Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010 Bruno P. Kinoshita <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.plugins.testlink; import hudson.AbortException; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.plugins.testlink.result.ResultSeeker; import hudson.plugins.testlink.result.ResultSeekerException; import hudson.plugins.testlink.result.TestCaseWrapper; import hudson.plugins.testlink.util.Messages; import hudson.plugins.testlink.util.TestLinkHelper; import hudson.tasks.BuildStep; import hudson.tasks.Builder; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.TestLinkAPI; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.constants.ExecutionStatus; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.model.Build; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.model.Platform; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.model.TestCase; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.model.TestPlan; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.model.TestProject; import br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.util.TestLinkAPIException; /** * A builder to add a TestLink build step. * * @author Bruno P. Kinoshita - * @since 1.0 */ public class TestLinkBuilder extends AbstractTestLinkBuilder { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("hudson.plugins.testlink"); /** * The Descriptor of this Builder. It contains the TestLink installation. */ @Extension public static final TestLinkBuilderDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TestLinkBuilderDescriptor(); /** * Kept here for backward compatibility. Don't add new fields. * @deprecated */ public TestLinkBuilder(String testLinkName, String testProjectName, String testPlanName, String buildName, String customFields, Boolean executionStatusNotRun, Boolean executionStatusPassed, Boolean executionStatusFailed, Boolean executionStatusBlocked, List<BuildStep> singleBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> iterativeBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, Boolean transactional, Boolean failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, Boolean failIfNoResults, List<ResultSeeker> resultSeekers) { super(testLinkName, testProjectName, testPlanName, buildName, customFields, executionStatusNotRun, executionStatusPassed, executionStatusFailed, executionStatusBlocked, singleBuildSteps, beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, iterativeBuildSteps, afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, transactional, failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, failIfNoResults, false, resultSeekers); } /** * Kept here for backward compatibility. Don't add new fields. * @deprecated */ public TestLinkBuilder(String testLinkName, String testProjectName, String testPlanName, String buildName, String customFields, Boolean executionStatusNotRun, Boolean executionStatusPassed, Boolean executionStatusFailed, Boolean executionStatusBlocked, List<BuildStep> singleBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> iterativeBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, Boolean transactional, Boolean failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, Boolean failIfNoResults, Boolean failOnNotRun, List<ResultSeeker> resultSeekers) { super(testLinkName, testProjectName, testPlanName, buildName, customFields, executionStatusNotRun, executionStatusPassed, executionStatusFailed, executionStatusBlocked, singleBuildSteps, beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, iterativeBuildSteps, afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, transactional, failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, failIfNoResults, failOnNotRun, resultSeekers); } @DataBoundConstructor public TestLinkBuilder(String testLinkName, String testProjectName, String testPlanName, String platformName, String buildName, String customFields, Boolean executionStatusNotRun, Boolean executionStatusPassed, Boolean executionStatusFailed, Boolean executionStatusBlocked, List<BuildStep> singleBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> iterativeBuildSteps, List<BuildStep> afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, Boolean transactional, Boolean failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, Boolean failIfNoResults, Boolean failOnNotRun, List<ResultSeeker> resultSeekers) { super(testLinkName, testProjectName, testPlanName, platformName, buildName, customFields, executionStatusNotRun, executionStatusPassed, executionStatusFailed, executionStatusBlocked, singleBuildSteps, beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, iterativeBuildSteps, afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps, transactional, failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure, failIfNoResults, failOnNotRun, resultSeekers); } /** * Called when the job is executed. */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "TestLink builder started"); this.failure = false; // TestLink installation listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_PreparingTLAPI()); final TestLinkInstallation installation = DESCRIPTOR.getInstallationByTestLinkName(this.testLinkName); if (installation == null) { throw new AbortException(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_InvalidTLAPI()); } TestLinkHelper.setTestLinkJavaAPIProperties(installation.getTestLinkJavaAPIProperties(), listener); final TestLinkSite testLinkSite; final TestCaseWrapper[] automatedTestCases; final String testLinkUrl = installation.getUrl(); final String testLinkDevKey = installation.getDevKey(); listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_UsedTLURL(testLinkUrl)); try { final String testProjectName = expandVariable(build.getBuildVariableResolver(), build.getEnvironment(listener), getTestProjectName()); final String testPlanName = expandVariable(build.getBuildVariableResolver(), build.getEnvironment(listener), getTestPlanName()); final String platformName = expandVariable(build.getBuildVariableResolver(), build.getEnvironment(listener), getPlatformName()); final String buildName = expandVariable(build.getBuildVariableResolver(), build.getEnvironment(listener), getBuildName()); final String buildNotes = Messages.TestLinkBuilder_Build_Notes(); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink project name: [" + testProjectName + "]"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink plan name: [" + testPlanName + "]"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink platform name: [" + platformName + "]"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink build name: [" + buildName + "]"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink build notes: [" + buildNotes + "]"); } // TestLink Site object testLinkSite = this.getTestLinkSite(testLinkUrl, testLinkDevKey, testProjectName, testPlanName, platformName, buildName, buildNotes); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(platformName) && testLinkSite.getPlatform() == null) listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_PlatformNotFound(platformName)); final String[] customFieldsNames = this.createArrayOfCustomFieldsNames(build.getBuildVariableResolver(), build.getEnvironment(listener)); final Set<ExecutionStatus> executionStatuses = this.getExecutionStatuses(); // Array of automated test cases TestCase[] testCases = testLinkSite.getAutomatedTestCases(customFieldsNames, executionStatuses); // Transforms test cases into test case wrappers automatedTestCases = this.transform(testCases); testCases = null; listener.getLogger() .println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_ShowFoundAutomatedTestCases(automatedTestCases.length)); // Sorts test cases by each execution order (this info comes from // TestLink) listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_SortingTestCases()); Arrays.sort(automatedTestCases, this.executionOrderComparator); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { mue.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(mue.getMessage())); throw new AbortException(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_InvalidTLURL(testLinkUrl)); } catch (TestLinkAPIException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(e.getMessage())); throw new AbortException(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_TestLinkCommunicationError()); } for (TestCaseWrapper tcw : automatedTestCases) { testLinkSite.getReport().addTestCase(tcw); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "TestLink automated test case ID [" + tcw.getId() + "], name [" + tcw.getName() + "]"); } } listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_ExecutingSingleBuildSteps()); this.executeSingleBuildSteps(automatedTestCases.length, testLinkSite, build, launcher, listener); listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_ExecutingIterativeBuildSteps()); this.executeIterativeBuildSteps(automatedTestCases, testLinkSite, build, launcher, listener); // Here we search for test results. The return if a wrapped Test Case // that // contains attachments, platform and notes. try { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.Results_LookingForTestResults()); if (getResultSeekers() != null) { for (ResultSeeker resultSeeker : getResultSeekers()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Seeking test results. Using: " + resultSeeker.getDescriptor().getDisplayName());, build, launcher, listener, testLinkSite); } } } catch (ResultSeekerException trse) { trse.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(trse.getMessage())); throw new AbortException(Messages.Results_ErrorToLookForTestResults(trse.getMessage())); } catch (TestLinkAPIException tlae) { tlae.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(tlae.getMessage())); throw new AbortException(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_FailedToUpdateTL(tlae.getMessage())); } // This report is used to generate the graphs and to store the list of // test cases with each found status. final Report report = testLinkSite.getReport(); report.tally(); listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestLinkBuilder_ShowFoundTestResults(report.getTestsTotal())); final TestLinkResult result = new TestLinkResult(report, build); final TestLinkBuildAction buildAction = new TestLinkBuildAction(build, result); build.addAction(buildAction); if (report.getTestsTotal() <= 0 && this.getFailIfNoResults() == Boolean.TRUE) { listener.getLogger().println("No test results found. Setting the build result as FAILURE."); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } else if (report.getFailed() > 0) { if (this.failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure != null && this.failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure) { listener.getLogger().println("There are failed tests, setting the build result as FAILURE."); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } else { listener.getLogger().println("There are failed tests, setting the build result as UNSTABLE."); build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } } else if (this.getFailOnNotRun() != null && this.getFailOnNotRun() && report.getNotRun() > 0) { listener.getLogger().println("There are not run tests, setting the build result as FAILURE."); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "TestLink builder finished"); // end return Boolean.TRUE; } /** * @param testCases * @return */ private TestCaseWrapper[] transform(TestCase[] testCases) { if (testCases == null || testCases.length == 0) { return new TestCaseWrapper[0]; } List<TestCaseWrapper> automatedTestCases = new ArrayList<TestCaseWrapper>(); for (TestCase testCase : testCases) { TestCaseWrapper wrapper = new TestCaseWrapper(testCase); automatedTestCases.add(wrapper); } return automatedTestCases.toArray(new TestCaseWrapper[0]); } /** * Gets object to interact with TestLink site. * * @throws MalformedURLException */ public TestLinkSite getTestLinkSite(String testLinkUrl, String testLinkDevKey, String testProjectName, String testPlanName, String platformName, String buildName, String buildNotes) throws MalformedURLException { final TestLinkAPI api; final URL url = new URL(testLinkUrl); api = new TestLinkAPI(url, testLinkDevKey); final TestProject testProject = api.getTestProjectByName(testProjectName); final TestPlan testPlan = api.getTestPlanByName(testPlanName, testProjectName); Platform platform = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(platformName)) { final Platform platforms[] = api.getProjectPlatforms(testProject.getId()); for (Platform p : platforms) { if (p.getName().equals(platformName)) { platform = p; break; } } } final Build build = api.createBuild(testPlan.getId(), buildName, buildNotes); return new TestLinkSite(api, testProject, testPlan, platform, build); } /** * Executes the list of single build steps. * * @param numberOfTests number of tests * @param testLinkSite TestLink site * @param build Jenkins build. * @param launcher job launcher * @param listener build listener * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ protected void executeSingleBuildSteps(int numberOfTests, TestLinkSite testLinkSite, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (singleBuildSteps != null) { for (BuildStep b : singleBuildSteps) { final EnvVars iterativeEnvVars = TestLinkHelper.buildTestCaseEnvVars(numberOfTests, testLinkSite.getTestProject(), testLinkSite.getTestPlan(), testLinkSite.getBuild(), listener); build.addAction(new EnvironmentContributingAction() { public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, EnvVars env) { env.putAll(iterativeEnvVars); } public String getUrlName() { return null; } public String getIconFileName() { return null; } public String getDisplayName() { return null; } }); final boolean success = b.perform(build, launcher, listener); if (!success) { this.failure = Boolean.TRUE; } } } } /** * <p> * Executes iterative build steps. For each automated test case found in the * array of automated test cases, this method executes the iterative builds * steps using Jenkins objects. * </p> * * @param automatedTestCases * array of automated test cases * @param testLinkSite * The TestLink Site object * @param launcher * @param listener * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ protected void executeIterativeBuildSteps(TestCaseWrapper[] automatedTestCases, TestLinkSite testLinkSite, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps != null) { for (BuildStep b : beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps) { final boolean success = b.perform(build, launcher, listener); if (!success) { this.failure = Boolean.TRUE; } } } for (TestCaseWrapper automatedTestCase : automatedTestCases) { if (this.failure && this.transactional) { automatedTestCase.setExecutionStatus(ExecutionStatus.BLOCKED); } else { if (iterativeBuildSteps != null) { final EnvVars iterativeEnvVars = TestLinkHelper.buildTestCaseEnvVars(automatedTestCase, testLinkSite.getTestProject(), testLinkSite.getTestPlan(), testLinkSite.getBuild(), listener); build.addAction(new EnvironmentContributingAction() { public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, EnvVars env) { env.putAll(iterativeEnvVars); } public String getUrlName() { return null; } public String getIconFileName() { return null; } public String getDisplayName() { return null; } }); for (BuildStep b : iterativeBuildSteps) { final boolean success = b.perform(build, launcher, listener); if (!success) { this.failure = Boolean.TRUE; } } } } } if (afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps != null) { for (BuildStep b : afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps) { final boolean success = b.perform(build, launcher, listener); if (!success) { this.failure = Boolean.TRUE; } } } } @Override public Descriptor<Builder> getDescriptor() { return (TestLinkBuilderDescriptor) super.getDescriptor(); } }