Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Haven & Hearth game client. * Copyright (C) 2009 Fredrik Tolf <>, and * Bjrn Johannessen <> * * Redistribution and/or modification of this file is subject to the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * Other parts of this source tree adhere to other copying * rights. Please see the file `COPYING' in the root directory of the * source tree for details. * * A copy the GNU Lesser General Public License is distributed along * with the source tree of which this file is a part in the file * `doc/LPGL-3'. If it is missing for any reason, please see the Free * Software Foundation's website at <>, or write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package haven; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import haven.minimap.CustomIconGroup; import haven.minimap.CustomIconMatch; import haven.minimap.CustomIconWnd; import haven.tasks.*; import haven.tasks.AutoStudy; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import static haven.GameUILayout.*; import static haven.Inventory.invsq; import haven.stuff.HarvesterSelection; public class GameUI extends ConsoleHost implements Console.Directory { public static final Text.Foundry msgfoundry = new Text.Foundry(Text.dfont, 14); private static final int blpw = 0, brpw = 142; public final String chrid; public final long plid; private final Hidepanel ulpanel, urpanel, brpanel, menupanel; public Avaview portrait; public MenuGrid menu; public MapView map; public LocalMiniMap mmap; public MinimapWnd mmapwnd; public Fightview fv; private List<Widget> meters = new LinkedList<Widget>(); private List<Widget> cmeters = new LinkedList<Widget>(); private Text lastmsg; private long msgtime; private Window invwnd, equwnd; public Inventory maininv; public CharWnd chrwdg; public BuddyWnd buddies; public EquipBelt eqbelt; public DraggableBelt fkeybelt; private Widget qqview; private final Zergwnd zerg; public Polity polity; public HelpWnd help; public OptWnd opts; public Collection<DraggedItem> hand = new LinkedList<DraggedItem>(); public Collection<DraggedItem> handSave = new LinkedList<DraggedItem>(); private WItem vhand; public ChatUI chat; public ChatUI.Channel syslog; public double prog = -1; private boolean afk = false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Indir<Resource>[] belt = new Indir[144]; public DefaultBelt beltwdg; public String polowner; public Bufflist buffs; public StudyWnd studywnd; public ActWnd craftwnd; public ActWnd buildwnd; public Window iconwnd; public final Cal cal; public Window deckwnd; public final CraftWindow makewnd; public static TaskManager tasks; public ChatHidePanel chatHidePanel; private final GameUILayout layout; private boolean ignoreTrackingSound; public static GameUI instance; public boolean lowStam; public abstract class Belt extends Widget { public Belt(Coord sz) { super(sz); } public void keyact(final int slot) { if (map != null) { Coord mvc = map.rootxlate(; if (mvc.isect(Coord.z, { map.delay( Hittest(mvc) { protected void hit(Coord pc, Coord mc, MapView.ClickInfo inf) { if (inf == null) GameUI.this.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags(), mc); else GameUI.this.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags(), mc, (int), inf.gob.rc); } protected void nohit(Coord pc) { GameUI.this.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); } }); } } } } @RName("gameui") public static class $_ implements Factory { public Widget create(Widget parent, Object[] args) { String chrid = (String) args[0]; int plid = (Integer) args[1]; return (new GameUI(chrid, plid)); } } public GameUI(String chrid, long plid) { instance = this; this.chrid = chrid; this.plid = plid; setcanfocus(true); setfocusctl(true); chat = add(new ChatUI(0, 0)); chat.visible = Utils.getprefb("chatvis", true); if (chat.visible) { chat.move(chat.savedpos); chat.resize(chat.savedw, chat.savedh); } beltwdg.raise(); eqbelt = add(new EquipBelt("equip", 6, 7)); ulpanel = add(new Hidepanel("gui-ul", null, new Coord(-1, -1), false)); urpanel = add(new Hidepanel("gui-ur", null, new Coord(1, -1), false)); brpanel = add(new Hidepanel("gui-br", null, new Coord(1, 1), true) { public void move(double a) { super.move(a); menupanel.move(); } }); menupanel = add(new Hidepanel("menu", new Indir<Coord>() { public Coord get() { return (new Coord(, Math.min(brpanel.c.y - 79, -; } }, new Coord(1, 0), true)); menu = brpanel.add(new MenuGrid() { // HACK: // intercept menu item usage and notify craft window about it to be able // to determine which crafting receipt caused creation of Makewindow @Override public boolean use(Glob.Pagina pagina) { boolean result = super.use(pagina); if (result) makewnd.setLastAction(pagina); return result; } }, 20, 34); brpanel.add(new Img(Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/brframe")), 0, 0); menupanel.add(new MainMenu(), 0, 0); foldbuttons(); portrait = ulpanel.add(new Avaview(Avaview.dasz, plid, "avacam") { public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { return (true); } }, new Coord(10, 10)); buffs = ulpanel.add(new Bufflist(), new Coord(95, 65)); syslog = chat.add(new ChatUI.Log("System")); opts = add(new OptWnd()); opts.hide(); zerg = add(new Zergwnd(), 187, 50); zerg.hide(); studywnd = add(new StudyWnd(Coord.z), Config.studyPosition.get()); studywnd.visible = Config.studyVisible.get(); craftwnd = add(new ActWnd("Craft...", "paginae/craft/") { protected void act(Glob.Pagina pagina) {; } }); craftwnd.hide(); buildwnd = add(new ActWnd("Build...", "paginae/bld/") { protected void act(Glob.Pagina pagina) {; } }); buildwnd.hide(); iconwnd = add(new CustomIconWnd()); iconwnd.hide(); deckwnd = add(new DeckSelector() { public int getSelectedDeck() { FightWnd fight = GameUI.this.chrwdg.fgt.findchild(FightWnd.class); return (fight != null) ? fight.usesave : -1; } public void setSelectedDeck(int deckIndex) { FightWnd fight = GameUI.this.chrwdg.fgt.findchild(FightWnd.class); if (fight != null) fight.use(deckIndex); } }); deckwnd.hide(); cal = add(new Cal()); makewnd = add(new CraftWindow(), new Coord(400, 200)); makewnd.hide(); chatHidePanel = add(new ChatHidePanel(chat)); layout = new GameUILayout(); layout.addDraggable(beltwdg, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, new Coord(10, 180)), false, true); layout.addDraggable(eqbelt, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, new Coord(10, 220)), false, true); layout.addDraggable(studywnd, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, new Coord(100, 100)), true, true); layout.addDraggable(chat, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Bottom, new Coord(15, 30)), true, true); } @Override protected void attach(UI ui) { super.attach(ui); ui.gui = this; tasks = new TaskManager(ui); tasks.add(new AutoStudy()); fkeybelt = add(new CustomBelt.FKeys("custom-fkeys", ui.sess.username, ui.sess.charname)); fkeybelt.visible = Config.showCustomFKeysBelt.get(); layout.addDraggable(fkeybelt, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, new Coord(10, 280)), false, true); } public Equipory getEquipory() { if (equwnd != null) { Iterator<Equipory> iterator = equwnd.children(Equipory.class).iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { return; } } return null; } /* Ice cream */ private final IButton[] fold_br = new IButton[4]; private void updfold(boolean reset) { int br; if (brpanel.tvis && menupanel.tvis) br = 0; else if (brpanel.tvis && !menupanel.tvis) br = 1; else if (!brpanel.tvis && !menupanel.tvis) br = 2; else br = 3; for (int i = 0; i < fold_br.length; i++) fold_br[i].show(i == br); if (reset) resetui(); } private void foldbuttons() { final Tex rdnbg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/rbtn-maindwn"); final Tex rupbg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/rbtn-upbg"); fold_br[0] = new IButton("gfx/hud/rbtn-dwn", "", "-d", "-h") { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(rdnbg, Coord.z); super.draw(g); } public void click() { menupanel.cshow(false); updfold(true); } }; fold_br[1] = new IButton("gfx/hud/rbtn-dwn", "", "-d", "-h") { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(rdnbg, Coord.z); super.draw(g); } public void click() { brpanel.cshow(false); updfold(true); } }; fold_br[2] = new IButton("gfx/hud/rbtn-up", "", "-d", "-h") { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(rupbg, Coord.z); super.draw(g); } public void click() { menupanel.cshow(true); updfold(true); } public void presize() { this.c =; } }; fold_br[3] = new IButton("gfx/hud/rbtn-dwn", "", "-d", "-h") { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(rdnbg, Coord.z); super.draw(g); } public void click() { brpanel.cshow(true); updfold(true); } }; menupanel.add(fold_br[0], 0, 0); fold_br[0].lower(); brpanel.adda(fold_br[1],, 32, 1, 1); adda(fold_br[2], 1, 1); fold_br[2].lower(); menupanel.add(fold_br[3], 0, 0); fold_br[3].lower(); updfold(false); } protected void added() { resize(; ui.cons.out = new { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); public void write(char[] src, int off, int len) { buf.append(src, off, len); int p; while ((p = buf.indexOf("\n")) >= 0) { syslog.append(buf.substring(0, p), Color.WHITE); buf.delete(0, p + 1); } } public void close() { } public void flush() { } }); Debug.log = ui.cons.out; opts.c = sz.sub(; craftwnd.c = sz.sub(; buildwnd.c = sz.sub(; iconwnd.c = sz.sub(; } public class Hidepanel extends Widget { public final String id; public final Coord g; public final Indir<Coord> base; public boolean tvis; private double cur; private boolean persist; public Hidepanel(String id, Indir<Coord> base, Coord g, boolean persist) { = id; this.base = base; this.g = g; this.persist = persist; this.tvis = persist ? Utils.getprefb(id + "-visible", true) : true; cur = show(tvis) ? 0 : 1; } public <T extends Widget> T add(T child) { super.add(child); pack(); if (parent != null) move(); return (child); } public Coord base() { if (base != null) return (base.get()); return (new Coord((g.x > 0) ? : 0, (g.y > 0) ? : 0)); } public void move(double a) { cur = a; Coord c = new Coord(base()); if (g.x < 0) c.x -= (int) (sz.x * a); else if (g.x > 0) c.x -= (int) (sz.x * (1 - a)); if (g.y < 0) c.y -= (int) (sz.y * a); else if (g.y > 0) c.y -= (int) (sz.y * (1 - a)); this.c = c; } public void move() { move(cur); } public void presize() { move(); } public boolean mshow(final boolean vis) { clearanims(Anim.class); if (vis) show(); new NormAnim(0.25) { final double st = cur, f = vis ? 0 : 1; public void ntick(double a) { if ((a == 1.0) && !vis) hide(); move(st + (Utils.smoothstep(a) * (f - st))); } }; tvis = vis; updfold(false); return (vis); } public boolean mshow() { return (mshow(persist ? Utils.getprefb(id + "-visible", true) : true)); } public boolean cshow(boolean vis) { if (persist) Utils.setprefb(id + "-visible", vis); if (vis != tvis) mshow(vis); return (vis); } public void cdestroy(Widget w) { parent.cdestroy(w); } } static class Hidewnd extends Window { Hidewnd(Coord sz, String cap, boolean lg) { super(sz, cap, lg); } Hidewnd(Coord sz, String cap) { super(sz, cap); } public void wdgmsg(Widget sender, String msg, Object... args) { if ((sender == this) && msg.equals("close")) { this.hide(); return; } super.wdgmsg(sender, msg, args); } } static class Zergwnd extends Hidewnd { Tabs tabs = new Tabs(Coord.z, Coord.z, this); final TButton kin, pol; class TButton extends IButton { Tabs.Tab tab = null; final Tex inv; TButton(String nm, boolean g) { super(Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/buttons/" + nm + "u"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/buttons/" + nm + "d")); if (g) inv = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/buttons/" + nm + "g"); else inv = null; } public void draw(GOut g) { if ((tab == null) && (inv != null)) g.image(inv, Coord.z); else super.draw(g); } public void click() { if (tab != null) { tabs.showtab(tab); repack(); } } } Zergwnd() { super(Coord.z, "Kith & Kin", true); kin = add(new TButton("kin", false)); kin.tooltip = Text.render("Kin"); pol = add(new TButton("pol", true)); } private void repack() { tabs.indpack(); kin.c = new Coord(0, tabs.curtab.contentsz().y + 20); pol.c = new Coord(kin.c.x + + 10, kin.c.y); this.pack(); } Tabs.Tab ntab(Widget ch, TButton btn) { Tabs.Tab tab = add( Tab() { public void cresize(Widget ch) { repack(); } }, tabs.c); tab.add(ch, Coord.z); = tab; repack(); return (tab); } void dtab(TButton btn) {; = null; repack(); } } public static class DraggedItem { public final GItem item; public final Coord dc; DraggedItem(GItem item, Coord dc) { this.item = item; this.dc = dc; } } private void updhand() { if ((hand.isEmpty() && (vhand != null)) || ((vhand != null) && !hand.contains(vhand.item))) { ui.destroy(vhand); vhand = null; } if (!hand.isEmpty() && (vhand == null)) { DraggedItem fi = hand.iterator().next(); vhand = add(new ItemDrag(fi.dc, fi.item)); } } public void addchild(Widget child, Object... args) { String place = ((String) args[0]).intern(); if (place == "mapview") { child.resize(sz); map = add((MapView) child, Coord.z); map.lower(); if (mmap != null) ui.destroy(mmap); if (mmapwnd != null) { ui.destroy(mmapwnd); layout.removeDraggable(mmapwnd); } mmap = new LocalMiniMap(Config.minimapSize.get(), map); mmapwnd = new MinimapWnd(Config.minimapPosition.get(),, map, mmap); layout.addDraggable(mmapwnd, new RelativePosition(HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, new Coord(500, 100)), true, true); add(mmapwnd); mmapwnd.pack(); } else if (place == "fight") { fv = urpanel.add((Fightview) child, 0, 0); } else if (place == "fsess") { add(child, Coord.z); } else if (place == "inv") { invwnd = new Hidewnd(Coord.z, "Inventory") { public void cresize(Widget ch) { pack(); } }; invwnd.add(maininv = (Inventory) child, Coord.z); invwnd.pack();; add(invwnd, new Coord(100, 100)); } else if (place == "equ") { equwnd = new Hidewnd(Coord.z, "Equipment"); equwnd.add(child, Coord.z); equwnd.pack(); equwnd.hide(); add(equwnd, new Coord(400, 10)); } else if (place == "hand") { GItem g = add((GItem) child); Coord lc = (Coord) args[1]; hand.add(new DraggedItem(g, lc)); updhand(); } else if (place == "chr") { chrwdg = add((CharWnd) child, new Coord(300, 50)); chrwdg.hide(); // custom meter for hunger level if (Config.showHungerMeter.get()) addcmeter(new HungerMeter(chrwdg.glut)); // custom meter for FEPs if (Config.showFepMeter.get()) addcmeter(new FepMeter(chrwdg.feps)); } else if (place == "craft") { makewnd.add(child); makewnd.pack(); makewnd.raise();; } else if (place == "buddy") { zerg.ntab(buddies = (BuddyWnd) child, zerg.kin); } else if (place == "pol") { zerg.ntab(polity = (Polity) child, zerg.pol); zerg.pol.tooltip = Text.render(polity.cap); } else if (place == "chat") { chat.addchild(child); } else if (place == "party") { add(child, 10, 95); } else if (place == "meter") { int x = (meters.size() % 3) * (IMeter.fsz.x + 5); int y = (meters.size() / 3) * (IMeter.fsz.y + 2); ulpanel.add(child, portrait.c.x + + 10 + x, portrait.c.y + y); meters.add(child); updcmeters(); } else if (place == "buff") { buffs.addchild(child); } else if (place == "qq") { if (qqview != null) qqview.reqdestroy(); final Widget cref = qqview = child; add(new AlignPanel() { { add(cref); } protected Coord getc() { return (new Coord(10, - - 10)); } public void cdestroy(Widget ch) { qqview = null; destroy(); } }); } else if (place == "misc") { add(child, (Coord) args[1]); } else { throw (new UI.UIException("Illegal gameui child", place, args)); } } public void cdestroy(Widget w) { if (w instanceof GItem) { for (Iterator<DraggedItem> i = hand.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { DraggedItem di =; if (di.item == w) { i.remove(); updhand(); } } for (Iterator<DraggedItem> i = handSave.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { DraggedItem di =; if (di.item == w) { i.remove(); } } } else if (w == polity) { polity = null; zerg.dtab(zerg.pol); } else if (w == chrwdg) { chrwdg = null; } if (meters.remove(w)) updcmeters(); cmeters.remove(w); } private static final Resource.Anim progt = Resource.local().loadwait("gfx/hud/prog").layer(Resource.animc); private Tex curprog = null; private int curprogf, curprogb; private void drawprog(GOut g, double prog) { int fr = Utils.clip((int) Math.floor(prog * progt.f.length), 0, progt.f.length - 2); int bf = Utils.clip((int) (((prog * progt.f.length) - fr) * 255), 0, 255); if ((curprog == null) || (curprogf != fr) || (curprogb != bf)) { if (curprog != null) curprog.dispose(); WritableRaster buf = PUtils.imgraster(progt.f[fr][0].sz); PUtils.blit(buf, progt.f[fr][0].img.getRaster(), Coord.z); PUtils.blendblit(buf, progt.f[fr + 1][0].img.getRaster(), Coord.z, bf); BufferedImage img = PUtils.rasterimg(buf); if (Config.showHourglassPercentage.get()) { BufferedImage txt = Text.renderstroked(String.format("%d%%", (int) (100 * prog)), Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK).img; img.getGraphics().drawImage(txt, 24 - txt.getWidth() / 2, 9 - txt.getHeight() / 2, null); } curprog = new TexI(img); curprogf = fr; curprogb = bf; } g.aimage(curprog, new Coord(sz.x / 2, (sz.y * 4) / 10), 0.5, 0.5); } public void draw(GOut g) { if (Config.screenshotMode) { if (map != null) map.draw(g); return; } super.draw(g); if (prog >= 0) drawprog(g, prog); int by = sz.y; if (chat.visible) by = Math.min(by, chat.c.y); if (cmdline != null) { drawcmd(g, new Coord(chat.c.x, by -= 20)); } else if (lastmsg != null) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - msgtime) > 3000) { lastmsg = null; } else { g.chcolor(0, 0, 0, 192); g.frect(new Coord(chat.c.x, by - 25),, 4)); g.chcolor(); g.image(lastmsg.tex(), new Coord(chat.c.x + 5, by -= 23)); } } if (!chat.visible) { chat.drawsmall(g, new Coord(chat.c.x, by), 50); } } public void tick(double dt) { super.tick(dt); if (!afk && (System.currentTimeMillis() - ui.lastevent > 300000)) { afk = true; wdgmsg("afk"); } else if (afk && (System.currentTimeMillis() - ui.lastevent < 300000)) { afk = false; } if (lowStam) { tasks.add(new Drunkard()); lowStam = false; } tasks.tick(dt); } private void togglebuff(String err, String name, Resource res) { if (err.endsWith("on.") && buffs.gettoggle(name) == null) { buffs.addchild(new BuffToggle(name, res)); } else if (err.endsWith("off.")) { BuffToggle tgl = buffs.gettoggle(name); if (tgl != null) tgl.reqdestroy(); } } public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) { if (msg == "err") { String err = (String) args[0]; error(err); if (err.startsWith("Swimming is now turned")) togglebuff(err, "swim", Bufflist.buffswim); else if (err.startsWith("Tracking is now turned")) togglebuff(err, "track", Bufflist.bufftrack); else if (err.startsWith("Criminal acts are now turned")) togglebuff(err, "crime", Bufflist.buffcrime); } else if (msg == "msg") { String text = (String) args[0]; msg(text); } else if (msg == "prog") { if (args.length > 0) prog = ((Number) args[0]).doubleValue() / 100.0; else prog = -1; } else if (msg == "setbelt") { int slot = (Integer) args[0]; if (args.length < 2) { belt[slot] = null; } else { belt[slot] = ui.sess.getres((Integer) args[1]); } } else if (msg == "polowner") { String o = (String) args[0]; boolean n = ((Integer) args[1]) != 0; if (o.length() == 0) o = null; else o = o.intern(); if (o != polowner) { if (map != null) { if (o == null) { if (polowner != null) map.setpoltext("Leaving " + polowner); } else { map.setpoltext("Entering " + o); } } polowner = o; } } else if (msg == "showhelp") { Indir<Resource> res = ui.sess.getres((Integer) args[0]); if (help == null) help = adda(new HelpWnd(res), 0.5, 0.5); else help.res = res; } else { super.uimsg(msg, args); } } public void wdgmsg(Widget sender, String msg, Object... args) { if (sender == menu) { wdgmsg(msg, args); return; } else if ((sender == chrwdg) && (msg == "close")) { chrwdg.hide(); } else if ((sender == help) && (msg == "close")) { ui.destroy(help); help = null; return; } super.wdgmsg(sender, msg, args); } private void fitwdg(Widget wdg) { if (wdg.c.x < 0) wdg.c.x = 0; if (wdg.c.y < 0) wdg.c.y = 0; if (wdg.c.x + > sz.x) wdg.c.x = sz.x -; if (wdg.c.y + > sz.y) wdg.c.y = sz.y -; } public static class MenuButton extends IButton { private final int gkey; MenuButton(String base, int gkey, String tooltip) { super("gfx/hud/" + base, "", "-d", "-h"); this.gkey = (char) gkey; this.tooltip = RichText.render(tooltip, 0); } public void click() { } public boolean globtype(char key, KeyEvent ev) { if (Config.agroclosest.get() && key == 9) return super.globtype(key, ev); if ((gkey != -1) && (key == gkey)) { click(); return (true); } return (super.globtype(key, ev)); } } private static final Tex menubg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/rbtn-bg"); public class MainMenu extends Widget { public MainMenu() { super(; add(new MenuButton("rbtn-inv", 9, "Inventory ($col[255,255,0]{Tab})") { public void click() { if ((invwnd != null) &&!invwnd.visible)) { invwnd.raise(); fitwdg(invwnd); } } }, 0, 0); add(new MenuButton("rbtn-equ", 5, "Equipment ($col[255,255,0]{Ctrl+E})") { public void click() { if ((equwnd != null) &&!equwnd.visible)) { equwnd.raise(); fitwdg(equwnd); } } }, 0, 0); add(new MenuButton("rbtn-chr", 20, "Character Sheet ($col[255,255,0]{Ctrl+T})") { public void click() { if ((chrwdg != null) &&!chrwdg.visible)) { chrwdg.raise(); fitwdg(chrwdg); } } }, 0, 0); add(new MenuButton("rbtn-bud", 2, "Kith & Kin ($col[255,255,0]{Ctrl+B})") { public void click() { if (!zerg.visible)) { zerg.raise(); fitwdg(zerg); setfocus(zerg); } } }, 0, 0); add(new MenuButton("rbtn-opt", 15, "Options ($col[255,255,0]{Ctrl+O})") { public void click() { if (!opts.visible)) { opts.raise(); fitwdg(opts); setfocus(opts); } } }, 0, 0); } public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(menubg, Coord.z); super.draw(g); } } public boolean globtype(char key, KeyEvent ev) { if (key == ':') { entercmd(); return (true); } else if (key == ' ') { toggleui(); return (true); } else if (key == 3) { if (chat.visible && !chat.hasfocus) { setfocus(chat); } else { if ( == 0) { chat.resize(chat.savedw, chat.savedh); setfocus(chat); } else { chat.resize(0, 0); } } Utils.setprefb("chatvis", != 0); } else if (key == 16) { /* if((polity != null) &&!polity.visible)) { polity.raise(); fitwdg(polity); setfocus(polity); } */ return (true); } else if ((key == 27) && (map != null) && !map.hasfocus) { setfocus(map); return (true); } else if (key != 0) { boolean alt = ev.isAltDown(); boolean ctrl = ev.isControlDown(); boolean shift = ev.isShiftDown(); int keycode = ev.getKeyCode(); if (alt && keycode >= KeyEvent.VK_0 && keycode <= KeyEvent.VK_9) { beltwdg.setCurrentBelt(Utils.floormod(keycode - KeyEvent.VK_0 - 1, 10)); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_S) {!studywnd.visible); if (studywnd.visible) studywnd.raise(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_M) { if (mmapwnd != null) { mmapwnd.togglefold(); return true; } } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_C) {!craftwnd.visible); if (craftwnd.visible) craftwnd.raise(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_B) { buildwnd.toggle(); if (buildwnd.visible) buildwnd.raise(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_N) { Config.nightvision.set(!Config.nightvision.get()); } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_G) { if (map != null) map.gridOverlay.setVisible(!map.gridOverlay.isVisible()); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_R) { if (mmap != null) mmap.toggleCustomIcons(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_D) { if (map != null) map.toggleGobRadius(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_Q) { Config.showQuality.set(!Config.showQuality.get()); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_K) {!deckwnd.visible); deckwnd.c = new Coord(sz.sub(; if (deckwnd.visible) deckwnd.raise(); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_F) { if (map != null) { map.toggleFriendlyFire(); msg("Friendly fire prevention is now turned " + (map.isPreventFriendlyFireEnabled() ? "on" : "off")); } return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_I) { Config.showGobInfo.set(!Config.showGobInfo.get()); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_W) { Config.screenshotMode = !Config.screenshotMode; return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_T) { Config.disableTileTransitions.set(!Config.disableTileTransitions.get());; return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_Q && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { /* // get all forageables from config List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CustomIconGroup group : ui.sess.glob.icons.config.groups) { if ("Forageables".equals( { for (CustomIconMatch match : group.matches) if ( names.add(match.value); break; } } tasks.add(new Forager(11 * Config.autopickRadius.get(), 1, names.toArray(new String[names.size()]))); */ ContextTaskFinder.checkForageables(tasks, ui); return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_E && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { ContextTaskFinder.findHandTask(tasks, ui); return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_F && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { ContextTaskFinder.findBuilding(tasks, ui); return true; } else if (keycode >= KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD1 && keycode <= KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD4) { tasks.add(new MileStoneTask(Utils.floormod(keycode - KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0 - 1, 10))); return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_W && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { tasks.add(new Drunkard()); return true; } else if (shift && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_I) { Config.hideKinInfoForNonPlayers.set(!Config.hideKinInfoForNonPlayers.get()); return true; } else if (ctrl && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_H) { Config.hideModeEnabled.set(!Config.hideModeEnabled.get()); return true; } else if (alt && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_P) { Config.showGobPaths.set(!Config.showGobPaths.get()); return true; } else if (shift && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_W) { if (Config.showQualityMode.get() == 1) { Config.showQualityMode.set(2); } else { Config.showQualityMode.set(1); } return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB && Config.agroclosest.get()) { if (map != null) map.aggroclosest(); return true; } else if (ctrl && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_F) { Config.displayFPS.set(!Config.displayFPS.get()); return true; } else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_Z && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { tasks.killAllTasks(); return true; } else if (keycode == 192 && ev.getModifiers() == 0) { getparent(GameUI.class).menu.wdgmsg("act", "travel", "hearth"); return true; } else if (shift && keycode == KeyEvent.VK_S) { HavenPanel.screenshot = true; return true; } } return (super.globtype(key, ev)); } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { return (super.mousedown(c, button)); } private int uimode = 1; public void toggleui(int mode) { Hidepanel[] panels = { brpanel, ulpanel, urpanel, menupanel }; switch (uimode = mode) { case 0: for (Hidepanel p : panels) p.mshow(true); break; case 1: for (Hidepanel p : panels) p.mshow(); break; case 2: for (Hidepanel p : panels) p.mshow(false); break; } } public void resetui() { Hidepanel[] panels = { brpanel, ulpanel, urpanel, menupanel }; for (Hidepanel p : panels) p.cshow(p.tvis); uimode = 1; } public void toggleui() { toggleui((uimode + 1) % 3); } public void resize(Coord sz) { = sz; chatHidePanel.c = new Coord(0, sz.y -; if (map != null) map.resize(sz); iconwnd.c = sz.sub(; cal.c = new Coord((sz.x - / 2, 10); layout.update(sz); super.resize(sz); } public void presize() { resize(; } public void msg(String msg, Color color, Color logcol) { msgtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastmsg = msgfoundry.render(msg, color); syslog.append(msg, logcol); } public void msg(String msg, Color color) { msg(msg, color, color);; } private static final Resource errsfx = Resource.local().loadwait("sfx/error"); public void error(String msg) { msg(msg, new Color(192, 0, 0), new Color(255, 0, 0)); // HACK: do not play annoying sound when game is starting if (ignoreTrackingSound && "Tracking is now turned on.".equals(msg) || "Criminal acts are now turned on.".equals(msg)) { ignoreTrackingSound = false; return; }; } public void msg(String msg) { msg(msg, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE); } public void notification(String format, Object... args) { msg(String.format(format, args), Color.WHITE); } public void act(String... args) { wdgmsg("act", (Object[]) args); } public void act(int mods, Coord mc, Gob gob, String... args) { int n = args.length; Object[] al = new Object[n]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, al, 0, n); if (mc != null) { al = Utils.extend(al, al.length + 2); al[n++] = mods; al[n++] = mc; if (gob != null) { al = Utils.extend(al, al.length + 2); al[n++] = (int); al[n++] = gob.rc; } } wdgmsg("act", al); } public Window getwnd(String cap) { for (Widget w = lchild; w != null; w = w.prev) { if (w instanceof Window) { Window wnd = (Window) w; if (wnd.cap != null && cap.equals(wnd.cap.text)) return wnd; } } return null; } public List<IMeter.Meter> getmeters(String name) { for (Widget meter : meters) { if (meter instanceof IMeter) { IMeter im = (IMeter) meter; try { Resource res =; if (res != null && res.basename().equals(name)) return im.meters; } catch (Loading l) { } } } return null; } public IMeter.Meter getmeter(String name, int midx) { List<IMeter.Meter> meters = getmeters(name); if (meters != null || midx < meters.size()) return meters.get(midx); return null; } public class FKeyBelt extends Belt implements DTarget, DropTarget { public final int beltkeys[] = { KeyEvent.VK_F1, KeyEvent.VK_F2, KeyEvent.VK_F3, KeyEvent.VK_F4, KeyEvent.VK_F5, KeyEvent.VK_F6, KeyEvent.VK_F7, KeyEvent.VK_F8, KeyEvent.VK_F9, KeyEvent.VK_F10, KeyEvent.VK_F11, KeyEvent.VK_F12 }; public int curbelt = 0; public FKeyBelt() { super(new Coord(450, 34)); } private Coord beltc(int i) { return (new Coord((( + 2) * i) + (10 * (i / 4)), 0)); } private int beltslot(Coord c) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (c.isect(beltc(i), return (i + (curbelt * 12)); } return (-1); } public void draw(GOut g) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int slot = i + (curbelt * 12); Coord c = beltc(i); g.image(invsq, beltc(i)); try { if (belt[slot] != null) g.image(belt[slot].get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(), c.add(1, 1)); } catch (Loading e) { } g.chcolor(156, 180, 158, 255); FastText.aprintf(g, c.add(, 0)), 1, 1, "F%d", i + 1); g.chcolor(); } } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { if (button == 1) GameUI.this.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); if (button == 3) GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot, 1); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean globtype(char key, KeyEvent ev) { if (key != 0) return (false); boolean M = (ev.getModifiersEx() & (KeyEvent.META_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK)) != 0; for (int i = 0; i < beltkeys.length; i++) { if (ev.getKeyCode() == beltkeys[i]) { if (M) { curbelt = i; return (true); } else { keyact(i + (curbelt * 12)); return (true); } } } return (false); } public boolean drop(Coord c, Coord ul) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot, 0); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean iteminteract(Coord c, Coord ul) { return (false); } public boolean dropthing(Coord c, Object thing) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { if (thing instanceof Resource) { Resource res = (Resource) thing; if (res.layer(Resource.action) != null) { GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot,; return (true); } } } return (false); } } private static final Tex nkeybg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/hb-main"); public class NKeyBelt extends Belt implements DTarget, DropTarget { public int curbelt = 0; final Coord pagoff = new Coord(5, 25); public NKeyBelt() { super(; } private Coord beltc(int i) { return (pagoff.add((( + 2) * i) + (10 * (i / 5)), 0)); } private int beltslot(Coord c) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (c.isect(beltc(i), return (i + (curbelt * 12)); } return (-1); } public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(nkeybg, Coord.z); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int slot = i + (curbelt * 12); Coord c = beltc(i); g.image(invsq, beltc(i)); try { if (belt[slot] != null) g.image(belt[slot].get().layer(Resource.imgc).tex(), c.add(1, 1)); } catch (Loading e) { } g.chcolor(156, 180, 158, 255); FastText.aprintf(g, c.add(, 0)), 1, 1, "%d", (i + 1) % 10); g.chcolor(); } super.draw(g); } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { if (button == 1) GameUI.this.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); if (button == 3) GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot, 1); return (true); } return (super.mousedown(c, button)); } public boolean globtype(char key, KeyEvent ev) { if (key != 0) return (false); int c = ev.getKeyChar(); if ((c < KeyEvent.VK_0) || (c > KeyEvent.VK_9)) return (false); int i = Utils.floormod(c - KeyEvent.VK_0 - 1, 10); boolean M = (ev.getModifiersEx() & (KeyEvent.META_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK)) != 0; if (M) { curbelt = i; } else { keyact(i + (curbelt * 12)); } return (false); } public boolean drop(Coord c, Coord ul) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot, 0); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean iteminteract(Coord c, Coord ul) { return (false); } public boolean dropthing(Coord c, Object thing) { int slot = beltslot(c); if (slot != -1) { if (thing instanceof Resource) { Resource res = (Resource) thing; if (res.layer(Resource.action) != null) { GameUI.this.wdgmsg("setbelt", slot,; return (true); } } } return (false); } } { String val = Utils.getpref("belttype", "n"); if (val.equals("n")) { beltwdg = add(new DefaultBelt.NKeys("default")); } else if (val.equals("f")) { beltwdg = add(new DefaultBelt.FKeys("default")); } else { beltwdg = add(new DefaultBelt.NKeys("default")); } } public void addcmeter(Widget meter) { ulpanel.add(meter); cmeters.add(meter); updcmeters(); } public <T extends Widget> void delcmeter(Class<T> cl) { Widget widget = null; for (Widget meter : cmeters) { if (cl.isAssignableFrom(meter.getClass())) { widget = meter; break; } } if (widget != null) { cmeters.remove(widget); widget.destroy(); updcmeters(); } } private void updcmeters() { int i = 0; for (Widget meter : cmeters) { int x = ((meters.size() + i) % 3) * (IMeter.fsz.x + 5); int y = ((meters.size() + i) / 3) * (IMeter.fsz.y + 2); meter.c = new Coord(portrait.c.x + + 10 + x, portrait.c.y + y); i++; } } public void swapHand() { if (hand.isEmpty()) { hand.addAll(handSave); handSave.clear(); updhand(); } else { handSave.addAll(hand); hand.clear(); updhand(); } } @Override public void bound() { if (Config.toggleTracking.get()) { act("tracking"); ignoreTrackingSound = true; } if (Config.toggleCrime.get()) { act("crime"); ignoreTrackingSound = true; } } public void actBelt(final int slot, boolean checkMapHit) { if (checkMapHit) { MapView map =; if (map == null) return; Coord mvc = map.rootxlate(; if (mvc.isect(Coord.z, { map.delay( Hittest(mvc) { protected void hit(Coord pc, Coord mc, MapView.ClickInfo inf) { if (inf == null) ui.gui.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags(), mc); else ui.gui.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags(), mc, (int), inf.gob.rc); } protected void nohit(Coord pc) { ui.gui.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); } }); } } else wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); if (belt[slot] != null) { makewnd.setLastAction(new Glob.Pagina(belt[slot])); } } public void refreshProgress() { curprog = null; } private Map<String, Console.Command> cmdmap = new TreeMap<String, Console.Command>(); { cmdmap.put("kinfile", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) throws Exception { try { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { path.append(args[i]); if (i < args.length - 1) path.append(" "); } if (path.length() > 0) { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(path.toString())); // use task that will add kins trying not to spam server tasks.add(new AddKinsTask(lines)); } } catch (Exception e) { error(e.getMessage()); } } }); cmdmap.put("afk", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { afk = true; wdgmsg("afk"); } }); cmdmap.put("act", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { Object[] ad = new Object[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, ad, 0, ad.length); wdgmsg("act", ad); } }); cmdmap.put("belt", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { if (args[1].equals("f")) { beltwdg.destroy(); beltwdg = add(new DefaultBelt.FKeys("default")); Utils.setpref("belttype", "f"); resize(sz); } else if (args[1].equals("n")) { beltwdg.destroy(); beltwdg = add(new DefaultBelt.NKeys("default")); Utils.setpref("belttype", "n"); resize(sz); } } }); cmdmap.put("tool", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { add(gettype(args[1]).create(GameUI.this, new Object[0]), 200, 200); } }); } public Map<String, Console.Command> findcmds() { return (cmdmap); } }