Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MyDMAM. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) hdsdi3g for 2014 * */ package hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.container; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2Dump; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.Elasticsearch; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElasticsearchBulkOperation; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElasticsearchMultiGetRequest; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElastisearchCrawlerHit; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElastisearchCrawlerReader; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.ElastisearchMultipleCrawlerReader; import hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.MetadataCenter; import hd3gtv.mydmam.metadata.RenderedFile; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.Explorer; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.IndexingEvent; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.SourcePathIndexerElement; import hd3gtv.mydmam.pathindexing.WebCacheInvalidation; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Import and exports Container items from and to database. */ public class ContainerOperations { private static final String ES_INDEX = "metadata"; public static JsonObject getJsonObject(JsonElement json, boolean can_null) throws JsonParseException { if (json.isJsonNull()) { if (can_null) { return null; } else { throw new JsonParseException("Json element is null"); } } if (json.isJsonObject() == false) { throw new JsonParseException("Json element is not an object: " + json.toString()); } return (JsonObject) json.getAsJsonObject(); } private static final Map<String, ContainerEntry> declared_entries_type; private static final GsonBuilder gson_builder; private static volatile Gson gson; private static final Gson gson_simple; static { declared_entries_type = new LinkedHashMap<String, ContainerEntry>(); gson_builder = new GsonBuilder(); gson_builder.serializeNulls(); GsonIgnoreStrategy ignore_strategy = new GsonIgnoreStrategy(); gson_builder.addDeserializationExclusionStrategy(ignore_strategy); gson_builder.addSerializationExclusionStrategy(ignore_strategy); gson_simple = gson_builder.create(); try { declareEntryType(EntrySummary.class); } catch (Exception e) { Log2.log.error("Can't declare (de)serializer for EntrySummary", e); } gson_builder.registerTypeAdapter(ContainerPreview.class, new ContainerPreview.Serializer()); gson_builder.registerTypeAdapter(ContainerPreview.class, new ContainerPreview.Deserializer()); /** * Call MetadataCenter for run static block. */ MetadataCenter.getAnalysers(); } public static void setGsonPrettyPrinting() { gson_builder.setPrettyPrinting(); gson = gson_builder.create(); } public static GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder() { return gson_builder; } public static Gson getGsonSimple() { return gson_simple; } /** * With all declared (de)serializers. */ public static Gson getGson() { return gson; } public synchronized static void declareEntryType(Class<? extends ContainerEntry> entry_class) throws NullPointerException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { if (entry_class == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"entry_class\" can't to be null"); } ContainerEntry containerEntry = (ContainerEntry) declareType(entry_class); declared_entries_type.put(containerEntry.getES_Type(), containerEntry); List<Class<? extends SelfSerializing>> dependencies = containerEntry.getSerializationDependencies(); if (dependencies != null) { for (int pos = 0; pos < dependencies.size(); pos++) { declareType(dependencies.get(pos)); } } gson = gson_builder.create(); } public synchronized static void declareSelfSerializingType( Class<? extends SelfSerializing> selfserializing_class) throws NullPointerException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { if (selfserializing_class == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"selfserializing_class\" can't to be null"); } declareType(selfserializing_class); gson = gson_builder.create(); } private synchronized static SelfSerializing declareType(Class<? extends SelfSerializing> selfserializing_class) throws NullPointerException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { if (selfserializing_class == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"selfserializing_class\" can't to be null"); } SelfSerializing instance = selfserializing_class.getConstructor().newInstance(); SelfSerialiserBridge.registerInstance(instance); return instance; } public static Container getByMtdKey(String mtd_key) throws Exception { if (mtd_key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"mtd_key\" can't to be null"); } Containers result = ContainerOperations.searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilders.termQuery("_id", mtd_key)); if (result.getAll().isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return result.getAll().get(0); } } /** * Simple and light request. */ public static Container getByMtdKeyForOnlyOneType(String mtd_key, String type) throws NullPointerException { if (mtd_key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"mtd_key\" can't to be null"); } if (type == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"type\" can't to be null"); } if (declared_entries_type.containsKey(type) == false) { throw new NullPointerException("Can't found type: " + type); } GetRequest request = new GetRequest(ES_INDEX); request.type(type);; GetResponse getresponse = Elasticsearch.get(request); if (getresponse.isExists() == false) { return null; } ContainerEntry element = gson.fromJson(getresponse.getSourceAsString(), declared_entries_type.get(type).getClass()); Container result = new Container(mtd_key, element.getOrigin()); result.addEntry(element); return result; } public static Container getByPathIndexId(String pathelement_key) throws Exception { if (pathelement_key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"pathelement_key\" can't to be null"); } Containers result = ContainerOperations .searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilders.termQuery("origin.key", pathelement_key)); if (result.getAll().isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return result.getAll().get(0); } } public static Container getByPathIndexIdOnlySummary(String pathelement_key) throws Exception { if (pathelement_key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"pathelement_key\" can't to be null"); } Containers result = ContainerOperations .searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilders.termQuery("origin.key", pathelement_key), EntrySummary.type); if (result.getAll().isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return result.getAll().get(0); } } public static Containers searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilder query) throws Exception { if (query == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"query\" can't to be null"); } return searchInMetadataBase(query, (String[]) null); } /** * If some restric_to_specific_types are not declared in declared_entries_type: error */ private static void validateRestricSpecificTypes(ArrayList<String> unknow_types, String... restric_to_specific_types) { if (restric_to_specific_types != null) { if (restric_to_specific_types.length > 0) { String type; for (int pos = 0; pos < restric_to_specific_types.length; pos++) { type = restric_to_specific_types[pos]; if (declared_entries_type.containsKey(type) == false) { if (unknow_types.contains(type) == false) { unknow_types.add(type); } } } if (unknow_types.isEmpty() == false) { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("list", unknow_types); Log2.log.error("Unknow types", null, dump); throw new NullPointerException("Can't found some types"); } } } } private static class HitReader implements ElastisearchCrawlerHit { ArrayList<String> unknow_types; Containers result; HitReader(Containers result, ArrayList<String> unknow_types) { this.unknow_types = unknow_types; this.result = result; } public boolean onFoundHit(SearchHit hit) { String type = hit.getType(); if (declared_entries_type.containsKey(type) == false) { if (unknow_types.contains(type) == false) { unknow_types.add(type); } return true; } result.add(hit.getId(), gson.fromJson(hit.getSourceAsString(), declared_entries_type.get(type).getClass())); return true; } void onFoundGetResponse(GetResponse response) { String type = response.getType(); if (declared_entries_type.containsKey(type) == false) { if (unknow_types.contains(type) == false) { unknow_types.add(type); } return; } result.add(response.getId(), gson.fromJson(response.getSourceAsString(), declared_entries_type.get(type).getClass())); } } public static Containers searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilder query, final String... restric_to_specific_types) throws Exception { if (query == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"query\" can't to be null"); } final ArrayList<String> unknow_types = new ArrayList<String>(); ElastisearchCrawlerReader reader = Elasticsearch.createCrawlerReader(); reader.setIndices(ES_INDEX); validateRestricSpecificTypes(unknow_types, restric_to_specific_types); if (restric_to_specific_types != null) { if (restric_to_specific_types.length > 0) { reader.setTypes(restric_to_specific_types); } } reader.setQuery(query); Containers result = new Containers(); reader.allReader(new HitReader(result, unknow_types)); if (unknow_types.isEmpty() == false) { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("unknow_types", unknow_types); Log2.log.error("Can't found some declared types retrieved by search", null, dump); } return result; } public static Containers multipleSearchInMetadataBase(List<QueryBuilder> queries, int maxsize, final String... restric_to_specific_types) throws Exception { if (queries == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"query\" can't to be null"); } if (queries.isEmpty()) { throw new NullPointerException("\"query\" can't to be empty"); } if (maxsize < 1) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("maxsize: " + maxsize); } final ArrayList<String> unknow_types = new ArrayList<String>(); ElastisearchMultipleCrawlerReader multiple_reader = Elasticsearch.createMultipleCrawlerReader(); multiple_reader.setDefaultIndices(ES_INDEX); validateRestricSpecificTypes(unknow_types, restric_to_specific_types); if (restric_to_specific_types != null) { if (restric_to_specific_types.length > 0) { multiple_reader.setDefaultTypes(restric_to_specific_types); } } multiple_reader.setDefaultMaxSize(maxsize); for (int pos = 0; pos < queries.size(); pos++) { multiple_reader.addNewQuery(queries.get(pos)); } Containers result = new Containers(); multiple_reader.allReader(new HitReader(result, unknow_types)); if (unknow_types.isEmpty() == false) { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("unknow_types", unknow_types); Log2.log.error("Can't found some declared types retrieved by search", null, dump); } return result; } /** * Only create/update. No delete operations. */ public static void save(Container container, boolean refresh_index_after_save, ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk) { if (container == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"container\" can't to be null"); } List<ContainerEntry> containerEntries = container.getEntries(); ContainerEntry containerEntry; for (int pos = 0; pos < containerEntries.size(); pos++) { containerEntry = containerEntries.get(pos); IndexRequestBuilder index = es_bulk.getClient().prepareIndex(ES_INDEX, containerEntry.getES_Type(), container.getMtd_key()); index.setSource(gson.toJson(containerEntry)); index.setRefresh(refresh_index_after_save); es_bulk.add(index); } } public static void requestDelete(Container container, ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk) throws NullPointerException { if (container == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"container\" can't to be null"); } for (int pos = 0; pos < container.getEntries().size(); pos++) { es_bulk.add(es_bulk.getClient().prepareDelete(ES_INDEX, container.getEntries().get(pos).getES_Type(), container.getMtd_key())); // es_bulk.add(es_bulk.getClient().prepareDelete(ES_INDEX, type, mtd_key)); } } public static RenderedFile getMetadataFile(String pathelement_key, String type, String filename, boolean check_hash) throws Exception { Containers containers = searchInMetadataBase(QueryBuilders.termQuery("origin.key", pathelement_key), type); EntryRenderer current; for (int pos = 0; pos < containers.size();) { if (containers.getItemAtPos(pos).getByType(type) instanceof EntryRenderer) { current = (EntryRenderer) containers.getItemAtPos(pos).getByType(type); RenderedContent content = current.getByFile(filename); if (content == null) { return null; } return RenderedFile.import_from_entry(content, containers.getItemAtPos(pos).getMtd_key(), check_hash); } else { /** * Type problem : security protection. */ break; } } return null; } public static RenderedFile getMasterAsPreviewFile(String pathelement_key) throws Exception { Container container = getByPathIndexIdOnlySummary(pathelement_key); if (container == null) { return null; } if (container.getSummary() == null) { return null; } if (container.getSummary().master_as_preview == false) { return null; } if (container.getSummary().getMimetype() == null) { return null; } Explorer explorer = new Explorer(); SourcePathIndexerElement spie = explorer.getelementByIdkey(pathelement_key); if (spie == null) { return null; } return RenderedFile.fromDatabaseMasterAsPreview(spie, container.getSummary().getMimetype()); } private static class HitPurge implements ElastisearchCrawlerHit { Explorer explorer; HashMap<String, Long> elementcount_by_storage; ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk; HitPurge(ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk) { this.es_bulk = es_bulk; explorer = new Explorer(); elementcount_by_storage = new HashMap<String, Long>(); } /** * Protect to no remove all mtd if pathindexing is empty for a storage. * */ boolean containsStorageInBase(ContainerOrigin origin) { if (elementcount_by_storage.containsKey( == false) { elementcount_by_storage.put(, explorer.countStorageContentElements(; if (elementcount_by_storage.get( == 0) {"Missing storage item in datatabase", new Log2Dump("storagename",; } } return elementcount_by_storage.get( > 0; } public boolean onFoundHit(SearchHit hit) { if (declared_entries_type.containsKey(hit.getType()) == false) { return true; } ContainerEntry containerEntry = gson.fromJson(hit.getSourceAsString(), declared_entries_type.get(hit.getType()).getClass()); Container container = new Container(hit.getId(), containerEntry.getOrigin()); try { container.getOrigin().getPathindexElement(); return true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } if (containsStorageInBase(container.getOrigin()) == false) { return true; } /** * This storage is not empty... Source file is really deleted, we can delete metadatas, and associated rendered files. */ requestDelete(container, es_bulk); RenderedFile.purge(container.getMtd_key()); return true; } } /** * Delete orphan (w/o pathindex) metadatas elements */ public static void purge_orphan_metadatas() throws Exception { try { ElastisearchCrawlerReader reader = Elasticsearch.createCrawlerReader(); reader.setIndices(ES_INDEX); reader.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()); ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk = Elasticsearch.prepareBulk(); HitPurge hit_purge = new HitPurge(es_bulk); reader.allReader(hit_purge); es_bulk.terminateBulk();"Start cleaning rendered elements"); RenderedFile.purge_orphan_metadatas_files(); } catch (IndexMissingException ime) { } } /** * Recursively * @param from file or directory to copy or move metadatas * @param root_dest */ public static void copyMoveMetadatas(SourcePathIndexerElement from, String dest_storage, String dest_parent_path, boolean copy, StoppableProcessing stoppable) throws Exception { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("from", from); dump.add("dest_storage", dest_storage); dump.add("dest_path", dest_parent_path); dump.add("copy", copy); Log2.log.debug("Prepare copy/move", dump); Explorer explorer = new Explorer(); CopyMoveMetadatas cmm; if ( { cmm = new CopyMoveMetadatas(from.currentpath, dest_storage, dest_parent_path, copy, stoppable); explorer.getAllSubElementsFromElementKey(from.prepare_key(), 0, cmm); } else { SourcePathIndexerElement from_root = explorer.getelementByIdkey(from.parentpath); cmm = new CopyMoveMetadatas(from_root.currentpath, dest_storage, dest_parent_path, copy, stoppable); cmm.onFoundElement(from); } if (copy == false) { WebCacheInvalidation.addInvalidation(from.storagename, dest_storage); } else { WebCacheInvalidation.addInvalidation(dest_storage); } } private static class CopyMoveMetadatas implements IndexingEvent { String root_from_currentpath; String dest_storage; String dest_parent_path; boolean copy; StoppableProcessing stoppable; CopyMoveMetadatas(String root_from_currentpath, String dest_storage, String dest_parent_path, boolean copy, StoppableProcessing stoppable) { this.root_from_currentpath = root_from_currentpath; this.dest_storage = dest_storage; this.dest_parent_path = dest_parent_path; this.copy = copy; this.stoppable = stoppable; Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("root_from_currentpath", root_from_currentpath); dump.add("dest_storage", dest_storage); dump.add("dest_parent_path", dest_parent_path); dump.add("copy", copy); Log2.log.debug("Init CopyMoveMetadatas", dump); } /** * For each "from" elements, get Container */ public boolean onFoundElement(SourcePathIndexerElement element) throws Exception { Container container = getByPathIndexId(element.prepare_key()); if (container == null) { return true; } ElasticsearchBulkOperation es_bulk = Elasticsearch.prepareBulk(); if (copy == false) { requestDelete(container, es_bulk); } String mtd_key_source = container.getMtd_key(); String dest_path = dest_parent_path + element.currentpath.substring(root_from_currentpath.length()); Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("source", element); dump.add("dest_storage", dest_storage); dump.add("dest_parent_path", dest_parent_path); dump.add("dest_path", dest_path); dump.add("mtd_key_source", mtd_key_source); dump.add("mtd_key_dest", container.getMtd_key()); dump.add("root_from_currentpath", root_from_currentpath); Log2.log.debug("Copy/move mtd", dump); /** * Change origin for each entry */ ContainerOrigin new_origin = container.getOrigin().migrateOrigin(dest_storage, dest_path); container.changeAllOrigins(new_origin); /** * rename/copy directories for each entry renderer */ if (container.hasRenderers()) { RenderedFile.copyMoveAllMetadataContent(mtd_key_source, container.getMtd_key(), copy); }; es_bulk.terminateBulk(); return stoppable.isWantToStopCurrentProcessing() == false; } public void onRemoveFile(String storagename, String path) throws Exception { } } public static Containers multipleGetInMetadataBase(List<String> mtd_keys, String... types) throws Exception { if (mtd_keys == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"mtd_keys\" can't to be null"); } if (mtd_keys.isEmpty()) { throw new NullPointerException("\"mtd_keys\" can't to be empty"); } if (types == null) { throw new NullPointerException("\"type\" can't to be null"); } if (types.length == 0) { throw new NullPointerException("\"type\" can't to be empty"); } final ArrayList<String> unknow_types = new ArrayList<String>(); ElasticsearchMultiGetRequest multiple_get = Elasticsearch.prepareMultiGetRequest(); validateRestricSpecificTypes(unknow_types, types); for (int pos_types = 0; pos_types < types.length; pos_types++) { multiple_get.add(ES_INDEX, types[pos_types], mtd_keys); } Containers result = new Containers(); List<GetResponse> get_responses = multiple_get.responses(); HitReader hr = new HitReader(result, unknow_types); for (int pos_gresp = 0; pos_gresp < get_responses.size(); pos_gresp++) { hr.onFoundGetResponse(get_responses.get(pos_gresp)); } if (unknow_types.isEmpty() == false) { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("unknow_types", unknow_types); Log2.log.error("Can't found some declared types retrieved by get", null, dump); } return result; } }