Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MyDMAM. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) hdsdi3g for 2015 * */ package hd3gtv.mydmam.useraction.fileoperation; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2Dump; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.Elasticsearch; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElasticsearchBulkOperation; import hd3gtv.mydmam.manager.JobProgression; import hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.RenderedFile; import hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.container.Container; import hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.container.ContainerOperations; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.Explorer; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.SourcePathIndexerElement; import hd3gtv.mydmam.useraction.UACapability; import hd3gtv.mydmam.useraction.UAConfigurator; import hd3gtv.mydmam.useraction.UAJobProcess; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import models.UserProfile; import; public class UAFileOperationDelete extends BaseFileOperation { Explorer explorer = new Explorer(); protected String getSubLongName() { return "delete file/directory"; } protected String getSubMessageBaseName() { return "delete"; } public UAJobProcess createProcess() { return new UAFileOperationDelete(); } public String getDescription() { return "Delete files and directories content"; } public boolean isPowerfulAndDangerous() { return true; } public Serializable prepareEmptyConfiguration() { return new UAFileOperationEmptyConfigurator(); } public class Capability extends UACapability { public boolean enableFileProcessing() { return true; } public boolean enableDirectoryProcessing() { return true; } } public UACapability createCapability(LinkedHashMap<String, ?> internal_configuration) { return new Capability(); } @Override public void process(JobProgression progression, UserProfile userprofile, UAConfigurator user_configuration, HashMap<String, SourcePathIndexerElement> source_elements) throws Exception { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("user", userprofile.key); progression.updateStep(1, source_elements.size()); ArrayList<File> items_to_delete = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Map.Entry<String, SourcePathIndexerElement> entry : source_elements.entrySet()) { progression.incrStep(); File current_element = Explorer.getLocalBridgedElement(entry.getValue()); CopyMove.checkExistsCanRead(current_element); CopyMove.checkIsWritable(current_element.getParentFile()); if (current_element.isFile() | FileUtils.isSymlink(current_element)) { if (current_element.delete() == false) { Log2.log.debug("Can't delete correctly file", dump); throw new IOException("Can't delete correctly file: " + current_element.getPath()); } if (stop) { return; } } else { items_to_delete.clear(); items_to_delete.add(current_element); boolean can_delete_all = true; recursivePath(current_element, items_to_delete); progression.updateProgress(1, items_to_delete.size()); for (int pos_idel = items_to_delete.size() - 1; pos_idel > -1; pos_idel--) { progression.updateProgress(items_to_delete.size() - pos_idel, items_to_delete.size()); if (items_to_delete.get(pos_idel).delete() == false) { dump.add("item", items_to_delete.get(pos_idel)); can_delete_all = false; } if (stop) { return; } } if (can_delete_all == false) { Log2.log.debug("Can't delete correctly multiple files", dump); throw new IOException("Can't delete multiple files from: " + current_element.getPath()); } } if (stop) { return; } ElasticsearchBulkOperation bulk = Elasticsearch.prepareBulk(); /** * Delete mtds */ Container container = ContainerOperations.getByPathIndexId(entry.getKey()); if (container != null) { ContainerOperations.requestDelete(container, bulk); RenderedFile.purge(entry.getKey()); } explorer.deleteStoragePath(bulk, Arrays.asList(entry.getValue())); bulk.terminateBulk(); if (stop) { return; } } } private void recursivePath(File dir, ArrayList<File> items_to_delete) throws IOException { File[] sub = dir.listFiles(); File item; for (int pos = 0; pos < sub.length; pos++) { item = sub[pos]; items_to_delete.add(item); if ((item.isFile() == false) & (FileUtils.isSymlink(item) == false)) { recursivePath(item, items_to_delete); } if (stop) { return; } } } }