hvv_admin.HVV_AdminSettings.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for hvv_admin.HVV_AdminSettings.java


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package hvv_admin;

import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;

 * @author yaroslav
public class HVV_AdminSettings {
    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HVV_AdminSettings.class);

    private String m_strPollerPartHost;

    public String GetPollerPartHost() {
        return m_strPollerPartHost;

    private int m_nPollerPartPort;

    public int GetPollerPartPort() {
        return m_nPollerPartPort;

    private String m_strExecToPartHost;

    public String GetExecToPartHost() {
        return m_strExecToPartHost;

    private int m_nExecToPartPort;

    public int GetExecToPartPort() {
        return m_nExecToPartPort;

    private String m_strExecFromPartHost;

    public String GetExecFromPartHost() {
        return m_strExecFromPartHost;

    private int m_nExecFromPartPort;

    public int GetExecFromPartPort() {
        return m_nExecFromPartPort;

    private String m_strHvPartHost;

    public String GetHvPartHost() {
        return m_strHvPartHost;

    private int m_nHvPartPort;

    public int GetHvPartPort() {
        return m_nHvPartPort;

    private int m_nSingleInstanceSocketServerPort;

    public int GetSingleInstanceSocketServerPort() {
        return m_nSingleInstanceSocketServerPort;

    private int m_nTimeZoneShift;

    public int GetTimeZoneShift() {
        return m_nTimeZoneShift;

    private boolean m_bDebugShortenProgTimes;

    public boolean GetDebugShortenProgTimes() {
        return m_bDebugShortenProgTimes;

    private boolean m_bDebugShortenProgItems;

    public boolean GetDebugShortenProgItems() {
        return m_bDebugShortenProgItems;

    private boolean m_bUsePlanner;

    public boolean GetUsePlanner() {
        return m_bUsePlanner;

    public HVV_AdminSettings(String strAMSRoot) {
        m_strPollerPartHost = "localhost";
        m_nPollerPartPort = 6343;

        m_strExecToPartHost = "localhost";
        m_nExecToPartPort = 6345;

        m_strExecFromPartHost = "localhost";
        m_nExecFromPartPort = 6346;

        m_strHvPartHost = "localhost";
        m_nHvPartPort = 6347;

        m_nSingleInstanceSocketServerPort = 10003;

        m_nTimeZoneShift = 1;

        m_bDebugShortenProgItems = false;
        m_bDebugShortenProgTimes = false;

        m_bUsePlanner = false;


    private boolean ReadSettings() {
        boolean bResOk = true;
        try {
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();

            String strSettingsFilePathName = System.getenv("AMS_ROOT") + "/etc/settings.admin.xml";
            URL url = (new java.io.File(strSettingsFilePathName)).toURI().toURL();

            Document document = reader.read(url);

            Element root = document.getRootElement();

            // iterate through child elements of root
            for (Iterator i = root.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Element element = (Element) i.next();
                String name = element.getName();
                String value = element.getText();

                //logger.debug( "Pairs: [" + name + " : " + value + "]");

                if ("poller.host".equals(name))
                    m_strPollerPartHost = value;
                if ("poller.port".equals(name))
                    m_nPollerPartPort = Integer.parseInt(value);

                if ("executor.to.host".equals(name))
                    m_strExecToPartHost = value;
                if ("executor.to.port".equals(name))
                    m_nExecToPartPort = Integer.parseInt(value);

                if ("executor.from.host".equals(name))
                    m_strExecFromPartHost = value;
                if ("executor.from.port".equals(name))
                    m_nExecFromPartPort = Integer.parseInt(value);

                //if( "hv.host".equals( name)) m_strPollerPartHost = value;
                //if( "hv.port".equals( name)) m_nPollerPartPort = Integer.parseInt( value);

                if ("timezone".equals(name))
                    m_nTimeZoneShift = Integer.parseInt(value);

                if ("debug.shorten.program.items".equals(name)) {
                    if ("true".equals(value))
                        m_bDebugShortenProgItems = true;

                if ("debug.shorten.program.times".equals(name)) {
                    if ("true".equals(value))
                        m_bDebugShortenProgTimes = true;

                if ("use.planner".equals(name)) {
                    if ("true".equals(value))
                        m_bUsePlanner = true;

        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
            logger.error("MalformedURLException caught while loading settings!", ex);
            bResOk = false;
        } catch (DocumentException ex) {
            logger.error("DocumentException caught while loading settings!", ex);
            bResOk = false;

        return bResOk;

    public boolean ReadSettingsDbg() {
        boolean bResOk = true;
        try {
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();

            String strSettingsFilePathName = System.getenv("AMS_ROOT") + "/etc/settings.admin.xml";
            URL url = (new java.io.File(strSettingsFilePathName)).toURI().toURL();

            Document document = reader.read(url);

            Element root = document.getRootElement();

            // iterate through child elements of root
            for (Iterator i = root.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Element element = (Element) i.next();
                String name = element.getName();
                String value = element.getText();

                //logger.debug( "Pairs: [" + name + " : " + value + "]");

                if ("debug.shorten.program.items".equals(name)) {
                    if ("true".equals(value))
                        m_bDebugShortenProgItems = true;
                        m_bDebugShortenProgItems = false;


                if ("debug.shorten.program.times".equals(name)) {
                    if ("true".equals(value))
                        m_bDebugShortenProgTimes = true;
                        m_bDebugShortenProgTimes = false;

        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
            logger.error("MalformedURLException caught while loading settings!", ex);
            bResOk = false;
        } catch (DocumentException ex) {
            logger.error("DocumentException caught while loading settings!", ex);
            bResOk = false;

        return bResOk;