Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017 Capital One Services, LLC and Bitwise, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package hydrograph.ui.common.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import; import; import; /** * @author Bitwise * */ public class TransformMappingFeatureUtility { public static final TransformMappingFeatureUtility INSTANCE = new TransformMappingFeatureUtility(); private TransformMappingFeatureUtility() { } private List<FilterProperties> getObjectReferencePresentInOutputTable(List<FilterProperties> finalSortedList, MappingSheetRow mappingSheetRow) { List<FilterProperties> listToBeReturn = new ArrayList<>(); for (FilterProperties filterProperties : mappingSheetRow.getOutputList()) { for (FilterProperties innerFilterProperties : finalSortedList) { if (filterProperties == innerFilterProperties) { listToBeReturn.add(innerFilterProperties); break; } } } return listToBeReturn; } private void setForegroundColorToBlack(Table inputtable, Table outputTable) { for (TableItem tableItem : inputtable.getItems()) { tableItem.setForeground(CustomColorRegistry.INSTANCE.getColorFromRegistry(0, 0, 0)); } for (TableItem tableItem : outputTable.getItems()) { tableItem.setForeground(CustomColorRegistry.INSTANCE.getColorFromRegistry(0, 0, 0)); } } public void highlightInputAndOutputFields(Text text, TableViewer inputFieldTableViewer, TableViewer outputFieldViewer, TransformMapping transformMapping, List<FilterProperties> finalSortedList) { Table inputtable = inputFieldTableViewer.getTable(); Table outputTable = outputFieldViewer.getTable(); if (text != null) { MappingSheetRow mappingSheetRow = null; setForegroundColorToBlack(inputtable, outputTable); for (MappingSheetRow mappingSheetRowIterate : transformMapping.getMappingSheetRows()) { if (StringUtils.equals(text.getText(), mappingSheetRowIterate.getOperationID())) { mappingSheetRow = mappingSheetRowIterate; break; } } if (mappingSheetRow != null) { for (FilterProperties filterProperties : mappingSheetRow.getInputFields()) { for (TableItem tableItem : inputtable.getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tableItem.getText(), filterProperties.getPropertyname())) { tableItem.setForeground(CustomColorRegistry.INSTANCE.getColorFromRegistry(0, 128, 255)); break; } } } } List<FilterProperties> templist = getObjectReferencePresentInOutputTable(finalSortedList, mappingSheetRow); for (FilterProperties filterProperties : mappingSheetRow.getOutputList()) { for (TableItem tableItem : outputTable.getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tableItem.getText(), filterProperties.getPropertyname()) && templist.contains(filterProperties)) { tableItem.setForeground(CustomColorRegistry.INSTANCE.getColorFromRegistry(0, 128, 255)); break; } } } } else { setForegroundColorToBlack(inputtable, outputTable); } } public List<MappingSheetRow> getActiveMappingSheetRow(List<MappingSheetRow> mappingSheetRows) { List<MappingSheetRow> activeMappingSheetRow = new ArrayList<>(); for (MappingSheetRow mappingSheetRow : mappingSheetRows) { if (mappingSheetRow.isActive()) activeMappingSheetRow.add(mappingSheetRow); } return activeMappingSheetRow; } /** * This method is used to set cursor position at last row when any field is * deleted from table-viewer * * @param tableViewer * @param indexes * @param gridList */ public void setCursorOnDeleteRow(TableViewer tableViewer, int[] indexes, List<?> gridList) { Table table = tableViewer.getTable(); //highlight after deletion if (indexes.length == 1 && gridList.size() > 0) {//only one item is deleted if (gridList.size() == 1) {//list contains only one element;// select the first element tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(0), 0); } else if (gridList.size() == indexes[0]) {//deleted last item - 1);//select the last element which now at the end of the list tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(gridList.size() - 1), 0); } else if (gridList.size() > indexes[0]) {//deleted element from middle of the list[0] == 0 ? 0 : (indexes[0] - 1));//select the element from at the previous location tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(indexes[0] == 0 ? 0 : (indexes[0] - 1)), 0); } } else if (indexes.length >= 2) {//multiple items are selected for deletion if (indexes[0] == 0) {//delete from 0 to ... if (gridList.size() >= 1) {//list contains only one element;//select the remaining element tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(0), 0); } } else {//delete started from element other than 0th element[0]) - 1);//select element before the start of selection tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt((indexes[0]) - 1), 0); } } } /** * This method is used to set cursor position at parameter field when any field is * deleted from table-viewer * * @param tableViewer * @param indexes * @param gridList */ public void setCursorOnDeleteRowForOutputTable(TableViewer tableViewer, int[] indexes, List<FilterProperties> gridList) { Table table = tableViewer.getTable(); if (indexes.length == 1 && gridList.size() > 0) {//only one item is deleted if (gridList.size() == 1 && ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(0).getPropertyname())) {//list contains only one element;// select the first element tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(0), 0); } else if (gridList.size() == indexes[0]) {//deleted last item for (int i = gridList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(i).getPropertyname())) {;//select the last parameterized element which now at the end of the paramteres list tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(i), 0); break; } } } else if (gridList.size() > indexes[0]) {//deleted element from middle of the list if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(indexes[0] == 0 ? 0 : (indexes[0])).getPropertyname())) {[0] == 0 ? 0 : (indexes[0])); tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(indexes[0] == 0 ? 0 : indexes[0]), 0); } else { boolean executed = false; for (int i = indexes[0] + 1; i < gridList.size(); i++) { if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(i).getPropertyname())) {; tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(i), 0); executed = true; break; } } if (!executed) { for (int i = indexes[0] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(i).getPropertyname())) {; tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(i), 0); break; } } } } } } else if (indexes.length >= 2) {//multiple items are selected for deletion if (indexes[0] == 0) {//delete from 0 to ... for (int i = 0; i < gridList.size(); i++) { if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(i).getPropertyname())) {;//select the remaining element tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(i), 0); break; } } } else {//delete started from element other than 0th element for (int i = indexes[0] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ParameterUtil.isParameter(gridList.get(i).getPropertyname())) {;//select element before the start of selection tableViewer.editElement(tableViewer.getElementAt(i), 0); break; } } } } } }