Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2008 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package herbie.running.analysis; import herbie.running.population.algorithms.AbstractClassifiedFrequencyAnalysis; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.Frequency; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.StatUtils; import org.apache.commons.math.util.ResizableDoubleArray; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Person; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Population; /** * Calculates average trip durations by mode. * * @author meisterk * */ public class CalcLegTimesKTI extends AbstractClassifiedFrequencyAnalysis implements PersonDepartureEventHandler, PersonArrivalEventHandler, ActivityStartEventHandler, ActivityEndEventHandler { private Population population = null; private final TreeMap<Id, Double> agentDepartures = new TreeMap<Id, Double>(); private TreeMap<Id, Boolean> agentPerformsPtInteraction = new TreeMap<Id, Boolean>(); private TreeMap<Id, Boolean> agentPerformsAnyPt = new TreeMap<Id, Boolean>(); private TreeMap<Id, Double> ptPerformingTime = new TreeMap<Id, Double>(); private String standardPtMode = "standardPt"; private String onlyPtWalk = "onlyPtWalk"; private ArrayList<Id> agentsPerformingAnyPt = new ArrayList<Id>(); private ArrayList<Id> agentsPerformingPtInteraction = new ArrayList<Id>(); private TreeMap<Id, Id> agentStartingLinkId = new TreeMap<Id, Id>(); private boolean timeWindowIsSet = false; private double startTime; private double endTime; public CalcLegTimesKTI(Population pop, PrintStream out) { super(out); this.population = pop; } @Override public void handleEvent(PersonDepartureEvent event) { this.agentDepartures.put(event.getPersonId(), event.getTime()); this.agentStartingLinkId.put(event.getPersonId(), event.getLinkId()); } @Override public void reset(int iteration) { this.rawData.clear(); this.frequencies.clear(); } @Override public void handleEvent(PersonArrivalEvent event) { Double depTime = this.agentDepartures.remove(event.getPersonId()); Person agent = this.population.getPersons().get(event.getPersonId()); if (depTime != null && agent != null) { Id personId = event.getPersonId(); double travelTime = event.getTime() - depTime; String mode = event.getLegMode(); if (mode.equals("transit_walk") || mode.equals("pt")) { this.agentPerformsAnyPt.put(personId, true); if (this.ptPerformingTime.containsKey(personId)) { travelTime = travelTime + this.ptPerformingTime.get(personId); } this.ptPerformingTime.put(personId, travelTime); } else { Frequency frequency = null; ResizableDoubleArray rawData = null; if (!this.frequencies.containsKey(mode)) { frequency = new Frequency(); this.frequencies.put(mode, frequency); rawData = new ResizableDoubleArray(); this.rawData.put(mode, rawData); } else { frequency = this.frequencies.get(mode); rawData = this.rawData.get(mode); } if (travelTime >= 0.0 && eventIsInTimeWindow(event.getTime())) { frequency.addValue(travelTime); rawData.addElement(travelTime); } } } } public TreeMap<String, Double> getAverageTripDurationsByMode() { TreeMap<String, Double> averageTripDurations = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); for (String mode : this.rawData.keySet()) { averageTripDurations.put(mode, StatUtils.mean(this.rawData.get(mode).getElements())); } return averageTripDurations; } public double getAverageOverallTripDuration() { double overallTripDuration = 0.0; int overallNumTrips = 0; for (String mode : this.rawData.keySet()) { overallTripDuration += StatUtils.sum(this.rawData.get(mode).getElements()); overallNumTrips += this.rawData.get(mode).getNumElements(); } return (overallTripDuration / overallNumTrips); } @Override public void run(Person person) { // not used } // This used to listen to ActivityEvents, which were ActivityStartEvent and ActivityEndEvent. // So I assume this sould be executed for ActivityStartEvents and ActivityEndEvents, although it seems // strange. michaz 2012 @Override public void handleEvent(ActivityStartEvent event) { if (event.getActType().equals("pt interaction")) { this.agentPerformsPtInteraction.put(event.getPersonId(), true); } else { if (this.agentPerformsAnyPt.containsKey(event.getPersonId())) { Id personId = event.getPersonId(); double time = event.getTime(); handleActivityStartOrEnd(personId, time); } } } @Override public void handleEvent(ActivityEndEvent event) { if (event.getActType().equals("pt interaction")) { this.agentPerformsPtInteraction.put(event.getPersonId(), true); } else { if (this.agentPerformsAnyPt.containsKey(event.getPersonId())) { Id personId = event.getPersonId(); double time = event.getTime(); handleActivityStartOrEnd(personId, time); } } } private void handleActivityStartOrEnd(Id personId, double time) { String mode; if (this.agentPerformsPtInteraction.containsKey(personId)) { mode = standardPtMode; } else { mode = onlyPtWalk; } Frequency frequency = null; ResizableDoubleArray rawData = null; if (!this.frequencies.containsKey(mode)) { frequency = new Frequency(); this.frequencies.put(mode, frequency); rawData = new ResizableDoubleArray(); this.rawData.put(mode, rawData); } else { frequency = this.frequencies.get(mode); rawData = this.rawData.get(mode); } if (this.ptPerformingTime.get(personId) >= 0.0 && eventIsInTimeWindow(time)) { frequency.addValue(this.ptPerformingTime.get(personId)); rawData.addElement(this.ptPerformingTime.get(personId)); } this.agentPerformsAnyPt.remove(personId); this.agentPerformsPtInteraction.remove(personId); this.ptPerformingTime.remove(personId); } private boolean eventIsInTimeWindow(double time) { if (!timeWindowIsSet) return true; if (time > startTime && time < endTime) return true; else return false; } public void setTimeWindow(double startTime, double endTime) { this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; this.timeWindowIsSet = true; } }