Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, University of Hohenheim Department of Informations Systems 2 * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution. If not, see <> */ package hibernate; import hibernate.entities.CorpusMetaData; import hibernate.entities.DegreeOfMembership; import hibernate.entities.DocumentMetaData; import hibernate.entities.DocumentType; import hibernate.entities.DocumentVersion; import hibernate.entities.Indicator; import hibernate.entities.IndicatorType; import hibernate.entities.PhraseType; import hibernate.entities.QueryParameter; import hibernate.entities.Sentiment; import hibernate.entities.SentimentClassiferTypeEntity; import hibernate.entities.SentimentClassifierType; import hibernate.entities.SentimentFeatureType; import hibernate.entities.SentimentIndicator; import hibernate.entities.SentimentObject; import hibernate.entities.SentimentObjectType; import hibernate.entities.Url; import hibernate.entities.Website; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import jcifs.smb.SmbException; import jcifs.smb.SmbFile; import ontology.WeblogTag; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException; import utils.CifsNetworkConfig; import utils.GlobalParameters; /** * @author Lilli Gredel Class which contains the configuration and the * Initialization of hibernate */ /** * This class is ment to surve as a Facade, * which encapsulates the access and all methods to database. * To fully comply to the pattern some modifications would have to be made. * * @author lgredel * */ public class DatabaseFacade { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseFacade.class.getName()); private SessionFactory sessionFactory = null; private static Configuration configuration = null; private static DatabaseFacade singletonFacade = null; private static Properties configProperties = GlobalParameters.loadConfigFile(); private CifsNetworkConfig networkConfig = null; private static final int TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = GlobalParameters.getTRANSACTION_TIMEOUT(); private Session hibernateSession = null; private Transaction tx = null; private static HibernateConstantEntities constantEntites = null; /** * Constructor initializing Hibernate */ private DatabaseFacade() { String currentDirectoryPath = System.getProperty("user.dir"); File currentDirectory = new File(currentDirectoryPath); currentDirectory.setWritable(true); File hibernateConfigurationFile = new File(currentDirectory, "hibernate.cfg.xml");"Hibernate Config File: " + hibernateConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (hibernateConfigurationFile.isFile()) { DatabaseFacade.configuration = new Configuration().configure(hibernateConfigurationFile); this.sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); } else { log.error( "Cannot create Databaseconfiguration on file: " + hibernateConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath()); log.error("System will be exitet"); // TODO: errorMessage auslagern nach properties Datei (Sprachunabhngig) String errorMessage = "Error reading hibernate.cfg.xml"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage, errorMessage, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.exit(0); } networkConfig = CifsNetworkConfig.getINSTANCE(); } /** * @return the singleton Instance of the Databasefacade */ public static synchronized DatabaseFacade getSingletonFacade() { if (singletonFacade == null) { singletonFacade = new DatabaseFacade(); } return singletonFacade; } /** * close the hibernateSession to database, and relase the connection. * Clear the content before closing the session. * * @param the hibernateSession to close */ public static void closeDBSession(Session hibernateSession) { log.trace("Starting to close hibernateSession " + hibernateSession.hashCode()); if (hibernateSession != null) { if (hibernateSession.isConnected() && hibernateSession.isOpen()) { hibernateSession.clear(); hibernateSession.close(); } else { log.error("Cannot close hibernateSession"); } } } /** * Update the object-instance to database using hibernate. * If object is instance of DocumentMetaData initialize the Sentimentscollection. * * @param object - the instance * @throws HibernateException */ public void updateObjectToDatabase(Object object) throws HibernateException { log.trace("Starting to update Object: " + object.getClass() + " in database"); try { hibernateSession.update(object); /* * Initialize and Load the Sentiment-Collection which is in next session * used */ if (object instanceof DocumentMetaData) { Hibernate.initialize(((DocumentMetaData) object).getSentiments()); } } catch (LockAcquisitionException lockEx) { log.error("Lock on databse occured with Exception: " + lockEx.getClass().getName()); throw lockEx; } catch (HibernateException ex) { if (tx != null) { log.error("Starting rollback after updating Object: " + object); log.error(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } } /** * Either save or update the object-instance to database using hibernate. * If the persistent instance is not in database insert a new one. Otherwise * update the existing one. * * @param object * @throws HibernateException */ public void saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(Object object) throws HibernateException { int counter = 0; do { try { hibernateSession.saveOrUpdate(object); log.debug("saved or updated object: " + object.toString() + " with class " + object.getClass() + " in database with id: " + hibernateSession.getIdentifier(object)); break; } catch (LockAcquisitionException lockEx) { log.error("Lock on databse occured with Exception: " + lockEx.getClass().getName()); log.error(lockEx.getMessage()); counter++; throw lockEx; } catch (HibernateException ex) { log.error(ex.getClass().getName() + " exception occured saving object: '" + object + " with class: " + object.getClass() + "' to database." + "--> Rollback"); log.error(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } while ((counter != 0) && (counter < 5)); } /** * Create a Documenversion and the corresponding database entries, * save or update the documentversion. * * @param type - the type of the current Document, which represents the process step like 'classified', 'txt' or 'ontology' * @param file - the file Object containing the path information which will be saved in database * @param docMeta - the DocumentMetaData which the DocumentVersion belongs to. * @throws Exception */ public void createDocumentVersion(String type, File file, DocumentMetaData docMeta) throws Exception { log.debug("Start createDocumentVersion with type: " + type + " for DocumentMetaData with ID: " + docMeta.getId()); /* * reload the doument-data from db */ DocumentVersion docVersion = createDocumentVersionFKRelations(type, file); try { docVersion.setDocumentMetaData(docMeta); setOntologyURL(docVersion); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(docVersion);"UpdateObjectToDatabase finished on docMeta: " + docMeta.getId()); } catch (HibernateException hibEx) { log.error("throw HibernateException on updating documentMetadata with ID: " + docMeta.getId() + " added new documentVersion with type: " + type); log.error(hibEx.getMessage()); throw hibEx; } } /** * Set the Url information of the used Ontology for GATE processing steps * 'preprocessing' and 'classification'. * * @param docVersion - the DocumentVersion to set the used Ontology information * @throws Exception */ private void setOntologyURL(DocumentVersion docVersion) throws Exception { String docVersionDescription = docVersion.getDocumentType().getType(); if (docVersionDescription.equalsIgnoreCase("JSI-preprocessed") || docVersionDescription.equalsIgnoreCase("preprocessed") || docVersionDescription.equalsIgnoreCase("classified")) { Url ontologyURL = DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().checkOntology(); docVersion.setUrlByOntologyUrlFk(ontologyURL); } } /** * Create a new Documentversion and set the correspong URL, * which contains the path information from the file. * * @param type - the type to set of the DocumentVersion * @param file - create a DocumentVersion and corresponding relations with these file information * @return * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws SmbException */ private DocumentVersion createDocumentVersionFKRelations(String type, File file) throws MalformedURLException, SmbException { log.debug("*******Setting docVersion properties************"); DocumentVersion docVersion = new DocumentVersion(); if (file != null) { hibernate.entities.Url dbURL = setURL_FKRelation(file); log.debug("Setting URL with ID: " + dbURL.getId()); docVersion.setUrl(dbURL); log.debug("Setting documentName: " + file.getName()); docVersion.setDocumentName(file.getName()); } DocumentType docType = constantEntites.selectDocumentType(type); log.debug("Selected DocumentType with ID: " + docType.getId() + " and type: " + docType.getType()); docVersion.setDocumentType(docType); Date creationDate = new Date(); GlobalParameters.getFormat().format(creationDate); log.debug("Setting Creation Date to: " + creationDate); docVersion.setCreationDate(creationDate); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(docVersion); return docVersion; } /** * Create a new Url for this Ontology-File and save it via hibernate in database. * Save the ontology physical per JCIFS on Remote host. * * @param newOntologyVersionSmbPath - the network path to save the file * @param ontology - the ontology to save * @return * @throws Exception */ private hibernate.entities.Url setOntologyURL_FKRelation(String newOntologyVersionSmbPath, WeblogTag ontology) throws Exception { log.debug("*******Setting URL properties************"); hibernate.entities.Url dbUrl = new Url(); String ontologyName = ontology.getOnto().getName(); String owlSuffix = ".owl"; int owlSuffixLength = owlSuffix.length(); ontologyName = ontologyName.substring(0, ontologyName.lastIndexOf(owlSuffix) + owlSuffixLength); //If this file is set in networkConfig, the file has been copied via smb SmbFile smbFile = networkConfig.getCurrentSmbFile(); if (smbFile != null) { if (smbFile.getName().contains(ontologyName)) { dbUrl.setProtocol("smb://"); dbUrl.setHost(smbFile.getServer()); String completePath = smbFile.getPath(); int shareIndex = completePath.indexOf(smbFile.getShare()); shareIndex = shareIndex - 1; String path = completePath.substring(shareIndex, completePath.length()); dbUrl.setPath(path); try {;"Saved OntologyURL with ID: " + dbUrl.getId()); } catch (HibernateException hibEx) { log.error("Error adding new URL in database for ontology " + newOntologyVersionSmbPath); log.error(hibEx.getMessage()); throw hibEx; } } else { log.error("Cannot set foreign key to OntologyURL because SmbFile " + smbFile.getName() + " contains no " + owlSuffix); } } else { String errorMessage = "Current SMB-File is null -> tried to set URL with wrong newOntologyVersionSmbPath" + newOntologyVersionSmbPath; log.error(errorMessage); throw new Exception(errorMessage); } return dbUrl; } /** * Create a new Url for this file and save it to database via hibernate. * * @param file - the file which contains the Url information to save * @return the new Url database object * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws SmbException */ private hibernate.entities.Url setURL_FKRelation(File file) throws MalformedURLException, SmbException { log.debug("*******Setting URL properties************"); hibernate.entities.Url dbUrl = new Url(); //If this file is set in networkConfig, the file has been copied via smb SmbFile smbFile = networkConfig.getCurrentSmbFile(); if (smbFile != null) { if (smbFile.getName().equals(file.getName())) { dbUrl.setProtocol("smb://"); dbUrl.setHost(smbFile.getServer()); String completePath = smbFile.getPath(); int shareIndex = completePath.indexOf(smbFile.getShare()); shareIndex = shareIndex - 1; String path = completePath.substring(shareIndex, completePath.length()); dbUrl.setPath(path); } } else { String IPAdress = configProperties.getProperty("serverIP"); log.debug("Selected IPAdress for dbURL: " + IPAdress); String ip = File.separator + File.separator + File.separator + File.separator + IPAdress; String replacedFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replaceFirst(ip, ""); log.debug("Path for dbURL: " + replacedFilePath); dbUrl.setProtocol("file"); dbUrl.setHost(IPAdress); dbUrl.setPath(replacedFilePath); } try { saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(dbUrl); } catch (HibernateException hibEx) { log.error("Error adding new URL in database for file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); log.error(hibEx.getMessage()); } return dbUrl; } /** * Select from database the SentimentFeatureType, * or create a new one. * * @param currentFeatureName - use this featurename for database search * @param sentimentObjectOntologyURI - use this sentimentObjectOntologyURI for database search * @return */ public SentimentFeatureType createOrgetSF(String currentFeatureName, String sentimentObjectOntologyURI) { SentimentFeatureType type = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(SentimentFeatureType.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", currentFeatureName)); if (sentimentObjectOntologyURI != null) { crit.add(Restrictions.eq("ontologyConceptUri", sentimentObjectOntologyURI)); } crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<SentimentFeatureType> typeList = crit.list(); if (typeList.isEmpty()) { type = new SentimentFeatureType(); type.setName(currentFeatureName); type.setOntologyConceptUri(sentimentObjectOntologyURI); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(type); } else { if (typeList.size() == 1) { type = typeList.get(0);"SentimentFeatureType " + type + " exists in database. Extract first with ID: " + type.getId()); } else { int count = typeList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one feature in database with name: " + currentFeatureName); type = typeList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first id: " + type.getId()); } } return type; } /** * Select the SentimentClassifierType from this parameter * * @param classifierMethod - search for this classifierMethod in database * @param sentimentType - search for this sentimentType in database * @return the SentimentClassifierType from database search */ public SentimentClassifierType loadSentimentClassifierType(String classifierMethod, String sentimentType) { SentimentClassifierType classifierType = SentimentClassiferTypeEntity .loadSentimentClassifierType(classifierMethod, sentimentType); return classifierType; } /** * Select the PhraseType for the name of the PhraseType * * @param phraseTypeName - * @return the selected PhraseType */ public PhraseType getPhraseType(String phraseTypeName) { PhraseType phraseType = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(PhraseType.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", phraseTypeName).ignoreCase()); List<PhraseType> phraseTypeList = crit.list(); if (phraseTypeList.size() == 1) { phraseType = phraseTypeList.get(0); } else { log.error("Error extracting Phrasetype with name: " + phraseTypeName + " from Databse"); log.error("Setting phrasetype to null"); } return phraseType; } /** * @param jsiwp3ID * @return if the DocumentMetaData with the jsiwp3id exists in Database return * DocumentMetaData object from database else null */ public DocumentMetaData checkJSI_IDExists(String jsiwp3ID) throws Exception { DocumentMetaData document = null; int lockAquCounter = 0; do { try { Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(DocumentMetaData.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("jsiWp3Id", jsiwp3ID)); crit.setMaxResults(1); int level = hibernateSession.connection().getTransactionIsolation(); log.trace("TransactionIsolationLevel: " + level); hibernateSession.connection().setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED); log.trace("Startet criteria list with jsiID"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<DocumentMetaData> documentList = crit.list(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.trace("Loading JSI-ID needs: " + (end - start)); hibernateSession.connection().setTransactionIsolation(level); if (!documentList.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Resultlist of DocumentMetaData-Objects mit jsiWp3Id " + jsiwp3ID + " is not empty"); if (documentList.size() > 0) { document = documentList.get(0);"Selected documentMetaDataObject in database with ID: " + document.getId()); //document.getDocumentVersions().clear(); Set<DocumentVersion> allDocVersions = document.getDocumentVersions(); Iterator<DocumentVersion> it = allDocVersions.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DocumentVersion dv =; it.remove(); } } } else { log.debug("Resultlist of DocumentMetaData-Objects mit jsiWp3Id " + jsiwp3ID + " is empty"); } } catch (LockAcquisitionException lockAquEx) { log.error("LockAcquisitionException: occured on checkJSI_IDExists() with jsiWP3ID String: " + jsiwp3ID);"Wait and try again"); Thread.sleep(10000); lockAquCounter++; continue; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception: " + e.getClass() + " occured on checkJSI_IDExists() with jsiWP3ID String: " + jsiwp3ID); throw e; } } while (lockAquCounter > 0 && lockAquCounter < 3); return document; } /** * @param uhohID * @return if the DocumentMetaData with the id exists in Database return * DocumentMetaData object from database else null */ public DocumentMetaData checkUHOH_IDExists(String uhohID, Session hibernateSession) throws Exception { DocumentMetaData document = null; try { Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(DocumentMetaData.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("id", uhohID)); List<DocumentMetaData> documentList = crit.list(); if (!documentList.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Resultlist of DocumentMetaData-Objects with uhohID " + uhohID + " is not empty"); if (documentList.size() > 0) { document = documentList.get(0);"Selected documentMetaDataObject in database with ID: " + document.getId()); } } else { log.debug("Resultlist of DocumentMetaData-Objects mit jsiWp3Id " + uhohID + " is not empty"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception: " + e.getClass() + " occured on checkUHOH_IDExists() with uhohID String: " + uhohID); throw e; } return document; } /** * Checks the current Version of the used ontology for this run, and if the * versionInfo field changed, copy the current ontology to the shared * directory and create a new URL-Ontology Object in database * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Url checkOntology() throws Exception {"Starting to check Ontology Version"); WeblogTag ontology = WeblogTag.getInstance(); String currentOntologyVersionInfo = null; File ontologyFile = null; synchronized (ontology) { currentOntologyVersionInfo = ontology.loadVersionInfo(); ontologyFile = ontology.getOntologyFile(); } String newOntologyVersionSmbPath = null; Url ontologyURL = null; HashMap<String, Long> ontologyVersions = constantEntites.getOntologyVersionsMap(); Long ontologyURLID = ontologyVersions.get(currentOntologyVersionInfo); if (ontologyURLID != null) { ontologyURL = (Url) hibernateSession.load(Url.class, ontologyURLID); } if ((ontologyURLID == null) && (ontology != null)) { try { CifsNetworkConfig networkConfig = CifsNetworkConfig.getINSTANCE(); newOntologyVersionSmbPath = networkConfig.copyOntologyFile(ontologyFile, false); ontologyURL = setOntologyURL_FKRelation(newOntologyVersionSmbPath, ontology); ontologyURL.setVersionInfo(currentOntologyVersionInfo); constantEntites.getOntologyVersionsMap().put(ontologyURL.getVersionInfo(), ontologyURL.getId()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("Error saving Ontology as DocumentVersion: " + ontologyFile.getAbsolutePath()); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (HibernateException e) { log.error("DB-Error saving Ontology as DocumentVersion in Database: " + ontologyFile.getAbsolutePath()); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("I/O-Error on saving Ontologyfile as DocumentVersion: " + ontologyFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to new path: " + newOntologyVersionSmbPath); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } return ontologyURL; } /** * Remove all sentiments with the classifier type from current document. * * @param dbDocument * @param classifierType * @param sentimentType * @throws SQLException */ public void deleteSentimentsWithClassifierType(DocumentMetaData dbDocument, String classifierType, String sentimentType) throws SQLException { log.debug("Starting to delete sentiments with classifiertype: " + classifierType + " and sentimentType: " + sentimentType + " on Document: " + dbDocument); if (dbDocument != null) { Set<Sentiment> sentiments = dbDocument.getSentiments(); Iterator<Sentiment> it = sentiments.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Sentiment currSent = (Sentiment); SentimentClassifierType currentType = currSent.getSentimentClassifierType(); if (currentType != null) { String classifierMethod = currentType.getClassifierMethod(); String currentSentimentType = currentType.getSentimentType(); boolean classifierMethodEq = classifierMethod.equalsIgnoreCase(classifierType); boolean sentimentTypeEq = currentSentimentType.equalsIgnoreCase(sentimentType); if (classifierMethodEq && sentimentTypeEq) {"delete extracted sentiment with " + classifierType + " Method on document with ID: " + dbDocument.getId() + " and sentimentID: " + currSent.getId()); it.remove(); currSent = null; } } else {"delete extracted sentiment without SentimentClassifierType on document with ID: " + dbDocument.getId() + " and sentimentID: " + currSent.getId()); it.remove(); currSent = null; } } } } /** * Removes all DocumentVersions with the specified Type from the * docMeta-Object, and creates a new DocumentVersion with the * inputXML filedata * * @param docMeta - the current document * @param inputXML - The file containing the fileinformation to save in database * @param documentType - the corresponding type * @throws Exception */ public void updateDocumentVersionWithDocumentVersionType(DocumentMetaData docMeta, File inputXML, String documentType) throws Exception { try { Set<DocumentVersion> docVersions = docMeta.getDocumentVersions(); DocumentType searchDocType = constantEntites.selectDocumentType(documentType); if (docVersions != null) { Iterator<DocumentVersion> iter = docVersions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DocumentVersion docV = (DocumentVersion); DocumentType type = docV.getDocumentType(); String currDocType = type.getType(); if (currDocType.equals(searchDocType.getType())) { iter.remove(); } } } DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().createDocumentVersion(documentType, inputXML, docMeta); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { log.error("Cannot crate documentVersion on docMeta-Object: " + docMeta.getId()); log.error(e1.getMessage()); throw e1; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IOException happend on createDocumentVersion on docMeta-Object: " + docMeta.getId()); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error( e.getClass() + " on creating documentVersion with DocumentMetaData-Object: " + docMeta.getId()); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } /** * Check if DocumentVersion with fileName exist. * If there are old DocumentVersions with these fileName and the corresponding fileType * delete the old ones, and create a new one. * Otherwise create a new DocumentVersion for this file. * * @param file * @param fileType * @param document * @return * @throws Exception */ public DocumentMetaData updateDocumentVersionFromFileName(File file, String fileType, DocumentMetaData document) throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DocumentVersion docVersion = null; if (file != null) { docVersion = getDocumentVersionFromFileName(file); } Session hibernateSession = null; if (docVersion == null) { if (document == null) { document = new DocumentMetaData(); Date retrievalDate = new Date(); document.setRetrievalDate(retrievalDate); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(document); Long id = document.getId(); log.debug("Saved new DocumentMetaDataObject with id: '" + id + "'"); } } else { hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); if (document == null) { if (docVersion.getDocumentMetaData() != null) { document = (DocumentMetaData) hibernateSession.get(DocumentMetaData.class, docVersion.getDocumentMetaData().getId()); } if (document == null) { document = new DocumentMetaData(); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(document); Long id = document.getId(); log.debug("Saved new DocumentMetaDataObject with id: '" + id + "' and docVersion: '" + docVersion.getId() + "'"); } } } if (hibernateSession == null || !hibernateSession.isOpen()) { hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); } /* * delete current DocumentVersion with the corresponding Type */ Set<DocumentVersion> docVersionsSet = document.getDocumentVersions(); Iterator<DocumentVersion> it = docVersionsSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DocumentVersion currentDocVersion = (DocumentVersion); DocumentType currentType = (DocumentType) hibernateSession.load(DocumentType.class, currentDocVersion.getDocumentType().getId()); DocumentType searchfileType = constantEntites.selectDocumentType(fileType); if (currentType.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(searchfileType.getType())) { log.debug("Remove DocumentVersion with Type: " + searchfileType + "and ID: " + currentDocVersion.getId() + " from DocumentMetaDataobject: " + document.getId()); it.remove(); } } document.setDocumentVersions(docVersionsSet); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(document); try { this.createDocumentVersion(fileType, file, document); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { log.error("Cannot crate documentVersion on documentMetaData-Object: " + document.getId()); log.error(e1.getMessage()); throw e1; } catch (IOException e) { log.error( "IOException happend on createDocumentVersion on documentMetaData-Object: " + document.getId()); log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (HibernateException hibex) { log.error("Hibernateexception on creating DocumentVersion documentMetaData-Object: " + document.getId() + " and fileType: " + fileType); log.error(hibex.getMessage()); } return document; } /** * Extract the DocumentVersion from an existing Filename * * @param file * @return */ private DocumentVersion getDocumentVersionFromFileName(File file) { Class searchClass = DocumentVersion.class; DocumentVersion docVersion = null; Session hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(searchClass); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("documentName", file.getName())); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<DocumentVersion> results = crit.list(); if (results.size() >= 1) { docVersion = results.get(0);"DocumentVersion with documentName: " + file.getName() + " exists with ID: " + docVersion.getId()); } return docVersion; } /** * Extract the ontologyConceptUri from String, and * select a SentimentObjectType from database. * Update changes to database. * * @param objectTypeDescription * @return - the selected SentimentObjectType or a new Instance * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public SentimentObjectType getSentimentObjectType(String objectTypeDescription) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { SentimentObjectType type = null; URL ontologyUrl = new URL(objectTypeDescription); String soName = ontologyUrl.toURI().getFragment(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(SentimentObjectType.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("ontologyConceptUri", objectTypeDescription)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<SentimentObjectType> currentObjectTypeList = crit.list(); if (currentObjectTypeList.size() >= 1) { type = currentObjectTypeList.get(0); } else {"There are no SentimentObjectType in Database with name: " + objectTypeDescription); type = new SentimentObjectType(); type.setName(soName); type.setOntologyConceptUri(objectTypeDescription); try { DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(type);"Added new ObjectType with name: " + objectTypeDescription + " sucessfully"); } catch (HibernateException ex) { log.error("Cannot save new ObjectType with name: " + objectTypeDescription + "in Database."); log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } return type; } /** * Select a SentimentObjectType from database with existing objectTypeName. * Update changes to database. * * @param objectTypeName * @return the selected SentimentObjectType or a new Instance * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public SentimentObjectType getSentimentObjectTypeFromName(String objectTypeName) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { SentimentObjectType type = null; String soName = objectTypeName; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(SentimentObjectType.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", objectTypeName)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<SentimentObjectType> currentObjectTypeList = crit.list(); if (currentObjectTypeList.size() >= 1) { type = currentObjectTypeList.get(0); } else {"There are no SentimentObjectType in Database with name: " + objectTypeName); type = new SentimentObjectType(); type.setName(soName); type.setOntologyConceptUri(objectTypeName); try { DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(type);"Added new ObjectType with name: " + objectTypeName + " sucessfully"); } catch (HibernateException ex) { log.error("Cannot save new ObjectType with name: " + objectTypeName + "in Database."); log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } return type; } /** * Select a SentimentObject from database with current objectTypeName and ontologyURI. * Update changes to database. * * @param sot - the SentimentObjectType to identify in database * @param sentimentObjectName - the name of the SentimentObject to identify * @param sentimentObjectOntologyURI - the ontologyURI to identify * @return If exists, the selected SentimentObject otherwise a new instance */ public SentimentObject createOrgetSO(SentimentObjectType sot, String sentimentObjectName, String sentimentObjectOntologyURI) { SentimentObject sentimentObject = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(SentimentObject.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", sentimentObjectName)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("ontologyConceptUri", sentimentObjectOntologyURI)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<SentimentObject> typeList = crit.list(); if (typeList.isEmpty()) { sentimentObject = new SentimentObject(); sentimentObject.setSentimentObjectType(sot); sentimentObject.setName(sentimentObjectName); sentimentObject.setOntologyConceptUri(sentimentObjectOntologyURI); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(sentimentObject); } else { if (typeList.size() == 1) { sentimentObject = typeList.get(0);"SentimentObject " + sentimentObject + " exists in database. Extract with ID: " + sentimentObject.getId()); } else { int count = typeList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one sentiment Object in database with name: " + sentimentObjectName + " and ontologyConceptURI: " + sentimentObjectOntologyURI); sentimentObject = typeList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first id: " + sentimentObject.getId()); } } return (sentimentObject); } /** * Creates a new IndicatorType from string-representation in database * * @param indicatortype * @return the new instance of the IndicatorType-object */ public IndicatorType createIndicatorType(String indicatortype) { IndicatorType type = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(IndicatorType.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", indicatortype)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<IndicatorType> typeList = crit.list(); if (typeList.isEmpty()) { type = new IndicatorType(); type.setName(indicatortype); DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(type); } else { if (typeList.size() == 1) { type = typeList.get(0);"IndicatorType " + type + " exists in database. Extract first with ID: " + type.getId()); } else { int count = typeList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one Indicatortypes in database with name: " + indicatortype); type = typeList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first indicatorId: " + type.getId()); } } return type; } /** * Select a Indicator from database with indicatorname and indicatorURI. * Update changes to database. * * @param indicatorname * @param indicatorURI * @return If exists, the selected Indicator otherwise a new instance */ public Indicator createIndicatorConcept(String indicatorname, String indicatorURI) { Indicator indicator = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(Indicator.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("indicatorName", indicatorname)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("ontologyConceptUri", indicatorURI)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<Indicator> typeList = crit.list(); if (typeList.isEmpty()) { indicator = new Indicator(); indicator.setIndicatorName(indicatorname); indicator.setOntologyConceptUri(indicatorURI); DatabaseFacade.getSingletonFacade().saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(indicator); } else { if (typeList.size() == 1) { indicator = typeList.get(0);"Indicator " + indicator.getIndicatorName() + " exists in database. Extract with ID: " + indicator.getId()); } else { int count = typeList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one Indicators in database with name: " + indicatorname + " and ontologyConceptURI: " + indicatorURI); indicator = typeList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first id: " + indicator.getId()); } } return indicator; } /** * Select a SentimentIndicator from database with the parameter. * Update changes to database. * * @param indicatorname - the name of theSentiment indicator * @param indicatorCorrelation - the correlation of the Sentimentindicator * @param indicatorScore - the score of the Sentimentindicator * @param inditype - the type of the Sentimentindicator * @param indicatorConcept - the ontolog-url of the Sentimentindicator * * @return If exists, the selected SentimentIndicator otherwise a new instance */ public SentimentIndicator createOrgetSentimentIndicator(String indicatorname, int indicatorCorrelation, Long indicatorScore, IndicatorType inditype, Indicator indicatorConcept) { SentimentIndicator sentimentIndicator = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(SentimentIndicator.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", indicatorname)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("indicatorType", inditype)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("indicator", indicatorConcept)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("indicatorScore", indicatorScore)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("correlationDefinition", indicatorCorrelation)); List<SentimentIndicator> typeList = crit.list(); if (typeList.isEmpty()) { sentimentIndicator = new SentimentIndicator(); sentimentIndicator.setName(indicatorname); sentimentIndicator.setCorrelationDefinition(indicatorCorrelation); sentimentIndicator.setIndicatorScore(indicatorScore); sentimentIndicator.setIndicatorType(inditype); sentimentIndicator.setIndicator(indicatorConcept); saveOrUpdateObjectToDatabase(sentimentIndicator); } else { if (typeList.size() == 1) { sentimentIndicator = typeList.get(0);"Indicator " + sentimentIndicator.getName() + " exists in database. Extract with ID: " + sentimentIndicator.getId()); } else { int count = typeList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one SentimentIndicators in database with " + "name: " + indicatorname + " and indicatorType with ID: " + inditype.getId() + " and indicator with ID: " + indicatorConcept.getId() + " and indicatorScore: " + indicatorScore + " and correlationDefinition " + indicatorCorrelation); sentimentIndicator = typeList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first id: " + sentimentIndicator.getId()); } } return sentimentIndicator; } /** * Select a DegreeOfMembership from database with the parameter. * * @param databaseLabelName * @return */ public DegreeOfMembership loadDegreeOfMemberShip(String databaseLabelName) { DegreeOfMembership doM = null; Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(DegreeOfMembership.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("label", databaseLabelName).ignoreCase()); List<DegreeOfMembership> domList = crit.list(); if (domList.size() == 1) { doM = domList.get(0); } else { if (domList.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Degree of Membership List is empty for initializing"); log.debug("Insert DOM-Table Values manually. System will exit now"); System.exit(111); } else { int count = domList.size() - 1; log.debug("There are " + count + " more than one DegreeOfMemberships in database with " + "label: " + databaseLabelName); doM = domList.get(0); log.debug("Setting to first id: " + doM.getId()); } } return doM; } /** * Check if the corpus already exists in Database * * @param corpusName - the name of the corpus * * @return Corpus or null if not exists */ public CorpusMetaData checkCorpusExists(String corpusName) { CorpusMetaData corpus = null; Session hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(CorpusMetaData.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("corpusName", corpusName)); List<CorpusMetaData> results = crit.list(); Iterator<CorpusMetaData> it = results.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { corpus = (CorpusMetaData); } return corpus; } /** * Select a QueryParameter from database with the parameter. * Update changes to database. * * @param queryDate * @param querySentimentObject * @param querySite * @return If exists, the selected QueryParameter otherwise a new instance */ public QueryParameter checkQueryParameterExists(Date queryDate, String querySentimentObject, String querySite) { QueryParameter queryPar = null; Session hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(QueryParameter.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("queryDate", queryDate)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("querySentimentObject", querySentimentObject)); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("querySite", querySite)); List<QueryParameter> results = crit.list(); if (results.isEmpty()) { queryPar = new QueryParameter(); queryPar.setQueryDate(queryDate); queryPar.setQuerySentimentObject(querySentimentObject); queryPar.setQuerySite(querySite); } else { queryPar = results.get(0);"QueryParameter exists - loaded from database: " + queryPar.getId()); } return queryPar; } /** * Select if the {@link DocumentMetaData} url and the queryDate in database exists and * * @param htmlURL - the url-homepage to select * @param currentQueryDate - the queryDate to select * @return if the html-site exists in Database return DocumentMetaData object * else null */ public DocumentMetaData checkHtmlUrlExists(String htmlURL, Date currentQueryDate) { DocumentMetaData document = null; Session hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(DocumentMetaData.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("url", htmlURL)); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); List<DocumentMetaData> documentList = crit.list(); if (!documentList.isEmpty()) { if (documentList.size() == 1) { document = documentList.get(0);"Current html-site exists in database on document with id: " + document.getId()); Date existingQueryDate = document.getQueryParameter().getQueryDate(); /* * If the publication date of the article from db equals querydate from * db than do nothing */ if (!document.getPublicationDate().equals(existingQueryDate)) { /* * If publication date from db is equals or less than the * currentQuerydate set the db querydate to currentquerydate */ if (document.getPublicationDate().compareTo(currentQueryDate) <= 0) { document.getQueryParameter().setQueryDate(currentQueryDate); } } } } return document; } /** * Delete object from database * * @param object */ public void deleteObjectOnDatabase(Object object) { int counter = 0; while (counter < 3) { Session hibernateSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); tx = hibernateSession.beginTransaction(); hibernateSession.delete(object); tx.commit(); counter = 3; log.debug("Delete object on database: " + object + " sucessfully"); } catch (LockAcquisitionException lockEx) { log.error("Lock on databse occured with Exception: " + lockEx.getClass().getName()); try { Thread.sleep(100); counter++; log.error("Try again " + counter); continue; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (HibernateException ex) { log.error("Cannot delete object: " + object + " on database"); log.error(ex.getMessage()); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); throw ex; } } } } /** * Select the website with url-parameter from database * @param url * @return The found website */ public Website checkWebSiteExists(String url) { Website site = null; Session hibernateSession = getHibernateSession(); Criteria crit = hibernateSession.createCriteria(Website.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("url", url)); List<Website> resultList = crit.list(); if (resultList.size() > 0) { site = resultList.get(0); } return site; } public HibernateConstantEntities getConstantEntites() { return constantEntites; } public void setConstantEntites(HibernateConstantEntities constantEntites) { this.constantEntites = constantEntites; } /** * Start database transaction * @throws SQLException */ public void startTransaction() throws SQLException { tx = hibernateSession.getTransaction(); tx.setTimeout(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT); tx.begin(); log.trace("Transaction startet with hashcode: " + tx.hashCode()); } /** * * @return a new Database Session */ public Session openSession() { Session hibSession = sessionFactory.openSession(); return hibSession; } public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } public Session getHibernateSession() { return hibernateSession; } public void setHibernateSession(Session hibernateSession) { this.hibernateSession = hibernateSession; if (hibernateSession != null) { constantEntites = HibernateConstantEntities.getINSTANCE(); } } public Transaction getTx() { return tx; } public void setTx(Transaction tx) { this.tx = tx; } }