Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2010 Leo Osvald <> * * This file is part of SPoCC. * * SPoCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPoCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SPoCC. If not, see <>. */ package hr.fer.spocc.regex; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; /** * * @author Leo Osvald * * @param <T> */ public abstract class AbstractRegularExpression<T> implements RegularExpression<T> { private final List<RegularExpressionElement> elements; private final RegularExpressionOperator operator; private final RegularExpression<T> subexpression1; private final RegularExpression<T> subexpression2; private final RegularExpressionType type; public AbstractRegularExpression(Collection<RegularExpressionElement> c) throws IllegalArgumentException { Validate.isTrue(c != null && !c.isEmpty(), "Element list must be non-empty"); this.elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<RegularExpressionElement>(c)); RegularExpression<T> root = createParseTree(elements); this.type = root.getType(); if (root.isTrivial()) { this.operator = null; this.subexpression1 = null; this.subexpression2 = null; } else { this.operator = root.getOperator(); int arity = operator.getArity(); this.subexpression1 = (arity > 0 ? root.getSubexpression(0) : null); this.subexpression2 = (arity > 1 ? root.getSubexpression(1) : null); } } protected AbstractRegularExpression(RegularExpression<T> unexpectedRegex, List<RegularExpressionElement> list) { this.elements = list; this.type = unexpectedRegex.getType(); if (unexpectedRegex.isTrivial()) { this.operator = null; this.subexpression1 = null; this.subexpression2 = null; } else { this.operator = unexpectedRegex.getOperator(); int arity = operator.getArity(); this.subexpression1 = (arity > 0 ? unexpectedRegex.getSubexpression(0) : null); this.subexpression2 = (arity > 1 ? unexpectedRegex.getSubexpression(1) : null); } } protected AbstractRegularExpression(List<RegularExpressionElement> list, RegularExpressionType type, RegularExpressionOperator operator, RegularExpression<T>... subexpressions) { this.elements = list; this.type = type; this.operator = operator; this.subexpression1 = (subexpressions.length > 0 ? subexpressions[0] : null); this.subexpression2 = (subexpressions.length > 1 ? subexpressions[1] : null); // System.out.println("Cons("+list+"; op = "+operator // +"; subexps = "+ArrayToStringUtils.toString( // subexpressions, "\n")); // System.out.println("Cons-list = "+list); // System.out.println("Cons-op = "+operator); // System.out.println("Cons-subexp1 = "+subexpression1); // System.out.println("Cons-subexp2 = "+subexpression2); } @Override public boolean isTrivial() { return !getType().isComplex(); } @Override public RegularExpressionType getType() { return type; // if (elements.isEmpty()) // return RegularExpressionType.EPSILON; // if (elements.size() > 1) // return RegularExpressionType.COMPLEX; // // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // RegularExpressionSymbol<T> symbol // = (RegularExpressionSymbol<T>) elements.get(0); // switch (symbol.getSymbolType()) { // case TERMINAL: // return RegularExpressionType.TERMINAL; // default: // return RegularExpressionType.EPSILON; // } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T getTrivialValue() { return isTrivial() ? ((RegularExpressionSymbol<T>) elements.get(elements.size() / 2)).getValue() : null; } @Override public RegularExpressionElement get(int index) { return elements.get(index); } @Override public int size() { return elements.size(); } @Override public RegularExpressionOperator getOperator() { return operator; } @Override public RegularExpression<T> getSubexpression(int n) { if (isTrivial() || n < 0 || n >= getOperator().getArity()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return n == 0 ? subexpression1 : subexpression2; } // @Override // public RegularExpression<T>[] getSubexpressions() { // RegularExpressionOperator operator = getOperator(); // if (operator == null) // return null; // // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // RegularExpression<T>[] ret = new RegularExpression[operator.getArity()]; // if (ret.length > 0) // ret[0] = subexpression1; // if (ret.length > 1) // ret[1] = subexpression2; // return ret; // } protected abstract RegularExpression<T> createTrivial(List<RegularExpressionElement> sublist); protected abstract RegularExpression<T> createComposite(List<RegularExpressionElement> list, RegularExpressionOperator operator, RegularExpression<T>... subexpressions); protected abstract RegularExpression<T> createExpanded(RegularExpression<T> unexpandedRegex, List<RegularExpressionElement> list); protected RegularExpression<T> createParseTree(List<RegularExpressionElement> elements) { // System.out.println(">>> Parsing regexp: "+elements); /** * Stack which contains parts of regular expression * which are not yet used * by the operator. In addition, <code>null</code> values * can be pushed onto this stack to indicate that * the symbols to the right are grouped by the parenthesis. * */ LinkedList<RegularExpression<T>> symbolStack = new LinkedList<RegularExpression<T>>(); /** * Operator stack */ LinkedList<RegularExpressionOperator> opStack = new LinkedList<RegularExpressionOperator>(); boolean sentinelParentheses = false; // if (this.elements.get(0).getElementType() // != RegularExpressionElementType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS // || this.elements.get(elements.size()-1).getElementType() // != RegularExpressionElementType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) { sentinelParentheses = true; symbolStack.push(null); opStack.push(null); // } int ind = -1; Iterator<RegularExpressionElement> iter = elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() || sentinelParentheses) { ++ind; RegularExpressionElement e; if (iter.hasNext()) { e =; } else { // osiguraj dodatnu iteraciju za umjetnu zadnju ) e = RegularExpressionElements.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS; sentinelParentheses = false; } switch (e.getElementType()) { case SYMBOL: symbolStack.push(createTrivial(elements.subList(ind, ind + 1))); break; default: RegularExpressionOperator curOp = (e.getElementType() == RegularExpressionElementType.OPERATOR ? (RegularExpressionOperator) e : null); int priority = (curOp != null ? curOp.getPriority() : -1); if (e.getElementType() != RegularExpressionElementType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { // System.out.println("Pre-while symbolStack: "+symbolStack); while (!opStack.isEmpty() && opStack.getFirst() != null && opStack.getFirst().getPriority() >= priority && symbolStack.getFirst() != null) { RegularExpressionOperator op = opStack.pop(); int arity = op.getArity(); int elementCount = 0; // System.out.println("POP: "+op); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RegularExpression<T>[] operands = new RegularExpression[arity]; for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (symbolStack.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing ( after"); } else if (symbolStack.getFirst() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing operand #" + (arity - i) + " for the operator " + op + " before index " + ind); } operands[i] = symbolStack.pop(); elementCount += operands[i].size(); } RegularExpression<T> regex = createComposite(elements.subList(ind - elementCount - 1, ind), op, operands); // System.err.println(regex); // System.err.println(regex.getSubexpression(0)); symbolStack.push(regex); // System.out.println("Group: "+ // ArrayToStringUtils.toString(operands, "\n")); // System.out.println("End group"); // System.out.println("Evaluated [" + (ind-elementCount-1) // + ", " + ind + "): "+regex); // System.out.println("Symbol stack: "+symbolStack); // System.out.println("Op stack: "+opStack); // System.out.println("---"); } } if (curOp != null) { opStack.push(curOp); } else { switch (e.getElementType()) { case LEFT_PARENTHESIS: symbolStack.push(null); opStack.push(null); break; default: // ako je ) Validate.isTrue(symbolStack.size() >= 2, "Exactly one expression is expected " + "inside parentheses before index " + ind); // pop left bracket (null) from the operator stack Object nullValue = opStack.pop(); Validate.isTrue(nullValue == null); // pop left bracket (null) from the symbol stack RegularExpression<T> regex = symbolStack.pop(); nullValue = symbolStack.pop(); // check if left bracket was removed indeed // Validate.isTrue(nullValue == null, // "Expected ( at index " + (ind-regex.size()-1)); // expand the expression if parentheses are not sentinel if (sentinelParentheses) { // XXX neki drugi flag bolje // System.out.print("Expand [" // + (ind - regex.size() - 1) + ", " // + (ind + 1) + "]: "); // System.out.println("[regex size = "+regex.size() // + "]"); regex = createExpanded(regex, elements.subList(ind - regex.size() - 1, ind + 1)); // System.out.println(" -> "+regex); } // and put back the expression inside parentheses symbolStack.push(regex); } } } // end of switch // System.out.println("----- " + ind + " ----"); // System.out.println("Symbol stack: "+symbolStack); // System.out.println("Op stack: "+opStack); } //Validate.isTrue(symbolStack.size() == 1); //Validate.isTrue(opStack.isEmpty()); return symbolStack.pop(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 + ((elements == null) ? 0 : elements.hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; AbstractRegularExpression<?> other = (AbstractRegularExpression<?>) obj; if (elements == null) { if (other.elements != null) return false; } else if (!elements.equals(other.elements)) return false; return true; } }