hoot.services.geo.BoundingBox.java Source code

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Here is the source code for hoot.services.geo.BoundingBox.java


 * This file is part of Hootenanny.
 * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package hoot.services.geo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import hoot.services.db.DbUtils;
import hoot.services.db2.CurrentNodes;
import hoot.services.geo.zindex.Box;

import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
import org.deegree.services.wps.input.BoundingBoxInput;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

 * A geographic bounding box using a WGS84 coordinate system
 * Partially based on OSM's BoundingBox, bounding_box.rb, at 
 * https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/
 * @todo replace with a bounds class from GeoUtils?
 * @todo clean up the add/expand methods
public class BoundingBox {
    public static final double LON_LIMIT = 180.0;
    public static final double LAT_LIMIT = 90.0;
    public static final double SCALED_LON_LIMIT = LON_LIMIT * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE;
    public static final double SCALED_LAT_LIMIT = LAT_LIMIT * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE;

    //coords in degrees

    private double minLon = GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE;

    public double getMinLon() {
        return minLon;

    public int getMinLonDb() {
        return (int) (minLon * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE);

    private double minLat = GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE;

    public double getMinLat() {
        return minLat;

    public int getMinLatDb() {
        return (int) (minLat * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE);

    private double maxLon = GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE;

    public double getMaxLon() {
        return maxLon;

    public int getMaxLonDb() {
        return (int) (maxLon * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE);

    private double maxLat = GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE;

    public double getMaxLat() {
        return maxLat;

    public int getMaxLatDb() {
        return (int) (maxLat * GeoUtils.GEO_RECORD_SCALE);

    public String toString() {
        return "minLon: " + minLon + ", minLat: " + minLat + ", maxLon: " + maxLon + ", maxLat: " + maxLat
                + "; minLonDb: " + getMinLonDb() + ", minLatDb: " + getMinLatDb() + ", maxLonDb: " + getMaxLonDb()
                + ", maxLatDb: " + getMaxLatDb();

     * Returns XML that can be as bounding box input for a WPS request
     * @return
    public String toWpsXml() {
        return "<wps:BoundingBoxData>" + "<ows:LowerCorner>" + minLon + " " + minLat + "</ows:LowerCorner>"
                + "<ows:UpperCorner>" + maxLon + " " + maxLat + "</ows:UpperCorner>" + "</wps:BoundingBoxData>";

    private static final double BOUNDS_ERROR = 0.0000001;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        BoundingBox objBounds = (BoundingBox) obj;
        //TODO: temp - allowing for a small amount of error until I figure out what's causing it
        //    return this.maxLat == objBounds.getMaxLat() && this.maxLon == objBounds.getMaxLon() &&
        //      this.minLat == objBounds.getMinLat() && this.minLon == objBounds.getMinLon();
        return MathUtils.equals(this.maxLat, objBounds.getMaxLat(), BOUNDS_ERROR)
                && MathUtils.equals(this.maxLon, objBounds.getMaxLon(), BOUNDS_ERROR)
                && MathUtils.equals(this.minLat, objBounds.getMinLat(), BOUNDS_ERROR)
                && MathUtils.equals(this.minLon, objBounds.getMinLon(), BOUNDS_ERROR);

    public BoundingBox() {


    public BoundingBox(final double minLon, final double minLat, final double maxLon, final double maxLat)
            throws Exception {
        validateAndSetCoords(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat);

    public BoundingBox(final BoundingBox bounds) {
        this.maxLat = bounds.getMaxLat();
        this.maxLon = bounds.getMaxLon();
        this.minLat = bounds.getMinLat();
        this.minLon = bounds.getMinLon();

    //bbox = minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat
    public BoundingBox(final String bbox) throws NumberFormatException, Exception {
        String[] bboxParts = bbox.split(",");
        validateAndSetCoords(Double.parseDouble(bboxParts[0]), Double.parseDouble(bboxParts[1]),
                Double.parseDouble(bboxParts[2]), Double.parseDouble(bboxParts[3]));

    public BoundingBox(final BoundingBoxInput wpsInput) throws Exception {
        //ignore CRS here for now and always assuming 4326
        validateAndSetCoords(wpsInput.getLower()[0], wpsInput.getLower()[1], wpsInput.getUpper()[0],

     * Constructs a bounding box from a list of coordinates
     * @param coords a list of coordinates to create the bounding box from
    public BoundingBox(final List<Coordinates> coords) {
        double minLon = BoundingBox.LON_LIMIT + 1;
        double minLat = BoundingBox.LAT_LIMIT + 1;
        double maxLon = (-1 * BoundingBox.LON_LIMIT) - 1;
        double maxLat = (-1 * BoundingBox.LAT_LIMIT) - 1;

        for (Coordinates coord : coords) {
            if (coord.lat < minLat) {
                minLat = coord.lat;
            if (coord.lat > maxLat) {
                maxLat = coord.lat;
            if (coord.lon < minLon) {
                minLon = coord.lon;
            if (coord.lon > maxLon) {
                maxLon = coord.lon;

        this.minLon = minLon;
        this.minLat = minLat;
        this.maxLon = maxLon;
        this.maxLat = maxLat;

     * Creates a bounding box that contains all the specified nodes
     * @param nodes a list of nodes the bounding box should contain
     * @return a bounding box containing all of the input nodes
     * @throws Exception
     * @todo kind of silly to have to explicitly define ArrayList in the constructor signature for the
     * nodes container type, but that's the only way to make the constructor signature unique when
     * compared to BoundingBox(final List<Coordinates> coords)
    public BoundingBox(final ArrayList<CurrentNodes> nodes) {
        double minLon = BoundingBox.LON_LIMIT + 1;
        double minLat = BoundingBox.LAT_LIMIT + 1;
        double maxLon = (-1 * BoundingBox.LON_LIMIT) - 1;
        double maxLat = (-1 * BoundingBox.LAT_LIMIT) - 1;

        for (CurrentNodes node : nodes) {
            final double lat = DbUtils.fromDbCoordValue(node.getLatitude());
            final double lon = DbUtils.fromDbCoordValue(node.getLongitude());
            if (lat < minLat) {
                minLat = lat;
            if (lat > maxLat) {
                maxLat = lat;
            if (lon < minLon) {
                minLon = lon;
            if (lon > maxLon) {
                maxLon = lon;

        this.minLon = minLon;
        this.minLat = minLat;
        this.maxLon = maxLon;
        this.maxLat = maxLat;

    private void validateAndSetCoords(final double minLon, final double minLat, final double maxLon,
            final double maxLat) throws Exception {
        if (minLon > maxLon) {
            throw new Exception("The minimum longitude must be less than or equal to the maximum longitude.");
        if (minLat > maxLat) {
            throw new Exception("The minimum latitude must be less than or equal to the maximum latitude.");

        if (minLon < (-1 * LON_LIMIT) || minLon > LON_LIMIT) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid coordinate.  Invalid minimum longitude value: " + minLon);
        this.minLon = DbUtils.toDbCoordPrecision(minLon);

        if (minLat < (-1 * LAT_LIMIT) || minLat > LAT_LIMIT) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid coordinate.  Invalid minimum latitude value: " + minLat);
        this.minLat = DbUtils.toDbCoordPrecision(minLat);

        if (maxLon < (-1 * LON_LIMIT) || maxLon > LON_LIMIT) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid maximum longitude value: " + maxLon);
        this.maxLon = DbUtils.toDbCoordPrecision(maxLon);

        if (maxLat < (-1 * LAT_LIMIT) || maxLat > LAT_LIMIT) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid maximum latitude value: " + maxLat);
        this.maxLat = DbUtils.toDbCoordPrecision(maxLat);

     * Converts the bounds into a format the service methods can understand
     * @return a bounds string
    public String toServicesString() {
        return minLon + "," + minLat + "," + maxLon + "," + maxLat;

     * Creates a bounding box from an OSM XML bounds node
     * @param xmlBounds OSM XML bounds node
     * @return a bounding box
     * @throws Exception 
     * @throws DOMException 
     * @throws NumberFormatException 
    public static BoundingBox fromXml(final Node xml) throws NumberFormatException, DOMException, Exception {
        NamedNodeMap nodeAttributes = xml.getAttributes();
        return new BoundingBox(Double.parseDouble(nodeAttributes.getNamedItem("minLon").getNodeValue()),

     * Returns an XML representation of the bounds
     * @param parentXml parent XML node
     * @return an XML bounds node
     * @throws Exception
    public Element toXml(final Element parentXml) throws Exception {
        if (!isInitialized()) {
            throw new Exception("Bounds not initialized.");
        Document doc = parentXml.getOwnerDocument();
        Element element = doc.createElement("bounds");
        element.setAttribute("minlat", String.valueOf(minLat));
        element.setAttribute("minlon", String.valueOf(minLon));
        element.setAttribute("maxlat", String.valueOf(maxLat));
        element.setAttribute("maxlon", String.valueOf(maxLon));
        return element;

     * Determines if bounding box has been initialized.  Coordinate values are initialized with 
     * Double.MAX_VALUE.
     * @return true if the bounding box consists of only valid values; false otherwise
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return minLon != GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE && minLat != GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE
                && maxLon != GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE && maxLat != GeoUtils.DEFAULT_COORD_VALUE;

     * Determines whether the bounding box is valid with respect to world boundaries.
     * @return true if valid; false otherwise
    public boolean inWorld() {
        return minLat >= -90 && minLat <= 90 && maxLat >= -90 && maxLat <= 90 && minLon >= -180 && minLon <= 180
                && maxLon >= -180 && maxLon <= 180;

     * Adds the input bounding box to this bounding box
     * @param bounds bounds to expand by
    public void add(final BoundingBox bounds) {
        expand(bounds, 0.0);

     * Expands this bounding box to include the input bounding box.
     * @param bounds bounds to expand by
     * @param margin buffer amount to add to the expansion
     * @tod this is only used for changeset bounds calc, but I'm not sure this method is correct...
     * hence the reason for expand2
    public void expand(final BoundingBox bounds, final double margin) {
        if (!isInitialized()) {
            minLon = bounds.getMinLon();
            minLat = bounds.getMinLat();
            maxLon = bounds.getMaxLon();
            maxLat = bounds.getMaxLat();
        } else {
            if (bounds.getMinLon() < minLon) {
                minLon = Math.max((-1 * SCALED_LON_LIMIT), (bounds.getMinLon() + margin * (minLon - maxLon)));
            if (bounds.getMinLat() < minLat) {
                minLat = Math.max((-1 * SCALED_LAT_LIMIT), (bounds.getMinLat() + margin * (minLat - maxLat)));
            if (bounds.getMaxLon() > maxLon) {
                maxLon = Math.min(SCALED_LON_LIMIT, (bounds.getMaxLon() + margin * (maxLon - minLon)));
            if (bounds.getMaxLat() > maxLat) {
                maxLat = Math.min(SCALED_LAT_LIMIT, (bounds.getMaxLat() + margin * (maxLat - minLat)));

     * Expands or shrinks this bounding box
     * @param bounds bounds used to modify this bounding box
     * @param margin buffer; positive values expand the bounding box; negative values shrink it
    public void combine(BoundingBox bounds, double margin) {
        if (!isInitialized()) {
            minLon = bounds.getMinLon();
            minLat = bounds.getMinLat();
            maxLon = bounds.getMaxLon();
            maxLat = bounds.getMaxLat();
        } else {
            minLon = Math.min(bounds.getMinLon(), minLon);
            if ((minLon - (margin * -1)) >= (LON_LIMIT * -1)) {
                minLon = minLon - (margin * -1);
            minLat = Math.min(bounds.getMinLat(), minLat);
            if ((minLat - (margin * -1)) >= (LAT_LIMIT * -1)) {
                minLat = minLat - (margin * -1);
            maxLon = Math.max(bounds.getMaxLon(), maxLon);
            if ((maxLon + (margin * -1)) <= LON_LIMIT) {
                maxLon = maxLon + (margin * -1);
            maxLat = Math.max(bounds.getMaxLat(), maxLat);
            if ((maxLat + (margin * -1)) <= LAT_LIMIT) {
                maxLat = maxLat + (margin * -1);

     * Buffers this bounding box
     * @param margin buffer; positive values expand the bounding box; negative values shrink it
    public void adjust(final double margin) {
        if ((minLon - (margin * -1)) >= (LON_LIMIT * -1)) {
            minLon = minLon - (margin * -1);
        if ((minLat - (margin * -1)) >= (LAT_LIMIT * -1)) {
            minLat = minLat - (margin * -1);
        if ((maxLon + (margin * -1)) <= LON_LIMIT) {
            maxLon = maxLon + (margin * -1);
        if ((maxLat + (margin * -1)) <= LAT_LIMIT) {
            maxLat = maxLat + (margin * -1);

     * Adds two bounding boxes together
     * @param bounds1 first bounding box
     * @param bounds2 second bounding box
     * @param margin buffer; positive values expand the bounding box; negative values shrink it 
     * @return a bounding box
    public static BoundingBox addBoundingBoxes(final BoundingBox bounds1, final BoundingBox bounds2,
            double margin) {
        BoundingBox bounds = bounds1;
        bounds.combine(bounds2, margin);
        return bounds;

     * Return the height of this bounding box
     * @return height in degrees
    public double getHeight() {
        return maxLat - minLat;

     * Return the width of this bounding box
     * @return width in degrees
    public double getWidth() {
        return maxLon - minLon;

     * Return the center longitude of this bounding box
     * @return center longitude coordinate
    public double getCenterX() {
        return (minLon + maxLon) / 2.0;

     * Return the center latitude of this bounding box
     * @return center latitude coordinate
    public double getCenterY() {
        return (minLat + maxLat) / 2.0;

     * Returns a bounding box that is the intersection this bounding box and the input bounding box
     * @param bounds the bounds to compute the intersection from
     * @return the bounding box intersection
     * @throws Exception
    public BoundingBox intersection(BoundingBox bounds) throws Exception {
        return new BoundingBox(Math.max(minLon, bounds.getMinLon()), Math.max(minLat, bounds.getMinLat()),
                Math.min(maxLon, bounds.getMaxLon()), Math.min(maxLat, bounds.getMaxLat()));

     * Determines whether this bounding box intersects the input bounding box coordinates
     * @param minX minimum longitude
     * @param minY minimum latitude
     * @param maxX maximum longitude
     * @param maxY maximum latitude
     * @return true; if this bounding box interesect the input bounding box coordinates; 
     * false otherwise
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean intersects(final double minX, final double minY, final double maxX, final double maxY)
            throws Exception {
        return intersects(new BoundingBox(minX, minY, maxX, maxY));

     * Determines whether this bounding box intersects the input bounding box
     * @param bounds the bounds to compute the intersection with this bounding box from
     * @return true if this intersects the input bounding box; false otherwise
    public boolean intersects(final BoundingBox bounds) {
        // formula:
        // x, y are center points of the rectangle...
        //    if Math.abs(rectA.x - rectB.x) < (Math.abs(rectA.width + rectB.width) / 2) 
        //      && (Math.abs(rectA.y - rectB.y) < (Math.abs(rectA.height + rectB.height) / 2))
        //    then
        //        // A and B collide
        //    end if
        return (Math.abs(getCenterX() - bounds.getCenterX()) < Math.abs(getWidth() + bounds.getWidth()) / 2)
                && (Math.abs(getCenterY() - bounds.getCenterY()) < Math.abs(getHeight() + bounds.getHeight()) / 2);

     * Returns the area of this bounding box
     * @return area in degrees
    public double getArea() {
        if (!isInitialized()) {
            return 0;
        return (maxLon - minLon) * (maxLat - minLat);

     * Returns a bounds that can be used by ZValues
     * @return a z-index bounds
    public Box toZIndexBox() {
        //use y, x ordering
        return new Box(new double[] { minLat, minLon }, new double[] { maxLat, maxLon });

     * Returns a bounding box that encompasses the entire world
     * @return a bounding box
     * @throws Exception
    public static BoundingBox worldBounds() throws Exception {
        return new BoundingBox(-1 * LON_LIMIT, -1 * LAT_LIMIT, LON_LIMIT, LAT_LIMIT);

    public int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode();