Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017, Felix Belzunce Arcos, CloudBees, Inc., and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.plugins.active_directory.docker; import hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectoryDomain; import hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm; import hudson.plugins.active_directory.GroupLookupStrategy; import hudson.util.Secret; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationServiceException; import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails; import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UsernameNotFoundException; import; import org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.docker.DockerContainer; import org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.docker.DockerFixture; import org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.docker.DockerRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Issue; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule; import javax.naming.CommunicationException; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.logging.Formatter; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter; import; import; import; import hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler; import; /** * Integration tests with Docker */ public class TheFlintstonesTest { @Rule public DockerRule<TheFlintstones> docker = new DockerRule<>(TheFlintstones.class); @Rule public JenkinsRule j = new JenkinsRule(); public final static String AD_DOMAIN = ""; public final static String AD_MANAGER_DN = "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=SAMDOM,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=COM"; public final static String AD_MANAGER_DN_PASSWORD = "ia4uV1EeKait"; public final static int MAX_RETRIES = 30; public String dockerIp; public int dockerPort; public void dynamicSetUp() throws Exception { TheFlintstones d = docker.get(); dockerIp = d.ipBound(3268); dockerPort = d.port(3268); ActiveDirectoryDomain activeDirectoryDomain = new ActiveDirectoryDomain(AD_DOMAIN, dockerIp + ":" + dockerPort, null, AD_MANAGER_DN, AD_MANAGER_DN_PASSWORD); List<ActiveDirectoryDomain> domains = new ArrayList<>(1); domains.add(activeDirectoryDomain); ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm activeDirectorySecurityRealm = new ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm(null, domains, null, null, null, null, GroupLookupStrategy.RECURSIVE, false, true, null, false, null, null); j.getInstance().setSecurityRealm(activeDirectorySecurityRealm); while (!FileUtils.readFileToString(d.getLogfile()).contains("custom (exit status 0; expected)")) { Thread.sleep(1000); } UserDetails userDetails = null; int i = 0; while (i < MAX_RETRIES && userDetails == null) { try { userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); } catch (AuthenticationServiceException e) { Thread.sleep(1000); } i++; } } public void manualSetUp() throws Exception { TheFlintstones d = docker.get(); dockerIp = d.ipBound(3268); dockerPort = d.port(3268); ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm activeDirectorySecurityRealm = (ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm) j.jenkins .getSecurityRealm(); for (ActiveDirectoryDomain activeDirectoryDomain : activeDirectorySecurityRealm.getDomains()) { activeDirectoryDomain.bindPassword = Secret.fromString(AD_MANAGER_DN_PASSWORD); activeDirectoryDomain.servers = dockerIp + ":" + dockerPort; } while (!FileUtils.readFileToString(d.getLogfile()).contains("custom (exit status 0; expected)")) { Thread.sleep(1000); } UserDetails userDetails = null; int i = 0; while (i < MAX_RETRIES && userDetails == null) { try { userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); } catch (AuthenticationServiceException e) { Thread.sleep(1000); } i++; } } @Test public void simpleLoginSuccessful() throws Exception { dynamicSetUp(); UserDetails userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); assertThat(userDetails.getUsername(), is("Fred")); } @Test public void simpleLoginFails() throws Exception { dynamicSetUp(); try { j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Homer"); } catch (UsernameNotFoundException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage() .contains("Authentication was successful but cannot locate the user information for Homer")); } } @Issue("JENKINS-36148") @Test public void checkDomainHealth() throws Exception { dynamicSetUp(); ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm securityRealm = (ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm) Jenkins.getInstance() .getSecurityRealm(); ActiveDirectoryDomain domain = securityRealm.getDomain(AD_DOMAIN); assertEquals("NS:", domain.getRecordFromDomain().toString().trim()); } @Issue("JENKINS-36148") @Test public void validateCustomDomainController() throws ServletException, NamingException, IOException, Exception { dynamicSetUp(); ActiveDirectoryDomain.DescriptorImpl adDescriptor = new ActiveDirectoryDomain.DescriptorImpl(); assertEquals("OK: Success", adDescriptor.doValidateTest(AD_DOMAIN, dockerIp + ":" + dockerPort, null, AD_MANAGER_DN, AD_MANAGER_DN_PASSWORD, null).toString().trim()); } @Issue("JENKINS-36148") @Test public void validateDomain() throws ServletException, NamingException, IOException, Exception { dynamicSetUp(); ActiveDirectoryDomain.DescriptorImpl adDescriptor = new ActiveDirectoryDomain.DescriptorImpl(); assertEquals("OK: Success", adDescriptor.doValidateTest(AD_DOMAIN, null, null, AD_MANAGER_DN, AD_MANAGER_DN_PASSWORD, null) .toString().trim()); } @Issue("JENKINS-45576") @Test public void loadGroupFromGroupname() throws Exception { dynamicSetUp(); String groupname = "The Rubbles"; GroupDetails group = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadGroupByGroupname(groupname); assertThat(group.getName(), is("The Rubbles")); } @Issue("JENKINS-45576") @Test public void loadGroupFromAlias() throws Exception { dynamicSetUp(); // required to monitor the log messages, removing this line the test will fail List<String> logMessages = captureLogMessages(20); String aliasname = "Rubbles"; boolean isAlias = false; try { j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadGroupByGroupname(aliasname); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { Collection<String> filter = Collections2.filter(logMessages, Predicates.containsPattern("JENKINS-45576")); isAlias = !filter.isEmpty(); } assertTrue(isAlias); } private List<String> captureLogMessages(int size) { final List<String> logMessages = new ArrayList<>(size); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); RingBufferLogHandler ringHandler = new RingBufferLogHandler(size) { final Formatter f = new SimpleFormatter(); // placeholder instance for what should have been a static method perhaps @Override public synchronized void publish(LogRecord record) { super.publish(record); String message = f.formatMessage(record); Throwable x = record.getThrown(); logMessages.add(message == null && x != null ? x.toString() : message); } }; logger.addHandler(ringHandler); return logMessages; } // ReadResolve tlsConfiguration migration tests @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginSuccessfulAfterReadResolveTlsConfigurationSingleDomain() throws Exception { manualSetUp(); UserDetails userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); assertThat(userDetails.getUsername(), is("Fred")); } @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginFailsAfterReadResolveTlsConfigurationSingleDomain() throws Exception { manualSetUp(); try { j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Homer"); } catch (UsernameNotFoundException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage() .contains("Authentication was successful but cannot locate the user information for Homer")); } } @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginSuccessAfterReadResolveTlsConfigurationMultipleDomainsOneDomain() throws Exception { manualSetUp(); UserDetails userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); assertThat(userDetails.getUsername(), is("Fred")); } @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginFailsAfterReadResolveTlsConfigurationMultipleDomainsOneDomain() throws Exception { manualSetUp(); try { j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Homer"); } catch (UsernameNotFoundException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage() .contains("Authentication was successful but cannot locate the user information for Homer")); } } // TlsConfiguration tests @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginSuccessfulTrustingAllCertificates() throws Exception { manualSetUp(); UserDetails userDetails = j.jenkins.getSecurityRealm().loadUserByUsername("Fred"); assertThat(userDetails.getUsername(), is("Fred")); } @LocalData @Test public void testSimpleLoginFailsTrustingJDKTrustStore() throws Exception { try { manualSetUp(); } catch (CommunicationException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("simple bind failed")); } } @DockerFixture(id = "ad-dc", ports = { 135, 138, 445, 39, 464, 389, 3268 }, udpPorts = { 53 }, matchHostPorts = true) public static class TheFlintstones extends DockerContainer { } }