Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Hootenanny. * * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The following copyright notices are generated automatically. If you * have a new notice to add, please use the format: * " * @copyright Copyright ..." * This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe * copyrights will be updated automatically. * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 DigitalGlobe ( */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import com.mysema.query.Tuple; /** * Service endpoint for retrieving elements by ID */ @Path("/api/0.6") public class ElementResource { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElementResource.class); //<map id>_<first letter of the element type>_<element id> private static final String UNIQUE_ELEMENT_ID_REGEX = "\\d+_(n|w|r)_\\d+"; private static final Pattern UNIQUE_ELEMENT_ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(UNIQUE_ELEMENT_ID_REGEX); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appContext; public ElementResource() { log.debug("Reading application settings..."); appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] { "db/spring-database.xml" }); } /** * <NAME>Element Service - Get Element By ID </NAME> * <DESCRIPTION> * Allows for retrieving a node, way, or relation by numeric OSM element ID. Child element of ways * and relations are not added to the output (use the "full" method for that functionality). * The ID of the map owning the element must be specified in the query string. * </DESCRIPTION> * <PARAMETERS> * <mapId> * string; ID or name of the map the requested element belongs to * </mapId> * <elementId> * long; OSM ID of the requested element * </elementId> * <elementType> * string; OSM type of the requested element; valid values are "node", "way", or "relation" * </elementType> * </PARAMETERS> * <OUTPUT> * XML representation of the requested element * </OUTPUT> * <EXAMPLE> * <URL>http://localhost:8080/hoot-services/osm/api/0.6/node/1?mapId=1</URL> * <REQUEST_TYPE>GET</REQUEST_TYPE> * <INPUT> * </INPUT> * <OUTPUT> * OSM XML * see * </OUTPUT> * </EXAMPLE> * * Returns a single element item's XML for a given map without its element children * * @param mapId ID of the map the element belongs to * @param elementId OSM element ID of the element to retrieve * @param elementType OSM element type of the element to retrieve; valid values are: node, way, * or relation * @return element XML document * @throws Exception * @see */ @GET @Path("{elementType: node|way|relation}/{elementId}") @Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN }) @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response getElement(@QueryParam("mapId") String mapId, @PathParam("elementId") final long elementId, @PathParam("elementType") final String elementType) throws Exception { final ElementType elementTypeVal = Element.elementTypeFromString(elementType); if (elementTypeVal == null) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element type: " + elementType, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Connection conn = DbUtils.createConnection(); Document elementDoc = null; try { log.debug("Initializing database connection..."); elementDoc = getElementXml(mapId, elementId, elementTypeVal, false, false, conn); } finally { DbUtils.closeConnection(conn); } log.debug("Returning response: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(XmlDocumentBuilder.toString(elementDoc), 100) + " ..."); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(elementDoc), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } /** * <NAME>Element Service - Get Element By IDGet Element By Unique ID </NAME> * <DESCRIPTION> * Convenience method which allows for retrieving a node, way, or relation by an OSM unique element ID. * Child element of ways and relations are not added to the output (use the "full" method for that functionality). The ID of * the map owning the element does not need to be specified in the query string because the information already exists in the * element ID. This method is not part of the OSM API * </DESCRIPTION> * <PARAMETERS> * <elementId> * long; OSM ID of the requested element * </elementId> * </PARAMETERS> * <OUTPUT> * XML representation of the requested element * </OUTPUT> * <EXAMPLE> * <URL>http://localhost:8080/hoot-services/osm/api/0.6/element/1_n_1</URL> * <REQUEST_TYPE>GET</REQUEST_TYPE> * <INPUT> * </INPUT> * <OUTPUT> * OSM XML * see * </OUTPUT> * </EXAMPLE> * * Returns a single element item's XML for a given map without its element children * * @param elementId a "hoot" formatted element id of the format: * <map id>_<first letter of the element type>_<element id>; valid element types include: node, * way, or relation * @return element XML document * @throws Exception * @see */ @GET @Path("/element/{elementId}") @Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN }) @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response getElementByUniqueId(@PathParam("elementId") final String elementId) throws Exception { Connection conn = DbUtils.createConnection(); Document elementDoc = null; try { log.debug("Initializing database connection..."); if (!UNIQUE_ELEMENT_ID_PATTERN.matcher(elementId).matches()) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element ID: " + elementId, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } final String[] elementIdParts = elementId.split("_"); final ElementType elementTypeVal = Element.elementTypeFromString(elementIdParts[1]); if (elementTypeVal == null) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element type: " + elementIdParts[1], Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } elementDoc = getElementXml(elementIdParts[0], Long.parseLong(elementIdParts[2]), elementTypeVal, true, false, conn); } finally { DbUtils.closeConnection(conn); } log.debug("Returning response: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(XmlDocumentBuilder.toString(elementDoc), 100) + " ..."); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(elementDoc), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } /** * <NAME>Element Service - Get Full Element By ID </NAME> * <DESCRIPTION> * Convenience method which allows for retrieving a way or relation and all of its child elements * (way nodes or relation members) by numeric OSM element ID. The ID of the map owning the element * must be specified in the query string. * </DESCRIPTION> * <PARAMETERS> * <mapId> * string; ID or name of the map the requested element belongs to * </mapId> * <elementId> * long; OSM ID of the requested element * </elementId> * <elementType> * string; OSM type of the requested element; valid values are "node", "way", or "relation" * </elementType> * </PARAMETERS> * <OUTPUT> * XML representation of the requested element * </OUTPUT> * <EXAMPLE> * <URL>http://localhost:8080/hoot-services/osm/api/0.6/node/1/full?mapId=1</URL> * <REQUEST_TYPE>GET</REQUEST_TYPE> * <INPUT> * </INPUT> * <OUTPUT> * OSM XML * see * </OUTPUT> * </EXAMPLE> * * Returns a single element item's XML for a given map with all of its element children * * @param mapId ID of the map the element belongs to * @param elementId OSM element ID of the element to retrieve * @param elementType OSM element type of the element to retrieve; valid values are: way * or relation * @return element XML document * @throws Exception * @see */ @GET @Path("/{elementType: way|relation}/{elementId}/full") @Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN }) @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response getFullElement(@QueryParam("mapId") String mapId, @PathParam("elementId") final long elementId, @PathParam("elementType") final String elementType) throws Exception { final ElementType elementTypeVal = Element.elementTypeFromString(elementType); if (elementTypeVal == null) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element type: " + elementType, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Connection conn = DbUtils.createConnection(); Document elementDoc = null; try { log.debug("Initializing database connection..."); elementDoc = getElementXml(mapId, elementId, elementTypeVal, false, true, conn); } finally { DbUtils.closeConnection(conn); } log.debug("Returning response: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(XmlDocumentBuilder.toString(elementDoc), 100) + " ..."); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(elementDoc), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } /** * <NAME>Element Service - Get Full Element By Unique ID </NAME> * <DESCRIPTION> * Convenience method which allows for retrieving a way or relation and all of its child * elements (way nodes or relation members) by an OSM unique element ID. The ID of the map owning * the element does not need to be specified in the query string because the information already exists * in the element ID. This method is not part of the OSM API * </DESCRIPTION> * <PARAMETERS> * <elementId> * string; ID for the requested element unique across all maps of the form: * <map id>_<first letter of the element type>_<element id>; valid values for * <first letter of the element type> are: "w" or "r" * </elementId> * </PARAMETERS> * <OUTPUT> * XML representation of the requested element * </OUTPUT> * <EXAMPLE> * <URL>http://localhost:8080/hoot-services/osm/api/0.6/element/1_n_1/full</URL> * <REQUEST_TYPE>GET</REQUEST_TYPE> * <INPUT> * </INPUT> * <OUTPUT> * OSM XML * see * </OUTPUT> * </EXAMPLE> * * Returns a single element item's XML for a given map with all of its element children * * @param elementId a "hoot" formatted element id of the format: * <map id>_<first letter of the element type>_<element id>; valid element types include: * way or relation * @return element XML document * @throws Exception * @see */ @GET @Path("/element/{elementId}/full") @Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN }) @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response getFullElementByUniqueId(@PathParam("elementId") final String elementId) throws Exception { if (!UNIQUE_ELEMENT_ID_PATTERN.matcher(elementId).matches()) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element ID: " + elementId, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } final String[] elementIdParts = elementId.split("_"); final ElementType elementType = Element.elementTypeFromString(elementIdParts[1]); if (elementType == null) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element type: " + elementType, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } else if (elementType.equals(ElementType.Node)) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Get Full Element Request Invalid for type = Node", Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Connection conn = DbUtils.createConnection(); Document elementDoc = null; try { log.debug("Initializing database connection..."); elementDoc = getElementXml(elementIdParts[0], Long.parseLong(elementIdParts[2]), elementType, true, true, conn); } finally { DbUtils.closeConnection(conn); } log.debug("Returning response: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(XmlDocumentBuilder.toString(elementDoc), 100) + " ..."); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(elementDoc), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } private Document getElementXml(final String mapId, final long elementId, final ElementType elementType, final boolean multiLayerUniqueElementIds, final boolean addChildren, Connection dbConn) throws Exception { long mapIdNum = -1; try { QMaps maps = QMaps.maps; //input mapId may be a map ID or a map name mapIdNum = ModelDaoUtils.getRecordIdForInputString(mapId, dbConn, maps,, maps.displayName); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Multiple records exist")) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError( e.getMessage().replaceAll("records", "maps").replaceAll("record", "map"), Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } else if (e.getMessage().startsWith("No record exists")) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError( e.getMessage().replaceAll("records", "maps").replaceAll("record", "map"), Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Error requesting map with ID: " + mapId + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")", Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Document elementDoc = null; Set<Long> elementIds = new HashSet<Long>(); elementIds.add(elementId); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Tuple> elementRecords = (List<Tuple>) Element.getElementRecordsWithUserInfo(mapIdNum, elementType, elementIds, dbConn); if (elementRecords == null || elementRecords.size() == 0) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError( "Element with ID: " + elementId + " and type: " + elementType + " does not exist.", Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } assert (elementRecords.size() == 1); final Element element = ElementFactory.getInstance().create(elementType, elementRecords.get(0), dbConn, Long.parseLong(mapId)); Users usersTable = elementRecords.get(0).get(QUsers.users); elementDoc = XmlDocumentBuilder.create(); org.w3c.dom.Element elementRootXml = OsmResponseHeaderGenerator.getOsmDataHeader(elementDoc); elementDoc.appendChild(elementRootXml); org.w3c.dom.Element elementXml = element.toXml(elementRootXml, usersTable.getId(), usersTable.getDisplayName(), multiLayerUniqueElementIds, addChildren); elementRootXml.appendChild(elementXml); return elementDoc; } /** * <NAME>Element Service - Get Elements By IDs </NAME> * <DESCRIPTION> * Allows for retrieving multiple nodes, ways, or relations by numeric OSM element ID. Child element of ways * and relations are not added to the output (use the "full" method for that functionality). * The ID of the map owning the element must be specified in the query string. * </DESCRIPTION> * <PARAMETERS> * <mapId> * string; ID or name of the map the requested element belongs to * </mapId> * <elementIds> * string; OSM IDs of the requested elements * </elementIds> * <elementType> * string; OSM type of the requested element; valid values are "node", "way", or "relation" * </elementType> * </PARAMETERS> * <OUTPUT> * XML representation of the requested element * </OUTPUT> * <EXAMPLE> * <URL>http://localhost:8080/hoot-services/osm/api/0.6/node/1?mapId=1</URL> * <REQUEST_TYPE>GET</REQUEST_TYPE> * <INPUT> * </INPUT> * <OUTPUT> * OSM XML * see * </OUTPUT> * </EXAMPLE> * * Returns a single element item's XML for a given map without its element children * * @param mapId ID of the map the element belongs to * @param elementId OSM element ID of the element to retrieve * @param elementType OSM element type of the element to retrieve; valid values are: node, way, * or relation * @return element XML document * @throws Exception * @see */ @GET @Path("{elementType: nodes|ways|relations}") @Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN }) @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response getElements(@QueryParam("mapId") String mapId, @QueryParam("elementIds") final String elementIds, @PathParam("elementType") final String elemType) throws Exception { String elementType = elemType.substring(0, elemType.length() - 1); String[] elemIds = elementIds.split(","); final ElementType elementTypeVal = Element.elementTypeFromString(elementType); if (elementTypeVal == null) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Invalid element type: " + elementType, Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Connection conn = DbUtils.createConnection(); Document elementDoc = null; try { log.debug("Initializing database connection..."); elementDoc = getElementsXml(mapId, elemIds, elementTypeVal, false, false, conn); } finally { DbUtils.closeConnection(conn); } log.debug("Returning response: " + StringUtils.abbreviate(XmlDocumentBuilder.toString(elementDoc), 100) + " ..."); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(elementDoc), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build(); } private Document getElementsXml(final String mapId, final String[] elementIdsStr, final ElementType elementType, final boolean multiLayerUniqueElementIds, final boolean addChildren, Connection dbConn) throws Exception { long mapIdNum = -1; try { QMaps maps = QMaps.maps; //input mapId may be a map ID or a map name mapIdNum = ModelDaoUtils.getRecordIdForInputString(mapId, dbConn, maps,, maps.displayName); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Multiple records exist")) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError( e.getMessage().replaceAll("records", "maps").replaceAll("record", "map"), Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } else if (e.getMessage().startsWith("No record exists")) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError( e.getMessage().replaceAll("records", "maps").replaceAll("record", "map"), Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Error requesting map with ID: " + mapId + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")", Status.BAD_REQUEST, log); } Document elementDoc = null; Set<Long> elementIds = new HashSet<Long>(); // for (String elemId : elementIdsStr) { long elementId = Long.parseLong(elemId); elementIds.add(elementId); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Tuple> elementRecords = (List<Tuple>) Element.getElementRecordsWithUserInfo(mapIdNum, elementType, elementIds, dbConn); if (elementRecords == null || elementRecords.size() == 0) { ResourceErrorHandler.handleError("Elements with IDs: " + StringUtils.join(elementIdsStr) + " and type: " + elementType + " does not exist.", Status.NOT_FOUND, log); } assert (elementRecords.size() == 1); elementDoc = XmlDocumentBuilder.create(); org.w3c.dom.Element elementRootXml = OsmResponseHeaderGenerator.getOsmDataHeader(elementDoc); elementDoc.appendChild(elementRootXml); for (int i = 0; i < elementRecords.size(); i++) { final Element element = ElementFactory.getInstance().create(elementType, elementRecords.get(i), dbConn, Long.parseLong(mapId)); Users usersTable = elementRecords.get(i).get(QUsers.users); org.w3c.dom.Element elementXml = element.toXml(elementRootXml, usersTable.getId(), usersTable.getDisplayName(), multiLayerUniqueElementIds, addChildren); elementRootXml.appendChild(elementXml); } return elementDoc; } }