Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MyDMAM. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) hdsdi3g for 2014 * */ package hd3gtv.mydmam.manager; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2Dump; import hd3gtv.log2.Log2Dumpable; import hd3gtv.mydmam.MyDMAM; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.AllRowsFoundRow; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.CassandraDb; import hd3gtv.mydmam.db.DeployColumnDef; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Use AppManager to for create job. */ public final class JobNG implements Log2Dumpable { private static final ColumnFamily<String, String> CF_QUEUE = new ColumnFamily<String, String>("mgrQueue", StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get()); private static Keyspace keyspace; private static JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); static { try { keyspace = CassandraDb.getkeyspace(); String default_keyspacename = CassandraDb.getDefaultKeyspacename(); if (CassandraDb.isColumnFamilyExists(keyspace, CF_QUEUE.getName()) == false) { CassandraDb.createColumnFamilyString(default_keyspacename, CF_QUEUE.getName(), false); String queue_name = CF_QUEUE.getName(); CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "status", queue_name + "_status", DeployColumnDef.ColType_AsciiType); CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "creator_hostname", queue_name + "_creator_hostname", DeployColumnDef.ColType_UTF8Type); CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "expiration_date", queue_name + "_expiration_date", DeployColumnDef.ColType_LongType); CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "update_date", queue_name + "_update_date", DeployColumnDef.ColType_LongType); // CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "delete", queue_name + "_delete", DeployColumnDef.ColType_Int32Type); CassandraDb.declareIndexedColumn(CassandraDb.getkeyspace(), CF_QUEUE, "indexingdebug", queue_name + "_indexingdebug", DeployColumnDef.ColType_Int32Type); } } catch (Exception e) { Log2.log.error("Can't init database CFs", e); } } static ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String> prepareLock() { return new ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String>(keyspace, CF_QUEUE, "BROKER_LOCK"); } /** * 7 days */ final static int TTL_WAITING = 3600 * 24 * 7; final static int TTL_DELETE_AFTER_COMPLETED = 300; final static int TTL_PREPARING = 60; final static int TTL_PROCESSING = 120; final static int TTL_DONE = 3600 * 24; final static int TTL_TROUBLES = 3600 * 24 * 3; public enum JobStatus { TOO_OLD, CANCELED, POSTPONED, WAITING, DONE, PROCESSING, STOPPED, ERROR, PREPARING, TOO_LONG_DURATION; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private JobNG() { /** * For Gson, and from DB */ } /** * Declaration & configuration vars */ private String key; private Class<?> creator; private boolean urgent; private String name; private long expiration_date; private long max_execution_time; private static final long default_max_execution_time = 1000 * 3600 * 24; private String require_key; private long create_date; private boolean delete_after_completed; private String instance_status_creator_key; private String instance_status_creator_hostname; private int priority; @GsonIgnore private JobContext context; /** * Activity vars */ private JobStatus status; long update_date; private GsonThrowable processing_error; private JobProgression progression; private long start_date; private long end_date; private String worker_reference; private Class<?> worker_class; private String instance_status_executor_key; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String instance_status_executor_hostname; JobNG(JobContext context) throws ClassNotFoundException { this.context = context; MyDMAM.checkIsAccessibleClass(context.getClass(), false); key = "job:" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); name = "Generic job created at " + (new Date()).toString(); urgent = false; priority = 0; delete_after_completed = false; expiration_date = System.currentTimeMillis() + (default_max_execution_time * 10); max_execution_time = default_max_execution_time; status = JobStatus.WAITING; instance_status_creator_key = InstanceStatus.Gatherer.getDefaultManagerInstanceStatus() .getInstanceNamePid(); instance_status_creator_hostname = InstanceStatus.Gatherer.getDefaultManagerInstanceStatus().getHostName(); progression = null; processing_error = null; update_date = -1; start_date = -1; end_date = -1; } public JobNG setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public JobNG setCreator(Class<?> creator) { this.creator = creator; return this; } public JobNG setUrgent() { urgent = true; return this; } public JobNG setRequireCompletedJob(JobNG require) { if (require != null) { require_key = require.key; } return this; } boolean isRequireIsDone() throws ConnectionException { if (require_key == null) { return true; } ColumnList<String> cols = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).getKey(require_key).withColumnSlice("status") .execute().getResult(); if (cols == null) { return false; } if (cols.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (cols.getStringValue("status", { return true; } return false; } boolean isTooOldjob() { return (expiration_date < System.currentTimeMillis()); } int getPriority() { return priority; } public JobNG setExpirationTime(long duration, TimeUnit unit) { if (duration < 0) { return this; } expiration_date = System.currentTimeMillis() + unit.toMillis(duration); return this; } public JobNG setMaxExecutionTime(long duration, TimeUnit unit) { this.max_execution_time = unit.toMillis(duration); return this; } boolean isMaxExecutionTimeIsReached() { if (getStatus() != JobStatus.PROCESSING) { return false; } if (start_date == -1) { return false; } return start_date + max_execution_time < System.currentTimeMillis(); } boolean hasAMaxExecutionTime() { return max_execution_time < default_max_execution_time; } /** * Doesn't change current status if POSTPONED, PROCESSING or PREPARING. */ public JobNG setPostponed() { if (status == JobStatus.PROCESSING) { return this; } if (status == JobStatus.PREPARING) { return this; } status = JobStatus.POSTPONED; return this; } private transient ActionUtils actionUtils; ActionUtils getActionUtils() { if (actionUtils == null) { actionUtils = new ActionUtils(); } return actionUtils; } class ActionUtils { void setDontExpiration() { delete_after_completed = false; expiration_date = System.currentTimeMillis() + (default_max_execution_time * 10); max_execution_time = default_max_execution_time; update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); } void setPostponed() { setWaiting(); status = JobStatus.POSTPONED; urgent = false; priority = 0; } void setWaiting() { status = JobStatus.WAITING; update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); progression = null; processing_error = null; start_date = -1; end_date = -1; } void setCancel() { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = JobStatus.CANCELED; } void setStopped() { status = JobStatus.STOPPED; update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); } void setMaxPriority() throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.withColumnSlice("status", "name"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); priority = rows.getResult().size() + 1; urgent = true; update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public JobNG setDeleteAfterCompleted() { delete_after_completed = true; return this; } boolean isDeleteAfterCompleted() { return delete_after_completed; } public JobContext getContext() { return context; } public void publish() throws ConnectionException { MutationBatch mutator = CassandraDb.prepareMutationBatch(); publish(mutator); mutator.execute(); } /** * Compute priority based on active wait job count. */ void setMaxPriority() throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.withColumnSlice("status", "name"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); priority = rows.getResult().size() + 1; } public void publish(MutationBatch mutator) throws ConnectionException { create_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (urgent) { setMaxPriority(); } saveChanges(mutator); } /** * To force changes (sync method) with set() functions. * If job is actually POSTPONED, PROCESSING or PREPARING, changes will be canceled by the executor worker. * @throws ConnectionException */ void saveChanges() throws ConnectionException { MutationBatch mutator = CassandraDb.prepareMutationBatch(); saveChanges(mutator); mutator.execute(); } /** * To force changes (sync method) with set() functions. * If job is actually POSTPONED, PROCESSING or PREPARING, changes will be canceled by the executor worker. * @throws ConnectionException */ void saveChanges(MutationBatch mutator) { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); exportToDatabase(mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, key)); } static class Serializer implements JsonSerializer<JobNG>, JsonDeserializer<JobNG> { public JobNG deserialize(JsonElement jejson, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext jcontext) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject json = (JsonObject) jejson; JobNG job = AppManager.getSimpleGson().fromJson(json, JobNG.class); job.context = AppManager.getGson().fromJson(json.get("context"), JobContext.class); job.processing_error = AppManager.getGson().fromJson(json.get("processing_error"), GsonThrowable.class); return job; } public JsonElement serialize(JobNG src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext jcontext) { JsonObject result = (JsonObject) AppManager.getSimpleGson().toJsonTree(src); result.add("context", AppManager.getGson().toJsonTree(src.context, JobContext.class)); result.add("processing_error", AppManager.getGson().toJsonTree(src.processing_error)); return result; } } public JsonObject toJson() { return AppManager.getGson().toJsonTree(this).getAsJsonObject(); } /** * @param mutator update new status and new update_date to DB, to protect new next job search to found it. */ void prepareProcessing(MutationBatch mutator) { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = JobStatus.PREPARING; mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, key).putColumn("status",, TTL_PREPARING); mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, key).putColumn("update_date", update_date, TTL_PREPARING); } JobProgression startProcessing(AppManager manager, WorkerNG worker) { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); start_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.PROCESSING; worker_class = worker.getClass(); worker_reference = worker.getReferenceKey(); instance_status_executor_key = manager.getInstance_status().getInstanceNamePid(); instance_status_executor_hostname = manager.getInstance_status().getHostName(); progression = new JobProgression(this); return progression; } synchronized void endProcessing_Done() { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); end_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.DONE; } synchronized void endProcessing_Stopped() { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); end_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.STOPPED; } synchronized void endProcessing_TooLongDuration() { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); end_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.TOO_LONG_DURATION; } synchronized void endProcessing_Canceled() { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); end_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.CANCELED; } synchronized void endProcessing_Error(Exception e) { update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); end_date = update_date; status = JobStatus.ERROR; processing_error = new GsonThrowable(e); } public JobStatus getStatus() { return status; } long getEndDate() { return end_date; } void delete(MutationBatch mutator) throws ConnectionException { mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, key).delete(); } boolean isThisStatus(JobStatus... statuses) { if (statuses == null) { return false; } if (statuses.length == 0) { return false; } for (int pos = 0; pos < statuses.length; pos++) { if (status == statuses[pos]) { return true; } } return false; } public String getKey() { return key; } private void exportToDatabase(ColumnListMutation<String> mutator) { /** * POSTPONED | WAITING */ int ttl = TTL_WAITING; if (delete_after_completed && isThisStatus(JobStatus.DONE, JobStatus.CANCELED)) { /** * Short ttl if Broker is closed before it can delete this. */ ttl = TTL_DELETE_AFTER_COMPLETED; } else if (isThisStatus(JobStatus.TOO_OLD, JobStatus.CANCELED, JobStatus.STOPPED, JobStatus.ERROR, JobStatus.TOO_LONG_DURATION)) { ttl = TTL_TROUBLES; } else if (isThisStatus(JobStatus.PREPARING)) { ttl = TTL_PREPARING; } else if (isThisStatus(JobStatus.DONE)) { ttl = TTL_DONE; } else if (isThisStatus(JobStatus.PROCESSING)) { ttl = TTL_PROCESSING; } mutator.putColumn("context_class", context.getClass().getName(), ttl); mutator.putColumn("status",, ttl); mutator.putColumn("creator_hostname", instance_status_creator_hostname, ttl); mutator.putColumn("expiration_date", expiration_date, ttl); mutator.putColumn("update_date", update_date, ttl); mutator.putColumn("delete_after_completed", delete_after_completed, ttl); /** * Workaround for Cassandra index select bug. */ mutator.putColumn("indexingdebug", 1, ttl); mutator.putColumn("source", AppManager.getGson().toJson(this), ttl); } public static final class Utility { /** * Check before if you can instanciate the JobContext class. */ static JobNG importFromDatabase(ColumnList<String> columnlist) { return AppManager.getGson().fromJson(columnlist.getColumnByName("source").getStringValue(), JobNG.class); } static List<JobNG> watchOldAbandonedJobs(MutationBatch mutator, InstanceStatus instance_status) throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("creator_hostname").equals() .value(instance_status.getHostName()); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("expiration_date").lessThan().value(System.currentTimeMillis()); index_query.withColumnSlice("source", "context_class"); List<JobNG> result = new ArrayList<JobNG>(); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { if (AppManager .isClassForNameExists(row.getColumns().getStringValue("context_class", "null")) == false) { continue; } JobNG job = JobNG.Utility.importFromDatabase(row.getColumns()); job.status = JobStatus.TOO_OLD; job.update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); job.exportToDatabase(mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, job.key)); result.add(job); } return result; } static void removeMaxDateForPostponedJobs(MutationBatch mutator, InstanceStatus instance_status) throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("creator_hostname").equals() .value(instance_status.getHostName()); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("expiration_date").lessThan() .value(System.currentTimeMillis() + default_max_execution_time); index_query.withColumnSlice("source", "context_class"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { if (AppManager .isClassForNameExists(row.getColumns().getStringValue("context_class", "null")) == false) { continue; } JobNG job = JobNG.Utility.importFromDatabase(row.getColumns()); job.expiration_date = System.currentTimeMillis() + (default_max_execution_time * 7); job.update_date = System.currentTimeMillis(); job.exportToDatabase(mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, job.key)); } } public static void truncateAllJobs() throws ConnectionException { CassandraDb.truncateColumnFamilyString(keyspace, CF_QUEUE.getName()); } public static void removeJobsByStatus(MutationBatch mutator, JobStatus status) throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.withColumnSlice("status"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, row.getKey()).delete(); } } public static void dropJobsQueueCF() throws ConnectionException { CassandraDb.dropColumnFamilyString(keyspace, CF_QUEUE.getName()); } /** * @return never null if keys is not empty */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, JobStatus> getJobsStatusByKeys(Collection<String> keys) throws ConnectionException { if (keys == null) { return null; } if (keys.size() == 0) { return null; } LinkedHashMap<String, JobStatus> status = new LinkedHashMap<String, JobStatus>(keys.size()); Rows<String, String> rows = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).getKeySlice(keys).withColumnSlice("status") .execute().getResult(); if (rows.isEmpty()) { return status; } for (Row<String, String> row : rows) { if (row.getColumns().isEmpty()) { continue; } status.put(row.getKey(), JobStatus.valueOf(row.getColumns().getStringValue("status",; } return status; } /** * @return never null if keys is not empty */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, JobStatus> getJobsStatus(Collection<JobNG> jobs) throws ConnectionException { if (jobs == null) { return null; } if (jobs.size() == 0) { return null; } ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JobNG job : jobs) { keys.add(job.key); } return getJobsStatusByKeys(keys); } static List<JobNG> getJobsByStatus(JobStatus status) throws ConnectionException { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.withColumnSlice("source", "context_class"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); ArrayList<JobNG> result = new ArrayList<JobNG>(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { if (AppManager .isClassForNameExists(row.getColumns().getStringValue("context_class", "null")) == false) { continue; } JobNG new_job = JobNG.Utility.importFromDatabase(row.getColumns()); result.add(new_job); } return result; } /** * @return deleted raw json jobs */ public static List<JsonObject> deleteJobsByStatus(JobStatus status) throws ConnectionException { ArrayList<JsonObject> result = new ArrayList<JsonObject>(); IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("status").equals().value(; index_query.withColumnSlice("source"); index_query.setRowLimit(1000); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); if (rows.getResult().isEmpty()) { return result; } MutationBatch mutator = CassandraDb.prepareMutationBatch(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { result.add(parser.parse(row.getColumns().getStringValue("source", "{}")).getAsJsonObject()); mutator.withRow(CF_QUEUE, row.getKey()).delete(); } mutator.execute(); return result; } /** * @return never null if keys is not empty */ public static JsonObject getJsonJobsByKeys(Collection<String> keys, boolean is_public_access) throws ConnectionException, ParseException { if (keys == null) { return null; } if (keys.size() == 0) { return null; } JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); Rows<String, String> rows = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).getKeySlice(keys).withColumnSlice("source") .execute().getResult(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows) { String source = row.getColumns().getStringValue("source", "{}"); if (source.equals("{}")) { continue; } JsonObject current = parser.parse(source).getAsJsonObject(); if (is_public_access) { current.remove("context"); current.remove("worker_class"); current.remove("worker_reference"); current.remove("processing_error"); current.remove("instance_status_creator_hostname"); current.remove("instance_status_creator_key"); current.remove("instance_status_executor_hostname"); current.remove("instance_status_executor_key"); if (current.has("progression")) { current.get("progression").getAsJsonObject().remove("last_caller"); } } result.add(current.get("key").getAsString(), current); } return result; } /** * @return never null if keys is not empty */ public static List<JobNG> getJobsByKeys(Collection<String> keys) throws ConnectionException { if (keys == null) { return null; } if (keys.size() == 0) { return null; } List<JobNG> result = new ArrayList<JobNG>(keys.size()); Rows<String, String> rows = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).getKeySlice(keys) .withColumnSlice("source", "context_class").execute().getResult(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows) { String source = row.getColumns().getStringValue("source", "{}"); if (source.equals("{}")) { continue; } if (AppManager .isClassForNameExists(row.getColumns().getStringValue("context_class", "null")) == false) { continue; } result.add(AppManager.getGson().fromJson(source, JobNG.class)); } return result; } /** * @param since_date set to 0 for disabled range selection */ public static JsonObject getJobsFromUpdateDate(long since_date) throws Exception { final JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); if (since_date == 0) { CassandraDb.allRowsReader(CF_QUEUE, new AllRowsFoundRow() { public void onFoundRow(Row<String, String> row) throws Exception { String source = row.getColumns().getStringValue("source", "{}"); if (source.equals("{}")) { return; } JsonObject current = parser.parse(source).getAsJsonObject(); result.add(current.get("key").getAsString(), current); } }, "source"); } else { IndexQuery<String, String> index_query = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_QUEUE).searchWithIndex(); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("indexingdebug").equals().value(1); index_query.addExpression().whereColumn("update_date").greaterThanEquals().value(since_date - 1000); index_query.withColumnSlice("source"); OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = index_query.execute(); for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) { String source = row.getColumns().getStringValue("source", "{}"); if (source.equals("{}")) { continue; } JsonObject current = parser.parse(source).getAsJsonObject(); result.add(current.get("key").getAsString(), current); } } return result; } /** * Blocking operation. * @param job_keys will be empty at the end. * @return null when all jobs are CANCELED | POSTPONED | DONE | STOPPED * @throws Exception if some jobs are in trouble (TOO_OLD | ERROR | TOO_LONG_DURATION) */ public static void waitAllJobsProcessing(List<String> job_keys, StoppableProcessing stoppable) throws Exception { List<String> jobs_keys_in_errors = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, JobNG.JobStatus> current_state = null; while ((job_keys.isEmpty() == false) & (stoppable.isWantToStopCurrentProcessing() == false)) { if (job_keys.size() > 10) { current_state = getJobsStatusByKeys(job_keys.subList(0, 10)); } else { current_state = getJobsStatusByKeys(job_keys); } for (Map.Entry<String, JobNG.JobStatus> entry : current_state.entrySet()) { switch (entry.getValue()) { case CANCELED: case POSTPONED: case DONE: case STOPPED: job_keys.remove(entry.getKey()); break; case TOO_OLD: case ERROR: case TOO_LONG_DURATION: jobs_keys_in_errors.add(entry.getKey()); job_keys.remove(entry.getKey()); break; default: break; } } for (int pos = 0; pos < 30; pos++) { if (stoppable.isWantToStopCurrentProcessing()) { break; } Thread.sleep(100); } } if (jobs_keys_in_errors.isEmpty() == false) { Exception e = new Exception("Trouble with some processed jobs"); Log2Dump errors = new Log2Dump(); List<JobNG> error_jobs = getJobsByKeys(jobs_keys_in_errors); for (int pos = 0; pos < error_jobs.size(); pos++) { errors.addAll(error_jobs.get(pos)); } Log2.log.error("Some jobs are trouble", e, errors); throw e; } } } public String toString() { return AppManager.getPrettyGson().toJson(this); } String getWorker_reference() { return worker_reference; } public Log2Dump getLog2Dump() { Log2Dump dump = new Log2Dump(); dump.add("key", key); dump.add("creator", creator); dump.add("urgent", urgent); dump.add("max_execution_time", max_execution_time); dump.add("name", name); dump.add("priority", priority); dump.add("context", AppManager.getGson().toJson(context, JobContext.class)); dump.add("status", status); dump.add("progression", progression); dump.addDate("create_date", create_date); dump.addDate("expiration_date", expiration_date); dump.addDate("update_date", update_date); dump.addDate("start_date", start_date); dump.addDate("end_date", end_date); dump.add("require_key", require_key); dump.add("delete_after_completed", delete_after_completed); dump.add("executor", instance_status_executor_key); dump.add("creator", instance_status_creator_key); if (processing_error != null) { dump.add("processing error", processing_error.getPrintedStackTrace()); } dump.add("worker_reference", worker_reference); if (worker_class != null) { dump.add("worker_class", worker_class.getName()); } return dump; } }