Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2006 NetMind Consulting Bt. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package hu.netmind.beankeeper.query.impl; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.parser.*; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.query.LazyList; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.query.LazyListHooks; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.query.QueryService; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.model.*; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.config.ConfigurationTracker; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.schema.SchemaManager; import java.util.*; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.commons.configuration.event.ConfigurationEvent; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.db.Limits; import hu.netmind.beankeeper.db.SearchResult; /** * This list is a lazy-loading list. It receives a query statement, and * if an item is queried, the list runs the approriate search statement * and loads the referred item (and a given neighbourhood). * @author Brautigam Robert * @version Revision: $Revision$ */ public class LazyListImpl extends AbstractList implements LazyList, Serializable { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LazyListImpl.class); public int BATCH_SIZE = 30; public int BATCH_SIZE_LINEARMULTIPLIER = 3; public int BATCH_SIZE_MAX = 2500; public int MAX_JOINS = 16; private Map unmarshalledObjects = null; private LazyListHooks hooks = null; private QueryStatementList stmts = null; private List list; private boolean hasNext = false; private long[] stmtOffsets; private int offset = 0; private boolean initialized; private int linearCount = 0; private int linearLastIndex = -1; private QueryService queryService = null; private ClassTracker classTracker = null; private ConfigurationTracker config = null; private SchemaManager schemaManager = null; LazyListImpl(QueryService queryService, ClassTracker classTracker, ConfigurationTracker config, SchemaManager schemaManager, QueryStatementList stmts, Map unmarshalledObjects) { this.queryService = queryService; this.classTracker = classTracker; this.schemaManager = schemaManager; this.config = config; this.stmts = stmts; this.unmarshalledObjects = unmarshalledObjects; this.initialized = false; list = null; // Load config configurationReload(); } public QueryStatementList getStmts() { return stmts; } /** * If this object is serialized then write a normal array list * instead of this one. */ private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { logger.debug("assembling serialized version of lazy list..."); ArrayList serialized = new ArrayList(this); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("writing serialized form with size: " + serialized.size() + ", this size: " + size()); return serialized; } /** * Get the object on the given. */ public Object get(int index) { initialize(); updateList(index); return list.get(index - offset); } /** * Calculate the offset of a given statement. */ public long getStmtOffset(int index) { // Initialize if (stmtOffsets == null) { stmtOffsets = new long[stmts.size() + 1]; stmtOffsets[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) stmtOffsets[i + 1] = -1; } // Calculate if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("calculating size for stmt index: " + index + "/" + stmts.size()); if (stmtOffsets[index] < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { if (stmtOffsets[i + 1] >= 0) continue; SearchResult result = queryService.find((QueryStatement) stmts.get(i), new Limits(0, 0, -1), null); stmtOffsets[i + 1] = stmtOffsets[i] + result.getResultSize(); } } // Return logger.debug("returning size: " + stmtOffsets[index]); return stmtOffsets[index]; } /** * Get the predicted size from database. This value <strong>never</strong> * changes. */ public int size() { initialize(); return (int) getStmtOffset(stmts.size()); } public void refresh() { list = null; stmtOffsets = null; offset = 0; linearLastIndex = -1; linearCount = 0; hasNext = false; } /** * Try to load the entries around the given index. */ private void updateList(int index) { // Initialize lazy list initialize(); // Keep track of linear iterations if (index == linearLastIndex + 1) linearCount++; else linearCount = 0; linearLastIndex = index; // Check bounds if (index < 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "lazy list index given was: " + index + ", thats < 0 and illegal."); if ((list != null) && (index < offset + list.size()) && (index >= offset)) return; // List has the desired item // Determine whether the update will get the next page linearly boolean nextPage = false; if (list != null) nextPage = (index == offset + list.size()); // Determine the startindex and size of the current select int batchSize = BATCH_SIZE; if (list != null) batchSize = list.size(); if (linearCount >= batchSize) batchSize = batchSize * BATCH_SIZE_LINEARMULTIPLIER; else batchSize = BATCH_SIZE; if (batchSize > BATCH_SIZE_MAX) batchSize = BATCH_SIZE_MAX; int startIndex = 0; if (index < offset) startIndex = (index / batchSize) * batchSize; else startIndex = index; if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("list index: " + index + ", startindex: " + startIndex + ", batchsize: " + batchSize + ", linearcount was: " + linearCount); linearCount = 0; linearLastIndex = index; // Determine the statement to use for given index HashMap session = new HashMap(); getStmtOffset(0); // Initialize offsets int stmtIndex = 0; long realOffset = 0; if (hooks != null) stmtIndex = hooks.preIndexing(session, startIndex); if (stmtIndex < 0) { stmtIndex = 0; while ((stmtIndex < stmts.size()) && (stmtOffsets[stmtIndex] >= 0) && (stmtOffsets[stmtIndex + 1] >= 0) && (stmtOffsets[stmtIndex + 1] <= startIndex)) { realOffset = stmtOffsets[stmtIndex]; stmtIndex++; } } if (stmtIndex >= stmts.size()) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Tried to reach index: " + index + ", but that was not available."); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("asked index is: " + index + ", real offset: " + realOffset + ", stmt index: " + stmtIndex + ", start index: " + startIndex); // Now load the result set, which is possibly distributed in multiple // queries. offset = startIndex; List previousList = new ArrayList(); if (nextPage) previousList = new ArrayList(list); list = new ArrayList(batchSize); // Load the already unmarshalled objects. Load until // list vector is full, or out of result entries. Note: we load // plus one entry, so we know, that there is a next entry. boolean override = false; while ((stmtIndex < stmts.size()) && ((list.size() <= batchSize) || (override))) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("lazy list statement iteration: " + stmtIndex + "/" + stmts.size() + ", current size: " + list.size() + "/" + batchSize); override = false; // Get the query, and optimize it QueryStatement stmt = (QueryStatement) stmts.get(stmtIndex); Limits limits = new Limits((int) (startIndex - stmtOffsets[stmtIndex]), batchSize + 1 - list.size(), 0); if (limits.getOffset() < 0) limits.setOffset(0); // Compute the total join count of the selected term int totalJoinCount = 0; SpecifiedTableTerm mainTerm = stmt.getSpecifiedTerm((TableTerm) stmt.getSelectTerms().get(0)); if (mainTerm.getRelatedLeftTerms().size() > MAX_JOINS) { // Modify limits, so it does not select more rows than left // table terms. This ensures, that the select will not contain // more left table terms. if (limits.getLimit() > MAX_JOINS) { limits.setLimit(MAX_JOINS + 1); batchSize = list.size() + MAX_JOINS; logger.debug("adjusting limits, so max joins can be suited, new batch size: " + batchSize + ", list size is: " + list.size()); } // If there are many left table terms, then optimize this select // locally. This means, eliminate all left table terms, which will // not be used. stmt = optimizeLocalStatement(stmt, limits); } // Make query if (hooks != null) stmt = hooks.preSelect(session, stmt, previousList, limits, new Limits(offset, batchSize + 1, 0)); SearchResult result = queryService.find(stmt, limits, unmarshalledObjects); // Set for next iteration startIndex += result.getResult().size(); list.addAll(result.getResult()); if (hooks != null) override = hooks.postSelect(session, list, new Limits(offset, batchSize + 1, 0)); // Postoperation adjustments if (list.size() > batchSize) { logger.debug("list size " + list.size() + " is greater than batchsize " + batchSize + ", iteration complete"); // This means, that the list contained enough items for // the query, which means return only the exact results. // The size can not be determined now. list = list.subList(0, batchSize); hasNext = true; // List is ok for now, we don't need more if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug( "updated list with full window, size is: " + list.size() + ", index was: " + index); return; } else { hasNext = false; // Compute statement length if the length is not yet known if (stmtOffsets[stmtIndex + 1] < 0) { if (list.size() == 0) { logger.debug("list size was 0 for this iteration"); // There is no result. This can be caused by two things: // - This statement is really 0 length // - Statement interval ends before this start index is reached, // but may contain items. // Let's just calculate the sizes up until now getStmtOffset(stmtIndex + 1); } else if (list.size() <= batchSize) { logger.debug("list size " + list.size() + " is not greater than batchsize " + batchSize); // This means, that the list does not contain enough items, // so the size can be exactly determined. stmtOffsets[stmtIndex + 1] = startIndex; } } } // Decrease cycle invariant function (in english: increase index) stmtIndex++; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("updated list, size is: " + list.size() + ", index was: " + index); } private void initialize() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; // If not yet queried, and the number of statements is big, // then do a pre-select, to determine which statements will be // used anyway, and drop those statements, which will have no // results. if (stmts.size() > 2) optimizeStatements(); } private Set getUsedTables(SearchResult result) { HashSet usedTableNames = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < result.getResult().size(); i++) { Integer classId = new Integer(((Map) result.getResult().get(i)).get("classid").toString()); ClassEntry entry = classTracker.getClassEntry(classId); ClassInfo info = classTracker.getClassInfo(entry); while ((entry != null) && (info.isStorable())) { // Insert it's table name into the set String usedTableName = schemaManager.getTableName(entry); usedTableNames.add(usedTableName); // Goto super entry = entry.getSuperEntry(); if (entry != null) info = classTracker.getClassInfo(entry); } } return usedTableNames; } /** * The task of this method is to temporary remove those joined left table terms, * which will not be used in this page of the resultset. */ private QueryStatement optimizeLocalStatement(QueryStatement stmt, Limits limits) { logger.debug("executing local optimization"); if (stmt.getMode() != QueryStatement.MODE_FIND) return stmt; // First, copy the statement, so it won't affect later use QueryStatement copyStmt = stmt.deepCopy(); // Then modify the statement to select only the tables the statement // reaches with the given limits. (So remove all left terms for now) copyStmt.setMode(QueryStatement.MODE_VIEW); TableTerm selectTerm = (TableTerm) copyStmt.getSelectTerms().get(0); SpecifiedTableTerm specifiedSelectTerm = (SpecifiedTableTerm) copyStmt.getSpecifiedTerm(selectTerm); logger.debug("local optimization detects " + specifiedSelectTerm.getRelatedLeftTerms().size() + " left table terms."); specifiedSelectTerm.getRelatedLeftTerms().clear(); copyStmt.getSelectTerms().set(0, new ReferenceTerm(selectTerm, "persistence_id", "classid", new MathematicalPostfixFunction(">>", "45"))); copyStmt.setStaticRepresentation(copyStmt.getStaticRepresentation() + "LazyModifiedForTableSet"); copyStmt.getOrderByList().clear(); // Execute query SearchResult result = queryService.find(copyStmt, limits, null); // Get all the tables this query will reach Set usedTableNames = getUsedTables(result); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("determined, that used tables of given page are: " + usedTableNames); // Remove all left table terms from the original statement which are // not used. copyStmt = stmt.deepCopy(); selectTerm = (TableTerm) copyStmt.getSelectTerms().get(0); specifiedSelectTerm = (SpecifiedTableTerm) copyStmt.getSpecifiedTerm(selectTerm); Iterator leftTermIterator = specifiedSelectTerm.getRelatedLeftTerms().iterator(); while (leftTermIterator.hasNext()) { SpecifiedTableTerm.LeftjoinEntry entry = (SpecifiedTableTerm.LeftjoinEntry); if (!usedTableNames.contains(entry.term.getTableName())) leftTermIterator.remove(); } copyStmt.setStaticRepresentation(null); return copyStmt; } /** * The task of this method is to permanently remove those statements from the * list which will yield an empty resultset on execution. Because removing * these statments from the set of statements this list contains will not * alter the result set itself, the statement can be removed. */ private void optimizeStatements() { logger.debug("executing optimizing statement"); // To do this, we do the following: // - Get the root statmenet from which all statements come, but which // is based on a possibly non-storable class // - Change the main term to classes table, to select class ids // - Run the altered query which will not result in objects, but in // classes that would be returned by the original. QueryStatement classIdsStmt = stmts.getRoot(); if (classIdsStmt.getMode() != QueryStatement.MODE_FIND) return; TableTerm selectTerm = (TableTerm) classIdsStmt.getSelectTerms().get(0); SpecifiedTableTerm newTerm = new SpecifiedTableTerm("persistence_classes", selectTerm.getAlias()); classIdsStmt.replace(selectTerm, newTerm, "id"); classIdsStmt.setSelectTerms(new ArrayList()); classIdsStmt.getSelectTerms().add(new ReferenceTerm(newTerm, "id", "classid")); classIdsStmt.setOrderByList(null); classIdsStmt.setMode(QueryStatement.MODE_VIEW); classIdsStmt.setStaticRepresentation(classIdsStmt.getStaticRepresentation() + "LazyModifiedForTableSet"); // Now, the statement is almost ready, but now we need to walk the // expression tree, and determine which conditions bound the classes fixBoundingTerms(classIdsStmt.getQueryExpression(), newTerm, true); // Execute statement SearchResult result = queryService.find(classIdsStmt, null, null); // Now assemble each and every table name that will be used by the // main selects. These are not only those returned by previous select, // but all 'supertables' of them also. Set usedTableNames = getUsedTables(result); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("determined, that used tables are: " + usedTableNames); // Now go through all statements, and determine whether they will be // used or not. If a statement has a main select term which is not // used, then delete the whole statement. Check the left terms too, // and remove all non-used left terms. Iterator stmtIterator = stmts.iterator(); while (stmtIterator.hasNext()) { QueryStatement stmt = (QueryStatement); // Check main term TableTerm mainTerm = (TableTerm) stmt.getSelectTerms().get(0); SpecifiedTableTerm specifiedMainTerm = (SpecifiedTableTerm) stmt.getSpecifiedTerm(mainTerm); if (!usedTableNames.contains(mainTerm.getTableName())) { // Main term is not used, so remove stmtIterator.remove(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("removing statement with main term: " + mainTerm); } else { // Main term is used, but check it's left terms Iterator leftTermIterator = specifiedMainTerm.getRelatedLeftTerms().iterator(); while (leftTermIterator.hasNext()) { SpecifiedTableTerm.LeftjoinEntry joinEntry = (SpecifiedTableTerm.LeftjoinEntry) leftTermIterator .next(); if (!usedTableNames.contains(joinEntry.term.getTableName())) { // Left term will not be used ever, so remove it, but // don't forget the expressions for this left term. leftTermIterator.remove(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("removing left table '" + joinEntry.term + "' from statement with main term: " + mainTerm); } } } } } /** * Search for operators which are around the given term, and change * the term with which it is in relation to classid, if it's a bounding * relation. */ private void fixBoundingTerms(Expression expr, TableTerm mainTerm, boolean positive) { boolean localPositive = true; for (int i = 0; i < expr.size(); i++) { Object atom = expr.get(i); if (atom instanceof String) { if (("or".equalsIgnoreCase((String) atom)) || ("and".equalsIgnoreCase((String) atom))) localPositive = true; if ("not".equalsIgnoreCase((String) atom)) localPositive = false; } else if (atom instanceof Expression) { fixBoundingTerms((Expression) atom, mainTerm, !(positive ^ localPositive)); } else if (atom instanceof TableTerm) { if (mainTerm.equals(atom)) { // Found the term, now if it's bounded, then change // the other term int direction = 0; if ((i + 1 < expr.size()) && (("!=".equals(expr.get(i + 1))) || ("<>".equals(expr.get(i + 1))) || ("=".equals(expr.get(i + 1))) || ("in".equals(expr.get(i + 1))))) direction = 1; if ((i - 1 >= 0) && (("!=".equals(expr.get(i - 1))) || ("<>".equals(expr.get(i - 1))) || ("=".equals(expr.get(i - 1))) || ("in".equals(expr.get(i - 1))))) direction = -1; if (direction == 0) continue; // Potential bounding operator not found // Determine whether it's really bound if (!((!((positive) ^ (localPositive))) ^ (("=".equals(expr.get(i + direction))) || ("in".equals(expr.get(i + direction)))))) { Object term = expr.get(i + 2 * direction); logger.debug("found bounding term: " + term); if (term instanceof ReferenceTerm) { // It's bound to another referenceterm or constantterm ReferenceTerm newTerm = new ReferenceTerm((ReferenceTerm) term); newTerm.setFunction(new MathematicalPostfixFunction(">>", "45")); expr.set(i + 2 * direction, newTerm); } else if (term instanceof ConstantTerm) { // Bound to constant term, so convert to classid Object value = ((ConstantTerm) term).getValue(); if (value instanceof Long) { expr.set(i + 2 * direction, new ConstantTerm(new Long(((Long) value).longValue() >> 45))); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { ArrayList newValue = new ArrayList(); Iterator oldIterator = ((Collection) value).iterator(); while (oldIterator.hasNext()) newValue.add(new Long(((Long) >> 45)); expr.set(i + 2 * direction, new ConstantTerm(newValue)); } } } } } } } public Iterator iterator() { return listIterator(); } public ListIterator listIterator() { return new LazyListIterator(); } public String toString() { return super.toString(); } /** * This is not an optimal implementation, it only checks whether the list * is smaller than the smallest window. */ public boolean isIterationCheap() { return size() < BATCH_SIZE; } /** * This internal iterator avoids using size() method for * optimized iteration. */ public class LazyListIterator implements ListIterator { public int currentIndex = 0; public boolean currentHasNext = false; public LazyListIterator() { // Pre-read if there is a first item currentIndex = 0; if (list == null) { try { get(currentIndex); currentHasNext = true; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { currentHasNext = false; } } else { currentHasNext = offset + list.size() > 0; } } public void add(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LazyList does not support addition."); } public boolean hasNext() { return currentHasNext; } public boolean hasPrevious() { return currentIndex > 0; // All items have previous except first } public Object next() { Object result = get(currentIndex); currentIndex++; if (currentIndex < offset + list.size()) currentHasNext = true; else currentHasNext = hasNext; return result; } public int nextIndex() { return currentIndex; } public Object previous() { Object result = get(currentIndex - 1); currentIndex--; currentHasNext = true; return result; } public int previousIndex() { return currentIndex - 1; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LazyList does not support remove."); } public void set(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LazyList does not support set."); } } public LazyListHooks getHooks() { return hooks; } public void setHooks(LazyListHooks hooks) { this.hooks = hooks; } public void configurationReload() { BATCH_SIZE = config.getConfiguration().getInt("beankeeper.list.batch_size", 30); BATCH_SIZE_MAX = config.getConfiguration().getInt("beankeeper.list.batch_size_max", 2500); BATCH_SIZE_LINEARMULTIPLIER = config.getConfiguration() .getInt("beankeeper.list.batch_size_linearmultiplier", 3); MAX_JOINS = config.getConfiguration().getInt("beankeeper.list.max_joins", 16); } }