Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017 Capital One Services, LLC and Bitwise, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package hydrograph.ui.graph.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.draw2d.TextUtilities; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.Constants; import hydrograph.ui.datastructures.parametergrid.ParameterFile; import hydrograph.ui.graph.model.helper.LoggerUtil; /** * The Class Container. * <p> * The model class for Graph container. * @author Bitwise */ public class Container extends Model { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8825716379098354511L; public static final String CHILD_ADDED_PROP = "ComponentsDiagram.ChildAdded"; public static final String CHILD_REMOVED_PROP = "ComponentsDiagram.ChildRemoved"; private String uniqueJobId; private int jobRunCount; private List<CommentBox> comments; private final List<Component> components = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<String, Integer> componentNextNameSuffixes = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList<String> componentNames = new ArrayList<>(); @XStreamOmitField private String linkedMainGraphPath; @XStreamOmitField private Object subjobComponentEditPart; private long subjobVersion = 1; private Map<String, String> graphRuntimeProperties; private List<ParameterFile> jobLevelParameterFiles; private List<ParameterFile> parameterFiles; @XStreamOmitField private boolean isOpenedForTracking; public Container() { comments = new ArrayList<CommentBox>(); } public void saveParamterFileSequence(List<ParameterFile> parameterFiles) { if (this.parameterFiles == null) { this.parameterFiles = new ArrayList<>(); } else { this.parameterFiles.clear(); } this.parameterFiles.addAll(parameterFiles); } public List<ParameterFile> getParamterFileSequence() { List<ParameterFile> parameterFiles = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.parameterFiles != null) { parameterFiles.addAll(this.parameterFiles); } return parameterFiles; } /** * Adds the job level parameter files. * * @param jobLevelParameterFiles * the job level parameter files */ public void addJobLevelParameterFiles(List<ParameterFile> jobLevelParameterFiles) { if (this.jobLevelParameterFiles == null) { this.jobLevelParameterFiles = new ArrayList<>(); } this.jobLevelParameterFiles.clear(); this.jobLevelParameterFiles.addAll(jobLevelParameterFiles); } /** * Gets the job level parameter files. * * @return the job level parameter files */ public List<ParameterFile> getJobLevelParameterFiles() { if (jobLevelParameterFiles == null) { jobLevelParameterFiles = new ArrayList<>(); } List<ParameterFile> jobLevelParamterFiles = new ArrayList<>(); jobLevelParamterFiles.addAll(this.jobLevelParameterFiles); return jobLevelParamterFiles; } /** * * Add a component to this graph. * * @param component * the component * @return true, if the component was successfully added, false otherwise * */ public boolean addChild(Component component) { String compNewName = generateUniqueComponentName(component); String componentId = generateUniqueComponentId(component); if (component != null) { if (canAddSubjobToCanvas(component.getComponentName()) && components.add(component)) { component.setParent(this); //Check length and increment height Font font = new Font(Display.getDefault(), ModelConstants.labelFont, 10, SWT.NORMAL); int labelLength = TextUtilities.INSTANCE.getStringExtents(compNewName, font).width; ComponentLabel componentLabel = component.getComponentLabel(); if (labelLength >= ModelConstants.compLabelOneLineLengthLimit && component.getSize().height < 96 && labelLength != 97) { component.setSize(new Dimension(component.getSize().width, component.getSize().height + ModelConstants.componentOneLineLabelMargin)); componentLabel.setSize(new Dimension(componentLabel.getSize().width, componentLabel.getSize().height + ModelConstants.componentOneLineLabelMargin)); component.setComponentLabelMargin(ModelConstants.componentTwoLineLabelMargin); } else { if (labelLength < ModelConstants.compLabelOneLineLengthLimit) { if (!(component.getSize().height > 96)) { component.setSize(new Dimension(component.getSize().width, 80)); } else { component.setSize(new Dimension(component.getSize().width, component.getSize().height)); } } } component.setComponentLabel(compNewName); component.setComponentId(componentId); if (component.isNewInstance()) { component.setNewInstance(false); } firePropertyChange(CHILD_ADDED_PROP, null, component); updateSubjobVersion(); return true; } } return false; } private String generateUniqueComponentName(Component component) { String componentName = component.getComponentLabel().getLabelContents(); if (StringUtils.equals(componentName, component.getPrefix()) || StringUtils.equals(componentName, component.getComponentName()) || checkIfDuplicateComponentExists(componentName, component, false)) { componentName = getDefaultNameORIdForComponent(component.getPrefix(), component, false); } return componentName; } private String generateUniqueComponentId(Component component) { String componentId = component.getComponentId(); if (componentId == null || checkIfDuplicateComponentExists(componentId, component, true)) { componentId = getDefaultNameORIdForComponent(component.getDefaultPrefix(), component, true); } return componentId; } public boolean addChild(CommentBox comment) { if (comment != null) { if (comments == null) { comments = new ArrayList<>(); } comments.add(comment); comment.setParent(this); firePropertyChange(CHILD_ADDED_PROP, null, comment); return true; } return false; } public boolean removeChild(CommentBox comment) { if (comment != null) { comments.remove(comment); firePropertyChange(CHILD_REMOVED_PROP, null, comment); return true; } return false; } /** * Add a subjob to this graph. * @return true, if the subjob component was added, false otherwise */ public boolean addSubJobChild(Component component) { if (component != null) { if (canAddSubjobToCanvas(component.getComponentName()) && components.add(component)) { component.setParent(this); firePropertyChange(CHILD_ADDED_PROP, null, component); updateSubjobVersion(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if given subjob can be added to canvas. * * @param ioSubjobComponentName * the io subjob component name * @return true, if successful */ private boolean canAddSubjobToCanvas(String ioSubjobComponentName) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.INPUT_SUBJOB_COMPONENT_NAME, ioSubjobComponentName) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.OUTPUT_SUBJOB, ioSubjobComponentName)) { for (Component component : components) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(ioSubjobComponentName, component.getComponentName())) { MessageDialog.openError(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), "Error", ioSubjobComponentName + " [" + component.getComponentLabel().getLabelContents() + "]" + Constants.SUBJOB_ALREADY_PRESENT_IN_CANVAS); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Return a List of Components in this graph. The returned List should not be * modified. */ public List<Object> getChildren() { List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); objects.addAll(components); if (comments != null) { objects.addAll(comments); } return objects; } public List<Component> getUIComponentList() { return components; } /** * Remove a component from this diagram. * @return true, if the component was removed, false otherwise */ public boolean removeChild(Component component) { if (component != null && components.remove(component)) { componentNames.remove(component.getPropertyValue(Component.Props.NAME_PROP.getValue())); if (componentNextNameSuffixes.get(component.getPrefix()) != null) { Integer nextSuffix = componentNextNameSuffixes.get(component.getPrefix()) - 1; componentNextNameSuffixes.put(component.getPrefix(), nextSuffix); } firePropertyChange(CHILD_REMOVED_PROP, null, component); updateSubjobVersion(); return true; } return false; } /** * Get default Name or Id for the component for particular prefix type. * @param prefix * @param currentComponent * @param generateId * true for generating ID and false for generating * @return generated default name. */ private String getDefaultNameORIdForComponent(String prefix, Component currentComponent, boolean generateId) { boolean isNameUpdated = false; String newName = null; long suffix = 1; while (!isNameUpdated) { newName = prefix + "_" + (suffix < 10 ? 0 + "" + suffix : "" + suffix); if (checkIfDuplicateComponentExists(newName, currentComponent, generateId)) { suffix++; } else isNameUpdated = true; } return newName; } private boolean checkIfDuplicateComponentExists(String newNameORComponentId, Component currentComponent, boolean checkId) { newNameORComponentId = StringUtils.trim(newNameORComponentId); if (!getChildren().isEmpty()) { for (Object object : getChildren()) { if (object instanceof Component && !object.equals(currentComponent)) { Component component = (Component) object; if (checkId && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(component.getComponentId()), newNameORComponentId)) { LoggerUtil.getLoger(this.getClass()).trace("Duplicate component exists."); return true; } else if (!checkId && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase( StringUtils.trim(component.getComponentLabel().getLabelContents()), newNameORComponentId)) { LoggerUtil.getLoger(this.getClass()).trace("Duplicate component exists."); return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Return a List of Component names in this graph. The returned List should not be * modified. */ public ArrayList<String> getComponentNames() { return componentNames; } /** * Return a HashTable of Component prefix as key and next suffix as value. */ public Map<String, Integer> getComponentNextNameSuffixes() { return componentNextNameSuffixes; } /** * Checks if current graph ia a subjob or main job. * * @return true, if is current graph is a subjob */ public boolean isCurrentGraphSubjob() { for (Object obj : getChildren()) { Component component = null; if (obj instanceof Component) { component = (Component) obj; } if (component != null && (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.INPUT_SUBJOB, component.getComponentName()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.OUTPUT_SUBJOB, component.getComponentName()))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the linked main graph path. * * @return the linked main graph path */ public String getLinkedMainGraphPath() { return linkedMainGraphPath; } /** * Sets the linked main graph path. * * @param linkedMainGraphPath * the new linked main graph path */ public void setLinkedMainGraphPath(String linkedMainGraphPath) { this.linkedMainGraphPath = linkedMainGraphPath; } /** * Gets the subjob component edit part. * * @return the subjob component edit part */ public Object getSubjobComponentEditPart() { return subjobComponentEditPart; } /** * Sets the subjob component edit part. * * @param subjobComponentEditPart * the new subjob component edit part */ public void setSubjobComponentEditPart(Object subjobComponentEditPart) { this.subjobComponentEditPart = subjobComponentEditPart; } /** * Gets the subjob version. * * @return the subjob version */ public long getSubjobVersion() { return subjobVersion; } /** * Update subjob version. */ public void updateSubjobVersion() { if (isCurrentGraphSubjob()) { if (subjobVersion >= Long.MAX_VALUE) { subjobVersion = 1; } this.subjobVersion++; } } /** * Gets the graph runtime properties. * * @return the graph runtime properties */ public Map<String, String> getGraphRuntimeProperties() { if (graphRuntimeProperties == null) { graphRuntimeProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); } return graphRuntimeProperties; } public String getUniqueJobId() { return uniqueJobId; } public void setUniqueJobId(String uniqueJobId) { this.uniqueJobId = uniqueJobId; } public int getJobRunCount() { return jobRunCount; } public void setJobRunCount(int jobRunCount) { this.jobRunCount = jobRunCount; } /** *Check if subjob opened for tracking *@return isOpenedForTracking */ public boolean isOpenedForTracking() { return isOpenedForTracking; } /** * Set flag that indicate subjob opened for tracking * @param isOpenedForTracking */ public void openedForTracking(boolean isOpenedForTracking) { this.isOpenedForTracking = isOpenedForTracking; } }