Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017 Capital One Services, LLC and Bitwise, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package hydrograph.ui.graph.execution.tracking.replay; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.Constants; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.OSValidator; import hydrograph.ui.datastructures.executiontracking.ViewExecutionTrackingDetails; import hydrograph.ui.dataviewer.constants.MessageBoxText; import hydrograph.ui.graph.Activator; import hydrograph.ui.graph.Messages; import hydrograph.ui.graph.execution.tracking.datastructure.ComponentStatus; import hydrograph.ui.graph.execution.tracking.datastructure.ExecutionStatus; import hydrograph.ui.graph.execution.tracking.preferences.ExecutionPreferenceConstants; import hydrograph.ui.graph.execution.tracking.utils.TrackingDisplayUtils; import hydrograph.ui.graph.job.Job; import hydrograph.ui.graph.model.Component; import hydrograph.ui.graph.model.Container; import hydrograph.ui.graph.utility.MessageBox; import hydrograph.ui.logging.factory.LogFactory; /** * The Class ViewExecutionHistoryUtility use to create collection of job and their status. * * @author Bitwise */ public class ViewExecutionHistoryUtility { /** The Constant ExecutionTrackingLogFileExtention. */ private static final String EXECUTION_TRACKING_LOG_FILE_EXTENTION = ".track.log"; private static final String EXECUTION_TRACKING_LOCAL_MODE = "L_"; private static final String EXECUTION_TRACKING_REMOTE_MODE = "R_"; private Map<String, ExecutionStatus> trackingMap; private Map<String, List<Job>> trackingJobMap; private Map<String, String> unusedCompOnCanvas; private Map<String, ViewExecutionTrackingDetails> executionTrackingFields; private List<ViewExecutionTrackingDetails> selectedTrackingDetails; /** The logger. */ private static Logger logger = LogFactory.INSTANCE.getLogger(ViewExecutionHistoryUtility.class); public static ViewExecutionHistoryUtility INSTANCE = new ViewExecutionHistoryUtility(); private ViewExecutionHistoryUtility() { trackingMap = new HashMap<String, ExecutionStatus>(); trackingJobMap = new HashMap<String, List<Job>>(); unusedCompOnCanvas = new LinkedHashMap<>(); executionTrackingFields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); selectedTrackingDetails = new LinkedList<>(); } /** * Static 'instance' method * */ public static ViewExecutionHistoryUtility getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Add JobId and Status in map * @param uniqueRunJobId * @param executionStatus */ public void addTrackingStatus(String uniqueRunJobId, ExecutionStatus executionStatus) { if (uniqueRunJobId != null) { trackingMap.put(uniqueRunJobId, executionStatus); } } /** * The Function will add componentId and componentLabel * @param componentId * @param componentLabel */ public void addUnusedCompLabel(String componentId, String componentLabel) { if (!unusedCompOnCanvas.containsKey(componentId)) { unusedCompOnCanvas.put(componentId, componentLabel); } } /** * The Function will return component details map * @return Components Details map */ public Map<String, String> getUnusedCompsOnCanvas() { return unusedCompOnCanvas; } /** * Add Job name and its details. * @param jobName * @param jobDetails */ public void addTrackingJobs(String jobName, Job jobDetails) { Job cloneJob = null; try { cloneJob = (Job) jobDetails.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { logger.error("Failed to clone job: ", e); } if (trackingJobMap.get(jobName) == null) { List<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<>(); jobs.add(cloneJob); trackingJobMap.put(jobName, jobs); } else { trackingJobMap.get(jobName).add(cloneJob); } } /** * Return job list for tracking. * @return Job details */ public Map<String, List<Job>> getTrackingJobs() { return trackingJobMap; } /** * The Function will return extra component list which exist on Job Canvas * @param ExecutionStatus * @return Component List */ public void getExtraComponentList(ExecutionStatus executionStatus) { for (ComponentStatus componentStatus : executionStatus.getComponentStatus()) { if (unusedCompOnCanvas.get(componentStatus.getComponentId()) != null) { unusedCompOnCanvas.remove(componentStatus.getComponentId()); } } } /** * The Function will return missed component list * @param ExecutionStatus * @return Component List */ public List<String> getMissedComponents(ExecutionStatus executionStatus) { List<String> compList = new ArrayList<>(); executionStatus.getComponentStatus().forEach(componentStatus -> { if (!unusedCompOnCanvas.containsKey(componentStatus.getComponentId()) && componentStatus.getComponentName() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(componentStatus.getComponentName())) { compList.add(componentStatus.getComponentId()); } }); return compList; } /** * Return job vs execution tracking status map. * @return */ public Map<String, ExecutionStatus> getTrackingStatus() { return trackingMap; } /* * The function will use to check componentId and componentName in subjob. */ public void subjobParams(Map<String, String> componentNameAndLink, Component subjobComponent, StringBuilder subjobPrefix, boolean isParent) { Container container = (Container) subjobComponent.getSubJobContainer().get(Constants.SUBJOB_CONTAINER); for (Object object : container.getChildren()) { Component component = (Component) object; if (!(component.getComponentName().equals(Messages.INPUT_SUBJOB_COMPONENT)) && !(component.getComponentName().equals(Messages.OUTPUT_SUBJOB_COMPONENT))) { if (Constants.SUBJOB_COMPONENT.equals(component.getComponentName())) { subjobPrefix.append(component.getComponentId() + "."); subjobParams(componentNameAndLink, component, subjobPrefix, false); } if (!Constants.SUBJOB_COMPONENT.equals(component.getComponentName())) { if (isParent) { componentNameAndLink.put( subjobComponent.getComponentId() + "." + component.getComponentId(), subjobComponent.getComponentId() + "." + component.getComponentId()); } else { componentNameAndLink.put(subjobPrefix + component.getComponentId(), subjobPrefix + component.getComponentId()); } } else { String string[] = StringUtils.split(subjobPrefix.toString(), "."); subjobPrefix.delete(0, subjobPrefix.length()); for (int index = 0; index < string.length - 1; index++) { subjobPrefix.append(string[index] + "."); } } } } } /** * Return last execution tracking status from tracking log file. * @param uniqueJobId * @param isLocalMode * @param filePath * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public ExecutionStatus readJsonLogFile(String uniqueJobId, boolean isLocalMode, String filePath, boolean isReplay) throws IOException { ExecutionStatus[] executionStatus; String jobId = ""; String path = null; String jsonArray = ""; if (isLocalMode) { jobId = EXECUTION_TRACKING_LOCAL_MODE + uniqueJobId; } else { jobId = EXECUTION_TRACKING_REMOTE_MODE + uniqueJobId; } if (isReplay) { path = filePath + jobId + EXECUTION_TRACKING_LOG_FILE_EXTENTION; } else { path = getLogPath() + jobId + EXECUTION_TRACKING_LOG_FILE_EXTENTION; } JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); Gson gson = new Gson(); try (Reader fileReader = new FileReader(new File(path));) { jsonArray = jsonParser.parse(fileReader).toString(); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.error("Failed to read file: ", exception); } executionStatus = gson.fromJson(jsonArray, ExecutionStatus[].class); return executionStatus[executionStatus.length - 1]; } /** * Gets the log path. * * @return the log path */ public String getLogPath() { String jobTrackingLogDirectory = Platform.getPreferencesService().getString(Activator.PLUGIN_ID, ExecutionPreferenceConstants.TRACKING_LOG_PATH, TrackingDisplayUtils.INSTANCE.getInstallationPath(), null); return jobTrackingLogDirectory = jobTrackingLogDirectory + "/"; } /** * Gets the log path. * * @return the log path */ public String getTrackingLogPath() { String jobTrackingLogDirectory = Platform.getPreferencesService().getString(Activator.PLUGIN_ID, ExecutionPreferenceConstants.TRACKING_LOG_PATH, TrackingDisplayUtils.INSTANCE.getInstallationPath(), null); if (OSValidator.isWindows()) { jobTrackingLogDirectory = jobTrackingLogDirectory + "\\"; } else if (OSValidator.isMac()) { jobTrackingLogDirectory = jobTrackingLogDirectory + "/"; } return jobTrackingLogDirectory; } /** * Return last execution tracking status from browsed tracking log file. * @param filePath * @return ExecutionStatus * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public ExecutionStatus readBrowsedJsonLogFile(String filePath) throws IOException { ExecutionStatus[] executionStatus; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); Gson gson = new Gson(); String jsonArray = ""; try (Reader fileReader = new FileReader(new File(filePath));) { jsonArray = jsonParser.parse(fileReader).toString(); } executionStatus = gson.fromJson(jsonArray, ExecutionStatus[].class); return executionStatus[executionStatus.length - 1]; } /** * @param message Display the error message * */ public void getMessageDialog(String message) { MessageBox.INSTANCE.showMessage(MessageBoxText.INFO, message); return; } /** * The Function will add Fields for View Execution Tracking History * @param uniqueJobId * @param executionTrackingDetails */ public void addTrackingPathDetails(String uniqueJobId, ViewExecutionTrackingDetails executionTrackingDetails) { if (executionTrackingFields.get(uniqueJobId) == null && executionTrackingDetails != null) { executionTrackingFields.put(uniqueJobId, executionTrackingDetails); } } /** * The function will return map of ViewExecutionTracking details * @return */ public Map<String, ViewExecutionTrackingDetails> getTrackingPathDetails() { return executionTrackingFields; } /** * @param executionTrackingDetails */ public void addSelectedTrackingDetails(ViewExecutionTrackingDetails executionTrackingDetails) { selectedTrackingDetails.add(executionTrackingDetails); } /** * @return List of tracking details */ public List<ViewExecutionTrackingDetails> getSelectedTrackingDetailsForSubjob() { return selectedTrackingDetails; } }