hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.common.util.ByteBufUtils.java Source code

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Here is the source code for hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.common.util.ByteBufUtils.java


 * HellFirePvP / Astral Sorcery 2017
 * This project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
 * The source code is available on github: https://github.com/HellFirePvP/AstralSorcery
 * For further details, see the License file there.

package hellfirepvp.astralsorcery.common.util;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.network.PacketBuffer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.util.UUID;

 * This class is part of the Astral Sorcery Mod
 * The complete source code for this mod can be found on github.
 * Class: ByteBufUtils
 * Created by HellFirePvP
 * Date: 07.05.2016 / 01:13
public class ByteBufUtils {

    public static void writeUUID(ByteBuf buf, UUID uuid) {

    public static UUID readUUID(ByteBuf buf) {
        return new UUID(buf.readLong(), buf.readLong());

    public static void writeString(PacketBuffer buf, String toWrite) {
        byte[] str = toWrite.getBytes();

    public static void writeString(ByteBuf buf, String toWrite) {
        byte[] str = toWrite.getBytes();

    public static String readString(PacketBuffer buf) {
        int length = buf.readInt();
        byte[] strBytes = new byte[length];
        buf.readBytes(strBytes, 0, length);
        return new String(strBytes);

    public static String readString(ByteBuf buf) {
        int length = buf.readInt();
        byte[] strBytes = new byte[length];
        buf.readBytes(strBytes, 0, length);
        return new String(strBytes);

    public static void writePos(ByteBuf buf, BlockPos pos) {

    public static BlockPos readPos(ByteBuf buf) {
        int x = buf.readInt();
        int y = buf.readInt();
        int z = buf.readInt();
        return new BlockPos(x, y, z);

    public static void writeItemStack(ByteBuf byteBuf, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
        boolean defined = !stack.isEmpty();
        if (defined) {
            NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
            writeNBTTag(byteBuf, tag);

    public static ItemStack readItemStack(ByteBuf byteBuf) {
        boolean defined = byteBuf.readBoolean();
        if (defined) {
            return new ItemStack(readNBTTag(byteBuf));
        } else {
            return ItemStack.EMPTY;

    public static void writeFluidStack(ByteBuf byteBuf, @Nullable FluidStack stack) {
        boolean defined = stack != null;
        if (defined) {
            NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
            writeNBTTag(byteBuf, tag);

    public static FluidStack readFluidStack(ByteBuf byteBuf) {
        boolean defined = byteBuf.readBoolean();
        if (defined) {
            return FluidStack.loadFluidStackFromNBT(readNBTTag(byteBuf));
        } else {
            return null;

    public static void writeNBTTag(ByteBuf byteBuf, @Nonnull NBTTagCompound tag) {
        try (DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new ByteBufOutputStream(byteBuf))) {
            CompressedStreamTools.write(tag, dos);
        } catch (Exception exc) {

    public static NBTTagCompound readNBTTag(ByteBuf byteBuf) {
        try (DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteBufInputStream(byteBuf))) {
            return CompressedStreamTools.read(dis);
        } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load NBT Tag from incoming byte buffer!");
