Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package hotgoaldetection; /** * * @author FIRST */ import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui; import org.opencv.highgui.VideoCapture; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; class Webcam { private static final int WIDTH = 640, HEIGHT = 480; private static int counter = 1; static Mat camera = new Mat(); public static Image toBufferedImage(Mat m) { int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY; if (m.channels() > 1) { Mat m2 = new Mat(); Imgproc.cvtColor(m, m2, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB); type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR; m = m2; } byte[] b = new byte[m.channels() * m.cols() * m.rows()]; m.get(0, 0, b); // get all the pixels BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(m.cols(), m.rows(), type); image.getRaster().setDataElements(0, 0, m.cols(), m.rows(), b); return image; } public static class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private Image image; public void updateImage(Image image) { this.image = image; repaint(); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); } } public static ImagePanel createPanel(final Mat camera, String frameName) throws IOException { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { camera.release(); System.exit(0); } }); ImagePanel panel = new ImagePanel(); panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationByPlatform(true); frame.setName(frameName); //frame.getOwner().setName(frameName); frame.setVisible(true); return panel; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // VideoCapture camera = new VideoCapture(0); Mat frame = new Mat(); ImagePanel panel = createPanel(camera, "camera"); while (true) { frame = camera; panel.updateImage(toBufferedImage(frame)); } } public static void takeScreenshot() { Mat matFrame = new Mat(); matFrame = camera; Highgui.imwrite("screenshots\\screenshot " + counter + ".jpeg", matFrame); counter++; } }