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String outputDirectory = outpath; try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputDirectory + "TABLES_" + numberOfObjectives + ".txt")) { StringBuilder tableString = new StringBuilder(); DecimalFormat decimalFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0"); StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation(); pfKnown: { tableString.append("\\documentclass{paper}\n" + "\n" + "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n" + "\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n" + "\\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}\n" + "\\usepackage{tabulary}\n" + "\\usepackage{booktabs}\n" + "\\usepackage{multirow}\n" + "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n" + "\\usepackage{mathtools}\n" + "\\usepackage{graphicx}\n" + "\\usepackage{array}\n" + "\\usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled,inoutnumbered]{algorithm2e}\n" + "\\usepackage{subfigure}\n" + "\\usepackage[hypcap]{caption}\n" + "\\usepackage{pdflscape}\n" + "\n" + "\\begin{document}\n" + "\n" + "\\begin{landscape}\n" + "\n"); tableString .append("\\begin{table}[!htb]\n" + "\t\\centering\n" + "\t\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n" + "\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n" + "\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont" + "\t\\caption{Hypervolume of the $PF_{known}$ fronts for ") .append(numberOfObjectives).append(" objectives}\n" + "\t\\label{tab:Hypervolumes ") .append(numberOfObjectives).append(" objectives}\n" + "\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\textwidth}{c"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { tableString.append("c"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { tableString.append("c"); } } tableString.append("}\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\toprule\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\textbf{System}"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { tableString.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("}"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { tableString.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("-").append(heuristicFunction) .append("}"); } } tableString.append("\\\\\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\midrule\n"); for (String problem : problems) { HypervolumeHandler hypervolumeHandler = new HypervolumeHandler(); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; //Best PFknown hypervolume //Populate HypervolueHandler hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; path += algorithm + "/" + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt"); } } double[] mecbaHypervolumes = new double[algorithms.length]; double[] hyperheuristicHypervolumes = new double[heuristicFunctions.length * algorithms.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicHypervolumes, 0D); for (int i = 0; i < algorithms.length; i++) { String algorithm = algorithms[i]; String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; //Calculate Hypervolume mecbaHypervolumes[i] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem, numberOfObjectives); for (int j = 0; j < heuristicFunctions.length; j++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[j]; String path = outpath; path += algorithm + "/" + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + j] = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); } } //Write PFknown results double maxHypervolume = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < mecbaHypervolumes.length; i++) { double hypervolume = mecbaHypervolumes[i]; if (hypervolume > maxHypervolume) { maxHypervolume = hypervolume; } } for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { if (hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] > maxHypervolume) { maxHypervolume = hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i]; } } tableString.append("\t\t" + problem.replaceAll("\\_", "\\\\_")); for (int i = 0; i < algorithms.length; i++) { tableString.append(" & "); double mecbaHypervolume = mecbaHypervolumes[i]; if (maxHypervolume == mecbaHypervolume) { tableString.append("\\textbf{"); } tableString.append(decimalFormatter.format(mecbaHypervolume)); if (maxHypervolume == mecbaHypervolume) { tableString.append("}"); } for (int j = 0; j < heuristicFunctions.length; j++) { tableString.append(" & "); double hyperheuristicHypervolume = hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + j]; if (maxHypervolume == hyperheuristicHypervolume) { tableString.append("\\textbf{"); } tableString.append(decimalFormatter.format(hyperheuristicHypervolume)); if (maxHypervolume == hyperheuristicHypervolume) { tableString.append("}"); } } } tableString.append("\\\\\n"); } tableString.append("\t\t\\bottomrule\n"); tableString.append("\t\\end{tabulary}\n"); tableString.append("\\end{table}\n\n"); } //Best mean hypervolume mean: { tableString.append("\\begin{table}[!htb]\n" + "\\centering\n" + "\t\\def\\arraystretch{1.5}\n" + "\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n" + "\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont" + "\t\\caption{Hypervolume average found for " + numberOfObjectives + " objectives}\n" + "\t\\label{tab:Hypervolumes average " + numberOfObjectives + " objectives}\n" + "\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\textwidth}{c"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { tableString.append("c"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { tableString.append("c"); } } tableString.append("}\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\toprule\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\textbf{System}"); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { tableString.append(" & \\textbf{" + algorithm + "}"); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { tableString.append(" & \\textbf{" + algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction + "}"); } } tableString.append("\\\\\n"); tableString.append("\t\t\\midrule\n"); for (String problem : problems) { HypervolumeHandler hypervolumeHandler = new HypervolumeHandler(); for (String algorithm : algorithms) { String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas"); } for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; path += algorithm + "/" + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; for (int j = 0; j < EXECUTIONS; j++) { hypervolumeHandler .addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + j + "/FUN.txt"); } } } double[][] mecbaHypervolumes = new double[algorithms.length][EXECUTIONS]; for (double[] mecbaHypervolume : mecbaHypervolumes) { Arrays.fill(mecbaHypervolume, 0D); } double mecbaMeanHypervolume[] = new double[algorithms.length]; Arrays.fill(mecbaMeanHypervolume, 0D); double[][] hyperheuristicHypervolumes = new double[algorithms.length * heuristicFunctions.length][EXECUTIONS]; for (double[] hyperheuristicHypervolume : hyperheuristicHypervolumes) { Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicHypervolume, 0D); } double[] hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes = new double[algorithms.length * heuristicFunctions.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes, 0D); for (int i = 0; i < algorithms.length; i++) { String algorithm = algorithms[i]; String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; for (int j = 0; j < EXECUTIONS; j++) { mecbaHypervolumes[i][j] = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem + "-" + j + ".NaoDominadas", numberOfObjectives); mecbaMeanHypervolume[i] += mecbaHypervolumes[i][j]; for (int k = 0; k < heuristicFunctions.length; k++) { String path = outpath; path += algorithm + "/" + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunctions[k] + "/" + problem + "/"; hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + k][j] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + j + "/FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + k] += hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + k][j]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < mecbaMeanHypervolume.length; i++) { mecbaMeanHypervolume[i] /= (double) EXECUTIONS; } for (int i = 0; i < hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes.length; i++) { hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i] /= (double) EXECUTIONS; } double maxMean = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; String maxHeuristic = "NULL"; for (int i = 0; i < mecbaMeanHypervolume.length; i++) { double mean = mecbaMeanHypervolume[i]; if (mean > maxMean) { maxMean = mean; maxHeuristic = algorithms[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes.length; i++) { double hyperheuristicMeanHypervolume = hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i]; if (hyperheuristicMeanHypervolume > maxMean) { maxMean = hyperheuristicMeanHypervolume; maxHeuristic = algorithms[i / heuristicFunctions.length] + "-" + heuristicFunctions[i % heuristicFunctions.length]; } } HashMap<String, double[]> values = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < algorithms.length; i++) { String algorithm = algorithms[i]; values.put(algorithm, mecbaHypervolumes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < hyperheuristicHypervolumes.length; i++) { double[] hyperheuristicHypervolume = hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i]; String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i % heuristicFunctions.length]; String algorithm = algorithms[i / heuristicFunctions.length]; values.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction, hyperheuristicHypervolume); } HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> result = KruskalWallisTest.test(values); tableString.append("\t\t" + problem.replaceAll("\\_", "\\\\_")); for (int i = 0; i < algorithms.length; i++) { String algorithm = algorithms[i]; tableString.append(" & "); if (algorithm.equals(maxHeuristic) || !result.get(algorithm).get(maxHeuristic)) { tableString.append("\\textbf{"); } tableString.append(decimalFormatter.format(mecbaMeanHypervolume[i])); tableString.append(" (") .append(decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(mecbaHypervolumes[i]))) .append(")"); if (algorithm.equals(maxHeuristic) || !result.get(algorithm).get(maxHeuristic)) { tableString.append("}"); } for (int j = 0; j < heuristicFunctions.length; j++) { String heuristicFunction = algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunctions[j]; tableString.append(" & "); if (heuristicFunction.equals(maxHeuristic) || !result.get(heuristicFunction).get(maxHeuristic)) { tableString.append("\\textbf{"); } tableString.append(decimalFormatter .format(hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + j])); tableString.append(" (") .append(decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate( hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i * heuristicFunctions.length + j]))) .append(")"); if (heuristicFunction.equals(maxHeuristic) || !result.get(heuristicFunction).get(maxHeuristic)) { tableString.append("}"); } } } tableString.append("\\\\\n"); } tableString.append("\t\t\\bottomrule\n"); tableString.append("\t\\end{tabulary}\n"); tableString.append("\\end{table}\n"); } tableString.append("\n" + "\\end{landscape}\n" + "\n" + "\\end{document}\n"); fileWriter.write(tableString.toString().replaceAll("ChoiceFunction", "CF") .replaceAll("MultiArmedBandit", "MAB")); } } private static void hypervolumeComparison(String[] problems, String[] heuristicFunctions, int numberOfObjectives) throws InterruptedException, IOException { for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; String outputDirectory = path + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/" + heuristicFunction + "/"; try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputDirectory + "HYPERVOLUMES.txt")) { int hyperheuristicBest = 0; int mecbaBest = 0; int tied = 0; int hyperheuristicBestMean = 0; int mecbaBestMean = 0; int tiedMean = 0; int equivalent = 0; for (String problem : problems) { fileWriter.append("Hypervolume comparison for " + problem + ":\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); HypervolumeHandler hypervolumeHandler = new HypervolumeHandler(); String hyperheuristicDirectory = outputDirectory + problem + "/"; String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/nsgaii/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; //Best hypervolume for PFknown hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt"); hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_nsgaii-" + problem); double mecbaHypervolume = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_nsgaii-" + problem, numberOfObjectives); double hyperheuristicHypervolume = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); fileWriter.append("MECBA PFknown: " + mecbaHypervolume + "\n"); fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " PFknown: " + hyperheuristicHypervolume + "\n"); if (mecbaHypervolume == hyperheuristicHypervolume) { fileWriter.append("Best PFknown: Tied!\n"); tied++; } else { if (mecbaHypervolume > hyperheuristicHypervolume) { fileWriter.append("Best PFknown: MECBA\n"); mecbaBest++; } else { fileWriter.append("Best PFknown: " + heuristicFunction + "\n"); hyperheuristicBest++; } } //Best mean hypervolume fileWriter.append("\n"); hypervolumeHandler.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + i + "/FUN.txt"); hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_nsgaii-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas"); } double[] mecbaHypervolumes = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double[] hyperheuristicHypervolumes = new double[EXECUTIONS]; mecbaHypervolume = 0; hyperheuristicHypervolume = 0; for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { mecbaHypervolumes[i] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_nsgaii-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas", numberOfObjectives); mecbaHypervolume += mecbaHypervolumes[i]; hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + i + "/FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); hyperheuristicHypervolume += hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i]; } mecbaHypervolume /= (double) EXECUTIONS; hyperheuristicHypervolume /= (double) EXECUTIONS; fileWriter.append("MECBA (Mean): " + mecbaHypervolume + "\n"); fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " (Mean): " + hyperheuristicHypervolume + "\n"); if (mecbaHypervolume == hyperheuristicHypervolume) { fileWriter.append("Best (Mean): Tied!\n"); tiedMean++; } else { if (mecbaHypervolume > hyperheuristicHypervolume) { fileWriter.append("Best (Mean): MECBA\n"); mecbaBestMean++; } else { fileWriter.append("Best (Mean): " + heuristicFunction + "\n"); hyperheuristicBestMean++; } String script = ""; script += "MECBA <- c("; for (double value : mecbaHypervolumes) { script += value + ","; } script = script.substring(0, script.lastIndexOf(",")) + ")"; script += "\n"; script += "MECBA_Hyp <- c("; for (double value : hyperheuristicHypervolumes) { script += value + ","; } script = script.substring(0, script.lastIndexOf(",")) + ")"; script += "\n"; script += "require(pgirmess)\n"; script += "AR1 <- cbind(MECBA, MECBA_Hyp)\n"; script += "result <- friedman.test(AR1)\n"; script += "m <- data.frame(result$statistic,result$p.value)\n"; script += "pos_teste <- friedmanmc(AR1)\n"; script += "print(pos_teste)"; try (FileWriter scriptWriter = new FileWriter(hyperheuristicDirectory + "temp_input.txt")) { scriptWriter.append(script); } ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("R", "--no-save"); File tempOutput = new File(hyperheuristicDirectory + "temp_output.txt"); processBuilder.redirectOutput(tempOutput); File tempInput = new File(hyperheuristicDirectory + "temp_input.txt"); processBuilder.redirectInput(tempInput); Process process = processBuilder.start(); process.waitFor(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(tempOutput); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.contains("FALSE")) { equivalent++; fileWriter.append("Statistical Equivalents (Friedman 5%)\n"); break; } } tempInput.delete(); tempOutput.delete(); } fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("----------\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); } fileWriter.append("Problems: " + problems.length + "\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("Tied PFknown: " + tied + "\n"); fileWriter.append("MECBA PFknown: " + mecbaBest + "\n"); fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " PFknown: " + hyperheuristicBest + "\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("Tied (Mean): " + tiedMean + "\n"); fileWriter.append("MECBA (Mean): " + mecbaBestMean + "\n"); fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " (Mean): " + hyperheuristicBestMean + "\n"); fileWriter.append("Statistically Equivalent: " + equivalent + "\n"); } } } private static void hypervolumeHyperheuristicsComparison(String[] problems, String[] heuristicFunctions, int numberOfObjectives) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String outputDirectory = outpath + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; int mecbaBestCount = 0; int[] hyperheuristicBestCount = new int[heuristicFunctions.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicBestCount, 0); int mecbaBestMeanCount = 0; int[] hyperheuristicBestMeanCount = new int[heuristicFunctions.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicBestMeanCount, 0); try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputDirectory + "HYPERVOLUMES.txt")) { for (String problem : problems) { fileWriter.append("Hypervolume comparison for " + problem + ":\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); HypervolumeHandler hypervolumeHandler = new HypervolumeHandler(); String mecbaDirectory = "resultado/nsgaii/" + problem + "_Comb_" + numberOfObjectives + "obj/"; //Best PFknown hypervolume pfKnown: { //Populate HypervolueHandler hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_nsgaii-" + problem); for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; path += numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt"); } //Calculate Hypervolume double mecbaHypervolume = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume(mecbaDirectory + "All_FUN_nsgaii-" + problem, numberOfObjectives); double[] hyperheuristicHypervolumes = new double[heuristicFunctions.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicHypervolumes, 0D); for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; String path = outpath; path += numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] = hypervolumeHandler .calculateHypervolume(hyperheuristicDirectory + "FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); } //Write PFknown results fileWriter.append("MECBA PFknown: " + mecbaHypervolume + "\n"); double maxHypervolume = mecbaHypervolume; for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " PFknown: " + hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] + "\n"); if (hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] > maxHypervolume) { maxHypervolume = hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i]; } } fileWriter.append("Best PFknown:"); if (mecbaHypervolume == maxHypervolume) { fileWriter.append(" MECBA"); mecbaBestCount++; } for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; if (hyperheuristicHypervolumes[i] == maxHypervolume) { fileWriter.append(" " + heuristicFunction); hyperheuristicBestCount[i]++; } } fileWriter.append("\n"); } //Best mean hypervolume mean: { fileWriter.append("\n"); hypervolumeHandler.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_nsgaii-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas"); } for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; path += numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunction + "/" + problem + "/"; for (int j = 0; j < EXECUTIONS; j++) { hypervolumeHandler .addParetoFront(hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + j + "/FUN.txt"); } } double[] mecbaHypervolumes = new double[EXECUTIONS]; double mecbaHypervolume = 0; double[][] hyperheuristicHypervolumes = new double[heuristicFunctions.length][EXECUTIONS]; for (double[] hyperheuristicHypervolume : hyperheuristicHypervolumes) { Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicHypervolume, 0D); } double[] hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes = new double[heuristicFunctions.length]; Arrays.fill(hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes, 0D); for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { mecbaHypervolumes[i] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( mecbaDirectory + "FUN_nsgaii-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas", numberOfObjectives); mecbaHypervolume += mecbaHypervolumes[i]; for (int j = 0; j < heuristicFunctions.length; j++) { String path = outpath; path += numberOfObjectives + "objectives/"; String hyperheuristicDirectory = path + heuristicFunctions[j] + "/" + problem + "/"; hyperheuristicHypervolumes[j][i] = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( hyperheuristicDirectory + "EXECUTION_" + i + "/FUN.txt", numberOfObjectives); hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[j] += hyperheuristicHypervolumes[j][i]; } } mecbaHypervolume /= (double) EXECUTIONS; for (int i = 0; i < hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes.length; i++) { hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i] /= (double) EXECUTIONS; } fileWriter.append("MECBA (Mean): " + mecbaHypervolume + "\n"); double maxHypervolume = mecbaHypervolume; for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; fileWriter .append(heuristicFunction + " (Mean): " + hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i] + "\n"); if (hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i] > maxHypervolume) { maxHypervolume = hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i]; } } fileWriter.append("Best (Mean):"); if (mecbaHypervolume == maxHypervolume) { fileWriter.append(" MECBA"); mecbaBestMeanCount++; } for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; if (hyperheuristicMeanHypervolumes[i] == maxHypervolume) { fileWriter.append(" " + heuristicFunction); hyperheuristicBestMeanCount[i]++; } } fileWriter.append("\n"); } fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("----------\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); } fileWriter.append("Problems: " + problems.length + "\n"); fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("Problems MECBA PFknown problems: " + mecbaBestCount + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " PFknown problems: " + hyperheuristicBestCount[i] + "\n"); } fileWriter.append("\n"); fileWriter.append("MECBA (Mean): " + mecbaBestMeanCount + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < heuristicFunctions.length; i++) { String heuristicFunction = heuristicFunctions[i]; fileWriter.append(heuristicFunction + " (Mean): " + hyperheuristicBestMeanCount[i] + "\n"); } } } private static void hypervolumeByGeneration(String[] problems, String[] heuristicFunctions, int numberOfObjectives) { for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) { String path = outpath; String outputDirectory = path + numberOfObjectives + "objectives/" + heuristicFunction + "/"; for (String problem : problems) { HypervolumeHandler hypervolumeHandler = new HypervolumeHandler(); String problemDirectory = outputDirectory + problem + "/"; for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { String executionDirectory = problemDirectory + "/EXECUTION_" + i + "/"; File generationDirectory = new File(executionDirectory + "GENERATIONS/"); for (File generation : generationDirectory.listFiles()) { if (generation.getName().startsWith("GEN")) { hypervolumeHandler.addParetoFront(generation.getPath()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) { String executionDirectory = problemDirectory + "/EXECUTION_" + i + "/"; File generationDirectory = new File(executionDirectory + "GENERATIONS/"); try (FileWriter hypervolumeWriter = new FileWriter( executionDirectory + "GENERATIONS_HYPERVOLUME.txt")) { int generations = generationDirectory.list().length; double[] hypervolumes = new double[generations]; for (int j = 1; j <= generations; j++) { double hypervolume = hypervolumeHandler.calculateHypervolume( generationDirectory.getPath() + "/GEN_" + j + ".txt", numberOfObjectives); hypervolumes[j - 1] = hypervolume; hypervolumeWriter.append(hypervolume + "\n"); } hypervolumeWriter.append("\nLast change to hypervolume in generation: "); int lastGeneration = generations; while (hypervolumes[lastGeneration - 1] == hypervolumes[generations - 1] && lastGeneration > 0) { lastGeneration--; } lastGeneration++; hypervolumeWriter.append(lastGeneration + "\n"); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(NSGAIIHyperheuristicMain.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } } }