hydrometeo_analysis.TidesAndTimeManager.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for hydrometeo_analysis.TidesAndTimeManager.java


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package hydrometeo_analysis;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
import org.joda.time.Minutes;

 * @author Manel
public class TidesAndTimeManager extends DataBase {
    private static final HashMap<String, String[]> tides = new HashMap();

    public TidesAndTimeManager() {


    public static String getTInterval(String SQL, String High, float HInterval, float i) {
        SQL = SQL + " AND " + createStringSQL_T(HInterval, i, createLocalTime(High));

        return SQL;

    private static String createStringSQL_T(float HInterval, float i, LocalTime T) {
        //i = i - HInterval;
        int aux = (int) (60 * Math.abs(HInterval));
        int aux2 = (aux / 2) - 1;
        if (HInterval == 0.25)
            aux2 = aux2 + 1;
        aux2 += aux * i;
        LocalTime endT = T.plusMinutes(aux2);
        String h = Integer.toString(endT.getHourOfDay());
        String m = Integer.toString(endT.getMinuteOfHour());
        if (h.length() == 1)
            h = "0" + h;
        if (m.length() == 1)
            m = "0" + m;
        String endTime = "'" + h + ":" + m + ":00" + "'";
        LocalTime startT = T.plusMinutes((aux2 + 1) - aux);
        h = Integer.toString(startT.getHourOfDay());
        m = Integer.toString(startT.getMinuteOfHour());
        if (h.length() == 1)
            h = "0" + h;
        if (m.length() == 1)
            m = "0" + m;
        String startTime = "'" + h + ":" + m + ":00" + "'";

        if (i >= 0 && !T.isBefore(endT)) {
            endTime = "'23:59:59'";
            int minutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(startT, createLocalTime("23:59:59")).getMinutes();
            if (minutes > 60 * Math.abs(HInterval))
                startTime = "'23:59:59'";
        } else if (i <= 0 && T.isBefore(startT)) {
            startTime = "'00:00:00'";
            int minutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(createLocalTime("00:00:00"), endT).getMinutes();
            if (minutes > 60 * Math.abs(HInterval))
                endTime = "'00:00:00'";

        return "`time` BETWEEN " + "time(" + startTime + ")" + " AND " + "time(" + endTime + ")";

    public static String getHInterval(String SQL, float HInterval, float i) {
        int aux = (int) (60 * Math.abs(HInterval));
        int endH = (aux / 2) - 1;
        if (HInterval == 0.25)
            endH = endH + 1;
        endH += aux * i;
        int startH = (endH + 1) - aux;
        return SQL + " AND `distH` BETWEEN " + Integer.toString(startH) + " AND " + Integer.toString(endH);

    public void initTidesForSeaCurrent(ArrayList data) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
            String date = (String) ((ArrayList) data.get(i)).get(0);
            String[] exactDate = new String[] { date.substring(0, 2), date.substring(2, 4), date.substring(4),
                    date.substring(0, 2), date.substring(2, 4), date.substring(4) };//BETWEEN
            date = date.substring(4) + "-" + date.substring(2, 4) + "-" + date.substring(0, 2);
            if (!tides.containsKey(date)) {
                try {
                    ResultSet rs = consult(consultByDate(Table.TIDES, exactDate, new String[] { "" },
                            new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "", "", "" }));

                    while (rs.next()) {
                        Object[] dat = getData(rs, Table.TIDES);
                        tides.put(date, Arrays.copyOf(dat, dat.length, String[].class));
                        for (String s : tides.get(date)) {
                            System.out.print(s + "  ");
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(TidesAndTimeManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    public String calculateTideRelatedFields(String date, String time) {
        if (!tides.containsKey(date))
            return "";//", NULL , NULL , NULL";
        String[] row = tides.get(date);
        LocalTime tim = createLocalTime(time);
        LocalTime H_Second_High = createLocalTime(row[7]);
        LocalTime H_First_High = createLocalTime(row[3]);
        Object[] DISTH = getDistH(tim, H_First_High, H_Second_High);
        boolean isFirstHigh = (boolean) DISTH[0];
        String distH = (String) DISTH[1];
        String DT, DH;
        String[] DTDH;
        if (isFirstHigh)
            DTDH = getDHandDT(row, H_First_High, Integer.parseInt(distH), 3);
            DTDH = getDHandDT(row, H_Second_High, Integer.parseInt(distH), 7);
        DT = DTDH[1];
        DH = DTDH[0];
        return ", '" + distH + "'," + DT + "," + DH;


    private String[] getDHandDT(String[] row, LocalTime H_High, int minutes, int index) {
        if (minutes >= 0) {//after high
            if (index >= 7 || row[index + 2] == null)
                return new String[] { "NULL", "NULL" };
            String DT = "NULL", DH = "NULL";
            if (index + 1 < row.length || index + 3 < row.length)
                DT = "'" + Float.toString(Float.parseFloat(row[index + 1]) - Float.parseFloat(row[index + 3]))
                        + "'"; //HIGH - LOW
            if (index + 2 < row.length)
                DH = "'" + Integer.toString(
                        Minutes.minutesBetween(H_High, createLocalTime(row[index + 2])).getMinutes()) + "'";
            return new String[] { DT, DH };
        } else {//before high
            if (row[index - 2] == null)
                return new String[] { "NULL", "NULL" };
            String DT = "NULL";
            if (index + 1 < row.length)
                DT = "'" + Float.toString(Float.parseFloat(row[index + 1]) - Float.parseFloat(row[index - 1]))
                        + "'"; //HIGH - LOW
            String DH = "'"
                    + Integer.toString(Minutes.minutesBetween(createLocalTime(row[index - 2]), H_High).getMinutes())
                    + "'";
            return new String[] { DT, DH };


    private Object[] getDistH(LocalTime time, LocalTime H_First_High, LocalTime H_Second_High) {
        if (H_First_High != null && H_Second_High == null) {
            int minutes = (-1) * Minutes.minutesBetween(time, H_First_High).getMinutes(); //(+ o -)
            return new Object[] { true, Integer.toString(minutes) };//true = first High, false = Second High
            //System.out.println("Start: " + time.toString() + " End: " + H_First_High.toString() + " " + minutes );
        } else if (H_First_High == null && H_Second_High != null) {
            int minutes = (-1) * Minutes.minutesBetween(time, H_Second_High).getMinutes(); //(+ o -)
            return new Object[] { false, Integer.toString(minutes) };
        } else if (H_First_High != null && H_Second_High != null) {
            int minutesFirst = (-1) * Minutes.minutesBetween(time, H_First_High).getMinutes(); //(+ o -)
            int minutesSecond = (-1) * Minutes.minutesBetween(time, H_Second_High).getMinutes();
            if (Math.abs(minutesFirst) < Math.abs(minutesSecond)) {
                return new Object[] { true, Integer.toString(minutesFirst) };
            } else {
                return new Object[] { false, Integer.toString(minutesSecond) };
        } else {//BOTH null
            return null;

    private static LocalTime createLocalTime(String time) {
        if (time != null) {
            return new LocalTime(Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2)), Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3, 5)),
        } else {
            return null;