Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2010 Leo Osvald <> * * This file is part of SPoCC. * * SPoCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPoCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SPoCC. If not, see <>. */ package hr.fer.spocc; import hr.fer.spocc.lexer.DefaultLexer; import hr.fer.spocc.lexer.Lexer; import hr.fer.spocc.lexer.LexerDescriptorFactory; import hr.fer.spocc.lexer.LexicalErrorListener; import hr.fer.spocc.lexer.TokenList; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.LR1Parser; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.ParseTree; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.ParseTreeRepresentation; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.Parser; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.ParsingTable; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.ParsingTableFactory; import hr.fer.spocc.parser.SyntaxErrorListener; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; /** * Apstraktna implementacija kompajlera (bez semanticke analize). * * @author Leo Osvald * */ abstract class AbstractCompiler implements Compiler { private final Lexer lexer; private final Parser parser; private File lastCompiledFile; private boolean compiledSuccessfully; private final List<CompilationListener> listeners = new ArrayList<CompilationListener>(); private File syntaxTreeOutputFile; private PrintStream syntaxTreePrintStream; private ParseTreeRepresentation parseTreeRepresentation = ParseTreeRepresentation.DOT; private File tokenListOutputFile; private PrintStream tokenListPrintStream; private File symbolTableOutputFile; private PrintStream symbolTablePrintStream; private boolean lexOk; private boolean syntaxOk; private TokenList tokenList; private int compileFlags = LEXICAL_ANALYSIS | SYNTAX_ANALYSIS; public AbstractCompiler() { lexer = new DefaultLexer(createLexerDescriptorFactory().createLexerDescriptor()); ParsingTable<TokenType> parsingTable = createParsingTableFactory().createParsingTable(); parser = new LR1Parser(lexer, parsingTable); parser.setSymbolTable(lexer.getSymbolTable()); } @Override public synchronized boolean compile(File sourceFile) { Validate.notNull(sourceFile); getLexer().reset(); getParser().reset(); setLastCompiledFile(sourceFile); setCompiledSuccessfully(false); boolean ret = true; syntaxOk = false; try { // do lexical analysis tokenList = lexer.tokenizeAll(sourceFile).second(); // check for lexical errors if (!isCompileFlagsSet(IGNORE_LEXICAL_ERRORS)) { lexOk = !lexer.isError(); if (!(ret &= lexOk)) return ret; if (isCompileFlagsSet(PRINT_SYMBOL_TABLE)) { File file = getSymbolTableOutputFile(); if (file != null && !(ret &= outputSymbolTable(file))) return ret; PrintStream printStream = getSymbolTablePrintStream(); if (printStream != null) outputSymbolTable(printStream); } if (isCompileFlagsSet(PRINT_TOKEN_LIST)) { File file = getTokenListOutputFile(); if (file != null && !(ret &= outputTokenList(file))) return ret; PrintStream printStream = getTokenListPrintStream(); if (printStream != null) outputTokenList(printStream); } } // do parsing and check for errors if (isCompileFlagsSet(SYNTAX_ANALYSIS)) { parser.setSourceFile(sourceFile); syntaxOk = parser.parse(); if (!(ret &= syntaxOk)) return ret; if (isCompileFlagsSet(PRINT_PARSE_TREE)) { File file = getParseTreeOutputFile(); if (file != null && !(ret &= outputSyntaxTree(file))) return ret; PrintStream printStream = getParseTreePrintStream(); if (printStream != null) outputSyntaxTree(printStream); } } if (isCompileFlagsSet(SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS)) if (!(ret &= checkSemantic(parser.getParseTree()))) return ret; } finally { // set compile status and fire necessary events setCompiledSuccessfully(ret); if (ret) fireSourceCompiled(sourceFile); else fireSourceCompilationFailed(sourceFile); } return ret; } @Override public synchronized boolean isCompiledSuccessfully() { return compiledSuccessfully; } @Override public synchronized void setCompileFlagMask(int bitmask) { compileFlags = bitmask; } @Override public synchronized void setCompileFlags(int setMask) { compileFlags |= setMask; } @Override public synchronized void clearCompileFlags(int clearMask) { compileFlags &= ~clearMask; } @Override public synchronized boolean isCompileFlagsSet(int mask) { return (compileFlags & mask) == mask; } @Override public synchronized int getCompileFlags() { return compileFlags; } @Override public synchronized void setParseTreeOutputFile(File dotOutputSourceFile) { this.syntaxTreeOutputFile = dotOutputSourceFile; } @Override public synchronized File getParseTreeOutputFile() { return syntaxTreeOutputFile; } @Override public synchronized void setParseTreePrintStream(PrintStream printStream) { this.syntaxTreePrintStream = printStream; } @Override public synchronized PrintStream getParseTreePrintStream() { return syntaxTreePrintStream; } public synchronized void setParseTreeRepresentation(ParseTreeRepresentation parseTreeRepresentation) { this.parseTreeRepresentation = parseTreeRepresentation; } public synchronized ParseTreeRepresentation getParseTreeRepresentation() { return parseTreeRepresentation; } @Override public synchronized ParseTree getParseTree() { if (!syntaxOk) return null; return getParser().getParseTree(); } @Override public synchronized TokenList getTokenList() { if (!lexOk) return null; return tokenList; } @Override public synchronized File getTokenListOutputFile() { return tokenListOutputFile; } @Override public synchronized void setTokenListOutputFile(File outputFile) { this.tokenListOutputFile = outputFile; } @Override public synchronized PrintStream getTokenListPrintStream() { return tokenListPrintStream; } @Override public synchronized void setTokenListPrintStream(PrintStream printStream) { this.tokenListPrintStream = printStream; } @Override public synchronized SymbolTable getSymbolTable() { if (!lexOk) return null; return getLexer().getSymbolTable(); } @Override public synchronized File getSymbolTableOutputFile() { return symbolTableOutputFile; } @Override public synchronized void setSymbolTableOutputFile(File outputFile) { this.symbolTableOutputFile = outputFile; } @Override public synchronized PrintStream getSymbolTablePrintStream() { return symbolTablePrintStream; } @Override public synchronized void setSymbolTablePrintStream(PrintStream printStream) { this.symbolTablePrintStream = printStream; } @Override public synchronized void addCompilationListener(CompilationListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } @Override public synchronized void removeCompilationListener(CompilationListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } @Override public synchronized void addLexicalErrorListener(LexicalErrorListener listener) { lexer.addLexicalErrorListener(listener); } @Override public synchronized void removeLexicalErrorListener(LexicalErrorListener listener) { lexer.removeLexicalErrorListener(listener); } @Override public synchronized void addSyntaxErrorListener(SyntaxErrorListener listener) { parser.addSyntaxErrorListener(listener); } @Override public synchronized void removeSyntaxErrorListener(SyntaxErrorListener listener) { parser.removeSyntaxErrorListener(listener); } public synchronized File getLastCompiledFile() { return lastCompiledFile; } protected synchronized Lexer getLexer() { return lexer; } protected synchronized Parser getParser() { return parser; } protected abstract LexerDescriptorFactory createLexerDescriptorFactory(); protected abstract ParsingTableFactory createParsingTableFactory(); protected abstract boolean checkSemantic(ParseTree parseTree); protected abstract boolean outputSyntaxTree(File outputFile); protected abstract void outputSyntaxTree(PrintStream printStream); protected abstract boolean outputSymbolTable(File outputFile); protected abstract void outputSymbolTable(PrintStream printStream); protected abstract boolean outputTokenList(File outputFile); protected abstract void outputTokenList(PrintStream printStream); protected void setCompiledSuccessfully(boolean compiledSuccessfully) { this.compiledSuccessfully = compiledSuccessfully; } protected void setLastCompiledFile(File lastCompiledFile) { this.lastCompiledFile = lastCompiledFile; } protected void fireSourceCompiled(File sourceFile) { for (CompilationListener l : listeners) l.sourceFileCompiled(sourceFile); } protected void fireSourceCompilationFailed(File sourceFile) { for (CompilationListener l : listeners) l.sourceFileCompilationFailed(sourceFile); } }