Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2011, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Alan Harder, * Manufacture Francaise des Pneumatiques Michelin, Romain Seguy * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.plugins.nested_view; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.*; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.views.ListViewColumn; import hudson.views.ViewsTabBar; import jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu; import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException; import org.kohsuke.stapler.*; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import static hudson.Util.fixEmpty; /** * View type that contains only another set of views. * Allows grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs. * * @author Alan Harder * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @author Romain Seguy */ public class NestedView extends View implements ViewGroup, StaplerProxy, ModelObjectWithContextMenu { private final static Result WORST_RESULT = Result.FAILURE; /** * Nested views. */ private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<View> views = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<View>(); /** * Name of the subview to show when this tree view is selected. May be null/empty. */ private String defaultView; private NestedViewColumns columns; @DataBoundConstructor public NestedView(String name) { super(name); } public List<TopLevelItem> getItems() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public boolean contains(TopLevelItem item) { return false; } public ContextMenu doContextMenu(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws IOException, JellyException { return new ContextMenu().from(this, request, response); } public ContextMenu doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws Exception { ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu(); for (View view : getViews()) { menu.add(new MenuItem().withContextRelativeUrl(view.getUrl()).withDisplayName(view.getDisplayName())); } return menu; } @Override public String getUrl() { return getViewUrl(); } @Override public View getPrimaryView() { return null; } @Override public ItemGroup<? extends TopLevelItem> getItemGroup() { return getOwnerItemGroup(); } @Override public List<Action> getViewActions() { return getOwner().getViewActions(); } public Item doCreateItem(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { ItemGroup itemGroup = getItemGroup(); if (itemGroup instanceof ModifiableItemGroup) { return ((ModifiableItemGroup) itemGroup).doCreateItem(req, rsp); } return null; } /** * Checks if a nested view with the given name exists and * make sure that the name is good as a view name. */ public FormValidation doCheckViewName(@QueryParameter String value) { checkPermission(View.CREATE); String name = fixEmpty(value); if (name == null) return FormValidation.ok(); // already exists? if (getView(name) != null) return FormValidation.error(hudson.model.Messages.Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(name)); // good view name? try { jenkins.model.Jenkins.checkGoodName(name); } catch (Failure e) { return FormValidation.error(e.getMessage()); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Checks if a nested view with the given name exists. */ public FormValidation doViewExistsCheck(@QueryParameter String value) { checkPermission(View.CREATE); String view = fixEmpty(value); return (view == null || getView(view) == null) ? FormValidation.ok() : FormValidation.error(hudson.model.Messages.Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(view)); } @Override public synchronized void onJobRenamed(Item item, String oldName, String newName) { // forward to children for (View v : views) v.onJobRenamed(item, oldName, newName); } protected synchronized void submit(StaplerRequest req) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { defaultView = Util.fixEmpty(req.getParameter("defaultView")); if (columns == null) { columns = new NestedViewColumns(); } if (columns.getColumns() == null) { columns.setColumns(new DescribableList<ListViewColumn, Descriptor<ListViewColumn>>(this)); } columns.updateFromForm(req, req.getSubmittedForm(), "columnsToShow"); } public boolean canDelete(View view) { return true; } public void deleteView(View view) throws IOException { views.remove(view); save(); } @Exported public Collection<View> getViews() { List<View> copy = new ArrayList<View>(views); Collections.sort(copy, View.SORTER); return copy; } public View getView(String name) { for (View v : views) if (v.getViewName().equals(name)) return v; return null; } public View getDefaultView() { // Don't allow default subview for a NestedView that is the Jenkins default view.. // (you wouldn't see the other top level view tabs, as it'd always jump into subview) return isDefault() ? null : getView(defaultView); } public NestedViewColumns getColumnsToShow() { return columns; } public void onViewRenamed(View view, String oldName, String newName) { // noop } public void save() throws IOException {; } public void doCreateView(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { checkPermission(View.CREATE); addView(View.create(req, rsp, this)); save(); } // Method for testing void addView(View view) { views.add(view); } // Method for testing void setOwner(ViewGroup owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** * Returns the worst result for this nested view. * <p/> * <p>To get the worst result, this method browses all the jobs this view * contains. Also, as soon as it finds the worst result possible (cf. * {@link #WORST_RESULT}), the browsing stops.</p> * <p>The algorithm first analyzes normal views (that is, views which are * not nested ones); Then, in a second time, it processes nested views, * hoping that {@link #WORST_RESULT} will be found as quick as possible, as * mentionned previously.</p> */ public Result getWorstResult() { Result result = Result.NOT_BUILT, check; boolean found = false; List<View> normalViews = new ArrayList<View>(); List<NestedView> nestedViews = new ArrayList<NestedView>(); for (View v : views) { if (v instanceof NestedView) { nestedViews.add((NestedView) v); } else { normalViews.add(v); } } // we process "normal" views first since it's likely faster to process // them (no unknown nested hierarchy of views) and we may find the worst // case (which stops the processing) faster for (View v : normalViews) { check = getWorstResultForNormalView(v); if (check != null) { found = true; if (isWorst(check)) { // cut the search if we find the worst possible case return check; } result = getWorse(check, result); } } // nested views are processed in a second time for (NestedView v : nestedViews) { // notice that this algorithm is recursive: as such, if a job is present // in several views, then it is processed several times (except if it // has the worst result possible, in which case the algorithm ends) // TODO: derecursify the algorithm to improve performance on complex views check = v.getWorstResult(); if (check != null) { found = true; if (isWorst(check)) { // as before, cut the search if we find the worst possible case return check; } result = getWorse(check, result); } } return found ? result : null; } /** * Returns true if r is worst. */ private static boolean isWorst(Result r) { return (r.isCompleteBuild() == WORST_RESULT.isCompleteBuild() && r.isWorseOrEqualTo(WORST_RESULT)); } /** * Returns the worse result from two. */ private static Result getWorse(Result r1, Result r2) { // completed build wins if (!r1.isCompleteBuild() && r2.isCompleteBuild()) { return r2; } if (r1.isCompleteBuild() && !r2.isCompleteBuild()) { return r1; } // return worse one return r1.isWorseThan(r2) ? r1 : r2; } /** * Returns the worst result for a normal view, by browsing all the jobs it * contains; As soon as {@link #WORST_RESULT} is found, the browsing stops. * Returns null if no build occurred yet */ private static Result getWorstResultForNormalView(View v) { boolean found = false; Result result = Result.NOT_BUILT, check; for (TopLevelItem item : v.getItems()) { if (item instanceof Job && !( // Skip disabled projects item instanceof AbstractProject && ((AbstractProject) item).isDisabled())) { final Run lastCompletedBuild = ((Job) item).getLastCompletedBuild(); if (lastCompletedBuild != null) { found = true; check = lastCompletedBuild.getResult(); if (isWorst(check)) { // cut the search if we find the worst possible case return check; } result = getWorse(check, result); } } } return found ? result : null; } /** * Returns the worst result for a view, wether is a normal view or a nested * one. * * @see #getWorstResult() * @see #getWorstResultForNormalView(hudson.model.View) */ public static Result getWorstResult(View v) { if (v instanceof NestedView) { return ((NestedView) v).getWorstResult(); } else { return getWorstResultForNormalView(v); } } /** * Returns the health of this nested view. * <p/> * <p>Notice that, if a job is contained in several sub-views of the current * view, then it is taken into account only once to get accurate stats.</p> * <p>This algorithm has been derecursified, hence the stack stuff.</p> */ public HealthReportContainer getHealth() { // we use a set to avoid taking into account several times the same job // when computing the health Set<TopLevelItem> items = new LinkedHashSet<TopLevelItem>(100); // retrieve all jobs to analyze (using DFS) Deque<View> viewsStack = new ArrayDeque<View>(20); viewsStack.push(this); do { View currentView = viewsStack.pop(); if (currentView instanceof NestedView) { for (View v : ((NestedView) currentView).views) { viewsStack.push(v); } } else { items.addAll(currentView.getItems()); } } while (!viewsStack.isEmpty()); HealthReportContainer hrc = new HealthReportContainer(); for (TopLevelItem item : items) { if (item instanceof Job) { hrc.sum += ((Job) item).getBuildHealth().getScore(); hrc.count++; } } = hrc.count > 0 ? new HealthReport(hrc.sum / hrc.count, Messages._ViewHealth(hrc.count)) : new HealthReport(100, Messages._NoJobs()); return hrc; } /** * Returns the health of a normal view. */ private static HealthReportContainer getHealthForNormalView(View view) { HealthReportContainer hrc = new HealthReportContainer(); for (TopLevelItem item : view.getItems()) { if (item instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) item; if (job.getBuildHealthReports().isEmpty()) continue; hrc.sum += job.getBuildHealth().getScore(); hrc.count++; } } = hrc.count > 0 ? new HealthReport(hrc.sum / hrc.count, Messages._ViewHealth(hrc.count)) : null; return hrc; } /** * Returns the health of a view, wether it is a normal or a nested one. * * @see #getHealth() * @see #getHealthForNormalView(hudson.model.View) */ public static HealthReportContainer getViewHealth(View v) { if (v instanceof NestedView) { return ((NestedView) v).getHealth(); } else { return getHealthForNormalView(v); } } public ViewsTabBar getViewsTabBar() { return Hudson.getInstance().getViewsTabBar(); } /** * Container for HealthReport with two methods matching hudson.model.Job * so we can pass this to f:healthReport jelly. */ public static class HealthReportContainer { private HealthReport report; private int sum = 0, count = 0; private HealthReportContainer() { } public HealthReport getBuildHealth() { return report; } public List<HealthReport> getBuildHealthReports() { return report != null ? Collections.singletonList(report) : Collections.<HealthReport>emptyList(); } } public Object getTarget() { // Proxy to handle redirect when a default subview is configured return (getDefaultView() != null && "".equals(Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getRestOfPath())) ? new DefaultViewProxy() : this; } public class DefaultViewProxy { public void doIndex(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { if (getDefaultView() != null) rsp.sendRedirect2("view/" + defaultView); else req.getView(NestedView.this, "index.jelly").forward(req, rsp); } } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends ViewDescriptor { public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.DisplayName(); } } }