Java tutorial
package hms.hwestra.interactionrebuttal2; import hms.hwestra.interactionrebuttal.InteractionRebuttal; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.SpearmansCorrelation; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.OLSMultipleLinearRegression; import; import; import umcg.genetica.math.matrix.DoubleMatrixDataset; import umcg.genetica.math.stats.Correlation; import umcg.genetica.math.stats.ZScores; import umcg.genetica.util.Primitives; import; import java.util.*; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * @author hwestra */ public class InteractionRebuttal2 { public static void main(String[] args) { InteractionRebuttal2 b = new InteractionRebuttal2(); try { // String axisdir = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/0.1.PreinigerEtAlAxesOfVariation/"; // String axisdir = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/0.1.PreinigerEtAlAxesOfVariationFORCENORMAL/"; // String annot = "/Data/ProbeAnnotation/2015-03-23-HT12v3ILMNIdToArrayAddress.txt"; //// b.rewritePleinigerAxisToArrayAddress(axisdir, annot); // b.createProxysFromPleinigerAxis(axisdir); // String pcFile = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.3.AdditionalPCsInModelTop58Probes/EGCUTData/CellTypeSpecificProbePCA.PCAOverSamplesPrincipalComponents.txt"; // String cellcountFile = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2014-10-28-Rebuttal/EGCUTData/EGCUTValidSamplesNeutrosOnly.txt"; // String pheno = "Neutrophils"; //b.iterativelyIncreaseNumberOfPCsInCellCountPredictionModel(pcFile, cellcountFile, pheno); // InteractionRebuttal a = new InteractionRebuttal(); //// // String normal1 = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/EGCUT/Normal/InteractionResults.txt"; // String robust1 = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/EGCUT/Robust/InteractionResults.txt"; // String out = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/EGCUT.txt"; // b.determineInteractionPvalueAndMerge(normal1, robust1, out); // // // String normal2 = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/GRNG/Normal/InteractionResults.txt"; // String robust2 = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/GRNG/Robust/InteractionResults.txt"; // out = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/GRNG.txt"; // b.determineInteractionPvalueAndMerge(normal2, robust2, out); // String fileIn = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/InChianti/GSE48152_RAW.txt"; // String fileOut = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/InChianti/InChiantiData.txt"; // // b.rewriteExpressionMatrix(fileIn, fileOut, annot); // String[] filesIn = new String[]{"/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/Kora/E-MTAB-1708.raw.1/", // "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/Kora/E-MTAB-1708.raw.2/", // "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/Kora/E-MTAB-1708.raw.3/"}; // fileOut = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/GeneExpressionData/Kora/KoraData.txt"; // // b.rewriteMTabToMatrix(filesIn, fileOut, annot); String[] files = new String[10]; files[0] = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/3.4.2.RobustSEPValues/Meta-forceNormal/output.txt"; String[] fileNames = new String[10]; fileNames[0] = "NeutrophilProxy"; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { files[i] = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/0.1.PreinigerEtAlAxesOfVariationFORCENORMAL/meta/Axis" + i + ".txt"; fileNames[i] = "Axis-" + i; } String out = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/0.1.PreinigerEtAlAxesOfVariationFORCENORMAL/meta/merged-noforcednormalneutro.txt"; String annot = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/ilmnToGene.txt"; double threshold = 0.05 / 13037; System.out.println("P < " + threshold); b.mergeMetaFiles(files, fileNames, out, annot, threshold); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void mergeMetaFiles(String[] files, String[] fileNames, String out, String annot, double threshold) throws IOException { TextFile tf1 = new TextFile(annot, TextFile.R); Map<String, String> ilmnToArr = tf1.readAsHashMap(0, 1); tf1.close(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, Double>> eqtls = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Double>>(); HashSet<String> uniqueEQTLs = new HashSet<String>(); for (String file : files) { HashMap<String, Double> eqtl = loadInteractionMetaTableZScoreBlaat(file); Set<String> keyset = eqtl.keySet(); for (String key : keyset) { uniqueEQTLs.add(key); } System.out.println(eqtl.size() + " loaded from " + file); eqtls.add(eqtl); } System.out.println(uniqueEQTLs.size() + " unique eQTLs"); TextFile outfile = new TextFile(out, TextFile.W); String header = "SNP\tProbe\tGene"; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { header += "\tZ-" + fileNames[i] + "\tP-" + fileNames[i]; } outfile.writeln(header); int[] nrEQTLsBelowThreshold = new int[files.length]; int[] nrTotalEQTLs = new int[files.length]; for (String eqtl : uniqueEQTLs) { String[] eqtlelems = eqtl.split("-"); String outln = eqtlelems[0] + "\t" + eqtlelems[1] + "\t" + ilmnToArr.get(eqtlelems[1]); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { HashMap<String, Double> map = eqtls.get(i); Double z = map.get(eqtl); if (z != null && !Double.isNaN(z)) { double p = ZScores.zToP(z); if (p < threshold) { nrEQTLsBelowThreshold[i]++; } nrTotalEQTLs[i]++; outln += "\t" + z + "\t" + p; } else { outln += "\tNaN\tNaN"; } } outfile.writeln(outln); } outfile.close(); System.out.println("pvals below threshold:"); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { System.out.println(fileNames[i] + "\t" + nrEQTLsBelowThreshold[i] + "\t" + nrTotalEQTLs[i]); } } private HashMap<String, Double> loadInteractionMetaTableZScoreBlaat(String file) throws IOException { TextFile tf = new TextFile(file, TextFile.R); String[] elems = tf.readLineElems(; HashMap<String, Double> output = new HashMap<String, Double>(); boolean headerparsed = false; int col = -1; while (elems != null) { if (!elems[0].startsWith("#")) { if (!headerparsed) { for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (elems[i].equals("Meta_flipped_interaction_Z-score")) { col = i; } } headerparsed = true; } else { if (col == -1) { System.err.println("Error: Meta_flipped_interaction_Z-score not found"); System.exit(-1); } String snp = elems[0]; String probe = elems[1]; String eQTL = snp + "-" + probe; Double d = Double.parseDouble(elems[col]); output.put(eQTL, d); } } elems = tf.readLineElems(; } tf.close(); return output; } private void rewriteMTabToMatrix(String[] filesIn, String fileOut, String annot) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> allFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < filesIn.length; i++) { String[] listOfFiles = Gpio.getListOfFiles(filesIn[i]); for (String file : listOfFiles) { allFiles.add(filesIn[i] + file); } } TextFile tf1 = new TextFile(annot, TextFile.R); Map<String, String> ilmnToArr = tf1.readAsHashMap(0, 1); tf1.close(); String file = allFiles.get(0); TextFile tf = new TextFile(file, TextFile.R); String header = tf.readLine(); String[] lnElems = tf.readLineElems(; ArrayList<String> probes = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, Integer> probeToInt = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int probectr = 0; while (lnElems != null) { String probe = lnElems[0]; probes.add(ilmnToArr.get(probe)); probeToInt.put(probe, probectr); probectr++; lnElems = tf.readLineElems(; } tf.close(); int nrSamples = allFiles.size(); double[][] data = new double[probes.size()][nrSamples]; ArrayList<String> samples = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int f = 0; f < allFiles.size(); f++) { file = allFiles.get(f); tf = new TextFile(file, TextFile.R); String[] headerElems = tf.readLineElems(; samples.add(headerElems[1].replaceAll("_AVG_Signal", "")); String[] elems = tf.readLineElems(; while (elems != null) { double d = Double.parseDouble(elems[1]); String probe = elems[0]; Integer probeId = probeToInt.get(probe); data[probeId][f] = d; elems = tf.readLineElems(; } tf.close(); } DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> dsout = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(); dsout.rawData = data; dsout.rowObjects = probes; dsout.colObjects = samples; dsout.recalculateHashMaps();; } private void rewriteExpressionMatrix(String fileIn, String fileOut, String annot) throws IOException { TextFile tf1 = new TextFile(annot, TextFile.R); Map<String, String> ilmnToArr = tf1.readAsHashMap(0, 1); tf1.close(); DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> ds = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(fileIn); boolean[] keepColumn = new boolean[ds.nrCols]; int nrToKeep = 0; for (int col = 0; col < ds.nrCols; col++) { if (!ds.colObjects.get(col).equals("Detection Pval")) { keepColumn[col] = true; nrToKeep++; } } ArrayList<String> newRows = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : ds.rowObjects) { newRows.add(ilmnToArr.get(s)); } double[][] newData = new double[ds.nrRows][nrToKeep]; int colctr = 0; ArrayList<String> newCols = new ArrayList<>(); for (int col = 0; col < ds.nrCols; col++) { if (keepColumn[col]) { for (int row = 0; row < ds.nrRows; row++) { newData[row][colctr] = ds.rawData[row][col]; } colctr++; newCols.add(ds.colObjects.get(col)); } } DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> out = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(); out.rawData = newData; out.colObjects = newCols; out.rowObjects = newRows; out.recalculateHashMaps();; } private void determineInteractionPvalueAndMerge(String normal1, String robust1, String out) throws IOException { InteractionRebuttal a = new InteractionRebuttal(); HashMap<String, Double> normalSE = a.loadSE(normal1); HashMap<String, Double> robustSE = a.loadSE(robust1); HashMap<String, Double> normalZ = loadZ(normal1); HashMap<String, Double> robustZ = loadZ(robust1); Set<String> eqtls = normalZ.keySet(); TextFile tf = new TextFile(out, TextFile.W); SpearmansCorrelation corr = new SpearmansCorrelation(); tf.writeln("SNP-Probe\tZNorm\tZRobust\tPNorm\tPRobust\tSENorm\tSERobust"); ArrayList<Double> x = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> y = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> x2 = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> y2 = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> x3 = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> y3 = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (String s : eqtls) { if (robustZ.containsKey(s)) { if (!Double.isNaN(normalZ.get(s))) { x.add(normalZ.get(s)); y.add(robustZ.get(s)); x2.add(-Math.log10(ZScores.zToP(normalZ.get(s)))); y2.add(-Math.log10(ZScores.zToP(robustZ.get(s)))); x3.add(normalSE.get(s)); y3.add(robustSE.get(s)); } String ln = s + "\t" + normalZ.get(s) + "\t" + robustZ.get(s) + "\t" + -Math.log10(ZScores.zToP(normalZ.get(s))) + "\t" + -Math.log10(ZScores.zToP(robustZ.get(s))) + "\t" + normalSE.get(s) + "\t" + robustSE.get(s); tf.writeln(ln); } } tf.close(); System.out.println(x.size()); double c = corr.correlation(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y.toArray(new Double[0]))); double c2 = corr.correlation(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x2.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y2.toArray(new Double[0]))); double c3 = Correlation.correlate(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y.toArray(new Double[0]))); double c4 = Correlation.correlate(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x2.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y2.toArray(new Double[0]))); double c5 = corr.correlation(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x3.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y3.toArray(new Double[0]))); double c6 = Correlation.correlate(Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(x3.toArray(new Double[0])), Primitives.toPrimitiveArr(y3.toArray(new Double[0]))); System.out.println("Z Spearman: " + c + " Pearson: " + c3); System.out.println("P Spearman: " + c2 + " Pearson: " + c4); System.out.println("SE Spearman: " + c5 + " Pearson: " + c6); } public HashMap<String, Double> loadZ(String file) throws IOException { TextFile tf = new TextFile(file, TextFile.R); tf.readLine(); String[] elems = tf.readLineElems(; HashMap<String, Double> output = new HashMap<String, Double>(); while (elems != null) { String snp = elems[0]; String probe = elems[1]; String eQTL = snp + "-" + probe; Double d = Double.parseDouble(elems[7]); output.put(eQTL, d); elems = tf.readLineElems(; } tf.close(); return output; } private void iterativelyIncreaseNumberOfPCsInCellCountPredictionModel(String pcFile, String cellcountFile, String pheno) throws IOException { DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> pcs = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(pcFile); // samples on rows, pcs on cols? DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> cellcounts = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(cellcountFile); // samples on rows, celltype on cols Integer phenoId = cellcounts.hashCols.get(pheno); boolean[] includeRow = new boolean[pcs.nrRows]; int shared = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.nrRows; i++) { String sample = pcs.rowObjects.get(i); if (cellcounts.hashRows.containsKey(sample)) { shared++; includeRow[i] = true; } } // order the samples of the cell count in the order of the pcs double[] olsY = new double[shared]; //Ordinary least squares: cell count int ctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.nrRows; i++) { String sample = pcs.rowObjects.get(i); Integer sampleId = cellcounts.hashRows.get(sample); if (sampleId != null) { olsY[ctr] = cellcounts.rawData[sampleId][phenoId]; ctr++; } } org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution fDist = null; cern.jet.random.tdouble.engine.DoubleRandomEngine randomEngine = null; cern.jet.random.tdouble.StudentT tDistColt = null; OLSMultipleLinearRegression previousFullModel = null; for (int col = 0; col < pcs.nrCols; col++) { OLSMultipleLinearRegression regressionFullModel = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression(); OLSMultipleLinearRegression regressionOrigModel = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression(); int nrPcs = col + 1; double[][] olsX = new double[shared][nrPcs]; double[][] olsXN = new double[shared][1]; for (int inc = 0; inc < col + 1; inc++) { ctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.nrRows; i++) { if (includeRow[i]) { olsX[ctr][inc] = pcs.rawData[i][inc]; ctr++; } } } double[] pc = new double[shared]; ctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcs.nrRows; i++) { if (includeRow[i]) { pc[ctr] = pcs.rawData[i][col]; olsXN[ctr][0] = pcs.rawData[i][0]; ctr++; } } double corr = JSci.maths.ArrayMath.correlation(pc, olsY); Correlation.correlationToZScore(olsY.length); double z = Correlation.convertCorrelationToZScore(olsY.length, corr); double p = ZScores.zToP(z); regressionFullModel.newSampleData(olsY, olsX); regressionOrigModel.newSampleData(olsY, olsXN); double rsquaredadj = regressionFullModel.calculateAdjustedRSquared(); double rsquared = regressionFullModel.calculateRSquared(); double rse = regressionOrigModel.estimateRegressionStandardError(); double rsefull = regressionFullModel.estimateRegressionStandardError(); double rss1 = regressionOrigModel.calculateResidualSumOfSquares(); double rss2 = regressionFullModel.calculateResidualSumOfSquares(); double F = ((rss1 - rss2) / (3 - 2)) / (rss2 / (olsY.length - 3)); int numParams1 = 1; // regressor + intercept int numParams2 = nrPcs; // regressors + intercept if (nrPcs > 1) { double F2 = ((rss1 - rss2) / (numParams2 - numParams1)) / (rss2 / (olsY.length - numParams2)); double rss3 = previousFullModel.calculateResidualSumOfSquares(); int numParams3 = nrPcs - 1; double FPrevious = ((rss3 - rss2) / (numParams2 - numParams3)) / (rss2 / (olsY.length - numParams2)); // pf(f, m1$df.residual-m2$df.residual, m2$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE) // (double numeratorDegreesOfFreedom, double denominatorDegreesOfFreedom) fDist = new org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution((numParams2 - numParams1), olsY.length - numParams2); FDistribution fDistPrev = new FDistribution((numParams2 - numParams3), olsY.length - numParams2); double anovaFTestP = -1; double anovaFTestP2 = -1; try { anovaFTestP = 1 - fDist.cumulativeProbability(F2); anovaFTestP2 = 1 - fDist.cumulativeProbability(FPrevious); if (anovaFTestP < 1E-160) { anovaFTestP = 1E-16; } if (anovaFTestP2 < 1E-160) { anovaFTestP2 = 1E-16; } } catch (Exception err) { } System.out.println(nrPcs + "\t" + corr + "\t" + z + "\t" + p + "\t" + rsquared + "\t" + numParams2 + "\t" + F2 + "\t" + FPrevious + "\t" + anovaFTestP + "\t" + anovaFTestP2); } else { System.out.println(nrPcs + "\t" + corr + "\t" + z + "\t" + p + "\t" + rsquared + "\t" + numParams1); } previousFullModel = regressionFullModel; } ArrayList<String> colNames = new ArrayList<String>(); colNames.add("CellCount"); double[][] data = new double[shared][pcs.nrCols + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < olsY.length; i++) { data[i][0] = olsY[i]; } ArrayList<String> rowNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int col = 0; col < pcs.nrCols; col++) { ctr = 0; colNames.add(pcs.colObjects.get(col)); for (int row = 0; row < pcs.nrRows; row++) { if (includeRow[row]) { data[ctr][col + 1] = pcs.rawData[row][col]; ctr++; } } } for (int row = 0; row < pcs.nrRows; row++) { if (includeRow[row]) { rowNames.add("Sample_" + pcs.rowObjects.get(row)); } } DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> dsout = new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(); dsout.rawData = data; dsout.rowObjects = rowNames; dsout.colObjects = colNames; dsout.recalculateHashMaps(); + "-mergedWCellCount.txt"); } public DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> loadDataset(String d, String gte) throws IOException { if (gte == null) { return new DoubleMatrixDataset<>(d); } else { TextFile tf = new TextFile(gte, TextFile.R); Set<String> set = tf.readAsSet(0,; tf.close(); return new DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String>(d, null, set); } } private void createProxysFromPleinigerAxis(String axisdir) throws IOException { // create proxy phenotypes // String egcut = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2014-10-28-Rebuttal/EGCUTData/EGCUT-RawDataQNLog2.txt"; String egcut = "/Data/tmp/EGCUTForceNormal/EGCUT-RawDataQNLog2.ForcedNormal.txt.gz"; InteractionRebuttal b1 = new InteractionRebuttal(); String gte = "/Sync/AeroFS/cellTypeeQTL/2015-01-31-Rebuttal2/EGCUTGTE.txt"; DoubleMatrixDataset<String, String> ds = loadDataset(egcut, gte); String proxyOut = axisdir + "/EGCUT/"; Gpio.createDir(proxyOut); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { String inexpraw = egcut; String outdir = proxyOut + "Axis" + i + "/"; Gpio.createDir(outdir); Double correlationthreshold = 0.8; String probefile = axisdir + "Axis" + i + "-arr.txt"; b1.prepareDataForCelltypeSpecificEQTLMapping(ds, inexpraw, outdir, correlationthreshold, probefile, null, null, gte, 1); } // String grng = "/Volumes/Data/Datasets/GeneticalGenomicsDatasets/BloodHT12/2015-03-26-InteractionModel/ExpressionData/ExpressionDataRaw-QNormLog2Transformed.txt.gz"; String grng = "/Data/tmp/GRNGForceNormal/ExpressionDataRaw-QNormLog2Transformed.ForcedNormal.txt.gz"; gte = null; ds = loadDataset(grng, gte); proxyOut = axisdir + "/GRNG/"; Gpio.createDir(proxyOut); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { String inexpraw = grng; String outdir = proxyOut + "Axis" + i + "/"; Gpio.createDir(outdir); Double correlationthreshold = 0.8; String probefile = axisdir + "Axis" + i + "-arr.txt"; b1.prepareDataForCelltypeSpecificEQTLMapping(ds, inexpraw, outdir, correlationthreshold, probefile, null, null, gte, 1); } } public String[] readAsArray(String f, int col) throws IOException { TextFile tf = new TextFile(f, TextFile.R); ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] lnElems = tf.readLineElems(; while (lnElems != null) { if (lnElems.length > col) { if (lnElems[col].trim().length() > 0) { s.add(lnElems[col]); } } lnElems = tf.readLineElems(; } tf.close(); return s.toArray(new String[0]); } public void rewritePleinigerAxisToArrayAddress(String dir, String annot) throws IOException { TextFile tf1 = new TextFile(annot, TextFile.R); Map<String, String> ilmnToArr = tf1.readAsHashMap(0, 1); tf1.close();; Map<String, String> ilmnToG = tf1.readAsHashMap(0, 2); tf1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { String[] list = readAsArray(dir + "Axis" + i + ".txt", 0); String[] genes = readAsArray(dir + "Axis" + i + ".txt", 1); int notfound = 0; int equalG = 0; TextFile out = new TextFile(dir + "Axis" + i + "-arr.txt", TextFile.W); for (int q = 0; q < list.length; q++) { String s = list[q]; String g = genes[q]; String arr = ilmnToArr.get(s); String gen = ilmnToG.get(s); if (g.toLowerCase().equals(gen.toLowerCase())) { equalG++; } else { System.out.println(g + "\t" + gen + "\t" + s); } if (arr == null) { notfound++; } out.writeln(arr); } out.close(); System.out.println(i + "\t" + notfound + "\t" + list.length + "\t" + equalG); } } }