Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2012-2014 David Karnok
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package hu.akarnokd.utils.database;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;

import org.joda.time.DateMidnight;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;


import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;

 * Class setting the values in a prepared statement by using the
 * builder pattern.
 * @author akarnokd, 2013.11.01.
public class DBParams {
    /** The statement to fill in. */
    protected final PreparedStatement pstmt;
    /** The parameter counter. */
    protected int p;

     * Constructor, sets the prepared statement.
     * @param pstmt the prepared statement to use
    public DBParams(@NonNull PreparedStatement pstmt) {
        this.pstmt = pstmt;
        p = 1;

     * Reset the parameters.
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams reset() throws SQLException {
        p = 1;
        return this;

     * Fix the parameter set as a batch.
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams addBatch() throws SQLException {
        p = 1;
        return this;

     * Execute the batch.
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams executeBatch() throws SQLException {
        p = 1;
        return this;

     * Execute an update.
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(boolean value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setBoolean(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(byte value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setByte(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(short value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setShort(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(int value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setInt(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(long value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setLong(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(float value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setFloat(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(double value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setDouble(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Boolean value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setBoolean(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.BOOLEAN);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Byte value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setByte(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.TINYINT);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Short value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setShort(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.SMALLINT);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Integer value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setInt(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.INTEGER);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Long value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setLong(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.BIGINT);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Float value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setFloat(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.FLOAT);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Double value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setDouble(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.DOUBLE);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(String value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setString(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(LocalTime value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setTime(p++, DB.toSQLTime(value));
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.TIME);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(DateMidnight value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setDate(p++, new Date(value.getMillis()));
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.DATE);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(DateTime value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setTimestamp(p++, new Timestamp(value.getMillis()));
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.TIMESTAMP);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Date value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setDate(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Time value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setTime(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Timestamp value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setTimestamp(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(BigDecimal value) throws SQLException {
        pstmt.setBigDecimal(p++, value);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(BigInteger value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setBigDecimal(p++, new BigDecimal(value));
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.DECIMAL);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(byte[] value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setBytes(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.BLOB);
        return this;

     * Add a new parameter value.
     * @param value the value
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(InputStream value) throws SQLException {
        if (value != null) {
            pstmt.setBinaryStream(p++, value);
        } else {
            pstmt.setNull(p++, Types.BLOB);
        return this;

     * Add multiple values as parameters.
     * @param os the rest parameters
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Object... os) throws SQLException {
        DB.setParams(p, pstmt, os);
        p += os.length;
        return this;

     * Add multiple values as parameters.
     * @param os the rest parameters
     * @return this
     * @throws SQLException on error
    public DBParams add(Iterable<?> os) throws SQLException {
        return add(Iterables.toArray(os, Object.class));