Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2010 Leo Osvald <> * * This file is part of SPoCC. * * SPoCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPoCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SPoCC. If not, see <>. */ package hr.fer.spocc.grammar.cfg; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.Grammar; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.ProductionRule; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.Symbol; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.SymbolType; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.Terminal; import hr.fer.spocc.grammar.Variable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.sglj.util.ArrayStack; import org.sglj.util.HashMultiMap; import org.sglj.util.MultiMap; import org.sglj.util.Pair; import org.sglj.util.Stack; /** * Kontekstno neovisna gramatika (Context-Free Grammar). * * @author Leo Osvald * * @param <T> */ public class CfgGrammar<T> extends Grammar<T> { private final MultiMap<Variable<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>> rulesByVariable = new HashMultiMap<Variable<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>>(); private final Map<CfgProductionRule<T>, ProductionData> data = new HashMap<CfgProductionRule<T>, ProductionData>(); private final Set<Variable<T>> emptyVariables = new HashSet<Variable<T>>(); /** * Multimapa koja za svaku varijablu sadrzi skup produkcija * koje jos nisu prazne. */ private final MultiMap<Variable<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>> nonemptySymbolMap = new HashMultiMap<Variable<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>>(); private final MultiMap<BeginsWithEntry<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>> beginsDirectlyRules = new HashMultiMap<BeginsWithEntry<T>, CfgProductionRule<T>>(); private final MultiMap<Variable<T>, Symbol<T>> beginsDirectlyWith = new HashMultiMap<Variable<T>, Symbol<T>>(); @Override public void addProductionRule(ProductionRule<T> rule) { Validate.isTrue(rule instanceof CfgProductionRule<?>); // Validate.isTrue(rule.getLeftSide().size() == 1, // "Invalid rule for Context-Free Grammar"); // Validate.isTrue(rule.getLeftSideSymbol(0) instanceof Variable<?>, // "Left side must be a variable"); CfgProductionRule<T> cfgRule = (CfgProductionRule<T>) rule; super.addProductionRule(rule); this.rulesByVariable.put(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol(), cfgRule); ProductionData data = new ProductionData(cfgRule);, data); boolean possiblyEmpty = true; for (Symbol<T> symbol : cfgRule.getRightSide()) { if (!isEmptySymbol(symbol)) { possiblyEmpty = false; if (symbol.getSymbolType() == SymbolType.VARIABLE) { this.nonemptySymbolMap.put((Variable<T>) symbol, cfgRule); } } else { markEmpty(cfgRule, data, symbol, true); } } if (possiblyEmpty && isEmptySequence(cfgRule.getRightSide())) { markEmpty(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol()); } // dodaj prvi znak na desnoj strani u skup zapocinje if (!cfgRule.isEpsilon()) { addBeginsWith(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol(), cfgRule.getRightSideSymbol(0), cfgRule); } else { this.emptyVariables.add(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol()); } // ako je ovo prva produkcija a pocetno stanje nije definirano // postavi lijevi nezavrsni znak za pocetno stanje if (getStartVariable() == null && size() == 1) setStartVariable(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol()); } @Override public void removeProductionRule(ProductionRule<T> rule) { // TODO nije bitno za ovaj labos throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented"); } @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); this.rulesByVariable.clear();; this.nonemptySymbolMap.clear(); } public Set<CfgProductionRule<T>> getSubstitutions(Variable<T> variable) { if (!this.rulesByVariable.containsKey(variable)) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.rulesByVariable.getAll(variable)); } public boolean hasSubstitution(Variable<T> variable) { return this.rulesByVariable.containsKey(variable); } public boolean isEmptySymbol(Symbol<T> symbol) { switch (symbol.getSymbolType()) { case EPSILON: return true; case TERMINAL: return false; case EOF: // TODO provjeriti return false; default: // variable return this.emptyVariables.contains((Variable<T>) symbol); } } public boolean isEmptySequence(List<Symbol<T>> symbols) { for (Symbol<T> symbol : symbols) if (!isEmptySymbol(symbol)) return false; return true; } public Set<Variable<T>> getEmptySymbols() { Set<Variable<T>> ret = new HashSet<Variable<T>>(); for (Variable<T> var : getVariables()) if (isEmptySymbol(var)) ret.add(var); return ret; } public Set<Terminal<T>> getBeginsWithSet(Variable<T> variable) { Set<Terminal<T>> ret = new HashSet<Terminal<T>>(); Stack<Variable<T>> stack = new ArrayStack<Variable<T>>(); Set<Variable<T>> visited = new HashSet<Variable<T>>(); stack.push(variable); visited.add(variable); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Variable<T> from = stack.pop(); if (beginsDirectlyWith.getValueCount(from) == 0) continue; for (Symbol<T> to : beginsDirectlyWith.getAll(from)) { switch (to.getSymbolType()) { case VARIABLE: if (!visited.contains(to)) { visited.add((Variable<T>) to); stack.push((Variable<T>) to); } break; case TERMINAL: ret.add((Terminal<T>) to); } } } return ret; } public Set<Symbol<T>> getBeginsWithSet(List<Symbol<T>> sequence) { if (sequence.isEmpty()) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; Set<Symbol<T>> ret = new HashSet<Symbol<T>>(); for (Symbol<T> symbol : sequence) { if (symbol.getSymbolType() == SymbolType.VARIABLE) ret.addAll(getBeginsWithSet((Variable<T>) symbol)); if (!isEmptySymbol(symbol)) { if (symbol.getSymbolType() == SymbolType.TERMINAL) ret.add(symbol); return ret; } } // TODO jel treba mozda EOF? return ret; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CfgGrammar #" + hashCode() + ":\n"); sb.append("V = ").append(getVariables()).append('\n'); sb.append("T = ").append(getTerminals()).append('\n'); sb.append("size(T) = " + getTerminals().size()).append('\n'); // XXX sb.append("P = {"); for (Variable<T> var : getVariables()) { if (!hasSubstitution(var)) continue; sb.append("\n"); boolean first = true; sb.append(var).append(" ::= "); for (CfgProductionRule<T> rule : getSubstitutions(var)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(" | "); } // sb.append("[").append(data.get(rule)).append("]"); sb.append(rule.toString().split("::=")[1]); } } sb.append("\n}\n"); sb.append("S = ").append(getStartVariable()); return sb.toString(); } ProductionData getProductionData(CfgProductionRule<T> rule) { return; } private void markEmpty(Variable<T> variable) { markEmptyRecursive(variable, new HashSet<Variable<T>>(), new HashSet<CfgProductionRule<T>>()); } private void markEmptyRecursive(Variable<T> variable, final Set<Variable<T>> visitedVariables, final Set<CfgProductionRule<T>> visitedRules) { if (isEmptySymbol(variable)) return; this.emptyVariables.add(variable); visitedVariables.add(variable); Set<CfgProductionRule<T>> rulesWithVariableOnRight = this.nonemptySymbolMap.getAll(variable); if (rulesWithVariableOnRight != null) { for (CfgProductionRule<T> rule : rulesWithVariableOnRight) { if (visitedRules.contains(rule)) continue; ProductionData d =; Variable<T> leftSideVariable = rule.getLeftSideSymbol(); markEmpty(rule, d, variable, true); if (d.isEmpty() // moramo pazit da se ne zavrtimo u krug && !visitedVariables.contains(leftSideVariable)) { visitedRules.add(rule); markEmptyRecursive(leftSideVariable, visitedVariables, visitedRules); } } this.nonemptySymbolMap.remove(variable); } } private void markEmpty(CfgProductionRule<T> cfgRule, ProductionData data, Symbol<T> rightSideSymbol, boolean b) { data.markEmpty(rightSideSymbol, true); Variable<T> leftSideVar = cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol(); if (b) { int firstIndex = data.variableIndexes.get(rightSideSymbol)[0]; int lastEmptyIndex = data.getLastEmptyIndex(); if (lastEmptyIndex + 1 < cfgRule.getRightSideSize()) { ++lastEmptyIndex; } else { //imamo praznu produkciju markEmpty(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol()); } for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastEmptyIndex; ++i) { addBeginsWith(leftSideVar, cfgRule.getRightSideSymbol(i), cfgRule); } } else { // TODO nije bitno za ovaj labos throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented"); } } private void addBeginsWith(Variable<T> variable, Symbol<T> symbol, CfgProductionRule<T> cfgRule) { beginsDirectlyRules.put(new BeginsWithEntry<T>(variable, symbol), cfgRule); beginsDirectlyWith.put(variable, symbol); } // private void addStartsWith(CfgProductionRule<T> cfgRule, Symbol<T> symbol) { // addStartsWith(cfgRule.getLeftSideSymbol(), symbol, cfgRule); // } class ProductionData extends FenwickTree { final Map<Symbol<T>, int[]> variableIndexes; final Set<Symbol<T>> nonemptyVariables; final Set<Symbol<T>> emptyVariables; boolean empty; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ProductionData(CfgProductionRule<T> cfgProductionRule) { super(cfgProductionRule.getRightSide().size()); if (cfgProductionRule.isEpsilon()) { variableIndexes = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; nonemptyVariables = Collections.EMPTY_SET; emptyVariables = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } else { MultiMap<Symbol<T>, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMultiMap<Symbol<T>, Integer>(); nonemptyVariables = new HashSet<Symbol<T>>(); int ind = 0; for (Symbol<T> symbol : cfgProductionRule.getRightSide()) { if (symbol.getSymbolType() == SymbolType.VARIABLE) { tmpMap.put(symbol, ind); nonemptyVariables.add(symbol); } ++ind; } emptyVariables = new HashSet<Symbol<T>>(nonemptyVariables.size()); variableIndexes = new HashMap<Symbol<T>, int[]>(tmpMap.keySet().size()); for (Symbol<T> symbol : tmpMap.keySet()) { int[] sortedIndexes = new int[tmpMap.getValueCount(symbol)]; int k = 0; for (Integer index : tmpMap.getAll(symbol)) sortedIndexes[k++] = index; Arrays.sort(sortedIndexes); variableIndexes.put(symbol, sortedIndexes); } } } public boolean isEmpty() { return isAllSet(0, size()); } public void markEmpty(Symbol<T> variable, boolean b) { if (b) { if (emptyVariables.contains(variable)) return; emptyVariables.add(variable); nonemptyVariables.remove(variable); } else { if (nonemptyVariables.contains(variable)) return; nonemptyVariables.add(variable); emptyVariables.remove(variable); } for (int index : variableIndexes.get(variable)) { set(index, b); } } public int getFirstIndex(Symbol<T> rightSideVariable) { if (!this.variableIndexes.containsKey(rightSideVariable)) return -1; return this.variableIndexes.get(rightSideVariable)[0]; } public int getFirstIndex(Symbol<T> rightSideVariable, int fromIndex) { if (!this.variableIndexes.containsKey(rightSideVariable)) return -1; int ret = Arrays.binarySearch(this.variableIndexes.get(rightSideVariable), fromIndex); return ret >= 0 ? ret : -ret - 1; } public int getLastEmptyIndex() { int lo = -1, hi = size() - 1; while (lo < hi) { int mid = (lo + hi + 1) / 2; if (isAllSet(0, mid + 1)) lo = mid; else hi = mid - 1; } return lo; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); sb.append("Indexes: "); for (Entry<Symbol<T>, int[]> e : variableIndexes.entrySet()) { sb.append(e.getKey()).append(':'); sb.append(Arrays.toString(e.getValue())).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } } static class BeginsWithEntry<T> extends Pair<Variable<T>, Symbol<T>> { public BeginsWithEntry(Variable<T> variable, Symbol<T> symbol) { super(variable, symbol); } } static class FenwickTree { private final int[] a; public FenwickTree(int size) { this.a = new int[size + 1]; } public int size() { return a.length - 1; } public void set(int index, boolean b) { if (isSet(index) != b) add(index, b ? 1 : -1); } public boolean isSet(int index) { return getSum(index, index + 1) != 0 ? true : false; } public boolean isAllSet(int from, int to) { return getSum(from, to) == to - from; } public boolean isAllUnset(int from, int to) { return getSum(from, to) == 0; } private void add(int index, int value) { for (++index; index < a.length; index += index & -index) a[index] += value; } private int getSum(int to) { int ret = 0; for (++to; to > 0; to -= to & -to) ret += a[to]; return ret; } private int getSum(int from, int to) { return getSum(to - 1) - (from > 0 ? getSum(from - 1) : 0); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) sb.append(' '); sb.append(isSet(i) ? '1' : '0'); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } } }