Java tutorial
/* * SETTE - Symbolic Execution based Test Tool Evaluator * * SETTE is a tool to help the evaluation and comparison of symbolic execution * based test input generator tools. * * Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) * * Authors: Lajos Cseppent <>, Zoltn Micskei * <> * * Copyright 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.Analyzer; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.CoverageBuilder; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.IClassCoverage; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.ICounter; import; import; import org.jacoco.core.instr.Instrumenter; import org.jacoco.core.runtime.IRuntime; import org.jacoco.core.runtime.LoggerRuntime; import org.jacoco.core.runtime.RuntimeData; import org.simpleframework.xml.Serializer; import org.simpleframework.xml.convert.AnnotationStrategy; import org.simpleframework.xml.core.Persister; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class TestSuiteRunner extends SetteTask<Tool> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSuiteRunner.class); public TestSuiteRunner(final SnippetProject snippetProject, final File outputDirectory, final Tool tool) { super(snippetProject, outputDirectory, tool); } public void analyze() throws Exception { if (!RunnerProjectUtils.getRunnerLogFile(getRunnerProjectSettings()).exists()) { throw new SetteGeneralException( "Run the tool on the runner project first (and then parse and generate tests)"); } File testsDir = getRunnerProjectSettings().getTestsDirectory(); if (!testsDir.exists()) { throw new SetteGeneralException("tests dir does not exist"); } Serializer serializer = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy()); // binary directories for the JaCoCoClassLoader File[] binaryDirectories = new File[2]; binaryDirectories[0] = getSnippetProject().getSettings().getSnippetBinaryDirectory(); binaryDirectories[1] = getRunnerProjectSettings().getBinaryDirectory(); logger.debug("Binary directories: {}", (Object) binaryDirectories); // foreach containers for (SnippetContainer container : getSnippetProject().getModel().getContainers()) { // skip container with higher java version than supported if (container.getRequiredJavaVersion().compareTo(getTool().getSupportedJavaVersion()) > 0) { // TODO error handling System.err.println("Skipping container: " + container.getJavaClass().getName() + " (required Java version: " + container.getRequiredJavaVersion() + ")"); continue; } // foreach snippets for (Snippet snippet : container.getSnippets().values()) { File inputsXmlFile = RunnerProjectUtils.getSnippetInputsFile(getRunnerProjectSettings(), snippet); if (!inputsXmlFile.exists()) { System.err.println("Missing: " + inputsXmlFile); continue; } // save current class loader ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // set snippet project class loader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getSnippetProject().getClassLoader()); // read data SnippetInputsXml inputsXml =, inputsXmlFile); // set back the original class loader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); if (inputsXml.getResultType() != ResultType.S && inputsXml.getResultType() != ResultType.C && inputsXml.getResultType() != ResultType.NC) { // skip! continue; } if (inputsXml.getGeneratedInputs().size() == 0) { System.err.println("No inputs: " + inputsXmlFile); } // toto remove try-catch try { analyzeOne(snippet, binaryDirectories); } catch (Exception e) { // now dump and go on e.printStackTrace(); } } } // TODO remove debug System.err.println("=> ANALYZE ENDED"); } private void analyzeOne(Snippet snippet, File[] binaryDirectories) throws Exception { String snippetClassName = snippet.getContainer().getJavaClass().getName(); String snippetMethodName = snippet.getMethod().getName(); String testClassName = snippet.getContainer().getJavaClass().getName() + "_" + snippet.getMethod().getName() + "_Tests"; logger.debug("Snippet: {}#{}()", snippetClassName, snippetMethodName); logger.debug("Tests: {}", testClassName); // create JaCoCo runtime and instrumenter IRuntime runtime = new LoggerRuntime(); Instrumenter instrumenter = new Instrumenter(runtime); // start runtime RuntimeData data = new RuntimeData(); runtime.startup(data); // create class loader JaCoCoClassLoader classLoader = new JaCoCoClassLoader(binaryDirectories, instrumenter, getSnippetProject().getClassLoader()); // load test class // snippet class and other dependencies will be loaded and instrumented // on the fly Class<?> testClass = classLoader.loadClass(testClassName); TestCase testClassInstance = (TestCase) testClass.newInstance(); // invoke test methods // TODO separate collect and invoke for (Method m : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.isSynthetic()) { // skip synthetic method continue; } if (m.getName().startsWith("test")) { logger.trace("Invoking: " + m.getName()); try { m.invoke(testClassInstance); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof NullPointerException || cause instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException || cause instanceof AssertionFailedError) { logger.warn(cause.getClass().getName() + ": " + m.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + m.getName()); } else { logger.error("Exception: " + m.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + m.getName()); } logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { logger.warn("Not test method: {}", m.getName()); } } // collect data ExecutionDataStore executionData = new ExecutionDataStore(); SessionInfoStore sessionInfos = new SessionInfoStore(); data.collect(executionData, sessionInfos, false); runtime.shutdown(); // get classes to analyse // store string to avoid the mess up between the different class loaders Set<String> javaClasses = new HashSet<>(); javaClasses.add(snippetClassName); for (Constructor<?> inclConstructor : snippet.getIncludedConstructors()) { javaClasses.add(inclConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName()); } for (Method inclMethod : snippet.getIncludedMethods()) { javaClasses.add(inclMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()); } // TODO inner classes are not handled well enough // TODO anonymous classes can also have anonymous classes -> recursion Set<String> toAdd = new HashSet<>(); for (String javaClass : javaClasses) { int i = 1; while (true) { // guess anonymous classes, like ClassName$1, ClassName$2 etc. try { classLoader.loadClass(javaClass + "$" + i); toAdd.add(javaClass + "$" + i); i++; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // bad guess, no more anonymous classes on this level break; } } } javaClasses.addAll(toAdd); // analyse classes CoverageBuilder coverageBuilder = new CoverageBuilder(); Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(executionData, coverageBuilder); for (String javaClassName : javaClasses) { logger.trace("Analysing: {}", javaClassName); analyzer.analyzeClass(classLoader.readBytes(javaClassName), javaClassName); } // TODO remove debug // new File("D:/SETTE/!DUMP/" + getTool().getName()).mkdirs(); // PrintStream out = new PrintStream("D:/SETTE/!DUMP/" // + getTool().getName() + "/" + testClassName + ".out"); Map<String, Triple<TreeSet<Integer>, TreeSet<Integer>, TreeSet<Integer>>> coverageInfo = new HashMap<>(); for (final IClassCoverage cc : coverageBuilder.getClasses()) { String file = cc.getPackageName() + '/' + cc.getSourceFileName(); file = file.replace('\\', '/'); if (!coverageInfo.containsKey(file)) { coverageInfo.put(file, Triple.of(new TreeSet<Integer>(), new TreeSet<Integer>(), new TreeSet<Integer>())); } // out.printf("Coverage of class %s%n", cc.getName()); // // printCounter(out, "instructions", // cc.getInstructionCounter()); // printCounter(out, "branches", cc.getBranchCounter()); // printCounter(out, "lines", cc.getLineCounter()); // printCounter(out, "methods", cc.getMethodCounter()); // printCounter(out, "complexity", cc.getComplexityCounter()); for (int l = cc.getFirstLine(); l <= cc.getLastLine(); l++) { switch (cc.getLine(l).getStatus()) { case ICounter.FULLY_COVERED: coverageInfo.get(file).getLeft().add(l); break; case ICounter.PARTLY_COVERED: coverageInfo.get(file).getMiddle().add(l); break; case ICounter.NOT_COVERED: coverageInfo.get(file).getRight().add(l); break; } } } // create coverage XML SnippetCoverageXml coverageXml = new SnippetCoverageXml(); coverageXml.setToolName(getTool().getName()); coverageXml.setSnippetProjectElement( new SnippetProjectElement(getSnippetProjectSettings().getBaseDirectory().getCanonicalPath())); coverageXml.setSnippetElement( new SnippetElement(snippet.getContainer().getJavaClass().getName(), snippet.getMethod().getName())); coverageXml.setResultType(ResultType.S); for (Entry<String, Triple<TreeSet<Integer>, TreeSet<Integer>, TreeSet<Integer>>> entry : coverageInfo .entrySet()) { TreeSet<Integer> full = entry.getValue().getLeft(); TreeSet<Integer> partial = entry.getValue().getMiddle(); TreeSet<Integer> not = entry.getValue().getRight(); FileCoverageElement fce = new FileCoverageElement(); fce.setName(entry.getKey()); fce.setFullyCoveredLines(StringUtils.join(full, ' ')); fce.setPartiallyCoveredLines(StringUtils.join(partial, ' ')); fce.setNotCoveredLines(StringUtils.join(not, ' ')); coverageXml.getCoverage().add(fce); } coverageXml.validate(); // TODO needs more documentation File coverageFile = RunnerProjectUtils.getSnippetCoverageFile(getRunnerProjectSettings(), snippet); Serializer serializer = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy(), new Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding= \"UTF-8\" ?>")); serializer.write(coverageXml, coverageFile); // TODO move HTML generation to another file/phase File htmlFile = RunnerProjectUtils.getSnippetHtmlFile(getRunnerProjectSettings(), snippet); String htmlTitle = getTool().getName() + " - " + snippetClassName + '.' + snippetMethodName + "()"; StringBuilder htmlData = new StringBuilder(); htmlData.append("<!DOCTYPE html>\n"); htmlData.append("<html lang=\"hu\">\n"); htmlData.append("<head>\n"); htmlData.append(" <meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n"); htmlData.append(" <title>" + htmlTitle + "</title>\n"); htmlData.append(" <style type=\"text/css\">\n"); htmlData.append(" .code { font-family: 'Consolas', monospace; }\n"); htmlData.append(" .code .line { border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa; white-space: pre; }\n"); htmlData.append(" .code .green { background-color: #CCFFCC; }\n"); htmlData.append(" .code .yellow { background-color: #FFFF99; }\n"); htmlData.append(" .code .red { background-color: #FFCCCC; }\n"); htmlData.append(" .code .line .number {\n"); htmlData.append(" display: inline-block;\n"); htmlData.append(" width:50px;\n"); htmlData.append(" text-align:right;\n"); htmlData.append(" margin-right:5px;\n"); htmlData.append(" }\n"); htmlData.append(" </style>\n"); htmlData.append("</head>\n"); htmlData.append("\n"); htmlData.append("<body>\n"); htmlData.append(" <h1>" + htmlTitle + "</h1>\n"); for (FileCoverageElement fce : coverageXml.getCoverage()) { htmlData.append(" <h2>" + fce.getName() + "</h2>\n"); htmlData.append(" \n"); File src = new File(getSnippetProject().getSettings().getSnippetSourceDirectory(), fce.getName()); List<String> srcLines = FileUtils.readLines(src); SortedSet<Integer> full = linesToSortedSet(fce.getFullyCoveredLines()); SortedSet<Integer> partial = linesToSortedSet(fce.getPartiallyCoveredLines()); SortedSet<Integer> not = linesToSortedSet(fce.getNotCoveredLines()); htmlData.append(" <div class=\"code\">\n"); int i = 1; for (String srcLine : srcLines) { String divClass = getLineDivClass(i, full, partial, not); htmlData.append(" <div class=\"" + divClass + "\"><div class=\"number\">" + i + "</div> " + srcLine + "</div>\n"); i++; } htmlData.append(" </div>\n\n"); } // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">1</div> package samplesnippets;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">2</div> </div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">3</div> import;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">4</div> import;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">5</div> import;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">6</div> import;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">7</div> import samplesnippets.inputs.SampleContainer_Inputs;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">8</div> </div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">9</div> @SetteSnippetContainer(category = "X1",</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">10</div> goal = "Sample // snippet container",</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">11</div> inputFactoryContainer = SampleContainer_Inputs.class)</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">12</div> public final class SampleContainer {</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">13</div> private SampleContainer() {</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line red\"><div class=\"number\">14</div> throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Static // class");</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">15</div> }</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">16</div> </div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">17</div> @SetteRequiredStatementCoverage(value = 100)</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">18</div> public static boolean snippet(int x) {</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line yellow\"><div class=\"number\">19</div> if (20 * x + 2 == 42) {</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">20</div> return true;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">21</div> } else {</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">22</div> return false;</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">23</div> }</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line green\"><div class=\"number\">24</div> }</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">25</div> }</div>\n"); // htmlData.append(" <div class=\"line\"><div class=\"number\">26</div> </div>\n"); htmlData.append("</body>\n"); htmlData.append("</html>\n"); FileUtils.write(htmlFile, htmlData); } // TODO needed anymore? // private void printCounter(PrintStream out, final String unit, // final ICounter counter) { // final Integer missed = Integer // .valueOf(counter.getMissedCount()); // final Integer total = Integer.valueOf(counter.getTotalCount()); // out.printf("%s of %s %s missed%n", missed, total, unit); // } private SortedSet<Integer> linesToSortedSet(String lines) { SortedSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<>(); for (String line : lines.split("\\s+")) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } sortedSet.add(Integer.parseInt(line)); } return sortedSet; } private String getLineDivClass(int i, SortedSet<Integer> full, SortedSet<Integer> partial, SortedSet<Integer> not) { if (full.contains(i)) { return "line green"; } else if (partial.contains(i)) { return "line yellow"; } else if (not.contains(i)) { return "line red"; } else { return "line"; } } }