Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package hedicim; import static hedicim.Const.stat_cells; import static hedicim.HEDICIM.dic_scorers; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; /** * * @author kuryfs */ public class Patient { static int hedicim_id_count = 1; static Map<String, Patient> map = new HashMap<>(); static Map<Integer, List<Patient>> subject_id_map = new HashMap<>(); static Map<Integer, Patient> icustay_map = new HashMap<>(); String stat_cells_content[]; boolean eligible = false; long eligibility_begin = -1; EnumMap<DICSS, DICScore> has_1_day_dic; EnumMap<DICSS, DICScore> has_4_day_dic; EVENT evt_t0; EVENT sofa_1_day, sofa_4_day; EVENT saps_1_day, saps_4_day; EVENT fibrinogen_1_day, fibrinogen_4_day; EVENT procalcitonin_1_day, procalcitonin_4_day; EnumMap<DICSS, Map<Integer, List<DICPeriod>>> dic_periods; List<EVENT> events = new ArrayList<>(); String origin_id = ""; DATA_SOURCE data_source = DATA_SOURCE.UNKNOWN; int subject_id = 0; List<Float> icd9s = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long[]> heparin_periods = new ArrayList<>(); Set<ICUStay> icustays = new HashSet<>(); long icustay_total_los = 0; long icustay_subject_total_num; long hospital_los = 0; boolean has_dic = false; boolean age_group = Const.AGE_GROUP_NEONATE; boolean received_heparin = false; boolean received_lmwh = false; boolean died_early = false; String hospital_expire = null; int sapsi_min = 0, sapsi_max = 0; int sofa_min = 0, sofa_max = 0; Date admit_dt, disch_dt; long dod; long ts_first_adm_of_hep_or_lmwh = 0; long ts_first_dic_event = 0; long ts_first_medication_is_relevant_event; // This is used to trim medication events to the proximity of DIC or near-DIC events long ts_last_medication_is_relevant_event; // This is used to trim medication events to the proximity of DIC or near-DIC events String gender = "X"; int age_on_admit = 0; Patient(DATA_SOURCE _data_source, String _origin_id) { origin_id = _origin_id; map.put(origin_id, this); data_source = _data_source; dic_periods = new EnumMap<>(DICSS.class); has_1_day_dic = new EnumMap<>(DICSS.class); has_4_day_dic = new EnumMap<>(DICSS.class); stat_cells_content = new String[stat_cells.length]; } static void mapSubjectID(Patient patient) { if (!subject_id_map.containsKey(patient.subject_id)) subject_id_map.put(patient.subject_id, new ArrayList<>()); ((List<Patient>) subject_id_map.get(patient.subject_id)).add(patient); } void addICUStay(ICUStay icustay) { icustays.add(icustay); icustay_map.put(, this); } EVENT findEventByTimeDistance(long ts, ITEMID itemid) { return findEventByTimeWindowCenter( ts > Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW ? (ts - Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW) : 0, ts + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW, itemid); } EVENT findEventByTimeWindowCenter(long ts_start_inclusive, long ts_end_exclusive, ITEMID itemid) { EVENT retval = null; long diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; long ts = (ts_end_exclusive - ts_start_inclusive) / 2 + ts_start_inclusive; for (int j = events.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { EVENT event = events.get(j); long evt_ts = event.CHARTTIME.getTime(); if (evt_ts > ts_end_exclusive) continue; if (evt_ts > ts) { if (event.ITEMID == itemid.value && evt_ts - ts < diff) { retval = event; diff = evt_ts - ts; } } else { if (ts_start_inclusive > evt_ts) break; if (event.ITEMID == itemid.value && ts - evt_ts < diff) { retval = event; diff = ts - evt_ts; } } } return retval; } EVENT findEventByTimeWindow(long ts, long ts_start_inclusive, long ts_end_exclusive, ITEMID itemid) { EVENT retval = null; long diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int j = events.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { EVENT event = events.get(j); long evt_ts = event.CHARTTIME.getTime(); if (evt_ts > ts_end_exclusive) continue; if (evt_ts > ts) { if (event.ITEMID == itemid.value && evt_ts - ts < diff) { retval = event; diff = evt_ts - ts; } } else { if (ts_start_inclusive > evt_ts) break; if (event.ITEMID == itemid.value && ts - evt_ts < diff) { retval = event; diff = ts - evt_ts; } } } return retval; } void removeLabEventsNearDeath(long nearness_window) { if (dod == 0) return; for (Iterator it = events.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EVENT labe = (EVENT); if (labe.CHARTTIME.getTime() > dod - nearness_window) // Ignore all DIC events too close to death. it.remove(); } } void alignTimestampsToHospitalAdmission() { for (EVENT event : events) event.CHARTTIME = new Date(event.CHARTTIME.getTime() - admit_dt.getTime()); //if(dod != 0) // dod = dod-admit_dt.getTime(); } void sortEvents() { Collections.sort(events, new Comparator<EVENT>() { @Override public int compare(EVENT l1, EVENT l2) { if (l1.CHARTTIME.getTime() > l2.CHARTTIME.getTime()) return 1; if (l1.CHARTTIME.getTime() < l2.CHARTTIME.getTime()) return -1; return 0; } }); } Map<ITEMID, EVENT> mapEventsBeforePointInList(int i) { // Find the most recent lab of each type inside the time window long timestamp = events.get(i).CHARTTIME.getTime(); Map<ITEMID, EVENT> events_map = new HashMap<>(); // Inside the time window get the most recent lab event of each type. for (int j = i; j >= 0 && timestamp - events.get(j).CHARTTIME.getTime() <= Const.LAB_TIME_WINDOW; j--) { // In here we're restricted to the LAB_TIME_WINDOW. // Get the most recent EVENT of each type. EVENT labe = events.get(j); if (!events_map.containsKey(labe.ITEMID)) events_map.put(Const.value_map.get(labe.ITEMID), labe); } return events_map; } int fastForwardToSameTimestamp(int i) { for (int f = i + 1; f < events.size(); f++) { if (events.get(f).CHARTTIME.getTime() < events.get(i).CHARTTIME.getTime()) { // This never happened, because the EVENTS are sorted by CHARTTIME. // But, just in case something happens in the future, I've left this 'if' here. System.out.println("Big exception in generateSIRSEvents() at origin_id=" + origin_id + ", f=" + f + ", i=" + i + "."); } if (events.get(f).CHARTTIME.getTime() != events.get(i).CHARTTIME.getTime()) break; else i = f; } return i; } void generateSIRSEvents() { // NOTICE: The constants remove the magic numbers from this function, but not the magic // operators. The calculator defined by the ISTH requires correct use of >, >=, < and <=. List<EVENT> events_to_add = new ArrayList<>(); // Iterate through the lab tests, get the worst-case lab test of each type in case of duplicates for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) { // Fast-foward to all events charted at the same time. This often is the case. i = fastForwardToSameTimestamp(i); SIRSScore sirs_score = SIRSScore.calculateSIRSScore(mapEventsBeforePointInList(i)); = events.get(i).CHARTTIME; if (sirs_score.score > 0d) { events_to_add.add(new EVENT(ITEMID.HEDICIM_SIRS.value,, Double.toString(sirs_score.score), (float) sirs_score.score.intValue(), null, null)); if (!eligible) if (sirs_score.score >= 2d) { EVENT evt = findEventByTimeDistance(, ITEMID.Overall_SOFA_Score); if (evt != null) if (evt.VALUENUM >= 3) { eligible = true; eligibility_begin =; } } } } events.addAll(events_to_add); sortEvents(); } void generatePlateletReductionEvents() { boolean needs_to_add_and_resort = false; List<EVENT> events_to_add = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) { if (events.get(i).ITEMID != ITEMID.PLATELET.value) continue; // Platelet count found. EVENT eventi = events.get(i); // Now look back up to 24 hours. boolean n30p_reduction_found = false; for (int h = i - 1; h >= 0 && events.get(i).CHARTTIME.getTime() - events.get(h).CHARTTIME.getTime() > Const.N24H_IN_MILLISECONDS; h--) { if (!Objects.equals(events.get(h).ITEMID, ITEMID.PLATELET.value)) continue; // Platelet count previous to i found. EVENT eventh = events.get(h); // Check if there was a reduction from h to i. if (eventi.VALUENUM < eventh.VALUENUM * (1f - 0.5f)) { // 50% reduction // Found 50% reduction. // Create an event with the previous higher value, special ITEMID, but the time of when the reduction was noticed. EVENT n50p_reduction = new EVENT(eventh); n50p_reduction.ITEMID = ITEMID.HEDICIM_PLATELET_COUNT_50P_REDUCTION.value; n50p_reduction.CHARTTIME = new Date(eventi.CHARTTIME.getTime()); events_to_add.add(n50p_reduction); needs_to_add_and_resort = true; break; // Stop looking for more reductions in comparison to eventi } if (!n30p_reduction_found && eventi.VALUENUM < eventh.VALUENUM * (1f - 0.3f)) { // 30% reduction // Found 30% reduction. // Create an event with the previous higher value, special ITEMID, but the time of when the reduction was noticed. EVENT n30p_reduction = new EVENT(eventh); n30p_reduction.ITEMID = ITEMID.HEDICIM_PLATELET_COUNT_30P_REDUCTION.value; n30p_reduction.CHARTTIME = new Date(eventi.CHARTTIME.getTime()); n30p_reduction_found = true; // Stop looking for 30% reductions. events_to_add.add(n30p_reduction); needs_to_add_and_resort = true; } } } if (needs_to_add_and_resort) { events.addAll(events_to_add); sortEvents(); } } void setStatCell(String stat_cell, String value) { stat_cells_content[Arrays.asList(stat_cells).indexOf(stat_cell)] = value; } static final float icd9s_for_sepsis[] = { 785.52f, // SEPTIC SHOCK -- 1064 HADM_IDs in MIMIC-II }; // In the intervals below, beginnings are inclusive, endings are exclusive. static final float icd9_intervals_for_sepsis[][] = { { 995.9f, 996f }, // Sepsis: 2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 995.91 { 038f, 039f }, // SEPTICEMIA -- 3309 HADM_IDs in MIMIC-II. }; void makeStatCell(Row row, String stat_cell) { int index = Arrays.asList(stat_cells).indexOf(stat_cell); Cell cell = row.createCell(index); /*if(stat_cells_content[index] != null) { cell.setCellValue(stat_cells_content[index]); return; }*/ sortEvents(); EVENT evt; switch (stat_cell) { case "eligible": cell.setCellValue(eligible); break; case "id": cell.setCellValue(origin_id); break; case "age": cell.setCellValue(age_on_admit); break; case "gender": cell.setCellValue(gender); break; case "icd9": if (icd9s != null && icd9s.size() > 0) cell.setCellValue(icd9s.get(0)); break; case "SOFA peak": cell.setCellValue(sofa_max); break; case "SAPSI max": cell.setCellValue(sapsi_max); break; case "MODS day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.Overall_SOFA_Score); if (evt != null) { if (evt.VALUENUM >= 12) cell.setCellValue(true); else cell.setCellValue(false); } break; case "MODS day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.Overall_SOFA_Score); if (evt != null) { if (evt.VALUENUM >= 12) cell.setCellValue(true); else cell.setCellValue(false); } break; case "SOFA score day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.Overall_SOFA_Score); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "SOFA score day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.Overall_SOFA_Score); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "jaam score day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_JAAM); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "jaam score day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_JAAM); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "isth score day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_ISTH); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "isth score day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_ISTH); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "jmhw score day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_JMHW); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "jmhw score day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_JMHW); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "ksth score day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_KSTH); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "ksth score day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.DIC_SCORE_KSTH); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "deceased within 28 days": if (dod != 0 && eligibility_begin != -1 && dod > eligibility_begin && dod <= Const.EARLY_DEATH_TIME_WINDOW + eligibility_begin) cell.setCellValue(true); else cell.setCellValue(false); break; case "deceased within 1 year": if (dod != 0 && eligibility_begin != -1 && dod > eligibility_begin && dod <= (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 365L) + eligibility_begin) cell.setCellValue(true); else cell.setCellValue(false); break; case "received heparin": cell.setCellValue(received_heparin | received_lmwh); break; case "total hospital los": cell.setCellValue(hospital_los); break; case "total icu los": cell.setCellValue(icustay_total_los); case "fibrinogen day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.FIBRINOGEN); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); // TO DO break; case "fibrinogen day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.FIBRINOGEN); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "saps1 day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.SAPSI); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "saps1 day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.SAPSI); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "sirs day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.HEDICIM_SIRS); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "sirs day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.HEDICIM_SIRS); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUENUM); break; case "T0": if (eligibility_begin != -1) cell.setCellValue(eligibility_begin / 1000d * 60d * 60d); break; case "DIC day 1": { boolean found_dic = false; for (DICScorer dics : dic_scorers.values()) { evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, dics.getITEMID()); if (evt != null) if (evt.VALUENUM >= dics.getDiagnosticScore(this)) { found_dic = true; break; } } cell.setCellValue(found_dic); break; } case "DIC day 4": { boolean found_dic = false; for (DICScorer dics : dic_scorers.values()) { evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, dics.getITEMID()); if (evt != null) if (evt.VALUENUM >= dics.getDiagnosticScore(this)) { found_dic = true; break; } } cell.setCellValue(found_dic); break; } case "has any DIC": cell.setCellValue(has_dic); break; // case "lactate day 1": // evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.LACTATE); // if(evt != null) // cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); // break; // case "lactate day 4": // evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin+Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW*3, ITEMID.LACTATE); // if(evt != null) // cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); // break; case "pt day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.PT); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); case "pt day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.PT); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "aptt day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.APTT); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "aptt day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.APTT); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "fdp day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.FDP); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "fdp day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.FDP); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "platelets day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.PLATELET); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "platelets day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.PLATELET); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "pt-inr day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.PT_INR); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "pt-inr day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.PT_INR); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "d-dimer day 1": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin, ITEMID.D_DIMER); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "d-dimer day 4": evt = findEventByTimeDistance(eligibility_begin + Const.STANDARD_DISTANCE_WINDOW * 3, ITEMID.D_DIMER); if (evt != null) cell.setCellValue(evt.VALUE); break; case "has malignancy": break; case "has ICD9 for DIC": cell.setCellValue(ISTHDICScorer.hasConditionAssociatedWithDIC(this)); break; case "has ICD9 for sepsis": cell.setCellValue(false); for (float icd9 : icd9s) { for (float icd9_for_sepsis : icd9s_for_sepsis) if (icd9 == icd9_for_sepsis) { cell.setCellValue(true); break; } for (float[] interval : icd9_intervals_for_sepsis) if (icd9 >= interval[0] && icd9 < interval[1]) { cell.setCellValue(true); break; } } break; case "hospital expire": if ("Y".equals(hospital_expire)) cell.setCellValue(true); else if ("N".equals(hospital_expire)) cell.setCellValue(false); break; case "Needed platelet reduction event": break; case "dod": if (dod > 0) cell.setCellValue(dod); break; } } static void makeStatFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { try (FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename)) { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("HEDICIM AMIA 2015"); int r = 0; Row header_row = sheet.createRow(r++); for (String stat_cell : stat_cells) header_row.createCell(Arrays.asList(stat_cells).indexOf(stat_cell)).setCellValue(stat_cell); for (Patient patient : map.values()) { if (!patient.eligible) continue; Row row = sheet.createRow(r++); for (String stat_cell : stat_cells) patient.makeStatCell(row, stat_cell); } wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); System.out.println("Statistics file " + filename + " succesfully written."); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception at makeStatFile(\"" + filename + "\"): " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }